Brother Song Taizu

Chapter 135 The quality of this dragon chair is really poor

Chapter 135 The quality of this dragon chair is really poor

"The guilty general, Lin Renzhao, pays homage to His Highness."

Zhao Guangmei was startled when she knocked her head to the ground with a loud bang.

This guy actually knelt down and made his brain bleed!

Isn't he dizzy?

It was originally a cerebral hemorrhage, and then it got damaged.

However, he still said flatteringly: "I have heard of the title of General a long time ago. My father and my eldest brother always mentioned you when I was a child, saying that all the generals in the Southern Tang Dynasty were like rats, but you, Lin Renzhao, were the only one who was a strong enemy. It’s a pity that a good general never met a wise master.”

"Yes, so Your Highness, I would like to ask Your Highness to use me. I am willing to abandon the dark side and turn to the bright side to train our navy for the Great Song Dynasty."


Zhao Guangmei was noncommittal after hearing this, and couldn't help but start weighing something in her heart.

Seeing this, Lin Renzhao hurriedly said: "The guilty minister was originally a general of the Southern Tang Dynasty. The military of the Southern Tang Dynasty was from top to bottom. There is no situation that I don't understand. The hydrology and geography of the Yangtze River and Huaihe River, and the customs and customs of the prefectures and counties along the way. How can I No one in the world knows better than me about where to go ashore to train troops. Although the Song Dynasty has many powerful generals, the navy is weak after all. The sinner has been training the navy for him in the Southern Tang Dynasty for more than ten years. The Song Dynasty If you want to build a navy, I am the most suitable candidate, and I hope your highness will investigate clearly."

"Hey~, you'd better get up and talk first. Please take a seat. I heard that you didn't eat at noon because you were waiting for me? You can't do it without eating. Come here and get him some dumplings to eat."

"Thank you, Your Highness."

After thanking him, Lin Renzhao knelt on the ground without getting up. He took the plate from Ya Bing without using cutlery, and took a rough and savage mouthful of it with his hands. However, he actually finished the plate of dumplings in a matter of seconds. .

At least when I look at him eating, he doesn't look like someone who just had a stroke and is a little hemiplegic.

Zhao Guangmei thought for a while, then pointed it out and said seriously: "I know you want revenge, but I forced Li Yu to kill your family. If you hate Li Yu, don't you hate me?"

"Don't hate."

"I really don't hate it?"

Lin Renzhao took a deep breath and said: "In the war between the two countries, they used all possible means. Wasn't the reason why the guilty minister sent troops to Huainan to take His Highness's life? It is only natural for Your Highness to deal with the minister. However, the guilty minister did not treat Li Yu You have done your duty faithfully, but you have ended up like this. You want to kill my family members because of national affairs, but Li Yu killed my family members. This hatred and hatred will not be eliminated unless a free sea of ​​learning is created."


Zhao Guangmei nodded.

I have to say that what Lin Renzhao said is indeed correct. The Song Dynasty really can't find a very capable naval general at present. Moreover, Lin Renzhao was originally the number one general of the Southern Tang Dynasty. No one in the Southern Tang army knew it. How many people were his party members, and how many people worshiped him. If this person returned to the Song Dynasty, it would be an exaggeration to say that he could defeat a hundred thousand troops, but at least his influence would be much greater than that of Shi Lang's surrender to the Qing Dynasty.

But... Zhao Guangmei didn't believe what Lin Renzhao said at all.

How could he not hate himself?

To put it in perspective, if he were Lin Renzhao, he would probably want to strangle himself to death in his dreams.

Of course, I will definitely hate Li Yu even more.

However, this guy hates himself, maybe he just hates him. There are so many people in the world who hate him, who can do anything to him?He would never have the slightest chance of revenge in this life.

Zhao Guangmei didn't even have to guard against him, because he simply wasn't high enough to be her enemy.

On the contrary, it was Li Yu. It was actually possible for him to avenge this revenge.

After thinking for a long time, Zhao Guangmei said: "In the short term, the Song Dynasty will not take action against the Southern Tang Dynasty, and it has no plans to form a large-scale navy."

"Why?" Lin Renzhao raised his head with a look of resentment on his face.

"Because Southern Tang is very good and gave us a lot of money. To be honest, for the Song Dynasty, it is not important whether you are in the army or not, but it is very important that Southern Tang does not have you."

"Now the bones of the Southern Tang Dynasty have been broken, and raising them is also the money bag of my Song Dynasty. If I want to annex them, it will be smoother with you. Without you, I'm afraid it won't be difficult. As for the main war faction, I estimate that there will be no main war faction in the Southern Tang Dynasty after you, and Huainan’s troops can even transfer most of them to other places, so you ask, why do I, the Song Dynasty, attack him?"

Lin Renzhao was so excited when he heard this that he couldn't help but reply louder, saying: "I heard that the officials of the Song Dynasty have always regarded themselves as the Zhengshuo of the Han and Tang Dynasties, and their mission is to restore the homeland of the prosperous Tang Dynasty. Don't they want to recover the Southern Tang Dynasty?"

Zhao Guangmei put her hands together and said: "How could you not accept it, but everything must have a sequence. Hou Shu, Southern Han, Wu Yue, and the Sixteenth Prefecture of Yanyun, aren't these all the hometowns of the prosperous Tang Dynasty? Even Dali in Nanzhao, Hexi Corridor, Dunhuang, Wuwei, Suiye City, and Goguryeo. Which of these is not the homeland of the prosperous Tang Dynasty? We, the Song Dynasty, will eventually take back all these places. The Guiyi Army has been defending Dunhuang for more than two hundred years. Sooner or later, I, the Song Dynasty, must let them really come back. Since the Southern Tang Dynasty has already surrendered, why should I be anxious? To be honest, with the money that the Southern Tang Dynasty has given me to the Song Dynasty, time is running out. The longer it takes, the weaker he will become, and the stronger I, the Song Dynasty, will be. Why do I want to attack the Southern Tang Dynasty first?"

To be honest, the Song Dynasty actually did not gain many benefits by destroying the Southern Tang Dynasty. Even in the historical Northern Song Dynasty, the annual income of the court before and after the Tang Dynasty was destroyed was almost unchanged. To put it bluntly, the tax revenue the court could collect from Jiangnan was , minus local expenditures, what was actually sent to the national treasury was not much different from the annual tribute paid by the Southern Tang Dynasty to the Northern Song Dynasty.

On the contrary, the extravagant winds from the south of the Yangtze River blew into the court, greatly accelerating the corruption of the monarchs and ministers of the Northern Song Dynasty.

Lin Renzhao became more and more sad and angry after hearing this, but he did not lose his sense after all, so he kowtowed and said: "In other words, the Song Dynasty did not destroy the Southern Tang Dynasty, but because the Southern Tang Dynasty was obedient, it wanted to finally destroy the Southern Tang Dynasty. He If the Southern Tang becomes unruly, or if the Song Dynasty has successively taken back the Southern Han Dynasty, Shu, and other homelands of the prosperous Tang Dynasty, the Song Dynasty will still destroy the Southern Tang Dynasty, right?"

"Yes, of course."

"Please keep me here until I can be useful. One day when the Song Dynasty conquers the Southern Tang Dynasty, please use me! There are also the soldiers under my command. Like me, they wish to have Li Yu alive. We are all willing to be the first to do so!"

After hearing this, Zhao Guangmei thought for a while and said: "You are my captives of the Song Dynasty. If you want to become an army, I'm afraid you will have to have your face stabbed, and you can only serve as thieves and auxiliary troops. You have to make great contributions before you can be formally Is this okay for the organization?"

"Okay!" After saying that, he suddenly took out a dagger from his boots. Under the wary looks of the guards, the four knives slid on his face, and he was stunned. His handsome face was ruined.

"How can one person live in this world with no face if he is incompetent and suffers from three clans? It's just that the blood feud has not been avenged, so I don't dare to die."

Zhao Guangmei was even frightened.

After thinking for a while, he said: "As for me, after all, I am just...well, although I have held many high-ranking positions, it is my eldest brother who has the final say in the Song Dynasty. I will recommend you to my eldest brother and I will advise you." I'll go to Jingzhou first, but the specific position depends on my brother's wishes."

"Jingzhou, are you going to attack Shu? The guilty minister understands that I will be used to attack Shu. I will take the lead and be the first to conquer Shu."

Zhao Guangmei nodded, acquiescing to his statement, waved her hand, and asked Pan Mei to settle them.

But I was thinking that the entire shipyard in Jingzhou might be good.

Nowadays, the industry and commerce of the Song Dynasty are becoming more and more developed, and the scale of cargo transportation has also become larger and larger. The demand for merchant ships will definitely become larger and larger. This thing is heavy industry in an absolute sense. There is no need to be afraid of private enterprises and ourselves. compete.

A few days later, when Zhao Guangmei went to see off Lin Renzhao and his group, Haoxuan was frightened and saw that the group had imitated him and cut his own face.

"You are... discerning. Unfortunately, I can't promise you anything."

After that, he handed all these people over to Pan Mei, and secretly said to Pan Mei: "If nothing happens, these people will be handed over to you for a while. You should not go to Hunan now, and take over Liu Guangyi's station in Jingzhou." For a while, I can't trust these people, but at least they are really capable in the navy, you can find a way to learn from them secretly."

"Yes, I understand."


the other side.

A group of so-called prisoners headed by Yangzhou magistrate Li Pingjun were put on huge shackles and finally escorted all the way from Huainan to Kaifeng City, waiting for their fate to be judged.

They all knelt down in three rows in Duanwen Hall.

Zhao Kuangyin was even surprised and said: "Are you sure these...are all officials who sent their families to Southern Tang? Why are there so many?"

Zhao Pu said: "Your Majesty, these are officials from at least the fifth rank or above, or county commanders in a state, and most of them are of bad nature. Not only have they sent away their families, but almost all of them have liaisons with foreign enemies, especially Li Pingjun, the governor of Yangzhou, not only colluded with Feng Wei, but there is evidence that he was also related to the assassination of King Qin."

"Well, let's put it this way, the ones kneeling here are only those with high officials and important matters. There are still many others who have not been sent. They can't be sent, right?"

As he said that, Zhao Kuangyin couldn't help but squeeze the armrest of the dragon chair with his hands. Unexpectedly, he felt a bang and broke off the standing dragon head sculpture on his deputy's hand.

Zhao Kuangyin couldn't help but be stunned for a moment. Apparently he was not sure about the strength of his hand, and then he put the faucet in his hand and started playing with it as if nothing had happened.

"Li Pingjun, as the magistrate of Yangzhou, your official position is not too small. If you are transferred to the central government one day, you will be appointed as a minister even if you have no choice. I have treated you well. Why are you still rebelling? ?”

When Li Pingjun heard this, he said disdainfully: "Why do officials say this? I was already the prefect of Yangzhou in the previous dynasty. I and the Taifu are still close friends. How can you treat me so badly?" "

Hearing this, everyone instinctively looked at Li Chongjin.

Li Chongjin couldn't help but blush when he saw this. In fact, he was completely a clay bodhisattva now. He was said to be a master, but in fact, no one would treat him as a follower.

Of course, Zhao Song was indeed quite good to him. Although he and Zhang Yongde, the two coaches of the Forbidden Army in the later weeks, are now semi-retired, the trading bank still gave them some shares. With the current method of making money in the trading house, it would probably be a little difficult for him and his descendants to experience the joy of spending all their money.

In fact, he does not go to court on weekdays, but after all, he has been in Huainan for so many years, so many of the people arrested today are indeed his old friends, and some were even his direct subordinates. Somehow, I just wanted to come and have a look.

Then, the words really came to him.

But he didn't care. After all, he had no real power. He was still the leader of Zhao Kuangyin before, and he still had the iron book of alchemy in his hand. To put it bluntly, Zhao Kuangyin was afraid that he would rebel. As long as he didn't rebel, he would be supported and supported. He can do whatever he wants, so now he is living more and more casually.

Seeing this, he simply sighed and said: "When I was in Yangzhou, to be honest, I thought about going against it. I remember that at that time you advised me not to be impulsive and not to hit the stone with an egg. Harming the people has become the focus of the world. I... After listening to your persuasion, I am quite satisfied with my life now, but why did you go against it when I already entered the court? "

Seeing this, Li Pingjun seemed to want to raise his head and show off, but the shackles on his body were too heavy, so he fell down again.

Seeing this, it was Zhao Guangyi who said: "Brother, as the saying goes, a doctor cannot be punished, does that mean... let them take off the shackles and speak?"

Zhao Kuangyin said angrily: "Do they, who eat everything inside and outside, deserve to be called doctors?"

"Brother! After all, they are all people who read the books of sages. If you want to kill or behead them, at least give them some dignity before they die to show the difference between the Song Dynasty and the Five Dynasties."

Zhao Kuangyin felt aggrieved for a long time after hearing this, but then he waved his hand in a good-natured manner, signaling Ban Zhi to step forward and remove their shackles.

In fact, Zhao Kuangyin himself looked down on civil servants, but he always pretended to respect them. The purpose was to be different from the previous five generations. It would be fine if no one mentioned this matter. Since it was mentioned, then why not It’s just pretending to the end.

Then he asked: "If you had rebelled against me last year or the year before last, I would respect you as a loyal minister of the previous dynasty, and I would still think of you as a good man. Even if I kill you, it will be regarded as your death in a royal matter, and I will give you a generous burial." Be kind to your relatives. But this year, even though the world has been settled for a long time and Huainan has suffered a disaster, you have colluded with the Southern Tang Dynasty to rebel. Why are you pretending to be about the previous dynasty? It is simply disgusting. "

When Li Pingjun heard this, he chuckled, then straightened his back and said: "In the past, when the officials rebelled, it was the time when the world returned to its heart and all the people surrendered. When I surrendered to the officials, I was in compliance with the times. What's wrong with that? But now , the officials allowed the King of Qin to go against the grain in Huainan, causing everyone in Huainan to miss the previous dynasty, and even the Southern Tang Dynasty. Therefore, I rebelled against the Song Dynasty for the sake of ethical justice in the world. Why not? Even though I die now, my name will last forever. Yu Qingshi, future generations will know that I died for ethics!! Come on, kill me!"

After saying that, there was a crisp click. The ministers looked for the sound and saw that Zhao Kuangyin had unconsciously broken off the other faucet on the armrest of the dragon chair.
Then Zhao Kuangyin took a deep breath and said, "The quality of this dragon chair is too poor."

(End of this chapter)

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