Brother Song Taizu

Chapter 142: The Khitans also want to set up trading firms?

Chapter 142: The Khitans also want to set up trading firms?

At the foot of Tanzhou City.

After much thought, Zhao Guangmei took a bouquet of flowers and waited for the Liao envoys outside the city. When they arrived, she handed the flowers up and said "Welcome."

"You must be His Royal Highness the King of Qin of the Song Dynasty. Your name is still well known even in the Liao Kingdom. It has been admired for a long time. This is a gift I specially prepared for you."

With that said, Xiao Siwen personally handed over a very beautiful scimitar.

"Thank you."

Zhao Guangmei took the scimitar and handed it to the attendant without taking it out to check, for fear that the Liao Kingdom would smear poison on it and kill her.

"I have also prepared a gift for you. This is a pair of jade dove ornaments. I hope that our two countries can coexist peacefully and prosper forever."

"Ha ha."

When Xiao Siwen heard this, he took the pair of jade pigeons with a smile on his face and curled his lips in his heart.

If you mean something else, I can barely believe it. Is eternal peace okay?
Don’t you want the Sixteenth Prefecture of Yanyun?
Peace?Dogs don’t believe it!
In fact, the international relations between Song and Liao were the most difficult to deal with. The Song Dynasty believed that the Sixteen Prefectures of Yanyun were inseparable from the Song Dynasty since ancient times. The Liao State also believed that the Three Prefectures of Guannan were inseparable from their ancestors. The two countries They all believe that the other party has invaded their territory and will not return it.

How can there be peace?

But of course, even if I don’t believe it, we can still talk about it.

In fact, what most people in later generations don't know is that long before the formal signing of the Tanyuan Alliance in history, Song and Liao had had at least three talks, and both sides had always had a tacit strategic understanding.

The Song Dynasty naturally hoped to ease the conflict with the Liao Kingdom and focus on the south and west. Zhao Guangmei's strategy to pacify the world was also to first settle the west and then the north.

The Liao Kingdom is actually the same. In recent years, with the rise of the Later Zhou Dynasty and the Northern Song Dynasty, the Liao Kingdom has put almost all its energy and troops in the south. But in fact, there are a lot of things going on in the north, such as making trouble. The great Wu Gu rebelled against the Liao, as well as the Bohai, Shiwei and other barbarian rebellions. Of course, there was also the endless power struggle within the Liao Kingdom.

Therefore, there is no doubt that the two countries have a basis for temporary peace. You are responsible for the Hou Shu and the Southern Tang Dynasty, and I am responsible for my Wu Gu Shiwei. As for when we will start fighting, let’s talk about it. The peace agreement signed has not yet been reached. It can be used to wipe the butt, let alone such a tacit strategic understanding that does not even have an agreement.

Of course, Xiao Siwen could not actually represent the Liao Dynasty. He could only represent the pro-Han faction in the Liao Kingdom. However, winning over and cultivating the pro-Han faction in the Liao Kingdom was also the goal of the strategy to pacify the world.

Considering that he was afraid of the enemy in the Battle of Guannan and almost handed over the three states of Guannan to Chai Rong, the entire Forbidden Army was stunned. All the generals who originally fiercely opposed Chai Rong's Northern Expedition were dumbfounded.

This is the Daliao version of Qin Hui!

They are my allies in the Song Dynasty!

As for Xiao Siwen, although he is now at a low point, his political ambition has never been extinguished. The pro-Han faction must get enough benefits from the Han people in order to restore the power of the Liao Dynasty. status.

For a time, the two foxes, one old and one young, meeting for the first time, the more they looked at each other, the more they liked each other, and they had admired each other for a long time, so they were talking happily.

The guards behind the two looked confused. Those who didn't know better thought that Song and Liao were really brothers and had a close relationship.

"Xiao Xianggong, please get in the car."

"Well, by the way, Your Highness, let me introduce to you. This is my daughter, Xiao Chuo, nicknamed Yanyan. You are of the same age, so you can get closer to me."

"Uh... huh?"

Xiao Chuo?

Xiao Yanyan?
Zhao Guangmei was really shocked and stunned on the spot.

The future Queen Mother of Liao?
Of course, every queen mother of the Liao Kingdom was named Xiao. When it comes to Empress Dowager Xiao of the Liao Dynasty, she seems to be specifically referring to her.The true founder of the Liao state system can basically be understood as the Daliao version of Kangxi.

She is the most outstanding female politician in China's 5000-year history.At least Zhao Guangmei personally believes that the level of Empress Dowager Xiao is far higher than that of Wu Zetian.

So he quickly clasped his fists and said, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Miss Xiao, I've admired you for a long time."

Xiao Chuo pursed his lips and smiled when he heard this, and said: "I am a little girl. It would be strange if you had heard of my name. On the contrary, you are the one who has admired me for a long time. Xiao Chuo has met His Highness King Qin, and His Highness called me Yan. Just Yan."

"Uh... Yanyan?"

How does it feel weird.

Zhao Guangmei couldn't help but take a closer look at Xiao Chuo's appearance. The little girl was about the same age as herself, just a little bigger than Zhang Ling'er. To put it bluntly, she hadn't opened her eyes yet, but looking at the outline, Zhao Guangmei didn't think she was a beauty at all.

She is just a little prettier than the average woman, but not a great beauty.

Sure enough, in the Liao Kingdom, if you want to become a queen or even a queen mother, appearance is really not important.

Then he couldn't help but think, what does it mean for Xiao Siwen to send his daughter as an envoy?Besides, this girl is still so young.

Could it be that he is using a honey trap for himself?

It is true that he is not interested in people of his own age, but if it were Xiao Yanyan, then he would accept it unceremoniously, even if the lights were turned off.

Besides, he is a hero and I am an enemy of the bandits. This can be considered as killing the future master of the ZTE of Liao in advance.

What on earth are they here for?
Then he couldn't help but look behind Xiao Yanyan. There was a follower who looked to be about the same age as his second brother. He was wearing a long robe and Hanfu. He was different from the guards around him and said, "Is this... your noble son?"

"This is my scribe, Han Derang."

Upon hearing this, Han Derang raised his hands and clasped his fists towards Zhao Guangmei: "Foreign Minister Han Derang, pay homage to His Highness."

"Oh... hello, I've seen you for a long time, I've seen you for a long time."

To be honest, he was already thinking about turning against each other and killing this couple.

Go away from the great trouble that will be the great concern of the Song Dynasty for the next hundred years!

"What on earth are you here for?"

Asked directly.

If it had no practical significance, he would really consider killing the person directly.Xiao Siwen also said seriously: "In order to reconcile with the Song Dynasty, we stopped fighting and exchanged businessmen. I heard that the Song Dynasty Royal Trading Company established by His Highness in the Song Dynasty made huge profits. Don't you want to do business with me?" Are you coming from Daliao? To be honest, I, Daliao, also have the intention of establishing a royal trading house. Therefore, I specially asked them to follow His Highness and come to study with His Highness. I hope that Your Highness will be generous with your advice."

"You also want to set up a business?"

After thinking about it again, I finally understood what this old fox was thinking.

To put it bluntly, what followed the trading houses was the New Deal. If the Liao Kingdom did not have some high-level spies in Kaifeng, you would not believe it. The Song Kingdom was seeking a New Deal, and the Liao Kingdom was also pursuing a New Deal?
In fact, the current internal affairs of the Liao Kingdom are in the most serious period of turmoil, which can also be understood as a transitional period from a tribal authoritarian country to an institutionally complete country, which itself is engaged in the New Deal.

Xiao Siwen was a civil servant, and he had proven on the battlefield that he could not fight, but his ability in internal affairs was indeed very strong, and as a pro-Han faction, he actually had the support of those in Liao and Han, and he set up a trading company. No matter how you look at things, those pure barbarians with brains full of muscles can't do it. Once they do it, the political status of the Qin and Han sect Khitan literati, and even the Han people in the Liao Dynasty, will definitely be greatly improved. And if they can use the trading houses to set off Daliao's New Deal, wouldn't their old Xiao family return to the pinnacle of power?

I also want to do business with the Song Dynasty.

I am here to be a comprador!

Suddenly, Zhao Guangmei's thoughts of directly killing people disappeared, and she warmly welcomed him, Xiao Siwen, and Xiao Yanyan into the car. As for Han Derang, he was not qualified to ride in the car, so he should stay on his legs underneath.

Without Han Derang, there might be Li Derang, without Xiao Yanyan, there might be Xiao Yingying. The general trend of history may not change much just because of a certain individual.

Besides, these two people are going to be compradors, can they still be the bad couple in history?

There is no history left. It has been more than three years since I traveled back in time, and the history has long been changed beyond recognition.

Along the way, Zhao Guangmei was naturally testing Xiao Siwen's conditions and sincerity. In fact, this negotiation had already started when they first met.

After a lot of tricks, Zhao Guangmei basically understood what she wanted from Xiao Siwen.

First of all, the Song Dynasty withdrew the Tianxiong Army deployed at Waqiao Pass and ordered them to return to Daming Mansion, or at least to withdraw Fu Yanqing, the main combatant. In this way, the strategic understanding between the Liao and Song Dynasties would be meaningful. Otherwise, everything you talk about is nonsense, and things will get messed up in a minute.

Secondly, the Song Dynasty and the Liao Dynasty established embassies in each other just like the Song Dynasty and the Southern Tang Dynasty. The Liao Dynasty allowed the Song Dynasty to open trading houses to the Liao Dynasty, at least to Youzhou. Xiao Siwen still Those who can make the decision, then similarly, their Daliao trading houses must also allow people to come to Kaifeng. The two companies formulate entry and exit policies. If possible, it is not a bad idea to directly sign a peace covenant.

Furthermore, it is natural to ask for some skills, such as... the secret recipe of gunpowder.

In fact, had it not been for the tremendous power of the explosive packs during the attack on Southern Tang this time, Xiao Siwen might not have been able to come.

There are naturally other scattered demands, but they are not important.

Regarding this, Zhao Guangmei couldn't help but fell into deep thought and felt embarrassed.

Of course, there is no problem with the second one. In fact, he wishes it was like this. This one seems to be equal, but with the economic size of the Song Dynasty and Zhao Guangmei's methods, engaging in commercial and economic war with the Liao Kingdom is simply bullying.

The third article seemed to him nonsense. The secret recipe of gunpowder was the top secret of the Song Dynasty. It was impossible to expect Zhao Guangmei to tell it on his own initiative. They would definitely have to find a way to steal it themselves.

Of course, even if it was stolen, it would actually be useless. There were no saltpeter mines in the Liao Kingdom.

As for this first item, it is indeed embarrassing.

There is always a sense of déjà vu between Li Yu and Lin Renzhao.

Of course, the essence is completely different. It is not a question of whether Zhao Kuangyin is afraid of Fu Yanqing or not. In fact, he is too old, in his 70s and into his [-]s. Even the Neon Kingdom in modern society should retire. In fact, Fu Yanqing has long since stopped caring about things.

Do you really expect him to fight on horseback?Before he could see the enemy, his own body fell apart.

Politically, it is indeed necessary to transfer back Fu Yanqing. Fu Yanqing is a representative figure of the hawks in the Northern Song Dynasty. Historically, Zhao Kuangyin did replace him with Li Hanchao, although the middle and lower-level officers are still controlled by the Fu family. In his hands, the Liao army's strategy was indeed a 180-degree turn.

How should I put it, Fu Yanqing is too hawkish. Even if he no longer cares about things, he is still a flag for the hardliners.

When future generations look at history, they always feel that the Chinese nation is replaced by the invaded side. But in fact, this is really beautifying. At least in the early years of the Northern Song Dynasty, the Liao Kingdom did invade the border areas. But in fact, the Northern Song Dynasty I often go to their place to thresh grass and paddy.

For example, one year, the Khitan cavalry sneaked in, burned, killed, looted, and captured thousands of people as slaves. Fu Yanqing didn't talk about it, so he sent a cavalry team there, and robbed more than 1 people and brought them back as slaves. Later, the Liao Kingdom They secretly sent envoys to say that we should exchange slaves, and they exchanged slaves for each other.

Judging from the results, in fact, the Liao Kingdom suffered more obviously than the Northern Song Dynasty, because the Liao Kingdom was frequently bypassed by the Northern Song Dynasty, which made the people miserable. In the end, even one county in the border area was directly abandoned by the Liao Kingdom.

These things are not recorded at all in the history of the Song Dynasty, they are all in the history of the Liao. As we all know, the history of the Liao is written as if it was drunk. What stands out is that a Khitan man is invincible in the world, but he can record these things. It can be seen that How big of a shadow Fu Yanqing brought to them.

History books say that after Li Hanchao arrived in Guannan, the Liao Kingdom did not dare to invade the border again. It seemed that he was also a famous general, but in fact, this matter had nothing to do with him from beginning to end. It was just a secret peace negotiation.

Objectively speaking, Fu Yanqing's tough approach was indeed against the strategic plan of the Song Dynasty. Zhao Kuangyin did not want to go to war directly with the Khitan before unifying the south!

The most important thing is that Fu Yanqing's bandits actually robbed the Sixteenth Prefecture of Yanyun, mainly the Youzhou area. To put it bluntly, they were actually Han people.

As for the Youyun Han people, at least in Zhao Kuangyin's view, they should be able to fight for it. Are we compatriots? We should at least provide a few leading parties, right?But you, Fu Yanqing, always go there to burn, kill, and loot. Then when my army really goes on the Northern Expedition, they will really have to defend their home and country.

To be honest, the hardline generals represented by Fu Yanqing can indeed be said to have played a major role in the Youyun Han people being able to integrate into the Liao Kingdom so quickly and resist the Song Army.

You can't say that someone is doing something wrong. As a side general, he loses less and wins more, and his reputation can stop children from crying at night. No matter how you look at it, this is merit.

After thinking for a while, Zhao Guangmei said: "I don't think it's impossible to negotiate if we want to transfer Fu Yanqing back, but peace requires a little sincerity from both of us. If Fu Yanqing is transferred back, can Yelv Talie be transferred back?"

"This... can be discussed."

"Can we talk?"

"You can talk."

Zhao Guangmei understood what was said and thought to herself that her little butterfly had indeed incited a huge hurricane. I am afraid that the political struggle in the Liao Kingdom was much more intense than in history.

Is it because the Northern Han Dynasty was destroyed in advance?
Yelu Talie, he was the King of the South Branch of the Liao Kingdom, and he could also be regarded as a hawk of the Liao Kingdom, but his status was completely different from that of a pure foreign general like Fu Yanqing, and there was no such thing as talk.

Either his line gained power and he was about to be promoted, such as being promoted to the King of the North Campus, or his line lost power and was directly demoted. It clearly had nothing to do with the Song Dynasty.

Xiao Siwen was obviously taking Yelu Talie, who had already come down, and replacing him with Fu Yanqing from their Song Dynasty.

Although, Fu Yanqing on their side should indeed retire.

(End of this chapter)

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