Brother Song Taizu

Chapter 160 Zhao Guangmei’s Weakness

Chapter 160 Zhao Guangmei’s Weakness
Zhao Guangmei never expected that things would end up with Zhao Kuangyin.

To put it bluntly, although Zhao Kuangyin did not agree with those civil servants this time, he did not agree with himself either.

His kind, the five-generation emperor always had the insecurity syndrome again.

With the expansion of the Song Dynasty and the expansion of commercial banks, the shareholders' meetings of commercial banks have been issuing additional shares, and the stocks in the hands of original shareholders will naturally be diluted, which naturally includes the shares of their old Zhao family.

In fact, Zhao Kuangyin has talked to him several times. If we can only dilute the stocks of other shareholders, our old Zhao family will not be diluted.

To be honest, with the prestige of the brothers Zhao Kuangyin and Zhao Guangmei, this can be done. The existing shareholders will definitely be dissatisfied, but they will definitely be able to suppress it.

But of course Zhao Guangmei refused. She said it several times: "For our Zhao family, the number of shares is only about control, and dividends don't actually matter. Although our family only accounts for less than 1% now, look at the shares. How shameful, except for our family, you can’t find anyone who holds more than [-]% of the shares. What’s the difference between this and our family’s absolute control?”

"The purpose of holding this equity conference is to transfer the problems that had to be solved by knife during the Fifth Generation to the negotiation table, because if most of the Forbidden Forces wanted to do something, we would not be able to oppose it, and we would lose face. If it really happened Someone can represent the interests of the Forbidden Army better than us, and get more support from the Forbidden Army than us. Instead of letting others wear yellow robes, why don't we be sensible and abdicate in favor of others, so that future generations can at least strive for a good pension when such a day comes. "

"If we, the first generation, can't hold on, what will future generations do if they issue additional shares randomly? Our own shares will not move, but the shareholders' shares will be diluted. Isn't this a money grab? This is faster than printing paper money. Who can Can you resist this temptation? But brother, the reason why we set up a trading company and divide the shares is to create a blockage rather than a sparse one. What are we doing?"

Then, Zhao Kuangyin stopped talking.

But if you ask him to expand his army, he will never refuse.

He has now discovered that the army is just like the bureaucracy. It is easy to talk but hard to keep. Now that the imperial court is still fighting a unification war, it always feels that the force is stretched thin. However, if the army expands without restraint, it will not be able to reduce it even if it wants to be reduced in the future. Lose.

And he is now more and more certain that he was definitely deceived by his third brother. At the beginning, he thought that the Zhao family's total shareholding of [-]% was actually not a small amount. What was the result?Is it less than [-]% now?If we expand the army further, it may drop to less than [-]%.

He has almost determined that this shareholding ratio, like a bureaucracy, can only ever get smaller and smaller, and can never change to a larger amount.

Then you, the first generation, must take your time. To put it bluntly, these things are arrows left for future generations. You cannot shoot all the arrows in the arrow pot in your first generation.

Then the two brothers were more or less unhappy. Zhao Kuangyin still had concerns about using troops in the northwest.

His true attitude is: to fight the Tubo, they can use the relief army, to fight the Uighurs, they can use the rebel army, and he agrees with whatever material support the trading company is willing to give them, even the inward migration of people, the establishment of military households, etc. , but if Zhao Guangmei is asked to argue with the civil servants, he will not make his position clear.

Of course, with Zhao Guangmei's character, he would be too lazy to argue with those civil servants. Anyway, no one could restrain him. The business bank could just handle the matter directly. As for the population that needed to be relocated.

As for refugees, what’s not there is that the Song Dynasty was almost the only dynasty in history that did not suppress land annexation at all. There were a large number of refugees every year, and the merchant houses were able to bypass the court and do this.

However, the use of the Forbidden Army must be cautious, because if the Forbidden Army does not expand its army, it will indeed not be enough.

And soon, what worried Zhao Guangmei the most happened. The Khitan sent troops, and it was Yelu Wuzhi, the king of Beiyuan, who personally led the troops to rescue Tibet.

Tubo is not important to the Liao Kingdom, but it is important to the Liao Kingdom to prevent the Song Dynasty from regaining Liangzhou.

But in fact, this is also one of Zhao Guangmei's strategic goals, which is to completely tie up the alliance between the Tubo people and the Khitan people. The Tubo people have always been unwilling to do evil for small things. Originally, in history, Xiao Chuo did this by Tubo pushed it to the Song Dynasty, which made the situation in the northwest of the Song Dynasty become corrupt.

However, if the Liao Kingdom is advancing like this, the Dangxiang people will definitely hesitate. To put it bluntly, if the Song Army takes the lead, they will follow the Song Army and fight the Liao Army. This is almost the same, but if the Song Army retreats, they will , just let them fight the Liao army, do you think they are careless?
After a few contact tests between the Song army and the Liao army, Zhang Qiong and others retreated. At the same time, Pegasus hurriedly handed it to Zhao Kuangyin, asking whether the battle would continue.

Anyone who can become a commander must have a little bit of brains, and know that going to war with Liao and going to war with Tubo are not the same concepts.

At the same time, the Guiyi Army also began to expel the Shazhou Uighurs. Fierce ethnic conflicts and social conflicts broke out in Shazhou. The Ganzhou Uighurs' reaction this time was extremely intriguing. They were neither willing to accept the Shazhou Uighurs nor send troops to help them. But they did not participate in the persecution of these "Buddhist Uighurs".

It's like watching the fun.

Then, Yelvwuzhi divided an army of 2 people into Ganzhou territory, and the Uighurs and Guiyi troops immediately did not dare to move.

The Shazhou Uighurs are actually very special. They were originally the Kucha Uighurs, the group of Uighurs who believe in Buddhism. Because there is also a war in the far west, and the Dashi civilization is also in a period of expansion. The Western Region has begun It became green. In order not to turn green, these Buddhists ran eastward, and finally came to the sandbank to survive. The reason why they were able to be placed on the sandbank was because the Khitan was behind them.

This is a stick used by the Khitans to stir up trouble between the Guiyi Army and the Ganzhou Uighurs.

They have the same beliefs as the Guiyi Army, but their ethnic groups are different. They have the same ethnic group as the Ganzhou Uighurs, but their beliefs are different. Won’t this space for trouble suddenly arise?

How could the Liao Kingdom give up on such a useful shit-stirring stick?

Zhao Kuangyin could only make it clear that Zhang Qiong would lead the Cavalry Army to confront the Liao Army on the sandbank, but at the same time he also said bluntly that reinforcements were not available.

The situation on the other side of Yelu House is actually similar. The Liao Kingdom is also full of troubles internally. This time, no mobilization order was issued for the rescue. He just wanted to create a little friction with the Song Army. He really didn't want to risk his life.

Then the group on the northwest battlefield completely froze.

As for the stalemate, this group of soldiers who had just come from the late Tang Dynasty and the Five Dynasties were very good at it. As long as the court kept paying them, they could maintain a stalemate for a year and ensure that no one died.

Zhao Guangmei had no other choice now, just two words: more money.

Add money to party members.

Also give more money to the Guiyi Army.

The trading company stipulates that any retired soldier from the Forbidden Army who is willing to go to Shazhou to kill the Uighurs will first be given a settlement allowance of one hundred guan, and a monthly salary of [-] guan, which will be distributed to the relatives here. Those who died against the enemy, or those who were unable to adapt to the acclimatization on the sandbank and died of diarrhea, would receive a pension of three hundred guan, which would be paid immediately. After working for three years, they would be a rich man when they came back.

Rich is self-willed.

At the same time, he asked the opera singers in the Forbidden Army to sing Northwest Gu Zhong to me, and he even wrote a letter to Cao Yanlu himself to urge the manuscript.

A dog that breaks the watch will die a good death!
In order to conquer Hexi, Zhao Guangmei really tried his best. As for those who impeached him, accused Sang and Huai and scolded him as a traitor to the people, there were too many, and he didn't take them seriously at all.


"Your Highness, something has happened. Lu Duosun has impeached you."

Zhao Guangmei was busy making pictures and said without raising her head: "Lu Duoxun will show up one day and blame me. Do you think I have ever talked to him?"

"It's different this time."

"What's the difference? Are you saying that I'm a militant, or are you saying that I'm a monomaniac and a traitor to the people?"

"He said that you were so happy with your success that you ignored the interests of other shareholders of the commercial bank for your own personal gain. Moreover, your business mistakes caused Hunan Commercial Bank to lose all its money this year. He said that the commercial bank has made little money this year, and you have been taking advantage of our commercial bank's profits. The money is given to outsiders such as the Guiyi Army and the Dingnan Army. When the accounts are settled at the end of the year, maybe... maybe they will have to pay for it." Zhao Guangmei was stunned, then kicked out the door with the Qianlong Sword.

"Lu Duosun, let me fuck your mother!"

"Your Highness, calm down, calm down. If you act like this, others will say you are angry."

"Is it so obvious?"

Sun Liancheng nodded and said: "Obvious, extremely obvious."

Then Zhao Guangmei just sat there and stopped talking, and started to get sulky.

"Is my second brother... involved in this matter?"

"do not know."


I have to say that this group of civil servants have scolded me and fought with me for such a long time. This time they finally found their weakness.

On the side, Xiao Chuo, who was busy helping Zhao Guangmei handle government affairs, couldn't help but his eyes lit up.

He finally found the weakness of Song Dynasty Trading Company, or in other words, Zhao Guangmei's own weakness.

A very simple fact is that the Zhao family holds nearly [-]% of the shares in the commercial bank, but Zhao Guangmei only holds half of the Zhao family's shares.

In addition to Zhao Guangmei himself, Zhao Guangyi is the largest shareholder of the trading company.

Normally, this might be nothing. Zhao Guangyi is not qualified to compete with Zhao Guangyi for control of the trading company. In fact, Zhao Guangyi has never interfered with the company's affairs at all. However, at this critical moment, Zhao Guangyi's attitude is very subtle.

There are also doves in the army. Any political organization, as long as there are enough people, will definitely be divided into left and right wings.

There is no doubt that Zhao Guangmei is a hawk. He has always been true to his word in the trading company, and what he means is what the trading company means. However, this time, many shareholders are actually dissatisfied with his decision.

Why use our money to arm the relief army and the rebel army?Now it's just a confrontation with the Liao Kingdom. How much would it cost to start a fight with the Liao Kingdom?Didn’t Tibet all surrender? Why are they still holding on?

As for Zhao Guangmei losing money this year, this is causing trouble.

It's like this for everyone. If you sing "Northwest Loyalty" to the Forbidden Army, and make everyone's blood boil with tears, both the soldiers and the citizens will clamor to attack the northwest, recapture Hexi, and take the rebels home.

But most of the people who are quick to do so are those who do not hold stocks in their hands.

If you really take the stock, if you tell him that it will cost money to manage the northwest, your dividend this year will be less, or even non-existent. At this time, he may have to hesitate.

And if you tell him that His Highness the King of Qin did not put things in order this year, the business bank lost money, Dute's wife has already lost money and still needs to help the Guiyi Army, and if we have money, we will not spend it on our own people but give it to the party members of the Nanjun Army. In the end, The important thing is that the Liao Kingdom has reached out now. Once the northwest conflict turns into a conflict between Song and Liao, do you still want to share the dividends?It would be a good idea to let you put in some money internally in three or two years.

Look at how many soldiers who really have stocks will sympathize with the Guiyi Army.

That's what Ludoson did.

As for Lu Duoxun, he and his second brother have always been on the same side.

"They have seized this opportunity very well. The second brother will definitely take the opportunity to join the board of directors. This cannot be stopped. In the future, I am afraid that the board of directors will really have to vote when discussing something. It is also a good thing. This year ...The commercial bank is indeed not going well and has some serious problems. Alas~, in the final analysis, it still lacks talents."

It's not a big deal, it's just that the Hunan side lost money this year. Last year, the commercial bank planted sugar cane in Hunan and made a lot of money. Everyone was very happy, so this year the commercial bank decided to expand the sugarcane planting area in Hunan.

But sugarcane is an economic activity after all. Zhao Guangmei’s principle has always been that cash crops should not crowd out the cultivation of staple foods. Hunan was developed relatively late and has not been fully developed at all. There are still a large number of agricultural crops in the southern region. So Zhao Guangmei instinctively wanted to plant sugar cane in the large amount of wasteland in southern Hunan through land reclamation.

Then these people planted a piece of grass for themselves.

In the end, I don’t know who the wise man was. He set fire to the people’s fertile fields, uprooted the rice seedlings and replanted them with sugar cane. He didn’t give me any money, and even caused the Hunan Uprising, which had gradually subsided, to return to power. It was stirred up again, and the local people were already clamoring for slogans to drive out the trading house.

Thinking about it afterwards, Zhao Guangmei also understood that the reason why the batch of sugar cane was planted well last year was because Xue Juzheng was the magistrate of Langzhou. , naturally this sugar cane is good.

Has the sugar cane been planted south this year? There are no civilian officials like Xue Juzheng in charge. The people doing the execution are all soldiers, and the ones who are special are soldiers who don't know how to farm. They have to open up wasteland. The sky is high and the emperor is far away. This man It would be unrealistic to point fingers at Zhao Guangmei.

Then these gangsters let themselves go.

Then, he could only send Cao Bin over and burn down the sugar cane fields planted first, and then sincerely apologize, especially to compensate the economic losses of the farmers who had been harmed, and that large area Large tracts of wasteland awaiting development are still wasteland after the commercial bank spent 20 yuan on it.

Who knows how much corruption has been committed, but even if Cao Bin investigates it, he is a little powerless.

All things considered, the sugarcane farmer must have lost more than 100 million yuan.

Of course, this is a small problem. This loss is not a big deal for the size of the trading company. However, this matter is superimposed on the northwest support matter. The two things added together are indeed quite inciting. .

"You've already lost money and you still give money to outsiders. Isn't this just a great achievement?"

Guiyijun, when it doesn’t cost me money, we all have the same culture and the same kind of compatriots, and we are one family in China. But when I really take money out of your pocket, haha, you stinky Hexi, come to Kaifeng to beg for food?
It is not that there are no conservatives among the shareholders, but there has been no leader and it is not enough to have an impact on Zhao Guangmei. But at this juncture, if Zhao Guangyi stands up to represent these conservatives, Zhao Guangmei will certainly not be able to ignore them.

It's normal, and even a good thing. In fact, this is what a trading company should be like. It's just that Zhao Guangmei has always been using the board of directors as a rubber stamp because of his domineering behavior. If this continues, he will really leave. On the road to dictatorship.

In fact, not only Zhao Guangyi, but also Zhao Dezhao also holds shares. He represents Zhao Kuangyin's own interests. In fact, from Zhao Kuangyin's standpoint, he may not necessarily want the board of directors to become Zhao Guangmei's voice.

Zhao Guangyi's appointment to the board of directors is probably a certainty.

After thinking for a while, Zhao Guangmei said: "Publish my message, money is not saved, but earned. Tell shareholders that you can make more by spending more. In addition, this year... build a big soy sauce factory. Let’s take out soy sauce in batches.”


"Also, it's time to take a step forward with the New Deal. Commercial banks are so short of talents. If it weren't for the real shortage of talents and the lack of support from the local government, how could things in Hunan have deteriorated to this point? I am a man of iron and what can I do? How many nails should you drive? If you don’t want to fight, then let’s fight thoroughly.”

(End of this chapter)

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