Brother Song Taizu

Chapter 176 Tianpeng

Chapter 176 Tianpeng
"Don't grab it, don't grab it. Everyone has a share. Everyone has a share. His Highness the King of Qin said that Kaifeng City will build three major projects this year. At least 10 workers will be used. 10 people. Everyone has a share. Everyone who sees it has a share."

In the east of Kaifeng City, the employment booth has been crowded with people since early in the morning. The muscular men waiting in line here wanted to squeeze all the fat out of their bodies. The person in charge even had to strain his voice to express his voice. Only by shouting dumb can we barely maintain order.

Wuyangwuyang, there are so many people like ants huddled together.

The so-called employment pavilion was originally passed down from word of mouth. This place was originally a small park near the dormitory of the trading company, which was used for the middle and lower-level managers of the trading company to have fun and relax.

As a result, I was confused and didn't know what was going on, and this place turned into a labor market in Kaifeng.

In just one month, nearly 20 people flooded into Kaifeng City!And most of them are young and strong.

Not only was the labor shortage solved, but also thanks to Zhao Guangmei's launch of the so-called three major projects and the large-scale recruitment of manpower, he actually arranged at least one job for so many migrant workers in one go. Otherwise, it would have been impossible. It was going to be a big mess.

Seeing such a lively and prosperous scene, Zhao Guangmei couldn't help but sigh and said: "To be honest, Kaifeng City is really a blue ocean for entrepreneurship now. I can think of seven or eight ways to make huge profits just by thinking about it." If you start a very profitable small business, as long as you have some capital, are not stupid, and are willing to work hard, you will definitely be able to make a fortune in at least the next ten years. Unfortunately, I am too busy, and the size of the business is really It’s too big and no longer suitable for small businesses.”

As he said this, he couldn't help but shake his head and sigh, as if he had suffered a huge loss. Zhang Ling'er, who was accompanying him for a walk, rolled his eyes.

Now, the two finally look like a loving couple. The main reason is that Zhang Ling'er is already 17 years old this year. Relatively speaking, it is almost time to take off the relationship.

What's more important is that Zhao Guangmei has a concubine who is pregnant. It's unreasonable that Zhang Ling'er, a doctor, is still a virgin. So, Zhao Guangmei had Zhang Ling'er do it.

Not to mention, after the two of them did that thing, the intimacy between the couple began to increase slowly, and they became more and more harmonious. No, the two of them even held arms when nothing happened. Wandered around town.

Thanks to the rebellion that broke out around Kaifeng this time, Kaifeng City is now much more prosperous than before. Standing on a high place and looking at such a swarming scene, Zhao Guangmei couldn't help but feel huge satisfaction in her heart, and began to live in Versailles unconsciously.

Of course, problems such as mess and mess also come up.

Zhang Ling'er said tangledly: "Of course I know that Kaifeng is getting more and more prosperous, and the power of the imperial court is getting stronger and stronger, but in recent days, the hiding of filth and people's evil has become more obvious. I heard that , some places are already full of prostitutes, and a skin-trading crime is as cheap as thirty cents. Isn't this a crime? You, you should talk to your second brother and take good care of it. And the housing prices, what the hell? What, the increase is too exaggerated, is it for people to live in or for gods to live in? Ordinary people only make a little money all year round. If the rent hadn't been so expensive, why would the city be in such a decline? "

Zhang Ling'er is now not only a famous female doctor in Kaifeng City, but also the director of Kaifeng No. [-] Hospital. She even opened the largest girls' school in the Song Dynasty, teaching women medicine, science, agriculture, weaving and other means of livelihood. The business is so good that every day Zhao Guangmei had to pay eighteen thousand dollars every month.

Thanks to his large dividends, otherwise no amount of money would be enough for this prodigal woman.

"Hey~, is it the inevitable price of development? Kaifeng's housing prices are still too high. Recently, rents have skyrocketed. I really can't blame the second brother for this. His abilities are limited. Anyway, if we maintain the status quo, I'm afraid it would be more appropriate for the government to turn a blind eye for the time being. Hey~, if you ask me, I should be the governor of Kaifeng. Brother, he is really too stingy. Humph, I I’m going to have a cold war with him recently, and I won’t talk to him within a month, no, within three months.”

Zhang Ling'er rolled her eyes at him, curled her lips and said, "Childish."

This time when the New Deal was implemented, Zhao Guangyi accidentally screwed himself up because of some butt issues. Zhao Guangmei really didn’t mean to hurt him. However, Zhao Guangyi is also a shameless person after all. He has been so embarrassed recently and he can’t find his own. position, he simply submitted his resignation to Zhao Kuangyin, and said that for the position of Kaifeng Prefecture Yin, there would definitely be no more suitable candidate than Zhao Guangmei in the entire Song Dynasty.

This is completely admitting defeat.

Moreover, Zhao Guangmei really felt that it was indeed the most appropriate for him to carry out the New Deal by taking over the Kaifeng Prefecture. Besides, Prince Yin Jing has been the prince for the past five generations. According to this calculation, the prince of the Song Dynasty is still the second brother. Is this appropriate?This is so inappropriate.

It's a pity that all the civil servants in the dynasty were opposed to it, saying that King Qin was frivolous and too wild. It was best to let King Qi check anything involving the New Deal. Then, the eldest brother really disagreed.

This eldest brother is obviously reluctant to give him this power, and he still wants to play with checks and balances.

Hearing this, even Zhang Ling'er had the urge to kick him.

You don’t even look at how much power you have in your hands.

Zhang Ling'er said: "I know that the court has been discussing the placement of employment recently, but you can't just place men, and leave women alone. In Kaifeng, the number of female workers is really too small. At present, Kaifeng With this rent, if only one man in the family makes money, he really can’t live a good life.”

"Ah, I know, I'm working hard, I'm working hard."

This is completely impossible to do.

The geographical location of Kaifeng is not suitable for the textile industry. At most, it is possible to open some tailor shops to do some tailoring or fine embroidery. It is impossible to open a factory. Except for some women who are really good at needlework. In addition, it is indeed difficult for ordinary women to participate in work.

As for other industries, anyway, so far, few industrial projects in Kaifeng are suitable for women, and the modern service industries that employ women are really like custom industries in the Song Dynasty, such as waitresses.

Restaurants in the Song Dynasty all had escorts. Being a waiter in a restaurant was almost the same as being a princess in a modern KTV. When you did it, you were pure and clean, but you had to take off your clothes sooner or later. If you did this, you might as well do it. As for secret prostitution, after all, there is a secret word for secret prostitution.

The most critical problem is the rent. The current rent is too expensive. Even if a couple rents a single room in a slum with a door and no windows, it will cost four or even five guan per month. Basically the man's salary is spent.

This is still a slum, and the environment is actually very bad. Even so, the second brother is still reluctant to use the increasingly precious land in Kaifeng to build this thing.

Therefore, most of the people who came to Kaifeng to work in the city, after the riot gradually subsided, most of them sent their wives and children back. After all, the gentlemen can squeeze in eight, ten, or even twenty people. Let's make do with each other on the same bed. After all, instead of using the money to pay rent, it is better to save it for the family. The worse the man lives outside, the richer the life of the wife and daughter in the village.

However, in this case, the quality of life will naturally not be mentioned. The younger ones are fine, but the older ones may not be able to talk about the quality of life in this life, and they have to follow the crowd.

In fact, the three brothers of the Zhao family will more or less disagree with this. Anyway, the more Juan, the richer the country and the stronger the army. As for whether the individual people will be happy.

In fact, this is really an issue that I don’t take too seriously for the time being.

Besides, the imperial court has really worked hard. This time, the civil service reform of the imperial court has been piloted in Kaifeng and Jinan. The number of urban workers has been regarded as the most important assessment indicator for future prefects of various states. Zhao Guangmei also specifically proposed that women be employed. Indicators are weighted.What about industry? After all, commercial banks are typical national capital. What can be done if they are engaged in heavy industry first?
Yes, Zhao Guangmei planned to stir up trouble in Jinan Mansion before things were over in Kaifeng.

He planned to use cement to build two super-long official roads that were wide enough to run more than four rows of carriages in Kaifeng and Jinan, such a long distance apart, to collect corvee labor.

Anyway, it depends on Sun Xingzu's ability whether he can turn these corvees into workers and stay in Jinan. Anyway, there are quite a lot of old swords that have been eliminated by the Forbidden Army. Zhao Guangmei has already planned to use those things as wages to the farmer brothers in Jingdong. Sent.

The Khitan has a conscription system. It may be an exaggeration to command a million soldiers with one order, but 80 million skilled cavalry with bows and horses are really possible. Kaifeng is still undefeated. Even if the capital is moved in the future, Kaifeng will definitely still be the Song Dynasty. 's most important city.

Therefore, it is necessary to issue weapons to the workers and conduct military training every now and then. If the Liao Kingdom goes crazy and 80 iron cavalry descend on the city, they can still help defend the city.

Anyway, if there is a mob rebellion at that time, and it becomes serious, Sun Xingzu will be beheaded, and he will be considered a worthy death.

Of course, the commercial bank will definitely help set up a factory there. Is Jinan Prefecture really the transportation hub of the entire Jingdong? The location is very good, and the river transportation is very developed. The opportunity is here. Let’s see if he can grasp it. If he can’t grasp it, then Death, but if he grasps it, he will be able to secure his position as the best choice.


On the other hand, the violence in the counties surrounding Kaifeng is indeed coming to an end, and the way it unfolds makes almost everyone involved in it incomprehensible.

Mangzi and Mr. Li actually gathered together, listening calmly to Huang Ren bragging to them.

"This is the project I received from His Highness the King of Qin. The King of Qin said that this is called a vortex hydraulic device. Here is a scaled-down model. Take a look."

Mr. Li couldn't understand either, but Mangzi thought deeply and said: "When I was working in the cement factory, I saw the big mill where they grind cement. It was driven by water power. It was an artificial man-made stone dug out of a place. Waterfalls use the power of waterfalls to drive waterwheels, and waterwheels drive mills. You... the principle should be similar."

"Yes, King Qin explained it to me. He said that although the waterfall can be used, it is not efficient enough. With cement, he can do this kind of mediating hydraulic power. The most important thing is to use bricks and cement to make a Huge, with such mediation, the water left from above will turn around and around, so that when it comes down in circles, the power will be greater and the water power can be better utilized."

Mangzi said in surprise: "How big of a water tanker should we build to use this thing to store water? This thing must be much bigger than the one in the cement factory. What kind of thing can use such a big force?"

"His Highness told me that this water power is to build something called... a generator."

"what is that?"

"I don't know, but when His Highness told me, he was very excited. He said that the hydraulic project I was responsible for was just one part of the entire project. The estimated investment for the entire project was more than 1000 million yuan. When the project is completed, On that day, the Song Dynasty will completely surpass the Han and Tang Dynasties, and even the legendary Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors, and the entire human history will be divided into before and after. He named this project, Tianpeng."

Mr. Li swallowed instinctively.

"One... 1000 million yuan? Is this a joke? How much did the imperial palace in Kaifeng cost?"

"I don't know, but just for this spiral water conservancy, the price His Highness gave me was 180 million yuan, and the company provided cement and bricks. We only built it, but the construction period is very tight, only four months."

"180 million yuan, can I earn it for you?"

Huang Ren shook his head and said: "It's not for me to make money, I am the one who must die."

He glanced at Mangzi: "I am the leader of the rebels in name only. Even though this so-called rebellion has nothing to do with me from beginning to end, and was even promoted by His Highness King Qin, the rebels must die. This is an iron law. , if I don’t die, I don’t know how many people will be bold in this world in the future. It doesn’t matter, I will look away. You all know that my father is not a model squire at all. He was killed by King Qi. Our family , I am the only one who can die, leaving behind my younger brothers, sisters, daughter-in-law and mother, which is already a great blessing and a blessing from the court."

"Ah this..."

Mangzi was a little embarrassed, coughed slightly, and went to play with the waterwheel model as if nothing had happened.

"So I can't make this money, but you can make it. For such a big project, even if I squeeze the bones out, I can't take it. This is already a big corvee for the country. During the Sui and Tang Dynasties, The amount of work on the Luoyang section of the Grand Canal is no more than this, right?"

"So I have to ask you to work with me on this project. Although this project can be regarded as my hard work, it is not easy to make money. His Highness King Qin said that if it is completed one day ahead of schedule in four months, I will be rewarded one more Wan Guan, if the completion is delayed by one day, he will deduct 180 Guan from me. If it is delayed by six months and the [-] million Guan is deducted, he will still kill people, so let’s do it together?”

"How can we do it together?"

"Let's also learn from the business and build a joint-stock company. My Huang family will take the majority. Lao Li, you can package up the land and property of your family and sell them to the business. In exchange for a sum of money, you can buy me a share and activate your connections. , your relationship, let's work together, and Mangzi, although you don't have any money, you now have prestige among the gang of rebels. With this framework, we can work together when we organize it. You are responsible for managing people. How about being the foreman of the selected team with the best quality? I'll give you a share. If you agree, the three of us will go together to persuade the others to go. This deal is really too big, and the three of us can't It’s impossible to eat enough, if you have money, let’s make it together.”

"Just like the Royal Commercial Bank of the Song Dynasty?"

"Yes, just like a commercial bank, everyone is a small shareholder. After I die, my brother will be the general contractor of the project, and then subcontract each section to you. How about it? Decide quickly, it can be [-] yuan a day. .”

Mr. Li was shocked: "Will you start forgetting it today?"

"Yes, His Highness the King of Qin is impatient. Doesn't anyone in the world know that he has always been resolute and resolute?"

"Then why are there still ink marks? Let's go. I am a family friend of the old grandson from Xu County. Let's go and persuade him first. His castle is not broken yet."

 In fact, it was much easier to make a hydraulic generator than a steam engine in ancient times.But the cost will be very high. In ancient times, pure copper wire could not be made before there was no electricity, so the wires would be made of pure silver or even pure gold. So this thing is really expensive, and the amount of work will indeed be huge, but the technical difficulty is actually On the contrary, there is almost none.

(End of this chapter)

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