Brother Song Taizu

Chapter 126 Assassination

Chapter 126 Assassination
All the way from Suzhou to Yangzhou, it takes less than half a day by boat. However, this half-day journey seems to divide the world into two worlds. The one side is full of life, and the other side is really visible to the naked eye. Lifeless.

Originally, Zhao Guangmei and the others were fishing to pass the time when they were on the road. However, they didn't catch a few fish, but Zhao Guangmei caught a dead baby. It was unlucky. I wonder if it was an illusion. From then on, even the air he breathed felt cold. Cold.

Although Wang Pu had distributed 100 million disaster relief funds when he was in Yangzhou, he had done better than most dynasties in most disaster years, but in fact it was only able to ensure that the disaster-stricken people did not As for starving to death.

To put it bluntly, in feudal society, as long as you have land and property in your name, disaster relief will never be your business. The first request of the court for disaster relief is just that you will not rebel.

People with houses, land, and weaknesses will not rebel. Only when you have nothing, no house, no family, no relatives, and no money at all, will those at the top be afraid of you and have a reason to help you.

After getting off the boat, I saw that Yangzhou Magistrate Li Pingjun was already waiting at the dock. Zhao Guangmei was too lazy to be polite to him, and deliberately made it clear at the dock: "All the county magistrates in Yangzhou, and even the entire Huainan, have a deadline of half a month to come to Yangzhou for a meeting. "


"I heard that when the government's disaster relief funds were allocated, there were many corrupt officials who had their hands on them. I hate corrupt officials most in my life, especially this life-saving money for disaster relief. Anyone who covets this should be punished with a thousand swords." They are all dead, so they must be investigated strictly.”

"I came to Yangzhou only to do three things: fairness, fairness, and so much fairness!"

He shouted these words. The so-called wise men who greeted him on the dock all trembled when they heard this, while the common people in Guizhou all spontaneously knelt on the ground and shouted loudly to the sky. The great old man.

After all, Yangzhou and Suzhou were originally next to each other and not far apart. Everyone in Suzhou now knows a little bit about what it is like.

Of course, it was precisely because he knew something that the landlords and gentry were extremely wary of him. After all, you are planning to kill someone, so you can't expect them to stick out their necks and wait for you to chop him.

But he saw Li Pingjun frowning and saying: "The money for the relief in the disaster year is not money, but human life. Those who are corrupt in this matter are really more likely to die. Your Highness, you plan to have the imperial court send a large number of censors to investigate the corruption." What?"

Zhao Guangmei shook his head and said: "The censors of the imperial court are very busy. Moreover, the scope of disaster relief is too large. How can we complete the investigation with the censor's small manpower?"

"In extraordinary times, extraordinary measures must be taken. I believe that the people in each county, township, and even each pavilion should organize their own farmers' associations, and the farmers' associations will judge corrupt officials from the bottom up. Are there public trials or voting? No one knows better than these real lower-class people whether a landowner, squire or a grassroots official is a corrupt official or a good official, whether he has a breeze on his sleeves or a simple meal on his body. This is no better than any censor. ?”

Hearing this, Li Pingjun's face turned green.

Isn't this kind of behavior of completely skipping the government to form a peasant association a replica of what happened in Suzhou?

It's just that this time it's a little more civilized and uses a farmers' association instead of directly rebelling. But what do these low-level villagers know? They are a group of unruly people who are illiterate, don't understand etiquette, don't know the righteousness of the Spring and Autumn Period, and don't understand the law. , should they be allowed to decide the life and death of those gentlemen who have been kind for generations and have cultivated and passed down their families?
Then what kind of dignity is there in this world?
One of them couldn't control himself and couldn't help but retorted: "There are also good people and unruly people. Your Highness, aren't you afraid that the unruly people will harm others out of jealousy? If this is always the case, who in the world will work hard to maintain a family and accumulate family property?" ?”

Zhao Guangmei laughed loudly when he heard this: "Cunning people? What is a cunning people? To be honest, this is the word I dislike the most. All the people in the world, as long as they do not violate the national laws, are our subjects of the Song Dynasty. How can we be cunning people?" Say? If there is no standard for judging the word "coward", is it possible for those of you who are officials to say who is a coward? Is it true that anyone who doesn't listen to you is a coward? Who gave this to you? that power?"

"Ah this..."

Li Pingjun took a deep breath, and then he gave up decisively and said: "What your Highness said is that I am talking nonsense. Your Highness, please go back to the government office and rest first." "Yes."

Zhao Guangmei nodded and added: "It's not that we don't want people to get rich, it's just that we don't want everyone in the world to get rich through low-end means such as annexing land. Can rich people live in the city? Everything in the city is Yes, why do you have to make a fortune in the village? As long as you enter the city, you will be one with me and the merchants. That’s it. I hope you can take care of yourself.”

"Yes. Your Highness, please come this way."


After that, Zhao Guangmei walked to Yangzhou Mansion under the leadership of Li Pingjun. Along the way, because of the speech he just gave, he was very popular. Countless river workers, porters and the like knelt down and loudly said praises and praises. Zhao Guangmei just nodded slightly and passed.

After all, the first time I experienced this kind of thing, I felt so favored. The more I experienced it, the more naturally I would feel a little numb. Just be careful to let the soldiers protect you and keep others away.

However, just as they turned around the main street and walked a few steps, suddenly several siege crossbows appeared from the windows of some shops on both sides of the road.

"Be careful, Your Highness!"

"protect me!"

At the critical moment, Zhao Guangmei didn't care about her demeanor at all and hid directly in the crowd of soldiers behind her, then squatted down with her head in her hands.

A group of carefully selected shield-bearing guards quickly formed a circular shield array around Zhao Guangmei's position, surrounding Zhao Guangmei.However, the thick arrows of the siege crossbow flew through the dense crowd, leaving a bloody mist in the sky and blood stains on the ground.

This is definitely the closest Zhao Guangmei has come to death in the two years since she traveled through time.

Of course, although the penetration of the siege crossbow is good, its accuracy is actually almost non-existent. This thing is not a sniper rifle after all. In fact, even if Zhao Guangmei did not squat down or dodge just now, the probability of being hit by these crossbows is the same as that of hitting him. Shooting blindly with your eyes closed won't make much difference, and the number of siege crossbows is far from the effect of a volley.

"Damn it, siege crossbows are all shipped to the main street of Yangzhou Mansion?"


In an instant, countless dead soldiers rushed out of those shops with weapons or small crossbows. Each one looked like a madman, not afraid of death at all.

However, Zhao Guangmei is no longer afraid at this time. In fact, his security work is still very good. There are 300 people in the King of Qin Guards, all of whom are elite Forbidden Forces and fully equipped with weapons. Except for the siege crossbow at the beginning, which is a bit scary, I am really afraid of them. The blind cat encountered a dead rat like himself, but he was very relieved of this kind of hand-to-hand combat, and he didn't even have any interest in this so-called battlefield.

But he couldn't help but think about it: 'You are all smart people, do you really believe that you can assassinate me with these things?Or is it a dog that jumps over the wall when it's anxious, or a rabbit that bites when it's anxious, or... is it some other strategy? '

(End of this chapter)

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