Brother Song Taizu

Chapter 164 Zhao Guangyi recommends talented people

Chapter 164 Zhao Guangyi recommends talented people

Kaifeng Mansion, Taixue.

At the northwest corner of the mountain, there is a pavilion and corridor that is said to have been built with Zhao Guangmei's money. It faces the Jinshui River with waves of smoke. There are green grass and red flowers under the feet, and the banks are lined with green willows and bees and butterflies are flying.

It is said that Zhao Guangmei spent money to build this place, and spent tens of thousands of dollars to build it. The pavilions and corridors are in the shape of a circle, enclosing a large park with countless stone tables and chairs, and there is also an ice cube for free use. With tastings, wine notes, and even free tea and a big teapot for public use, it is a great place to escape the summer heat and enjoy the cool air, and for outdoor outings in spring and autumn. Naturally, it has become the favorite gathering place for Taixue students.

Then more and more students began to angrily scold Zhao Guangmei and the New Deal in the pavilion that Zhao Guangmei paid to build, especially after the expedition to the northwest.

When the Song Dynasty first sent troops to Liangzhou, everyone actually agreed. Everyone knew that it was the hometown of the Han and Tang Dynasties and the Song Dynasty must recover it. However, after the surrender of Tubo, Zhao Guangmei insisted on continuing the war. This was wrong in the eyes of many people.

Even in the prosperous Tang Dynasty, this kind of situation rarely happened, right?The so-called achievement of destroying a country is nothing more than capturing the king of a country to Chang'an. What else do you want?Kill all the Tibetans in Liangzhou?So what's the use of having an empty Liangzhou?
The students were willing to chat here, talking loudly in twos and threes, and not tabooing meat or vegetables. Zhao Kuangyin insisted not to do anything that would get him punished for his speech, and even engraved it on a stone tablet to declare that it would be custom-made forever. Zhao Guangmei would naturally be obedient. Although he acts domineeringly, he really doesn't care what others say.

As a result, more and more students came here to discuss current affairs every day, and it gradually became a trend. Then, middle-level and grass-roots officials in various courts and citizens of Kaifeng City would also come here to participate and interact with each other. Their high-pitched conversations together made the place more and more lively.

It is obvious that as soon as the Seven Articles of the New Deal came out, there was an uproar immediately, and the place naturally became lively. Even many private businessmen and middle-level officials ran here, eager to participate in discussions or Hear a political interpretation that makes sense.

However, unlike the usual almost one-sided rejection of the New Deal, many of these students actually support the New Deal.

Although the number of people was still much smaller than those who opposed it, more and more citizens who were watching the excitement were persuaded by it and joined in, and it soon turned into a noisy big debate.

"Students and neighbors, His Highness the King of Qin himself is a real top scholar, so how can he really disrespect Confucianism? I think that although Confucianism is good, if it was not good, His Highness would not have gone out of his way to do it some time ago. They ordered people to come here to recruit Confucian scholars who went to Guazhou to become teachers. However, there must be some aspects of Confucianism 1000 years ago that cannot adapt to the Song Dynasty 1000 years later. The New Deal is not consistent with Confucianism. It does not necessarily mean that the New Deal is wrong. Our generation In order to carry forward the unique learning of the past saints, it is even more necessary to carry forward the past and open up the future, create a new Confucianism, and create a new era that adapts to the rapid changes of the Song Dynasty."

On the high platform, there was a young man wearing a white Confucian robe. However, I saw that this young man looked quite handsome and his hair was meticulously combed. Except for the pure white school uniform, he had no accessories at all, only a handful of The sword with no fancy wooden scabbard was held in his hand.

There is no sword spike yet.

Not far away, on an inconspicuous awning boat, Zhao Guangmei and Zhao Guangyi came down side by side. They had just walked two steps when they heard the young man's lofty remarks and said with a smile: "Second brother, today is... Did you bring me to see him specially?"

Zhao Guangyi also nodded and said with a smile: "Yes, this person is now quite famous in Taixue. He advocates the New Confucian view that Confucianism needs to be improved. He even formed a New Literature Movement with some like-minded people, which is quite similar to our Song Dynasty. What Han Yu means, there are many supporters."

"Little Han Yu of the Great Song Dynasty? Who gave such a nickname to a student? This may not be a good thing for him. However, a student of Taixue can talk about New Confucianism, and he can still talk to me. , it’s also rare, how can you still be surrounded by so many people?”

Zhao Guangyi said: "Most of the people who gathered here are poor people or the sons of merchants."

"Oh~, no wonder, so this person can be considered a member of a poor family?"

"It shouldn't be considered a poor family. This person's name is Lu Mengzheng, and his family is actually considered wealthy. However, his father's behavior is quite absurd. He even spoiled his concubines and destroyed his wife. His mother had a strong temperament and took him with her. He has been raising alone since he came out, so this person's family background is actually quite good, but in terms of life, he is probably not even as good as a poor family. If your trading company hadn't provided money to support poor students to go to Taixue, I'm afraid this person wouldn't be able to afford it. Considering the high price of rice in Kaifeng, perhaps this is why he admires you so much."

"Oh~, I see, he is Lu Mengzheng."

"Have you heard of it? Yes, in recent times, this man has indeed become famous and has great literary talent. Some people say that he has the ability of Du Fu in the past."

Zhao Guangmei smiled, acquiescing.

At the same time, after thinking about it for a while, you will understand what is going on.

Lu Mengzheng's situation is really special, because normally, children from official families tend to be a little out of touch. Due to their background problems, it is difficult for these people to truly agree with Zhao Guangmei's administrative ideas.

Therefore, Zhao Guangmei began to sponsor Taixue students two years ago. The entire Taixue enrollment scale has more than quadrupled. In particular, many businessmen’s sons have been recruited. And as long as they are really talented and can pass the exam, people from poor families can Not only can you study at Taixue for free, but you can also receive a generous scholarship.

No, the seeds you planted have blossomed.

But to be honest, those people from poor backgrounds who were funded by Zhao Guangmei to study, well... To be honest, their vision and knowledge are really far behind those of the officials' children. What they can see in their eyes is It is really just a bit of dead knowledge in Confucian classics. It is already very difficult to form one's own opinions and think independently. In fact, these people are really useless to Zhao Guangmei, and these people will hardly be used in the future. It is possible to enter officialdom through the imperial examination.

The imperial examination is indeed a good road, but in the early Song Dynasty, only 30 people were admitted in each session, and practicality was the most important factor. No matter how fair and honest this road was, how could it not be opened for poor families? .

To put it bluntly, it is the same even in modern society. If it is a true analogy, it is not appropriate to compare the Golden List with the Qing Dynasty. On the contrary, it is similar to the admissions of Harvard and Yale. At least in the early Song Dynasty, it was still very vivid. of.

Every year, every child in China who can go to Harvard University or Yeshua does not come from a wealthy family. If a small boss with an annual salary of one million wants to take his children to this level, the success rate will be infinitely close to zero.

So Lu Mengzheng's situation is really special. His mother supports him by washing clothes for others, so he is really poor, and he comes from the poor class in the city, but he also has an official background. , the influence he received since childhood, his vision, and his family’s network resources are all top-notch.

Even his mother-in-law, who would rather wash clothes for a living than run away from home in anger, and can help her son become a talented person, how can she really be an ordinary woman?I'm afraid that before she got married, she was a rich lady from a wealthy family.

Indeed, only people who grew up in this kind of background can really take their turn to be used by Zhao Guangmei.

He couldn't help but smile and ask Zhao Guangyi: "Second brother brought me here just to meet this person? Do you want to introduce him to me?"

"Haha, so be it. Third brother, look at it. Once this new policy is launched from your business firm, moves towards the government, and integrates with the government, the people who should oppose it will of course still oppose it, but the number of people who support it will gradually increase. Gradually, more and more people will support it. Of course, you can also cultivate your real team in the court, such as Lu Mengzheng, isn't it enough to praise him as a young talent?"

"And this person's literary talent is not bad. Do you usually pay attention to literature? This person wrote an excellent poem when he participated in a poetry meeting held by my younger sister a few months ago. You don't know that there were many noble ladies at that time. They all want to take the initiative to get married with him. This person has Du Fu’s talents, it’s really not a lie.”

With that said, without waiting for Zhao Guangmei to reply, Zhao Guangyi actually started reciting it on his own.

He actually memorized Lu Mengzheng's poems.

"Gai heard that there are unpredictable winds and clouds in the sky, and people are prone to misfortune and fortune. A centipede with hundreds of legs can't move as well as a snake; a rooster can flap its wings and fly less than a crow. A horse can travel a thousand miles, but it can't go without human power; a person has the ambition to reach the clouds, but it's not due to luck. Can’t understand it by myself…”

Zhao Guangmei was stunned after hearing this.Good guy, this is an eternal masterpiece. It turned out to be written by Lu Mengzheng. He was really unfamiliar with this kind of ancient prose that was not included in Chinese textbooks and ancient essays.

Upon closer inspection, this poem is indeed quite pragmatic, quite a bit of Legalist thought, and even quite a bit of Du Fu's character.

But this second brother of mine could actually memorize such a long poem for himself...

"Second brother invited me here today just to recommend this Lu Mengzheng to me?"

"Exactly, I think this person can soar in the sky and walk in the wind. He has the ambition of a Kunpeng. He can bend down and land on the ground. He is down-to-earth. He should have the talent to build a country through hard work. This person is a great talent. also!"

Zhao Guangmei looked confused, even confused.

In fact, he just didn't know. If he knew that Lu Meng was here and supported the New Deal, he would have come here long ago.

But now that Zhao Guangyi recommended it so enthusiastically, he really didn't dare to use it.

Isn't this an undercover job?
I couldn't help but ask: "This person...if he is so good and my second brother thinks so highly of him, why don't he use it himself?"

Zhao Guangyi said naturally: "What should I do? Let him enter my shogunate or Kaifeng mansion? This man is quite talented. If he takes the imperial examination, he should be able to pass it. If he enters the shogunate, it will be too unqualified. As for Kaifeng mansion, he is really not needed. He is like this."

"Besides, I really don't lack this kind of person around me. I am also the literary leader of our Song Dynasty. If I want to use people, mature civil servants can choose them at will. On the other hand, you are different. This year's imperial examination, this person Once he reaches high school, he will be able to become your arm immediately. If he is cultivated, given time, he will definitely be a prime minister in the future."

"Such an outstanding talent, a handsome young man, wouldn't it be wasted if he were given to me?"

Zhao Guangmei became more and more confused and couldn't help but ask: "Second brother, what you said...isn't a cliché?"

"A cliché? What a cliché? I'm telling the truth."

"What are you planning?"

"What am I plotting?"

This time, it was Zhao Guangyi who was confused:

"The trading house belongs to our family, and the court also belongs to our family. The officials of the Song Dynasty are my biological brothers. You, the prince, are my biological brothers. I am your biological brother. I will recommend a talent to you, and I will recommend you a talent." What are you trying to do? Third brother, what do you mean?"

Zhao Guangmei became increasingly confused.

Then, I couldn't help but start thinking about this thing, but after thinking about it, I still fell into the strange circle of not being able to understand Zhao Guangyi's conspiracy.

Of course, Zhao Guangmei simply thought too much.

In fact, Zhao Guangyi's selfishness is still very simple. Zhao Guangmei has never thought clearly about it. In fact, it is because he thinks too highly of his second brother and has always been too jealous of his second brother.

But he has never thought that time has changed, and maybe in the current time and space, his fear of Zhao Guangyi is simply inexplicable. Even Zhao Guangyi himself may not have thought about it: Third brother is so confident that he is afraid of someone. I?What do I have to be afraid of?
In fact, ever since Zhao Guangmei established a trading company, received the support of the Forbidden Army, and finally became rich enough to rival the country, it has been impossible for Zhao Guangyi to compete with Zhao Guangmei for reserves, because there is a high probability that they will not be able to compete. In recent years, it has become more and more difficult. obvious.

So in fact, Zhao Guangyi's political expectations have already retreated to the next best thing in the past two years. He is not a state governor, but he can always be a prime minister with real power, right?In the early Song Dynasty, there were no rules. Father and son went into battle and brothers fought against tigers. This was considered a relatively routine operation in the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms.

Needless to say, Zhao Kuangyin's current dynasty, even if Zhao Guangmei succeeds to the throne a hundred years after Zhao Kuangyin, because Zhao Guangmei's current relationship with the civil service group is so bad, when he becomes emperor in the future, won't he need someone who he absolutely trusts to manage the civil service for him? A group?

Then this person can only be yourself.

Therefore, although he has always spoken against Zhao Guangmei in public over the years, in fact, he rarely restrained Zhao Guangmei in actual affairs. Instead, he sincerely hoped that Zhao Guangmei would quickly promote the merger of the trading houses and the court.

Because in this way, he could legitimately intervene in the affairs of the commercial bank, and take advantage of the tearing of the civil service group to form his King Qi Party.

Being able to win over a Qi Wang party among the civil servants and make Zhao Kuangyin and the future Zhao Guangmei fear and rely on him is actually Zhao Guangyi's goal. Wouldn't it be great if the three brothers rule the world together? To have a national destiny of about 200 years, this will inevitably become a good story in the founding of the Song Dynasty.

If the eldest brother dies a hundred years later and the third brother dies prematurely, for example, like Chai Rong, who dies in his 30s, he can still hold on to the Zhao family. It is not completely hopeless for that position, at least if this happens, At present, it is impossible to count on the next generation.

Therefore, to sum up, whether it is Zhao Kuangyin's current dynasty, Zhao Guangmei's future dynasty, or even his own dynasty in case Zhao Guangmei is ill.

Zhao Pu is Zhao Guangyi’s real enemy!

So his real goal was to use the New Deal to get Zhao Pu. He didn't originally want to get Zhao Guangmei.

It is of course completely impossible to say that there is no selfish intention in recommending Lu Mengzheng in this way. It can even be said to be quite serious. After all, if Lu Mengzheng becomes prime minister in the future, he will definitely know that it was him who recommended Zhao Guangyi. This is inappropriate. A proper future backbone of King Qi's party, he will be his person sooner or later.

Zhao Guangmei’s people?
Zhao Guangmei will become emperor in the future, where will he still have his people?This has another meaning.

However, Zhao Guangmei was too afraid of Zhao Guangyi. He always felt that whatever his second brother did, the ultimate goal must be to compete with him for wealth. In other words, he still had a sense of crisis in his mind and would always instinctively want to compete with Zhao Guangyi no matter what he did. Store.

No, this is too sensitive.

Poor Lu Mengzheng was scrutinized for no apparent reason.

(End of this chapter)

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