Brother Song Taizu

Chapter 15 Zhao Kuangmei’s trick

Chapter 15 Zhao Kuangmei’s trick
Take Taiyuan and make...a king with a different surname?

Li Jun put down the sword in his hand for a moment, feeling a little confused.

It would be a lie to say that he was not interested. Fu Yanqing was called a perfect military general by later generations. At least in the eyes of people during the Five Dynasties, the Zhao and Song Dynasties were not necessarily more durable than the Fu family's foundation.


"Uncle, during the time of the late emperor, Wang Pu once offered Ping's encouragement, saying, "First south and then north, first easy and then difficult." The late emperor also once said that it takes ten years to pacify the world, ten years to recuperate, and ten years to cultivate virtuous government. This is how it works. In 30 years, we will be able to flourish."

"My brother, following the late emperor's will, naturally has to recuperate first from south to north until the time is right, then send his troops north to fight the Khitans and regain Yanyun. This is a grand strategy. However, in this way, the energy of the imperial court will be reduced. and troops will have to be deployed in the southern region, and the northern front will inevitably be empty. However, everyone knows that the real life and death enemy of the Central Plains Dynasty is the Khitan."

"On the northern front, with the Tianxiong Army, there should be no worries as long as it is not a decisive battle between the dynasties. However, on the western front, the Northern Han puppet government's seizure of Taiyuan is really like a stick in the throat of our Central Plains dynasty. It is very uncomfortable, even if It's just for defense, but we have to deploy elite troops from seven or eight towns here. Uncle, if you can regain Taiyuan, and then take Gouzhu Mountain and Yanmen Pass to stabilize our war on the western front, why worry about not being able to go further in the future, like King Fu Wei? Where is the king with a different surname?"

Taking Taiyuan and destroying the Northern Han Dynasty can not only achieve great achievements for Zhao Kuangyin, but also suppress the war on the western front of the Central Plains Dynasty. In this way, he will naturally become the second Fu Yanqing, and Zhao Kuangyin will never do it easily. If you can move him, his status will naturally be far superior to other Jiedushi.

For the people of the Five Dynasties, this temptation may be greater than being an emperor, but this Li Jun, regardless of his status, qualifications, and military strength, really barely had such an opportunity.

The best of both worlds, perfect.

Of course, the ideal is very full, but the reality is definitely skinny. Li Jun couldn't help frowning and said, "Taiyuan...don't I know the importance of Taiyuan? It's just that the Northern Han Dynasty...where can I defeat it?"

Zhao Kuangmei smiled mysteriously: "So, I'm here."

"Do you have a clever plan?"

"Uncle, you might as well just raise an army, under the banner of clearing the emperor and punishing traitors. As for this rumor, you don't need to worry about it. Instead, you can find a kid about my age to pretend to be me and send it to Taiyuan to form an alliance with the Northern Han Dynasty."


"While my eldest brother doesn't react, uncle, please don't leave any ink marks and immediately send your troops south to capture Zezhou City."


Li Jun was confused. What the hell was this kid from?
"By the time you capture Zezhou City, my brother's forward reinforcements should have arrived. If nothing else happens, it should be Shi Shouxin and Gao Huaide. As long as there is a slight stalemate, I conclude that the Northern Han Dynasty, as your ally, will definitely arrive, and The leader of the army must be Liu Jun, the puppet emperor of the Northern Han Dynasty!" "How many more troops can the Northern Han Dynasty send out now? Three thousand? Five thousand? It's overwhelming. At this time, you turn against Liu Jun again and take Liu Jun's lead. Level, it’s a piece of cake.”

"Think about it, the emperor of the Northern Han Dynasty came out with the elites of the Northern Han Dynasty, and then they all died. Can Taiyuan still be defended? Wasn't Taiyuan City defeated in one battle? What's more, there are Shi Shouxin and others behind it Where is Gao Huaide."

"In this way, uncle, you have achieved such great achievements in one fell swoop. Naturally, the so-called traitor theory has been self-defeated. From now on, you will be like the King of Wei, permanently stationed at the western border for our dynasty. Isn't this beautiful? ?”

Seeing that Li Jun was still confused, Zhao Kuangmei continued to strike while the iron was hot: "Uncle, the Northern Han Dynasty is actually a dog raised by the Khitan people. The reason why it is difficult to chew is that the dangers of mountains and rivers are secondary. The key is that as long as we fight, The Khitan will definitely send reinforcements, so if you want to take the Northern Han Dynasty, the most important thing is this first wave."

"If you use this counterfeit and loyal plan, the Northern Han Dynasty will definitely not be prepared. When Liu Jun dies, the elite in the city will also be ruined. We will attack Taiyuan in one fell swoop. By the time the Khitans react, we have already killed them." Yanmen Pass has been captured, what else can they do? I'm afraid they can only hold their noses and admit it. In this battle, they will win ten times and not lose."

Li Jun heard this and said tangledly: "This plan of dangerous is this plan of yours? How did you know that Liu Jun would definitely come to Zezhou to meet me in person? If he doesn't come, wouldn't it be a failure?"

Zhao Kuangmei pretended to be mysterious and said: "Haha, I'm sure he will come. I've already come to be your hostage. Why are you still hesitating?"

There is no doubt that Zhao Kuangmei is playing prophet again. After all, the wings of his little butterfly are not very big so far. It is said that the general trend of the world has not changed much because of his existence, so since Liu Jun will in history He personally led three thousand elites to come to support the alliance after Li Jun captured Zezhou. Why didn't he come in this time and space despite his deliberate trap?

Moreover, from the perspective of hindsight, the Northern Han Dynasty has been miserable in the past two years. Most of Chai Rong's reputation is achieved by riding on their heads. Liu Jun is a man with ambition. Lord, now that Chai Rong is dead and the country has changed hands, how could Liu Jun not be tempted by such a good opportunity.

Is he really so willing to be a dog for the Khitans?
Li Jun frowned and said: "My good nephew... is really good at planning and courage, but there is never a shortage of smart people in this world. After all the tricks are taken, accidents will inevitably happen. If Liu Jun really comes, naturally Everyone is happy, but if he doesn't come, how will I get along with myself and how will it end?"

Zhao Kuangmei curled her lips and said with a smile: "Uncle, uncle, why are you so insecure? There are so many things that are 100% sure about the use of troops. As a dignified prince, I will not hesitate to take risks myself. I will succeed or fail for your safety. If you risk your own life, as a veteran of the Five Dynasties, how can you return the favor to your mother-in-law?"

"What the hell am I, mother-in-law?"

"So, uncle, are you going to rebel? Either, you just kill me directly and give my real head to Liu Jun. That's enough. In the future, history books will naturally reveal whether you are a traitor or not. Or, you Just follow my plan, and if it succeeds, you will be crowned king. If it fails, I will bury you with you. In the future, you will still be a national hero with unfulfilled ambitions in the history."

"The real man is going to be made a marquis immediately. He is just risking his life with his head raised. Who is not a rich man who was killed by thousands of troops? Uncle, you even dare to do things like rebellion, but you are coying with me here. Isn't it ridiculous? ? To be fair, my plan has a lower chance of winning than if you directly fight with my brother to the death?"

Li Jun was furious when he heard this. He slapped the table and said, "You kid, let me use the provoking method, okay! I'm going to accept your trick! My son, go find a teenage boy in the prison and chop him up." I used this trick!"

(End of this chapter)

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