my slow journey to infinity

Chapter 95 Why are you so skilled!

Chapter 95 Why are you so skilled!

This scarred astral creature is far smaller than a space battleship.

But the sense of oppression it brings is far greater than that of a battleship.

Wang Shui, who was relatively close to the battlefield, immediately activated a secret card in the champion deck - [World Wandering·Downgrade].

Lower the level of your own space and push your body away from the real world to achieve the effect of long-term invisibility.

Most of the cards in the [Traveler] theme deck are related to space, and their life-saving ability is excellent. It is a late-stage deck that is more developed.

The legendary character cards in the deck are also very strong, but they are still at level [-] in Wang Shui and are of little use now.

Wang Shui originally wanted to rely on this state to continue watching the game from the sidelines.

But after entering phase invisibility, the big guy's mental power that enveloped the entire audience could still fall on Wang Shui.

This made Wang Shui feel a little depressed, and a new card condensed in his hand.

Fortunately, the big crocodile was just sweeping the entire field and did not deliberately target the aqua regia that was farther away.

At this time, it discovered that everyone in the building was missing, and an inexplicable pressure also fell on its head.

been counted.

In fact, from the moment the planet guards neatly blocked the sneak attack of the mechanical army, the attackers should have noticed something unusual.

Then they began a suicide attack without thinking of retreating.

But the big crocodile is different. It is a hired help. It does not want to offend the two advanced civilizations and the Mechanicus.

So after it appeared, it only destroyed the building and shocked the whole audience, without pursuing those who teleported away.

During the rare opportunity, the mechanical structures began to gather together again. As long as the mechanical souls did not die, they could continue to activate metal and construct new bodies.

After watching hundreds of structures crawl into the ruins of the building, the big crocodile relaxed slightly for a moment. Its job is that simple.

But at this moment, the world went dark, and a sword light flashed silently from bottom to top!

If it weren't for this amazing sword strike, Wang Shui wouldn't even notice the big crocodile's relaxation.

It was also with this sword that a thick front leg of the seventh-level behemoth, the legendary star creature, was neatly removed!
The fracture was a section of dark red muscle tissue, blood vessels and bones. A large amount of light pink tissue fluid gushes out, quickly blocking the fracture. Dark red granulations begin to grow visibly to the naked eye.


The severed limb fell to the ground, causing an effect similar to that of a falling cannonball.

Among the rising dust, another sword light flashed!
This time Wang Shui saw clearly, it was dark blue light, that was——

"Li Junqing!"

Silent roars resounded through the spiritual realm, and Wang Shui, who was in a phase-invisible state, stumbled and was almost knocked out.

And in the smoke and dust of the frontal battlefield, a huge sharp-toothed shadow was biting down the sword light.

"Leave. The frontal battlefield has no other meaning for you except danger."

Wang Shui nodded at Sylvia's advice. He glanced at Li Junqing's mobile armor for the last time, and then disappeared into tiny fragments of light.



"Everyone, collect supplies according to groups, and then clean up the corrosive energy in batches. Medication alone is not enough."

The troops defending the "bait" were withdrawn, and they were teleported to the industrial area.

This is the industrial area that Wang Shui once passed by. It is still under construction, so there are no workers and no residents.

In this special operation, temporary logistics for the Ability God's Families were established here, and a large teleportation array was also established.

"The damage assessment is out. The teams with dead members will confirm. In addition, the three elite teams are ready. You will be on the field again soon."

A tall, brown-skinned man carrying a gun like a heavy cannon gave instructions on the voice channel.

Many of the people present were hired extraordinary people, and the strong man was the temporary commander-in-chief.

For such a large-scale battle, everyone was so serious and disciplined. The strong man really felt a little thankful.

He comes from a galaxy without war. The extraordinary beings there are very difficult to manage, especially such large-scale collaborative tasks.

While they were resting in an orderly manner, in the brightly lit underground passage in the industrial area, a group of five people wearing mobile armor were also on their way.

The steel channel disappeared into a detection port, and the channels inside turned white.

The four people in the team stopped, and the guy in the middle carrying the silver-white suitcase went straight through the inspection gate.

The "bait" is safe.

After watching the alchemist codenamed [Mechanic] enter the white passage, the four people who were the last guards breathed a sigh of relief.

They were the four highest paid men and the defenders who had not fired a single shot.

After guarding here, what happens next has nothing to do with them. The four of them looked at each other and turned around to leave.

The mechanic will complete the final escort alone.

"13-35", "13-36"......

There are many forks in the white channel, and these digital signs all correspond to a region.

Soon, under the "13-40" sign at the end of the passage ahead, the mechanic saw a rail car, which could quickly transport him to a safer place.

And at the end of that orbit, he can even leave the planet at any time.

However, his footsteps stopped at intersection "13-39".

After a final check, there were no surveillance methods nearby, only the locator on the suitcase was still on.

The mechanic quickly opened the suitcase - but the lock could not be opened by himself.

At this time, there was a flesh-colored card on the surface of the suitcase, and the flashing dark green breathing light meant that it was working.

Previously, it had been attached to the mechanic's forearm.

The mechanic took out the engine that had been shrunk to the size of a palm, placed it on the ground, and then carried the box onto the rail car.

After putting away the suitcase, the mechanic came back to pick up the engine and walked into intersection "13-39", which led to a warehouse.

But he did not reach the end. After walking about 60 meters, he stopped and then began to search carefully on the wall.

Soon, he found some inconspicuous bumps.

Conventional energy was transported into the wall by him, and a dark green symbol appeared on the wall. This was naturally the holy seal of the mechanical angel Gloria.

Soon, metal began to grow on the wall, and a dark green metal "tumor" appeared in the clean white channel.

The mechanic stuffed the engine into the "tumor" and even stuffed half of his body into it. Several vine-like metal tentacles climbed up his head, allowing him to mentally control this weird machine.

In the empty warehouse on the side, the special [Substance Needle] stirred in the air, and the silver-white material quickly accumulated.

"So this is a printer. A printer that can copy the original without drawings? If there is such a thing as a [matter needle], it would not be difficult to achieve it."

Wang Shui was in phase invisibility, chatting with the onlookers.

It took a lot of time last night, but Sister Nephrite finally found the [coding set] corresponding to the binary information.Wang Shui also successfully decoded the message, and only got a place name and a cryptographic model, without any more details.

Today's performance started in the afternoon, and Aqua Regia released the deformed gel mannequin in the morning.

Sylvia, who controlled the gel body, used her powerful skills to sneak into the periphery of the assembly point, then canceled the control, leaving the gel ball and a secret positioning card here.

After that, Wang Shui teleported here through the [Traveler] deck and positioning card, and then used the phase state to sneak in in advance.

It's just that this channel is not inspected too closely, and the monitoring system inside is not fully covered.

That's why Gloria's relatives of the supernatural gods would do something here.

The information on the shield was for the traitor mechanic. The information guided him here and asked him to make a fake copy and take it back.

As for how they will recover the engine later, Wang Shui doesn't know.

Therefore, those Ability God Families who attacked the exhibition building head-on probably knew that there was an ambush.

They may even know that these three cosmic overlord-level forces want to capture them and capture their special mechanical souls for study.

But they are still charging suicidally, and they are offering themselves as sacrifices for something.

This is really touching!

Wang Shui watched the somewhat weak mechanic leave with the fake engine, and tears of emotion could not stop flowing from the corners of his mouth.

After the start of the rail car and the sound of acceleration went away, Aqua Regia also rolled out of the phase state.

Logically speaking, this state will cause the extraordinary person to be infected by energy erosion from other planes. Although it is much worse than the direct erosion of [Ability God], it will continue to transform the extraordinary person's body.

And Aqua Regia is a master with the prefix "arrogance". He will not be infected or transformed, and will only use his life energy to resist until he dies with dignity.

Therefore, after aqua regia exits the long-term phase state, the first thing to do is to drink a healing potion.

Hmm, [Initial Life Support]?Isn't this the little red bottle that the stall owner gave me when I bought the key to the world of swords a long time ago? !
"I didn't throw it away?", "I didn't use it?"

Two questions flashed through his mind, but they were quickly forgotten by Wang Shui.

Ever since he mastered the art of dragon vein alchemy, he has never considered slow-acting healing potions.

But today, he didn't want to leave any trace of himself here.

Arriving in front of the folded symbol, Aqua Regia used star energy to construct a cryptographic model and stuffed it into the symbol. Soon, the metal "tumor"-like [Material Printer] unfolded again.

The silver-white, palm-sized engine was locked inside.

"Will you control the technological products of the Ability God?"

The one who asked was the younger sister "Yue" who was watching. Today was of great importance, so they temporarily forgave Wang Shui.

"No." Wang Shui's answer was simple, "Even if it is possible, I don't want these metal tentacles to stick in my head."


"So just move them all away."

Wang Shui responded with a hearty smile, and then took out his pistol.

He manually replaced the improved [Truth Disintegration Bullet], adjusted downward the amount of extraordinary propellant, and shot the wall above the printer.

He also used alchemy to create an air cavity that absorbed trace amounts of gunfire.

The bullet hit the white wall, and the penetrating warhead was only embedded in the surface of the wall, but that was enough.

The bright red substance was injected into the wall from the warhead. Aqua Regia also held down the wall with one hand, trying to relax his mind and enlarge the perspective distance to guide the flow of this special philosopher's stone.

As they eroded the walls, they penetrated deeper.

Finally, after confirming the size of the [Substance Printer] embedded in the wall, the disintegration began.

Almost instantly, the printer vibrated slightly and the disintegration was over.

Wang Shui pulled out the entire printer. To his surprise, there was not much supernatural energy in the printer, and the active metal materials that made up the printer also felt half-dead.

Now is not the time to do research. Although the enemy may not come to get it right away, Wang Shui will not commit such stupidity. He wants to leave quickly.

There are space storage cards in the [Traveler] deck, but Wang Shui is not at ease.

He concocted some common materials that could insulate energy erosion (similar to lead alloy), sealed the entire printer, and then threw it into the awakened space.

As for the big hole in the wall, Wang Shui chose to make it bigger!
He took out a room and a living room, and then used the materials he took out to patch up the holes.

However, when repairing the hole, Wang Shui left some gadgets inside, hoping to interfere with the investigators who would later discover this place.

After cleaning up all the traces, Aqua Regia used high-temperature flames to clean the surrounding area, and then used alchemy to debug energy with various other attributes and mixed it into the environment.

Then he left here and found an artificial underground river from the "13-27" passage next to it.

He went down the river and made a small hole in the filter at the end that was barely large enough for people to pass through. He climbed out first, and then climbed back backwards.

After adjusting the shape of the soil at the entrance of the cave, Shui Wang turned on phase invisibility and rushed all the way to the upper reaches of the artificial river.

While the city shield was not repaired and the [Space Stabilization Device] was also closed, Wang Shui activated the [Fan-Shaped Disordered Teleportation] secret card to send himself outside the city.

Before the rusty wind discovered him, he activated the "qi" energy to amplify his body and ran away from the city at high speed.

While running, he took out his pipe and took a deep puff, exhaling a large puff of smoke, and then immediately activated the [Anchor Point Recall] secret card.

The next moment, Wang Shui returned to the dense forest not far outside the castle complex. At this time, all the energy in his body had basically bottomed out.

Outside the city, there was a human-shaped cloud of smoke that, after being confused for a while, began to rush towards the city like crazy.

It would love to punch someone, but there are limits to the amount of supernatural energy contained in the smoke that makes its body.

And it was lifeless. The rusty red storm quickly swept through, completely eroding it, leaving only messy traces of its movements.

Wang Shui breathed a sigh of relief. He emerged from the dense forest and slowly walked away from the castle. At this time, he felt extremely comfortable!

"You...does it need to be so complicated?" Sylvia, who had watched everything, wanted to complain.

If she hadn't watched the whole process, she really wouldn't be able to follow Wang Shui's thoughts.

"Of course it's necessary. Since we want to take the blame, we have to do it completely!
Unfortunately, I am not proficient in spatial abilities. If I only rely on these secret cards, I am always worried that they will think of me, otherwise it should be easier. "

"Okay... just be happy. Remember to get the video of the seventh-order battle when you go back. Oh, by the way, there's also the delicious food you promised Nephrite."


Not long after the two started chatting, a creature of a high level entered Aqua Regia's range of perception.

Without saying a word, Wang Shui directly activated the card, teleporting himself to the study, and then cleared the spatial anchor point in the dense forest.

He wandered in the opposite direction for a while, just to create a time difference in teleportation. He was not sure if there was any means to monitor him in the castle. If he had doubts, he would assume that there was.

Wang Shui's psychological quality is quite good.

The more things he does, the calmer he becomes, and he doesn't think about what could go wrong.

He came to the living room, took out the tea and snacks that he had prepared long ago, and then turned on the full-sensitivity live projection.

Hey, the seventh-level war is not over yet?
(End of this chapter)
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