Brother Song Taizu

Chapter 140: Killing one person is evil, killing ten thousand people is male

Chapter 140: Killing one person is evil, killing ten thousand people is male
When Zhao Guangmei returned to Yangzhou, she was confused.

1 people were beaten and 3000 were killed on the spot. It is hard to say how many of those who were seriously injured would survive afterwards. Li Pingjun was tortured on the spot by the people of Yangzhou, and his flesh was eaten alive by the people. The rest of the officials and powerful men were escorted back. Origin, accept the public trial of justice by the people.

Is this something your elder brother did?
No, isn't he always... particularly kind?
Even Zhao Guangmei often forgets that his eldest brother is not a literary emperor, but the founding emperor who was truly killed in a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood.

In fact, the addition of the yellow robe was so tricky that people in the world, and even later generations, always instinctively felt that Zhao Kuangyin had it too easy, and they always felt that he was like Zhu Wen, Li Cunxu and others. Although it is not domineering enough, it is often overlooked. Why does this yellow robe have to be added to Zhao Kuangyin?

At that time, Zhang Yongde had just retired for less than half a year, and there was Li Chongjin. If he really wanted to fight for the throne, why didn't he just come back from Yangzhou early?Could it be that Fan Zhi really suppressed these two people?
To put it bluntly, seven of the fourteen military envoys of the Forbidden Army were Zhao Kuangyin's sworn brothers, and they were willing to let him take charge. Is this because he likes drinking and is good at interpersonal communication?
To put it bluntly, Zhao Kuangyin, the most relied-upon Dianqiansi during the Chai Rong era, was established by Zhao Kuangyin from beginning to end. All the senior generals were either his childhood friends or his brothers. The entire Dianqiansi was originally his people.

Not to mention an army, in fact, even if it is a company, if everyone from top to bottom is a director, I am afraid that the truth is not that this director is deeply trusted by the leader, but that the leader has no way to deal with him.

If Chai Rong had not removed Zhang Yongde before he died, the person waiting for him might not be wearing a yellow robe, and the grass on his grave would be three feet high by now.

Zhao Kuangyin, he has always been a tiger who is used to hiding all his fangs and claws, and then showing off his harmless and even cute appearance to pretend to be Hello Kitty!
Because he is so good at pretending, everyone in the world may really be used to it, and he may even be used to pretending, but pretending is just pretending. When it comes to not pretending, how can there be a tiger that doesn't eat people?
Using the hands of the common people to kill 3000 people in one breath without blinking an eye, Zhao Guangmei asked herself, at least she would never be able to do this, and this move indeed made the civil servants who might have fiercely opposed the advancement of Huainan's policies Everyone, shut up completely, no one dares to say anything.

Zhao Kuangyin was also waiting for him. As soon as he came back, he couldn't wait to hand it to him and asked straight to the point: "Has the Huainan New Deal been promoted to the world?"

Zhao Guangmei was also a little frightened by him, and did not dare to be as unruly as before. She answered whatever she asked: "No, the time is too immature, it will take at least a few years, and even if it is pushed, other The region is also completely different from the Huainan region, and measures must be adapted to local conditions. Well... the effect cannot be as good as in Huainan."

Zhao Kuangyin frowned and thought for a while, then asked: "Is the reform you are looking forward to like Huainan?"

Unexpectedly, Zhao Guangmei still shook his head and said: "The reform in Huainan was originally based on the time and took advantage of the situation. It was just the right time. However, because of disaster relief and the war with the Southern Tang Dynasty, many things were done in a hurry. Anything in this world can only be done in a hurry." If things are done in a hurry, there will always be problems, and the Huainan incident is no exception, so we have to make do with it."

Zhao Kuangyin was shocked: "Is this just a makeshift? The imperial court must charge a lot less money in Huainan, but based on the trading company alone, I'm afraid the profit in Huainan this time will be scary, right? Tell me honestly, this time the trading company How many acres of land are enclosed?”

Zhao Guangmei smiled sheepishly, scratched her head and said, "The circle is probably...more than 3000 million acres."

"How many?"

Even though he was well prepared, Zhao Kuangyin couldn't help but be shocked: "How many acres of cultivated land are there in the entire Huainan? You, you...couldn't you have enclosed the entire land in Huainan?"

Zhao Guangmei shook his head and said: "According to the data currently registered by the Ministry of Household Affairs, the entire Huainan has more than 6000 million acres of land, but there is a large amount of hidden land. Counting the hidden land, I estimate that even if there is not 8000 million acres, there are More than 800 million, the ones I have accounted for are just over one-third. Is it profitable... that will be next year, but it must be quite a lot. Just selling vegetable oil, I am afraid it will only be enough in one year. It can be sold for [-] million yuan."


Zhao Kuangyin didn't even know what to say.

The third child is not good at this. When he is having a good chat, he tends to pretend when he is nagging.

Eight million yuan, just pay it back?

"You said that anything done quickly has a price. So, what is the price in Huainan?"

Zhao Guangmei said calmly: "To be honest, it is undoubtedly a good thing for the commercial banks to monopolize the land, but it may not be good for the country."

"Why? Doesn't it belong to the commercial firm and the country?"

"Because of corruption."

"Corruption? Is the corruption within the company very serious?"

"At present, it should not be too serious, but within ten years, it will definitely be very serious. The commercial banks have swallowed up too much land and are too bloated. How will these lands be planted, who will plant them, and how will they be harvested after planting? I can only come up with a strategy, but its specific implementation will definitely require a lot of middle-level and even grassroots management. There is too much room for profit, and it is impossible not to be corrupt."

"Of course, I will definitely engage in high-pressure anti-corruption, but no matter how high-pressure it is, it is not easy to maintain it for three to five years. It is probably even harder to maintain it for ten or eight years. Besides, in addition to enriching one's own pockets, , such as bureaucracy, nihilism, formalism and the like, it is useless to fight corruption with an iron fist. To put it bluntly, although the trading company is a trading company in name, it is too big. As it develops, sooner or later, It will be like the imperial court, and it will have all the faults that it should have."


Zhao Kuangyin wouldn't even answer this nagging.

"It's better for people to farm for merchants than to farm for landlords, right? What was your original plan to divide the land among everyone?"

Zhao Guangmei shook his head and said: "It is useless for everyone to divide the land. The way of heaven is to give more than enough damage. Even if everyone really divides the land, at most 30 years, the big landowners will definitely reappear. Even if the court strictly prohibits land transactions, It's useless. During the Tang Dynasty, Yongyetian was not allowed to trade. As a result, by the time of Wu Zetian, the military system of the mansion could not be maintained. Human nature is evil, or in other words, the rules of this society will reward those evil people who have the ability to break the rules. Therefore, The capable evildoers will inevitably stand out, and those who work hard and abide by the law will inevitably be bullied. This is the way of heaven." Zhao Kuangyin frowned: "According to what you say, am I, the emperor, not the biggest evildoer in the world?"

Zhao Guangmei was stunned for a moment, then frowned and remained silent for a long time.

Brother, you have no idea how you got the throne.


Zhao Kuangyin snorted coldly. Although he disagreed with Zhao Guangmei's fallacy, he did not argue with him.

"Then what did you originally plan to do?"

"Develop the urban class, completely control the three processes of purchasing, transporting and selling agricultural finished products, mainly using commercial means, supplemented by administrative means, control the price of agricultural products, and use the scissor gap between industry and agriculture to move a large number of farmers to the city."

When Zhao Kuangyin heard this, his eyebrows twisted into the Chinese character "Sichuan". He couldn't understand what Zhao Guangmei was talking about anymore.

"What other drawbacks are there?"

"Brother should be able to see that the core of a series of reforms in commercial banks is around urbanization. Only by driving as many people as possible to the city can the court use more resources more efficiently."

"However, at present, when Zhi Commercial Bank buys land in Huainan, it buys villages that are relatively close to the city, or have convenient transportation, and along the river."

"However, there is nothing I can do about areas a little further away from the towns. The current influence of commercial banks can only affect the city and its surrounding areas, or areas with developed transportation. Therefore, in places where the commercial banks cannot reach, the people will become As they become poorer and poorer, they will become the victims and be ignored.”

"To sum up, brother, within three years, there will definitely be two Huainans. One is the area controlled by commercial banks, which will become more and more prosperous. Every year, a large amount of profits and taxes are paid to the commercial banks and the court, even more than the three divisions in previous years. of finance and taxation, but there will also be another Huainan.”

“In places where transportation is underdeveloped and far away from the city, commercial banks did not go there to buy land. The result is that the commercial banks will continue to suck the blood of these areas, and people will become poorer and more backward. Gradually, the commercial banks will continue to suck the blood of these areas. Withered and dilapidated, many people may die in the process, and they will become the price of development, and then... be completely ignored by the court."

Zhao Kuangyin said: "That is to say, some areas will become richer and richer, and some areas will become poorer and poorer. Cities will prosper and villages will decline. And those affected and declining areas and people will become...the price in your mouth." ?”

"Yes. So I think that the conditions for large-scale promotion are not yet available. The money from commercial banks can be used to build roads first. Roads between cities and villages, at least roads on the plains."

Zhao Kuangyin thought for a while and thought: "But for the imperial court, cities are much easier to control than villages, you mean that even if there are disadvantages in this matter, the disadvantages lie with the people, not the country? Is it always beneficial to the country?"


Zhao Kuangyin said again: "I heard that you admire Legalist thought very much. Don't you understand that when the country is strong and the people are weak, the people are rich and the country is weak?"

"Um...Brother, isn't this a good statement? It's too cruel. How about...let's change the term? What do you think?"

"Haha, this sounds nice to say, but can you do it?"

"It doesn't matter if he can do it or not, what if he can?"


Zhao Kuangyin nodded when he heard the words, and he understood, and said: "I know that you have been waiting for a suitable time. You are very ambitious and always want to wait until everything is ready before doing anything. But I feel that from Huainan Look, your idea is already very good. You still want to wait, but I don’t want to wait anymore. It’s time to start the New Deal.”

"But big brother..."

Zhao Kuangyin interrupted: "I know it is difficult and the price may be high, but have you ever thought that the price may not be as high as you think? Anyone who blocks our way will be killed. Okay? Today I killed three thousand Confucian scholars. If they block the way tomorrow, I will kill 3 people, or even 30 people. As long as all the opponents are killed, naturally, there will be no resistance. This matter, If you come to succeed me a hundred years later, you won't be able to do it, but I can, even if I kill all the civil servants in the entire court from top to bottom, I still can."

Zhao Guangmei was confused.

"I rarely kill people, not because I am soft-hearted, but because I am reluctant to kill. But if it is an enemy, your eldest brother and I became emperor by killing people. I will kill everyone who deserves to be killed. In this way, you Whatever you want to do, can’t you just let it go and do it?”

(End of this chapter)

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