my slow journey to infinity

Chapter 85 The tough talk contest

Chapter 85 The tough talk contest
Wang Shui was a little helpless.

Originally, staying at the base doing experiments for a long time made me very lonely. It was difficult to go out, and it caused a lot of trouble.

Later, Wang Shui found posts about this conflict on the Internet. The good news is that although the traffic was not small, no one cared about his true identity, and no one checked his fake face.

Even the death of the strong man was not blamed on Wang Shui. After all, he was the one who made the move first.

But the real trouble for Wang Shui is the battle master certification. Because he used a fake face in the video, more materials are needed in the certification stage.

Fortunately, after submitting the materials, Shui Wang no longer needs to worry about it. The staff of Battle Master will verify it slowly, yes, slowly.

The episode came and went quickly. Wang Shui had more important things to do. He had to pay off his debt.

In exchange for tickets to the World of Steel, he agreed to the terms of bookstore owner Old Moran and went to an alchemist's event on behalf of Old Moran's friend's grandson.

Now that the key to the digital ticket has arrived on the King's boat, he has to make some preparations, but this time, Sylvia is not going to accompany him.

"The destination is very close. It is an artificial and habitable planet [Triad] in the same star system. An ordinary critical voyage only takes four days, and the exhibition is a week. Including the time to arrive in advance, the round trip only takes about 20 days."

The chief think tank "Yue" and a group of sisters who love to use their brains help Wang Shui plan the trip.

"So, are you sure Hill won't go?" Wang Shui confirmed to Sylvia.

"Why, why don't you beg me? Maybe my heart will soften and I will laugh out loud.

Don't worry, although this planet is very close to the battlefield, you have to believe in the deterrence of advanced civilizations and no war will burn that planet.

I don't want to go there simply because it's so boring.

A purely industrial and commercial planet, there is only one super city on the entire surface of the planet. Outside the city sphere, there is a natural disaster that prevents extraordinary people from moving for a long time. People can only move around in the city.

The people there are also super boring. Their pastimes include bars like cafes and clubs where poker players gather. Even the resident nobles look like they are dying of overwork, boring! "

It seemed like she really didn't want to go.

"It's not bad to keep my sister, just to test the effect of combining the thinking network and the dream network." The think tank "Yue" added.

Verification of network problems was the reason why Sylvia wanted to stay. She was worried about her sisters operating the base. If there was any problem with the network, she would definitely be useful as one of the endpoints of the network.

Previously in the Steel World, Wang Shui established a large number of signal base stations and even launched a huge number of airborne drones into the stratosphere to serve as mobile base stations, thereby spreading the Sylvia network all over the world.

After returning to the main world, it is impossible to fly a large number of drones without beacons on the battlefield, but after returning, with the [Dream Network], there is no need for a base station at all.

The dream network spread all over the world is the best signal carrier.

The sisters seem to be busy everywhere, but in fact their bodies are in Wang Shui's soul. They project their consciousness onto the artificial human body through the network and data link to control and process it in real time. information.

In other words, Aqua Regia is a humanoid server, and the sisters, including Sylvia, are programs running on the server. They control the artificial human bodies through data links.

This time Wang Shui is going on a long trip, so he can test the stability of the network and lay the foundation for long-distance control for future traveling businessmen. If the remote control is unstable, the base station must be replenished.

"To be on the safe side, I chose ten sisters as the basis for the operation of the base. Brother Shui transferred us to the card before he left. Even if there is a network problem, we will be able to maintain the base normally."

"Okay...I understand, I will make preparations."

Wang Shui's tone was unusually low. He still wanted Sylvia or one of his sisters to accompany him, but he couldn't ask everyone who was busy to do so.

"If we don't go with you, there is another big problem - identity. An unregistered artificial human body will basically not break the law, but in some worlds, artificial human organs are strictly inspected, and some things will cause great trouble.

And we can't project into a new body after you arrive. The bodies of these wolf girls are extremely suitable for our souls. Now the souls have become somewhat dependent. There will be a period of weakness in the new body, and it may even be Causes soul damage.

Otherwise, do you think "Yue" likes this small body? "

Sylvia's words made Wang Shui unable to refute, but he thought "Yue" just liked this body.

Aqua regia walked towards the plant greenhouse with some depression, leaving all the sisters and Sylvia staring at each other.

"Has he... been so childish before?"

"Maybe I'm just too stupid to plant grass."



Even though the day of boarding the ship is coming soon, Wang Shui is still preparing in an orderly manner.

During the time when he is about to leave, he needs to set up a longer natural growth environment for the plant greenhouse and add some important data.

During his preparation, Sylvia often came over to help him sort out his combat system.

In the last battle with Silver Brand, Wang Shui himself didn't gain much. Apart from evasion, he almost killed the opponent instantly. Thinking that the opponent had a third level, Wang Shui was also quite surprised.

Of course, the certifiers were more surprised than Aqua Regia. Generally speaking, the threshold for getting a badge is Level [-]. Aqua Regia only had Level [-] skills and defeated those at Level [-]. There are some cases like this, but not many. See.

For this battle, Teacher Hill only gave 75 points:
She thinks that the handling of Aqua Regia is too messy. When encountering a situation where the enemy is strong and we are weak, we must go all out to kill him.

Fighting wastes energy and is always detrimental to the weaker party.

Sylvia hoped that Aqua Regia would have a clearer fighting idea, but the sorting effect was very average.

It can even be said that the more you sort it out, the more chaotic it gets - Wang Shui is already quite knowledgeable, and he has learned everything in a decent way.

But it is precisely because of his erudition that he cannot find the most suitable fighting method for him.

This is a difficult problem. Sylvia is waiting. She is waiting for the combat master's certification to pass.

Even if Shui Wang is only given a bronze medal or even an honorary title due to level issues, Shui Wang can still get help from the Battle Master Think Tank, and professionals will help him design a growth direction.

Think tanks may not be able to fight, but they have trained hundreds of crystal badge holders, and they can always guide warriors forward.

Sylvia couldn't provide much help, but she still came to Wang Shui often to cover her sisters' little moves.



Time turned again, and these days were all boarding dates. Wang Shui had already applied to the system for the qualification to leave the war zone, and at the same time received the mission posted by Old Moran in the system.

With the mission, even if Wang Shui stays outside for a timeout, he will not be marked as a defector by the system.

Wang Shui packed up his luggage, changed into a long windbreaker hunting suit, and prepared to go to the system's main city in the southeast:

Now, he is no longer the rookie in the life department. This time when he went out, his luggage only occupied about one-fifth of the awakened person's space.

Of course, in order to prevent accidents, he also carried a long leather backpack matching the hunting suit. With various hanging points and pockets on his body, he was fully armed.

Even if he can't open his personal space, he can still cope with some problems.

Just when Wang Shui was about to take the base's truck and transfer to [Rena], "Yue", who had been missing recently, came over with a strange artificial man.

Yes, Wang Shui could tell at a glance that this was a man-made man, and he was certain that it was made by sisters who knew alchemy and copied Wang Shui's technology.Their alchemy has not reached the level of aqua regia, and they have not completely mastered the Gate of Truth, so the body of this artificial human is quite simple, and there are even lines of alchemy formation on the smooth skin.

"What do you mean?"

"Don't you want someone to accompany you?"

"There's no need to make a special toy, right? Aren't you saying that it's hard for androids to pass the security check?"

"This is no ordinary artificial human."

The little wolf girl "Moon" activated the array on the android, and the new android, which was not particularly tall, quickly softened and shrank, condensing into a ball of pink gel the size of a fist.

"Transformation Gel?!" Wang Shui was really shocked, "A gel produced by a [Transformer Slime] that is even rarer than King Slime?! Isn't this thing particularly expensive?
No, this is produced by our slime farm? !The scale of that farm is obviously so small..."

"Yue" nodded:
"Yes, I almost guessed it right. We were able to build a slime farm only because of the wild slime community in the mountains. Although their community was small and no slime king was born, they unexpectedly produced some special history. Lyme.”

"Yue" said while showing the data to Wang Shui. Wang Shui took the gel ball hesitantly and whispered:

"Does that include this thing? The deformation gel is very expensive. It's best to sell it to add some liquidity to the base."

"What Yue means is that if you use it first, it's best to sell it at the [Triad Alchemy Technology Exhibition], where you should be able to get a good price."

Sylvia's voice sounded in Wang Shui's mind. She was originally driving to Tiefeng City with her sisters to deliver goods, but now, she was peeping through the perspective of "Moon".

"Your words are terrible in every sense of the word..."

Aqua Regia had a weird expression, but still put away the gel seriously.

At this time, "Yue" did not leave. She still stood there quietly, looking at Shui Wang from time to time, as if she was sending a live broadcast to her sisters.

Wang Shui couldn't help but started chatting:
"I'll take care of selling the deformation gel, so you don't have to stare at me like this, but why do you go to all the trouble of getting an artificial body?"

"Don't you want to find someone to travel with?"


"So we chose deformation gel, which can easily pass security checks and won't be recognized."


Just as Wang Shui wanted to complain about something, he was interrupted by "Yue" who was live broadcasting.

"Ah? Didn't I say that? Well - everyone means that with this temporary body that is easy to carry and has mild ingredients, we can travel with you."

"Oh? You?"

"Whoever is free can come. With this body, we can move around for about a day and a half without any pressure, so if necessary, I can ask my free sister to accompany you. How about it, young master, are you feeling happier?"

Feeling the concern of his sisters, Wang Shui wanted to laugh a little, but also wanted to complain that these guys were quite introverted.

"I'm happy, but your alchemy skills are too poor. I'll give you a pinch on the way."

Some words with low emotional intelligence effectively alleviated "Yue"'s embarrassment.

All the sisters are not the type who want to show clear concern for Wang Shui. They all silently value all their family members.

Including Wang Shui, they have lived together for a long time, and the tacit understanding and companionship of their souls go beyond ordinary feelings.



The journey on this planet is relatively boring.

After being put on the heavy-duty train, all the way to the near-Earth launch site and the space dock space station, Wang Shui observed everything indifferently.

Although he defeated a not very strong third-level transcendent, he was still a newcomer and he knew very little about this battlefield planet.

This was the first time he saw the huge steel city at the rear, countless expensive aircraft and neat extraordinary troops.

Speaking of which, he has not even been to the fierce battlefields on the front lines.

It wasn't until he boarded the giant spaceship that he couldn't see the whole thing that Wang Shui felt a little unrealistic in his heart - it turned out that he really lived in a world where he could enter and exit space at will!
Here, a war that he could not imagine was really breaking out.

Wang Shui seems to have seen what the future will look like, but he does not believe that he belongs on the battlefield.

With an inexplicable sense of depression, Wang Shui verified his identity alone and boarded the ship with luxurious interiors. There were very few people boarding here, or in other words, it seemed that he was the only one.

This huge and luxurious ship seemed to have come specifically to pick him up.

The shock to Aqua Regia was not over yet. The giant thing he boarded showed him a new world - a mobile city in space.

On the digital map, Wang Shui just glanced at the ruler and calculated the actual area of ​​this 76-story luxurious city, which was about 11 times that of Tiefeng City.

There are millions of staff here... There are also 11 real guests, and Wang Shui is one of them.

Wang Shui met fellow passengers in the living area. Their clothes, food, and social circles were all worlds that Wang Shui didn't understand and didn't want to understand. Here, he was like a bodyguard who had lost his owner, walking by at a loss. All public facilities.

Taking the free transportation in the spaceship to the residential area, Wang Shui saw the simulated sky in an elevated area, smelled the fresh fragrance of vegetation, and found the four-person room corresponding to his ticket - a separate small villa.

Feeling the real natural environment, Wang Shui could not imagine that this was the inside of a spaceship - this was completely different from what he had seen online.

Wang Shui entered his villa, and after verifying his identity, the ship's intelligent computing center pulled him into the internal network. Various free and paid services popped up, but Wang Shui shut them down with a weird look on his face.

Until he finished taking a shower and buried himself in the pillows on the sofa, Wang Shui didn't calm down. He only had simple emotions now -

Surprise, loneliness, and a little bit of fear.

This is why he always wanted Sylvia to accompany him. Her Queen-to-be must have seen this kind of world a lot... If she was here, Wang Shui would be much more calm.

But Wang Shui did not say it directly. Some growth needs to be faced by oneself.

He curled up on the sofa, slowly relaxing his body, and the tension slowly receded. By the time he sat silently, the simulated environment outside had turned into late night.

At this time, Aqua Regia took out the deformation gel. As the light flashed, a slightly smaller body was constructed. Because of the special nature of the gel, it also simulated a simple dress.

"Is the environment good?"

The android sat with a carefree body opposite Wang Shui, casually commenting on the dark villa hall.

Aqua Regia didn't ask anyone to come, it was Sylvia who discovered the activated body and came over on her own initiative.

For Sylvia, this level of luxury was already expected when she saw the ticket number.

Wang Shui, who had adjusted his mentality a long time in advance, fell into the sofa again and replied lightly:

(End of this chapter)
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