Brother Song Taizu

Chapter 154: Dang Xiang returned to the Song Dynasty and should be killed

Chapter 154: Dang Xiang returned to the Song Dynasty and should be killed
Soon, surrounded by a group of guards and entourage, Zhao Guangmei led everyone directly into Fan Lou's private room. In fact, all the dishes had been prepared long ago, and they were served one after another in a smooth manner. stand up.

Its rich dishes made several party members smack their lips.

In just a few years, have the people of the Central Plains actually eaten in such a variety of ways?
"Everyone should know that the trading firm is not owned by the Zhao family. In fact, our family's shareholding has shrunk again and again. Now it only accounts for less than [-]%. If it shrinks any more, it will fall. Two completed."

As he said that, Zhao Kuangmei used his chopsticks to eat happily, talking while eating.

The private dining room here is served one dish after another, similar to French cuisine, but it is not Zhao Guangmei's innovation. This was how high-end meals were eaten in the Song Dynasty.

"Eat, use chopsticks, they are all very delicious, just chat while eating."

"At present, in this trading company, in addition to the large and small officers of the Forbidden Army, retired soldiers and veterans, the ones who hold the most shares are the Jiedushi of each town. Anyway, more or less, they all have to have some. I will give you the three party items and How about Gui Yijun adding one yuan to keep 5.00% of the shares? The annual dividend is a huge amount of money. If you become a shareholder and place an order to buy weapons with the merchant in the future, you will get a [-]% discount."

When the three of them saw this, they instinctively looked at each other.

"Everyone in the world knows that a business bank makes a lot of money every day. Even if you only get a tiny bit of the shares, the money you make every year is a mountain of gold. How can there be any reason not to join? But... I don't know the price, what is it then?"

"To be honest, the situation in the northwest is indeed more complicated than that in the Central Plains. Our party members are scattered like stars, and most of them don't know etiquette and kingship. This...this...if the imperial court sends officials to manage it, this , this official doesn’t know the party customs, I’m afraid… I’m afraid…”

Zhao Guangmei interrupted directly: "You are overthinking. The purpose of allocating your shares is not to allow you to retire early. Moreover, my eldest brother has promised to allow you three families to succeed after the death of their father, so at least your son's generation must be able to The son inherits his father's legacy and continues to be your governor, but as for your grandson... Besides, at least he will definitely be a shareholder of the trading company."

The three of them were slightly relieved when they heard this.

Today they followed Zhao Guangmei to visit the development zone, and gained a new understanding of the trading house, and naturally also gained a new understanding of the Song Dynasty.

In fact, no matter what request Zhao Guangmei made at this time, Li Yixing could only agree. After all, the Zhe and Yang families were still here. They were always respectful. I heard that the eldest son of the Yang family was still in the Imperial Army of the Song Dynasty. He was on duty and his relationship with His Highness the King of Qin was still very close.

If he refuses to take this opportunity to be called a shareholder of Da Song Commercial Bank, the Zheyang family will definitely pounce on it. By then, they will have the support of the commercial bank and even Da Song Dynasty, and they may really be unified by them. .

Unless they directly send troops, in terms of material support alone, the Liao Kingdom is definitely far behind the Song Kingdom.

As long as they are not directly deprived of their military power, and at least their sons are allowed to inherit this military power, the rest doesn't matter, and there seems to be nothing they can't agree to.

"First of all, we must widen the trade routes. We are all shareholders of the trading company and eat from the same pot. If the trade routes are blocked, or taxes are charged for goods transiting the border, it would be unreasonable. Doesn't everyone make the money? , no objection?"

The three shook their heads.

This is not a condition.

"Secondly, although the shares are given to you, they cannot be given to you in vain. After you go back, you will each open a horse farm. This horse farm will be the asset of your shares. According to the number of shares you hold, each family will give it to Da Song every year. No, it is Is it reasonable to donate a thousand adult, high-quality war horses to the headquarters of the trading company?"

The three nodded quickly.

Reasonable, very reasonable.

Although a thousand horses per year is not a small amount for them, it is not a big amount either. Originally, they had to pay tribute every year to support the Song Dynasty.

"Also, after a while, the trading company will send people to your territory to draw and enclose the land. You will be paid for the painted land. I recently found a particularly good plant from the foreign people in Hunan, called cotton. , Oh, by the way, we went to see the textile factory in the afternoon, right? In that new-style textile factory, the textile machines in it mainly weave cotton. "

"The cloth woven from cotton is cotton. Although cotton is not as good as silk, it is definitely more comfortable to wear than linen. It also looks good and is easier to dye and print."

"So the enclosed land will be used to grow cotton. Don't worry, your best farmland will not be enclosed. If there were people working on this land originally, the business bank will compensate them, and they are welcome to continue farming for the business bank. What is sowing but not sowing?”

"However, growing cotton still requires a large number of farming people. Aren't you party members always doing half-farming and half-grazing? I'm afraid you can't produce too many farming people, right? To be honest, you can't grow cotton by hand. You, I’m not worried either.”

"What I mean is that the trading company will move a large-scale migration of Han people from the inner county to your side to plant cotton, and then the trading company will send personnel to manage them, and all of them will follow the example of Huainan and organize them into military households. How about drawing the land into a city, or simply using the old three cities of Linglin Prefecture? Do you have any objections? Of course, a warm welcome will be given to the party members who will grow the land to grow cotton together. The commercial bank guarantees that they will treat everyone equally and there will never be any The racial problem is that all the money earned is from the trading companies, and what belongs to the trading companies belongs to all of us, isn’t there a problem?”

"Oh, by the way, the grapes over there are very good, right? You are also the most suitable area in the world for growing grapes and making wine. But as for this wine, if you want it to be able to ferment, it needs to be fermented. A large amount of sugar must be used. Sugar used to be expensive, but now it is cheap. How can you not develop such unique natural conditions? In the city, you can dedicate an entire winery to harvest grapes and make wine. You can even distill it. How about making strong liquor (brandy)? No problem, after all, the places where grapes are grown are all sandy land, and food cannot be grown in the first place."

The three of them looked at each other when they heard the words.

No wonder His Highness didn’t just dismiss the three of us military envoys.

This is just trying to draw money from under the cauldron.

Such a way of playing will inevitably lead to the immigration of a large number of Han people and the Sinicization of a large number of Dangxiang people. These Han people and the Sinicized Dangxiang people directly serve the merchants and eat the food of the merchants. How can these people obey these Jiedushi envoys? What about the tube?
Jiedushi, this thing is just a title. Without the festivals of the Song Dynasty, they can manage their own army. Similarly, one day, even if they still have this title, they may not still be able to manage the army and the people.

Besides, since the relocated Song people have all been classified as military households, even if they are far inferior to the Forbidden Army, do you think they will simply issue weapons to everyone?
The Song Dynasty has no shortage of weapons at all, and its production capacity is terrifying.

Now that we have weapons, how can we not engage in military training?In normal times, this group of people grows cotton and grapes, but if there is a fight, it is not certain whether their party cavalry can defeat them.

This Song Dynasty wants to annex them!Li Yixing wanted to say something else, but Zhao Guangmei said: "I can guarantee that the people who farm and work for the merchants will be paid no less than three thousand dollars."

Then Li Yixing shut up.

Three strings.

This is already close to the income level of people in Kaifeng.

In the bitter cold land of the northwest, although the monetary economy is underdeveloped, the people are considered to be living a good life if their income can be consistent for a month. For three months, one person can feed the whole family and live as rich and happy as the people in Kaifeng. day?
Li Yixing wanted to find an excuse to shirk the responsibility, but he couldn't open his mouth at all.

If he obstructs such a great thing, he will be a sinner of the Dangxiang nation.

What's more, the two prefectures of Lin Prefecture will definitely agree, and they will definitely not be able to hide it when the time comes. How will the party members in various ministries think of him?Can he, or his descendants, really be able to sit still as the Jiedushi of the Difficult Army?
Who would want to drink fine wine when there is a toast?
As for whether the Dangxiang people will be assimilated or even eliminated by the Han people if this continues, it actually doesn't matter.

The Dangxiang people were already highly Sinicized. The later Dangxiang people were actually a retrograde effort made by Li Yuanhao in order to achieve national identity after he founded Xixia. At one time, they even had their hair left or not. The Dangxiang people in this period were originally similar to There is not much difference between the Han people. For example, Yang Ye, who would know that he is from Dangxiang without specifically mentioning it? (There are still differences in the historians. We can only say that it is highly likely, but at least the marriage between generations and the Zhe family has party blood)
In the end, he just trembled and asked: "May I ask, Your Highness, how many members of the Dangxiang clan can I use to grow cotton, grapes, and work in factories?"

Zhao Guangmei did not fool him, saying: "With a total population of 40 to [-], it will definitely not be a problem. In the future, other industries will be built around the city, and the population will only be more. To use the words of the local Dangxiang people who can speak Chinese, the commercial bank I definitely want to use party members as much as possible. The cost is low. The cost of moving people from the mainland is still too high. It depends on how many workers and peasants your party can produce."

"Two...two 30..."

When Li Yixing heard this, he couldn't help but reveal a wry smile.

Is this still a choice?

There is no choice at all.

Even if it is only half, if the trading company can make a good life for the [-] party members, then they are the gods in Lingzhou. If they are obedient, the trading company will inevitably rely on themselves, a local snake, at least for their own generation and children. For one generation, we are still guests, and we can also take the opportunity to place a large number of our own people in the grape and cotton industries.

If I am disobedient, I am afraid that the Jiedushi of the Dingnan Army may not necessarily be named Li.

Then he comforted himself: "At least, it is the trading company that makes money, and the trading company... can also have my share, which can ensure that future generations will always be rich and wealthy."

After thinking about it, Li Yixing stood up straight away, knelt down on the ground, and bowed his head heavily. His hands and body were so low that his whole body was on the ground. He said extremely solemnly: "If this is done, more than [-] Dangxiang people will be rich." Good health is undoubtedly a great blessing for the people of Ling and Yin prefectures. On behalf of the Dangxiang clan and the people of Ling and Yinliang prefectures, I would like to thank Your Highness."

Zhe and Yang looked at each other when they saw this. The man named Li was kneeling like this, so what about them?So he followed suit and fell to the ground.

Zhao Guangmei accepted it calmly, picked up a glass of wine and took a sip, then put it down and said: "Ling, Yin, Lin, and Mansion are originally the territory of our Song Dynasty. Our Song Dynasty is open to all rivers, and the people of Dangxiang are also all originally. We, the people of the Song Dynasty, are our close relatives and compatriots who can never be separated from us. Poverty alleviation is something that every court that wants to make a difference must do. Get up and have a drink. I hope that within three years, we will When you drink this cup again, what you drink will be the wine produced in your Hexi Road."

As he spoke, he unconsciously glanced at a beautiful spy who had been eavesdropping on their country's secrets.

At this time, Xiao Chuo's face had turned pale, and his hands were trembling while he was immersed in eating.

'Dangxiang is really going to belong to the Song Dynasty. '

'The Song Dynasty, or rather this business firm, is really too rich. This friendship, no, I should say loyalty, is all made with money. '

'Song people... are too rich. '

As Zhao Guangmei's secretary, Xiao Chuo knew very well how much money this firm had. It was precisely because he knew that he understood that Zhao Guangmei was not bragging, and that he was really capable of doing it.

Cotton base, grape base, new Lingzhou City, Fuzhou City, new Hexi, just... came out?

Da Song is so rich!
'We in Daliao must, must, must develop trading houses and make money so that the people can live a good life and the army has sufficient military supplies, otherwise...'

Xiao Chuo even doubted that if the Song Dynasty continued to develop like this, Yanyun's sixteen states would not need to be conquered, and they would just buy them.

"Oh, by the way, we haven't talked about the real thing yet. Now, we can talk about the fight against Tubo this time."

"The purpose of this expedition against Tibet is to avenge the hatred. It is not for the purpose of conquering cities and territories. It is only for the purpose of killing and liberating the enslaved slaves in Liangzhou. The other leaders, monks, local tyrants and the like can and should be killed. , all their family property was confiscated and distributed as rewards to the soldiers who went on the expedition, while the wives and daughters of the leaders were all confiscated and made into slaves."

"In this battle, the three tribes of Dangxiang should be the main vanguard. I'll tell you the conditions directly. The merchant bank will sponsor 20 shi of compressed biscuits, 100 shi of ordinary food and grass, 20 guan in money, [-] million arrows, and [-] sets of armor for this battle. , other things will be allocated immediately, and the [-] yuan will be given after the war. In addition, if the three of you join the company, how many shares each company can get will be determined by this war. "

"Of course, I can't just let you go. Besides, I also know that the three of you have been mortal enemies of each other for many years. If there is no commander in chief, I'm afraid you will start fighting first without waiting for the Tubo masters."

"So for this battle, we, the Great Song Dynasty, will send Li Chongju, deputy envoy to the Privy Council, as the supervisor of the troops and horses. Anyone who disobeys Li Xianggong's military orders will be executed. Zhang Qiong is ordered to lead the cavalry army of the front department of the palace, and the party ban is to lead the bodyguard Si Yun's cavalry army. The two armies of [-] cavalry, together with the Qinzhou garrison, march to Liangzhou! Within three years, I want no one in Hexi who dares to call himself Tubo, or anyone who dares to call himself a monk, killed Of!"

(End of this chapter)

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