Brother Song Taizu

Chapter 162 Zhao Guangyi’s trump card?

Chapter 162 Zhao Guangyi’s trump card?

After a night of hangover, when I woke up the next day, I just felt a splitting headache, and I couldn't help complaining more and more about my bad habit of drinking too much.

Being lustful and greedy is a common problem among men.

After thinking about it for a long time, he still couldn't figure out what the second brother's conspiracy was, but it was his intention to start the formal implementation of the New Deal, and this matter originally required the cooperation of the second brother, so he simply didn't think about it.

I washed my face with icy cold water. I felt really uncomfortable and couldn't eat anything. I simply found some flower and fruit vinegar water and drank a bowl of it. Then I got dressed, washed up, and went to the palace to see Zhao Kuangyin.

Then I heard a rumbling explosion from a distance in the palace, and I couldn't help but take a long breath of cold air. Sure enough, after entering the palace, I saw Zhao Kuangyin lifting Zhao Dezhao by his feet and cutting him.

"Brother, it'll take a few hits. After all, this is your biological child."

"This little bastard burned down Shoucheng Palace."

"Hiss~" Zhao Guangmei took a breath of air.

"How many times have I told you that you can't play with gunpowder in the city? You can't play with gunpowder in the city. Why don't you listen?"

Zhao Dezhao felt quite aggrieved: "I didn't play in the city either."

"It's even worse to play in the palace! You and I are so smart, how could I have given birth to a fool like you!"

"I mean I'm not playing, it's an experiment, it's an experiment. Uncle San said that only through sufficient experiments can we create new and useful products. All the novelty gadgets in the business are all tested through experiments."

Zhao Kuangyin couldn't help roaring: "You can't try it in the palace!"

"I...I can't help it."

Zhao Guangmei couldn't help but smile bitterly when she saw this.

He had never imagined before that his eldest nephew was actually a scientific research talent.

No, it should be said that he is a mad genius.

Especially like to play with gunpowder.

In the past few years, the development of gunpowder and firearms in the Song Dynasty has been unprecedented and rapid. Except for Zhao Guangmei himself who was indeed in a high position and provided some guiding ideas, almost everything was done by Zhao Dezhao.

Every day I wanted to soak myself in the testing ground. After the opening of the government, a total of more than 100 government ministers were recruited. All of them were skilled craftsmen who used to make fireworks and firecrackers. It can be said that around Kaifeng, and even the entire Jingdong Road and Jingxi Road, The craftsmen who were good at making fireworks were all surrounded by Zhao Dezhao, and he spent the whole day discussing with them the production of gunpowder, the purification of saltpeter, and the application of weaponization, sometimes even forgetting to eat and sleep.

It is precisely because of this that today's gunpowder weapons in the Song Dynasty are particularly creative, like big fireworks.

For example, Zhao Dezhao invented a paper fire stick that is said to be well-received. It is very thick and long. When it is lit, it will shoot off, den, den. It seems to be similar to the firework sticks he set off in his previous life. .

But unlike the fireworks tubes he played in later generations, the projectiles he shot would burn for a period of time after they hit the ground. Although the lethality was not high, the generals in the army were full of praise, saying that this thing must be great for setting fires. , especially during a night attack, if a team of cavalry with two men rushes into the enemy camp, shoots them randomly, and then runs away, it will definitely set the enemy camp on fire.

For another example, he also designed a flamethrower, which is somewhat similar to the Big Flower. It can also be called a fire-setting artifact and can even be used on the frontal battlefield.

As for long-range weapons such as the divine fire phoenix, they are similar to the historical divine fire flying crow. I feel that the gunpowder weapons in the Song Dynasty are at least more than 300 years earlier than in history, and at least they have reached the level of the late Yuan and early Ming Dynasties.

"What are you doing again?"

"This, this, I'm doing this, I...I just couldn't help it, so I gave it a try."

Zhao Guangmei was stunned for a moment after taking it, feeling that Zhao Dezhao was playing with a big iron broom.

"This is a new weapon I designed. When the rear end is ignited, a fan-shaped barrage area will be ejected from the front. It is full of fine iron sand. Although it is disposable, third uncle, think about it, our infantry square formation , when facing the Liao army's cavalry, especially the heavy cavalry, when they charge into battle, if we wait until the enemy is close, we can at least frighten the horses. Hey~, it's just a little bit close, a little bit close, and we can It succeeded, but the properties of gunpowder are still unstable.”

Zhao Guangmei was shocked. Good guy, this is a bit like a shotgun.

Although the power is enough to scare a horse, if it is wearing heavy armor, it will not hurt anyone at all, but it is still an improvement.

The reason why today's firearms in the Song Dynasty are progressing faster than in history is largely due to Zhao Guangmei's full support. Any progress will be encouraged, and large sums of money will be allocated to spend money. No, the practicality will gradually increase. It's out. If this thing can be made, it can be used in field battles.

Zhao Kuangyin also strongly supported this. He believed that the Liao Kingdom's tyranny was due to too many cavalry. With a mobilization order, 80 million string-controlling men swarmed forward. No one could stand it. No matter how good the Song Dynasty's finances were, they were playing professional soldiers. , it will never be possible to raise such a large number.

The advantages of horses are really great. It is not that infantry cannot deal with cavalry, but they must undergo strict and long-term training. Herdsmen who can ride horses can fight with a bow, and they can still run away if they cannot be beaten. It is also the real trump card of the Liao Kingdom. The Song Army actually has no way to deal with it. It can't always prepare a forbidden army of 80 people in order to respond to the Liao Kingdom's mobilization order, right?
Isn't this just bullshit?

But fortunately, God is fair. Although the Liao army had horses, saltpeter was not produced in the plains, and saltpeter can be made into gunpowder. Zhao Kuangyin thought that the Song Dynasty's imperial army could not be strong forever, with 20 infantry against 80. The cavalry, no matter how elite it is, is still a bit overwhelming. Gunpowder and gunpowder-derived weapons may be the real magic weapon against the Liao Kingdom.

I have something that is invincible, and I must develop it vigorously. Anyway, the financial situation of the Song Dynasty has been much better in the past two years.

Seeing that this thing seemed to finally be of some use in the field, Zhao Kuangyin also nodded in praise and said: "This thing is placed behind the spear forest and in front of the shield array. It is indeed miraculous against cavalry, but... the cost is a bit expensive, and it is a one-time use. It cannot be reloaded, and it can only be used once per battle."

Then he picked up Zhao Dezhao and beat him again: "Then you can't try it in the palace! You even ordered the palace to be destroyed. Do you know how much money you lost and how much trouble you caused?!"

While beating him, Zhao Kuangyin couldn't help but burst into tears.

A 13-year-old boy who doesn't think about playing with girls all day long, but only thinks about playing with gunpowder, isn't this sick?

Zhao Dezhao loved gunpowder, and his madness had reached an outrageous level. If Zhao Kuangyin had not forced him to go back to the palace to sleep every night, he might not have seen him once for half a month.

However, even so, he is not very honest. When he is in the palace, he can't help but think about the research and development of gunpowder. Sometimes he will bring gunpowder back to the palace to think about it. When the nature gets better, he will start to do it. After finishing it, you can directly ask the palace maids and eunuchs to help you test the effect.

Because he couldn't bear it.

To tell a scary story, none of the palace maids in Zhao Dezhao's palace, whether they were maids or eunuchs, knew how to play with gunpowder.

As the saying goes, the King of Chu was so thin that many people died of starvation in the palace. Now, the King of Lu is so fond of gunpowder that there is no month where three or two people in the palace are not killed by explosives. Even if Zhao Kuangyin gives strict orders, he will never allow the palace people to play in the palace. Gunpowder, but it couldn't stop everyone from secretly pondering that there would always be those bold people who would change their tricks to please Zhao Dezhao.

Anyway, Zhao Kuangyin was very virtuous and rarely killed anyone in the palace. If he was punished for the gunpowder incident, he might be able to get into the eyes of His Royal Highness King Lu.

Even Zhao Guangmei was surprised by Zhao Dezhao's madness. Once upon a time, he was really afraid that Zhao Dezhao would get involved in the battle for the crown prince and become his opponent, but now, he is no longer worried at all.As long as the eldest brother didn't get kicked in the head, he would never pass the country to this son.

Of course, Zhao Guangmei originally planned to wait until he succeeded, or a hundred years later, to hand over the responsibility of the trading company to Zhao Dezhao, but now, he is a little afraid.

I'm afraid that these idiots will blow up the business.

After thinking about it, Zhao Guangmei persuaded: "Forget it, brother, Zhao'er likes gunpowder, which is better than eating, drinking, whoring and gambling. He still has a sense of proportion in his heart. When doing experiments, he always uses craftsmen or maids and eunuchs who volunteered. , I heard that he always hides far away, he is not stupid..."

But I remembered the Huozhezi version of the grenade yesterday, and I couldn't help but feel a little lingering in my heart.

"Huh, it's all up to you. You have to hand over the gunpowder department to him. At his age, it's only right that he should learn the Six Classics and how to govern the country."

"To learn that, it's better to eat, drink, whore and gamble."


Zhao Dezhao was also a ghost, and said: "Third uncle took the initiative to enter the palace. He must have something very important to tell dad. I, I'm leaving first. The Gunpowder Department has something to do today, by the way." Third Uncle, the Gunpowder Department received a batch of nitrate samples from Dali yesterday. The quality is better than that of Guanlong and Sichuan. It is easier to purify and the yield is larger. Dad, I still have the same attitude. Dali must Fight, it’s impossible not to fight.”

"Get out of here quickly, it's not your turn to give advice on military and national affairs."

Then, Zhao Dezhao limped away with his butt sticking out.

"You can still run. Brother, you didn't kill me."

"Bullshit, this is my biological son, what's the matter with you?"

"Oh, let me show you the charter of the New Deal. My second brother told me that he plans to push it forward."


Zhao Kuangyin said in surprise: "If the regulations of your New Deal are officially implemented, I'm afraid there will be chaos in the world and a lot of heads will be killed. Now? Is it a good time? The northwest is still in a stalemate, and Sichuan and Sichuan have just been pacified, brat Is it appropriate to still want to play Dali and cause internal instability at this time?"

Zhao Guangmei said: "I thought about it seriously. I have to do this sooner or later. It is better to do it sooner than later. In the next ten years, our Song Dynasty will probably have some wars every year. It cannot be stopped. Brother said Internal instability is too flattering to some people. I think that at most it is just a few ripples. At least, it will never affect the soldiers on the front line. On the contrary, if they are not kept busy, maybe they will be affected. Frontline morale.”

Zhao Kuangyin thought for a while, then nodded and said: "That's fine, since you and Lao Er have already thought about it, let's get started, but before that, you have to wait for a few more days."

"Wait for what?"

"Fan Zhi wrote to me a few days ago, saying that he was old and weak, and asked to resign and follow Wang Pu's example in writing arias. I didn't intend to approve it originally. Since you are about to start implementing the New Deal, then Let him come down."

Zhao Guangmei frowned and said, "Who do you plan to let to replace Mr. Fan? Lu Yuqing or Lu Duoxun? They are both relatively junior."

Even Fan Zhi is a pure rubber stamp. The actual prime minister of the Song Dynasty has always been Zhao Pu, and the one who really sits in the Duanwen Palace to fight against him is actually the second brother Zhao Guangyi.

Lu Duoxun has always belonged to the second brother. If he goes up, the second brother will completely control the administrative power of the Song Dynasty.

Zhao Kuangyin shook his head and said: "You never like to stand at the front desk. If you want to retreat, don't stand on it yourself. I plan to let Zhao Pu step down from the position of Privy Councilor, and the position of Privy Councilor will be filled by Li Chongju. After the New Deal, You hide behind Zhao Pu and let him take charge of the matter."


Zhao Guangmei was stunned for a moment, and then a lot of things exploded in his mind. Then, he vaguely understood what his second brother's conspiracy was.

He does have a conspiracy, but his conspiracy is not against himself, but against Zhao Pu.

Second brother, do you want to use your new policy to kick Zhao Pu out of the game? !Could it be that he already has a killer move?

But how did he know that his eldest brother would make Zhao Pu the prime minister and be in charge of the New Deal?Did you guess it?

This is not at the level of the second brother. Behind him... there are experts.

When she returned home that day, Zhao Guangmei immediately called Sun Liancheng to the study and gave him a top-secret task: "Go and check for me whether any of Zhao Pu's sons and daughters are in love. If Yes, you must find out for me who is on the other side and whose child it is."

Sun Liancheng is such a smart man. He frowned and asked, "Did your Highness hear any rumors? Or are you already suspicious?"

"Eldest brother wants Zhao Pu to serve as a subordinate of Zhongshu. The position of Privy Councilor will be filled by Li Chongju."

"This... what's wrong?"

"I suspect that Zhao Pu's child is in a relationship with Li Chongju's child."

Sun Liancheng's eyes widened when he heard this: "They...are they...are they crazy? How dare you?"

"Zhao Pu and Li Chongju definitely don't dare, but... the thing about young people is that sometimes they are carried away by love and don't listen to their father's words. What if they don't marry a non-Qing, or don't marry a non-Qing? , what can they do? Children are the debt of their parents. "

In fact, the reason why Zhao Pu stepped down in history was that the so-called bribery from the leader of Wuyue was really just an inducement. In the early Song Dynasty, accepting bribes was not a big deal at all, not to mention that the bribes he received were from foreign countries.

His biggest problem is that he dares to marry Li Chongju.

One of you is in charge of the east platform, the other is in charge of the west platform, one is in charge of civil servants and the other is in charge of generals. How dare you get married?What do you want to do? Who do you want to deal with by entering into a marriage?
It is really hard for Zhao Guangmei to believe that with Zhao Pu's political wisdom, he would actually do such a stupid thing. Besides, he is stupid and Li Chongju is not stupid either. So there is a high probability that this matter may have been done by the children themselves. Food and other things, maybe even the child is pregnant now, the adults of the two families pinched their noses and recognized it.

No matter how awesome a politician is, there is nothing he can do when facing his own children.

He suspected that such a trump card might have been mastered by his second brother. After all, he was in charge of the governor of Kaifeng, so he must know more about such gossip than he did.

If Zhao Pu is really responsible for implementing the New Deal, but then he will be dismissed because of this kind of thing, this... this is simply nonsense.

"Go on, it's just a rumor, I don't know if it's true or not yet, go check it out."

Sun Liancheng nodded, and then left cursing: "This is really cheating."

(End of this chapter)

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