Brother Song Taizu

Chapter 174 Borrow Your Head 1

Chapter 174

(There is an error in the chapter. Please read the following chapter first. I did not control the scale well and I am really sorry for affecting everyone’s reading experience.)
Zheng County, Huaihua Township, is still a scene of blazing fire at night, and blood-red streams converge into streams, constantly pouring into the farmland that has not had time to sow.

"No, we can't do this. We just want to live a good life. We are not bandits!"

Mangzi, who was the first to strike out in this riot, was shouting loudly at the mob that had gathered around him.

When the anger burns into the home of a yeoman farmer, everyone has actually started to feel insecure. For example, this Mangzi is also a yeoman farmer. His family has a little land, although it is not much, but his life is indeed better than Those landless sharecroppers were better off.

If you continue to rob like this, you should rob them at their house.

Besides, if we really get to this level, how can anyone be truly safe?Even if a tenant farmer's family has no money, does it have a wife, daughter, or sister?
No matter how poor a person is, they always have a few quilts, right?
There will always be poorer people. If this happens, there will be no end. Everyone will just fight with each other, and no one can think about it.

Besides, people like Master Li are not dead, but there are many people who are oppressed like them, and they all want to go to Kaifeng but can't. In this case, who do they think they are?

It was originally a very passionate thing. When Mangzi made that knife, he had already thought about it. In the worst case, he would die as a rebel. Before he died, he would definitely look up to the sky and shout: "I will do it again in 18 years." He is a good man."

Now, he doesn't dare to say that he is a hero.

Bullying the weak, humiliating the old, weak, sick and disabled, yet so damn willing to let go of such a heroic man like Mr. Li?What an insult to a hero!

But what can he do?

He could only shout loudly over and over again: "Think about it, why did His Highness the King of Qin give you weapons? It's because we have contributed to the Song Dynasty, and we are people who have made meritorious service to the country! You want to let them get it in your hands Is his weapon dishonored?"

Then, form a formation with your friends to protect yourself.

These people were all the people who went to Kaifeng to build roads together, and they were also the ones who made the first cut. Soon, they formed a small group of more than 200 people, and then defended their village and began to fight with those who were everywhere. The mobs who set fires and yelled and killed each other.

After all, they are organized, just use the organizational form they used when building roads. Mangzi, as a small foreman, suddenly became the leader of a team of more than 200 people. Then Mangzi's heart was filled with anger and his teeth were gritted. , they captured the mayor's mansion. Those rabble were no match for them. Gradually, based on these [-] people, they actually grew like a snowball. More and more people started to join them, but eventually they stopped joining. They were all enemies, so they were all killed.

It took a few days for them to realize that there were more and more such villages, more and more such teams, and everyone was becoming more and more anti-thief. Some people had already bloomed like flowers. killed.

"This won't work. We are still in disarray. If nothing else, we can't even defeat Mr. Li. We must unite and have a leader."

"Brother Mangzi, please be our leader."

Hearing this, Mangzi quickly shook his head and said: "No, no, I can't be the leader, um... Mr. Huang, yes, Mr. Huang Renhuang is our leader."

"Yes, Mr. Huang is our leader, and everyone listens to Mr. Huang."

People share this sentiment. Of course, among the mob leaders in various townships, there are those who are as heartless as Huang Chao or Chen Sheng and Wu Guang, but most of them dare not recognize the name of this rebel leader.

Among more than 20 counties, only the riots in Zheng County were the most serious and the earliest. Therefore, the anti-thief groups in Zheng County are indeed the largest and most organized. And it is no coincidence that almost all the anti-thief groups here The backbone of the bandit group were all the engineering team that had followed Huang Ren to build roads in Kaifeng.

Who told them that they were really organized and that they even had Imperial Army-standard equipment in their hands?

Most of these people unanimously declared that Mr. Huang Renhuang was their leader.

Anyone who is ignorant and suggests that a leader be called a general or use his own name will almost always be kicked.

Under the emperor's feet, rebellion will only take his own name if he is short-sighted.

Then the other rebels took a look and saw that so many people recognized Huang Ren as their leader. Who was this Huang Ren?
It doesn't matter, we also regard Huang Ren as the main one.

Then those people who were heartless and wanted to be like Huang Chao saw this, oh my god, what kind of great god is this Huang Ren? He is so powerful, and then naturally announced immediately that they would join King Huang, and then embroidered the yellow flag all night long. .

People like Mangzi, while shouting and taking the lead in attacking Master Li's Wubao, secretly arranged for everyone's wives, children, and mothers to be sent to Kaifeng.

He also discussed with the backbones that when the Lijia Fort is breached, everyone will rob the most valuable soft goods inside, leaving large items and people untouched. After robbing everyone, they will run to Kaifeng City and go to the cement factory together. Go to work.

How does the court know who is the organizer and who is the rebel?Anyway, the household registration in Kaifeng City is not blocked now. Besides, the leader of the rebels is Huang Ren, what does it have to do with his Mangzi?I just worked for him.

Then, the magistrates of each county naturally submitted memorials. When the court saw it, hey, there were even leaders, so this was not a simple civil uprising.

Zhao Guangmei was surprised: there was an organizer so soon?What about the political platform?Forget it, just call Huang Ren over and ask.

Then, Huang Ren entered the palace in a hurry.

From the beginning to the end, this guy has actually been staying in Kaifeng and has never been anywhere. He does know that there are civil unrest in several surrounding counties, but he has no idea what this civil unrest has to do with him.

When he saw Zhao Kuangyin, he was extremely nervous. Just as he was about to kneel down and kowtow, he saw Zhao Kuangyin smiling and saying, "Guan, are you okay?"

"Official, official, official?" "Oh~, I am not an official, you are an official."


Zhao Kuangmei explained with a smile: "This is the urgent report of the eighteen county magistrates. They all said that you are the leader of the rebels. So tell me, if we don't call you Guanjia, what will you be called?"

Huang Ren was stunned for a moment, then smiled bitterly and said: "They are... those workers who built roads in Kaifeng before. These days, Cao Min has been in Kaifeng City, thinking about the next tender of the trading company. In this matter, Cao Min's associates, and even some The managers of the trading companies can all prove it, but...if His Highness and the officials want to use the heads of ordinary people, the ordinary people will be willing to do so."

Zhao Kuangyin was the first to raise his eyebrows and said in surprise: "You are a talent. I thought you would wet your pants."

Huang Ren smiled bitterly and said: "What my father did, in other dynasties, would have been possible for the whole family to be exiled. Even if we were merciful in the Song Dynasty, at most we would only kill my father, and the rest would not be guilty. As a result, Yin By some mistake, I was asked to build an archway and make money by contracting the project. I knew at that time that Your Highness wanted to borrow the heads of ordinary people."

Zhao Guangmei did not deny it and said: "Indeed, for you, no matter how things develop in the end, you are bound to die. However, you are lucky this time. The people who rioted this time are more numerous than I imagined." Be more organized and smarter, what else do you want to say before you die?”

Huang Ren was in a really good mood, but he asked, "Can you forgive my family?"

Zhao Guangmei said: "If you cooperate, maybe I can make them rich. From now on, they will have no worries about food and clothing, and will be rich."

Huang Ren was stunned for a moment, then kowtowed and said, "Please give me your instructions, Your Highness."

"Kaifeng Mansion will have three major projects next. The first is the renovation project of the Forbidden Army barracks. The second is the new city plan outside Kaifeng. The third is the mediating water conservancy and diversion project. They are all cement projects. Your family is really enough. Experience, after you die, your Huang family can take over one of them to do it, and as long as it is managed properly, it will be enough to make you rich."

"Caomin, thank you, Your Highness."

"However, with your family's financial resources and even manpower, I'm afraid you won't be able to take over any of these three. So the task I give you is to go to the counties below and, as the leader, take over Those local tyrants and squires who are not dead yet, come to Kaifeng for me. If you and your family work together, won't this be enough to take over the project?"

After saying that, Zhao Pu and Zhao Guangyi looked at him unconsciously.

In a civil uprising, you have both sides to eat.

To put it bluntly, if Kaifeng Prefecture wants to develop, it is not enough to just have people, it still needs to be rich. Although commercial banks are very rich, their limitations are too great, the organization is too bloated, and the management is too incompetent. Large companies are worse than modern ones. Enterprises are much more serious, and heavy industry is certainly invincible, but light industry is really not good at it.

Therefore, it is necessary for powerful local tycoons to give up their land and go to cities to engage in industry.Zhao Guangmei's power alone is still too small. To implement the New Deal, everyone still needs to contribute.

Huang Ren naturally responded with tears of gratitude, and then decided to die willingly, but said: "Your Highness, the common people are confused about something. I wonder if your Highness can you explain it to the common people?"

"What do you think."

"Although the common people are not good people, they have been reading books from sages since childhood. Since ancient times, there has been no stability without agriculture. Agriculture is the foundation of the country. Why is Your Highness so aggressive in driving people from the countryside to the city?"

When Zhao Guangmei heard this, she really smiled and answered, "First of all, it's not that I don't pay attention to agriculture. The land is there. It can't be uncultivated. If all the big and small tycoons are wiped out, it will be conducive to the unified planning and unified purchasing of our business." All collected."

"Secondly, all dynasties have been unable to escape the 300-year limit because the population has exceeded the limit of the land's carrying capacity. But what is the limit of the land's carrying capacity? Could it be that there are too many people and the food grown in the soil is not enough for the world? Can people eat it? I’m afraid, no dynasty has ever reached this level in all the dynasties.”

Zhao Kuangyin was undoubtedly very interested in this and couldn't help but ask: "Why is that?"

Zhao Guangmei smiled and said: "To put it bluntly, the maximum population that the land can support and the maximum population that the land can carry are completely two different concepts. It has been too easy to confuse them in the past dynasties."

"To put it bluntly, during the Han Dynasty, a relatively extensive planting method was adopted, so one person could cultivate one hundred acres of land, so 2000 million people was the limit of the Han Dynasty. During the Tang Dynasty, farming was more refined, and one adult could only cultivate three acres of land. That’s 6000 acres of land, so a population of [-] million is the limit of the Tang Dynasty.”

“No matter which dynasty, land annexation is unavoidable, and the number of people needed on each piece of land is limited. When one person is used to plant a piece of land, two people will never be used. Therefore, the carrying capacity of the land is not enough. It means how many people the land can support, but how many people can cultivate it. It is certainly not a problem to support 100 people on a piece of land of 95 acres, but five people can cultivate it, and the remaining [-] people have no land to cultivate it.”

“So tenant farmers who have no land to farm can only lower the price little by little when selling their labor force to landlords. Landlords will naturally become more and more unscrupulous when bullying tenant farmers. There is only so much land, and if you don’t plant it, , some are human races, and in the end, when ten people grab a piece of land, these nine people will inevitably be turned into pigs and dogs."

"So, is the mission of the imperial court really to drive the people to the land? The land is fixed, and the more they are driven away, the more it will be rolled over. What the imperial court should do is to drive people away from the land, that is, in the city, as much as possible. Provide shelter and employment opportunities for the people. Only in this way will the village be less involved and the people will not be oppressed by the landlords. On the contrary, one person emphasizes farming and land distribution, forcing the people to involve themselves. Cheng Mahua, on the surface, this is indeed conducive to reducing the cost of the court squeezing the people, but the people, if they keep squeezing them, they will explode. "

Huang Ren frowned and said: "I see, so the key is that the court must be able to create job opportunities for the people in the city. Otherwise, the more people come into the city, the less livelihood they will have. Kings and prime ministers in the past dynasties may not be able to Understand this truth, it’s just that in the past dynasties, so many jobs have not been created, there are no business houses, and there are no saints like Your Highness, who have experienced the world and the world!”

Zhao Guangmei was embarrassed by the praise, but she nodded and said, "That's true. You're a good flatterer."

"Caomin, I have one more merciless request. I hope that His Highness can fulfill it before he dies."

"You said."

"After the common people died, they wanted to see under the Jiuquan a country that was far more powerful than the Han and Tang Dynasties, where the people lived and worked in peace and contentment, and whether farmers or workers could live with dignity, a powerful Song Dynasty."

Zhao Guangmei was surprised. She didn't expect this person to say this, but she still nodded seriously and said, "I promise you, when you become a good man again in 18 years, you will be able to see with your own eyes what a truly prosperous age is."

 The previous one was blocked, and I’m applying to be unblocked.Writing historical fiction is really difficult these days.Sorry everyone, I didn't grasp the scale well, which affected everyone's reading experience.

(End of this chapter)

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