my slow journey to infinity

Chapter 93 Mechanical Secrets and Rebellion

Chapter 93 Mechanical Secrets and Rebellion

After Wang Shui came to this world, he was reminded more than once to stay away from anything related to [Abnormal God].

And he himself has experienced it, experienced the gazes of those terrifying beings.

As his strength and vision broadened, and as the depth of information he could obtain increased, he also became more aware of the existence of [Ability God].

In short, they are gods, the lowest level - nine.

Every move they make will have an obvious impact on the physical universe.

For human extraordinary beings, or most extraordinary creatures, the limit of extraordinary beings is the eighth level, which is the [quasi-legendary level].

However, legend is a very old title. There are very few true legends, and updates are so slow that their existence has been questioned.

And the 'legend' that those netizens are boasting about all day long is actually just out of their admiration for those with absolute extraordinary combat power.

For example, Li Junqing, who is at the seventh level, is also called a legend, but in fact he is still two levels short.

If every step on the extraordinary road after the sixth level is a natural chasm, then the eighth level is another world that cannot be reached by conventional means.

In this world, and the gray mist world next door, there is no so-called path to godhood left by the Creator God, but there are indeed ordinary extraordinary people who have embarked on the path to godhood.

Some of them have successfully reached the eighth level even if they have not become gods, but they cannot be called [quasi-legendary].

They are [demigods].

In the supernatural world where information is developed, there are many legends about "demigods", but few people have directly seen them or their miracles.

But today, there was such a statue in front of Wang Shui - the engine.

"Can I speak his name directly?" Wang Shui carefully confirmed to Witte.

Although there is no special inspection when entering, and there seems to be no protection here, it is always good to be careful.

"No problem, the label on the front is His information, [Machine Angel Gloria A], a subordinate god of [God of Structure and Machinery Xitan].

Some time ago, we were jointly hunted by two advanced civilizations, [Elela Empire] and [Leh], and we lost thousands of planets before killing it, of which the number of habitable planets alone was in double digits. "

Although it was only a short explanation, Wang Shui obtained a huge amount of information from it.

"The energy erosion level of this demigod is actually A level?! However, his main god is actually a righteous god. Isn't this God of Machinery angry? Or, wouldn't [The Mechanicus] have any objections? Then It’s a big religion.”

Werther hesitated for a moment, but still said it:

"Actually, some things are not a secret among the upper levels. For example, this hunt was initiated by the Mechanicus. They were the main force, so they took most of the loot.

The engine in front of us is only made of a small part of the material cut from the [Fragments of the Ability God's Body].

As for [Mechanical God Xita], he is the most standard god of rationality, that is, a god of the [Mechanical Will] type.

He has no human-like emotions and thoughts. He will only maintain mechanical laws and respond to all prayers to Him according to fixed rules.

As for the so-called slave god Gloria, to the Machine God, she is no different from an ordinary believer. No, she even makes Him very uncomfortable because of Gloria's corrosive nature and abuse of mechanical power. "

"Is that why the Mechanicus wants to get rid of Gloria?"

"Oh, that's not true. It's just that the current Pope wants to get a mechanical holy object."

Wang Shui looked strange. He didn't expect that the majestic [Ability God], even if he was only a demigod, was at the eighth level, so easily plotted, and even divided into many parts.

"No need to be surprised, hunting [Ability God] is not a simple matter. If it weren't for the Mechanicus' ability to specifically suppress the mechanical angels, the two advanced civilizations would not have summoned the entity of the Ability God on their own territory.

Gloria is dead, and has been dead for many years, but until now, the galaxy group where the thousands of directly eroded planets are located has turned into a mechanical hell.
All planets have become living machines, and all life has been mechanized.

Their souls are trapped in a steel cage, tortured by the [Phantom Pain Syndrome] caused by eternal mechanization.

But later, they accepted the powerful corrosive energy released by Gloria before her death, and turned into [Familiar of the Alien God] on a large scale.

After even the soul is mechanized, it will no longer feel pain. "

Wang Shui was in the mood to listen to the story, and did not dare to interrupt from beginning to end, and finally asked: "So, those relatives of the alien gods know the danger here, and they may die here, but they still want to resurrect Gloria? "

"It's all wrong." Werther smiled and continued to explain,

"First of all, they don't know the danger. This planet is on the border of the empire and adjacent to many civilizations. There are constant wars nearby. But everyone has acquiesced not to send destructive forces here.

So they thought there was only regular defense here, so they dared to secretly plan an attack.

Moreover, in the original plan, this engine was not publicly displayed, and we deliberately sent out a signal without a large number of guards.

Second, they won't die.Their souls have mutated into machines, which are two different things from digital souls.There is currently no means to destroy the mechanical soul. As long as the soul is immortal, they can gather matter and slowly restore the body.

In the end, they were unable to resurrect Gloria. The soul of the mechanical angel Gloria had been completely crushed and forged into many powerful items.

Without consciousness and memory, even the [God of Death] cannot resurrect him. "

"Do they also know that they cannot be resurrected?" Wang Shui asked.

"Probably, but the supernatural element in this engine can allow them to ascend to a higher level, so the temptation is great enough."

Wang Shui thought carefully for a long time and finally came to the conclusion:

"No matter how you look at it, it looks like a trap set by you. Are you planning not to let go even the little ones? Do you want to capture those descendants of the supernatural gods?"

"Ha, that's about it. The three major academies of [Leh], the Holy Court of [Mechanic Cult], and the research institute of our Russell family are all interested in that kind of mechanized soul."

Werther said it lightly, but Aqua Regia immediately had some other thoughts:

Hiss—these descendants of the alien gods were also originally subjects of the [Elela Empire], right?Being involved in an unparalleled disaster, being put into this weird state, and having to be captured and studied, hey, wait a minute...

Wasn't Gloria summoned by the empire itself? !

They summoned alien gods when there was a habitable planet nearby? !

Could it be that they had foreseen this kind of family a long time ago... No, we can't think about it any further!
Wang Shui forced himself to withdraw his thoughts. If there were more deeper problems, he would know them when he needed to know them. Thinking about them now will only increase his worries and affect his acting skills.

As a qualified younger brother, it’s better not to think too much.

Although he gave up thinking, Wang Shui turned around and made an even more extreme request:
"I would like to ask...can I touch this engine? I have equipment that can see through machinery."

Yes, Wang Shui chose to tell the truth.

Otherwise, if he just wanted to touch the engine, even he would feel weird.


Werther obviously did not expect that Wang Shui would make such a request.

Wang Shui had already taken off the [Hand of Hermitage (gold)] and threw it to Witte.

Witte put on the gloves. He knew some alchemy and how to use the basic alchemy array, so he could also use this pair of gloves.

Under the command of Wang Shui, Witte looked through the firearms on the display cabinet next to him, touched the ground, and then touched himself, and then he sighed:
"Extraordinary items are really all kinds of weird. Although they can't see through living things, they can see through clothes, which is quite interesting."

Werther took advantage of the fact that there was no one around, so he gave Wang Shui a rare tease.

But Aquaria Wang didn't have any embarrassment, he urged Werther to answer with his pure eyes.

"Ahem, if you want to see the inside of the engine, it should be no problem. You can even apply to see the design drawings, but don't forget your [Erudition Course] restrictions. If you want to see something of this level, you need the help of teachers. agree."

"All teachers? Including those who teach remotely?"

"Yes, all teachers, the vote should be very fast. You need [-]% approval to pass."

However, the voting did not go quickly, and the teachers seemed to be discussing or hesitating about something, but in the end the result was passed.

With Wang Shui's expectation, Witte submitted a contact application.

The process of opening the protective cover was operated by the alchemist and the security personnel who were specifically responsible for this exhibit. It took more than ten minutes for the security system to be completely released.

Wang Shui suppressed his mood and came to the engine. It was an angular cuboid shaped like an enlarged version of a brick, but its size could be reduced.

Aqua regia touched it directly, controlled his mental power to project into the engine through his gloves.

Unlike engines in the traditional sense, extraordinary engines are generally solid inside.

It does not require a combustion chamber, and is filled with various energy pipelines and pathways. It looks more like a chip intuitively.

Wang Shui first checked the overall structure in detail several times, and then began to record the structural information.

Memorizing data was nothing, but he had to enlarge the extremely small parts before he could memorize them. Just the enlarging process caused him to consume all the non-attributed energy in a few minutes.Fortunately, [Star Energy] is also a general gentle energy, which can also support Aqua Regia's use of clairvoyance. However, when the memory is finally completed, Aqua Regia will still inevitably feel dizzy and even a little weak.

This is the first time since he became a transcendent that he has been so weak. His current mental state is even worse than that of ordinary people.

"You can apply for drawings, there's no need to go to this extent, right?"

Werther also noticed the weakness of Aqua Regia.

"The drawings...the drawings are not enough." Wang Shui reluctantly stood up straight and gently pushed away Witte's support.
"It's okay. My body is fine. It's just that the physical structure of my brain is a bit overloaded, which affects my body control a little. Just take a rest."

"What's not enough about the drawings?"

“Yes, only by combining drawings and finished products can all technologies be reversed more clearly.

Oh, don't worry, I haven't thought about imitating it either.This extreme quality alchemical creation is designed based on the extreme performance of the material. It cannot be copied without the corresponding materials due to the production process. "

As for technical downgrading, it does not mean that it can be downgraded.

Wang Shui didn't explain too much. He recovered quickly. After briefly moving his body, he took Werther out of the exhibit warehouse.

Next, he will go shopping for some things that interest him, and he may not have the chance after tomorrow.

The two returned to the castle complex very late.

After Wang Shui asked Werther to rest, he got into the study.

He first read the book carefully for an hour, and then unfolded the engine design drawing that he had applied for in the afternoon. However, the more he looked at it, the more something was wrong!
Speaking of which, the Russell family still doesn't know that Wang Shui has master-level alchemy.

The data management of the Dream System is very strict, and Wang Shui did not take the initiative to disclose it to anyone. Except for Sylvia, even the sisters did not know about it.

When studying the alchemy of the Russell School a few days ago, no matter how well Wang Shui performed, he only showed his miraculous learning ability.

Just these few days of teaching are not enough for him to show his master level.

Wang Shui is not going to do anything big, he is just habitually hiding his talent. He can't hide his talent as a master, so he simply trades it for resources and attention, but master-level alchemy is a bit scary.

However, maybe it was because of his hiding ability that he really discovered something strange this time.

After repeatedly comparing the engine design drawings with the memories in his mind, Wang Shui finally determined a special position of the baffle, which did not exist on the design drawings!
The baffle itself is naturally crafted, but its placement is very unsightly.

Yes, Aqua Regia only noticed it because of its unsightly appearance.

Even if it is just for performance reasons, the more advanced and powerful something is, the more beautiful and harmonious it is.

From the first moment he noticed it, Aqua Regia's instinct was calling the police - something was wrong, something was very wrong!

However, the matter in the study ends here, Wang Shui will not be stupid enough to do anything here.

He showed a high level of exhaustion and returned to bed naturally. Then he pulled out the [-]D model design software in his brain and began to draw the lines on the screen.

Only these lines can carry information.

Sure enough, there was nothing wrong when looking at it from one side, but after overlapping the lines on both sides of the shield, Wang Shui discovered something strange - those overlapping points were so regular!

Dividing the surface of the baffle according to the distance between adjacent points, Aqua Regia quickly obtained a dot matrix map.

It is a binary language, and the byte length is standard eight bits.

The only thing that Aqua Regia is not sure about now is whether the intersection point represents 0 or 1.

But there are only two situations, and the cost of trial and error is not high.

But after some transformations, Wang Shui discovered that the [Universal Coded Character Set] could not decode effective information.

Is it another encoding set?

"Is "Yue" here?You have work, hello?anyone there?Hello? "

"Stop screaming, it's just me and my sister now."

The one who answered in the public channel was Sister Nephrite.

"What's going on, where are the other sisters?"

Although Wang Shui can one-way lock any sister (including Sylvia) through [Thought Lock] and forcefully drag them into the channel, he will definitely not do this.

"They are angry with you." Sylvia said helplessly, she seemed a little tired.

"Uh-what's going on?"

"You're lying."

"Ah? Where is it?! How could I lie to you?" Wang Shui was confused, but he was accustomed to quibble first.

Then I heard Nephrite whisper in a pitiful voice:

"Oh, there was once a person who said that those gloves could only see through machinery, but he didn't mention that they could see through clothes. We all spent the afternoon talking, and it seemed that all the sisters had been inspected by those gloves."

ah?That's it?

"Ah, then I have to quibble, ah, no, then I have to explain. Your bodies were all created by me. I know all the details better than you. Why do you care about these details?"

"Maybe everyone's body and soul have grown up, and their emotions have become richer." Sylvia added plainly.

"Ah, although...but let's put this matter aside for now. I have an emergency and need to activate the physical extension of the crater brain.

Sister Nephrite, please go to the plant greenhouse, open the expansion module of code deciphering, and help me verify all possible encoding sets of this binary language. The output results will be verified according to the language logic, and sorted out in line with normal logic for me. "

"Ah~ It's so troublesome. I really want to eat the delicacies specially provided by the nobles."

"Deal, I'll give you extra food tomorrow."

"OK~Start up!"

Sure enough, foodies are easy to buy.

The hidden information may not only be encrypted in the code set, but the subsequent text may also be encrypted.

Cryptography is not Wang Shui's specialty, but he can learn it.

Yes, before getting the ciphertext, Wang Shui was prepared to master a certain degree of cryptography knowledge, at least to know the more popular encryption methods in the world.

During this period, Sylvia, who had been silent, spoke:
"No matter what you find, I don't recommend taking any chances. You'd better turn the information over to the Russell family."

"What? Worried about me?"

"Yes, I'm worried that we will all be buried with you when you die."

Gee, this is the constraint of raising a family, but Wang Shui doesn't intend to take risks.

"Don't worry, I won't take the initiative to get close to danger, but I don't want to hand over the information either.

This is a good opportunity. Let's see if the Russell family's execution is worthy of their size. "

Sylvia shook her head. There was no need to worry. This guy didn't have any courage, he was just rebellious.

 The equipment information will not be posted in the main text, so you don’t need to look through it.


  [Hand of Hermitage (Gloves·Gold)]

  [Equal order: none]

  [Attribute increase: "Perception" +2, "Thinking" +2]

  [Characteristic 1·Secret Perspective: Obtain a mechanical perspective perspective, increase the perspective observation ability based on the "Perception" attribute, and can only be effective on inanimate or mechanical units. 】

  [Feature 2: Silver Magic: The gloves have a built-in array system that calls "Alchemy Silver Coins", which can repair mechanical damage in the air within the perspective range. 】

  [Characteristic 3·Mechanical Affinity: The basic favorability of mechanical beings towards the equipment holder is increased. 】

  [Special equipment requirements: The wearer needs to be able to use any one of the alchemy arrays "00" - "09". 】

  [Explanation: This pair of gloves originally belonged to a fifth-level maintenance master. It has healed countless hidden injuries of mechanical beings and is deeply loved by the master.Until one day, the master met an introverted machine girl...]


(End of this chapter)
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