my slow journey to infinity

Chapter 71 The painting style of another world

Chapter 71 The painting style of another world
"What's the good news?"

Hughes wondered what good news there was in this situation.

"Mastan and the others already know about the National Formation Formation, and the information they have obtained is more detailed than what you found. They have begun to contact the Eastern Army and the Northern Army to prepare to join forces to fight against the Central Army."

This is... really good news. Although it doesn't sound very safe, it is better than everyone being kept in the dark.

"So, what's the bad news?"

"The bad news is that you can't leave here yet, and you can't tell people outside that you are still alive, especially your wife and daughter. They are just ordinary people. It is very dangerous for them to get involved in this matter."

Although Hughes was a little lonely, he accepted Wang Shui's statement that wives and daughters without professional training are indeed easily exposed. The less they know, the safer they are.

"Where is this? How long do I have to wait?"

"It's just a small tobacco company. You will have to disappear for at least a year and a half, but if you are willing to change your face, you can go out and look around."

"Makeup? Mask?" Hughes immediately thought of some espionage methods.

"It's alchemy. Well, it's indeed a good idea to send you out to help. Mustang and the others are very busy, but you can't suddenly join them with a new identity. It's also very suspicious."


With that said, Wang Shui snapped his fingers, and soon, a middle-aged man with gray hair walked into the room.

"Name? Position?" Wang Shui asked in Sylvia's voice.

What surprised Hughes was that she was the one who called the person, but she asked him to give his name.

"Tucker Feller, the general manager of [Bingyu], a refined consumer goods company under [Xiwei Grain and Energy Group], is currently not well-known and has not established a social circle."

"Okay, it's you."

Listening to the conversation between the two, Hughes felt that this middle-aged man of high status was particularly cold and even a little dull when he spoke, but his tone and accent were very similar to the woman opposite, and they felt like a father and daughter.

The intelligence officer was indeed very keen, but he guessed wrongly. They were not father and daughter but sisters. Well, they should be brother and sister.

This middle-aged man is also an artificial person, with a Hill sister driving the car inside.

"Lieutenant Colonel Hughes, if you want to go out, it's best to look like him. However, you can only contact people on Mustang's side. You can use the resources of this company to help them. Remember, don't contact your family."

"I understand...when can we start?"

Wang Shui thought for a while before replying:

"A week later."



The new country does not exist.

In the original work of Steel Refining, it only borrowed a few fictional character settings and the name [Alchemy].

Even the fighting style in the painting is the samurai and ninja style imagined by the artist himself. The seemingly agile movements of opening and closing are actually very difficult to exert force and difficult to defend and evade. It is completely film and television. of creation.

In Wang Shui's view, the so-called alchemy here is alchemy with a different skin.

It was because Aqua Regia opened up this world that alchemy strengthened its connection with medicine, and the [Elixir] settings that were not originally available were added.

But from Wang Shui's perspective, these things are also one-sided and abstract. Many things are wrong and are based on the extension of his own stereotypes.

For example, the medicinal properties of various herbal medicines, such as the forms of pills, decoctions, ointments, and pills, were consistent with Aqua Regia's impression, but Aqua Regia found many errors and omissions after a little research.

Wang Shui came to a new country that did not exist before and saw a very tangled world.

Although there is an emperor who unifies the world in the new country setting, it is generally divided according to ethnic groups, and various clans compete for the emperor's favor.

But this is very unscientific. The history in Wang Shui's memory has never been so confusing.

Ethnic groups were originally mixed, and transportation was not convenient in ancient times. Most people recognized themselves by region, and when asked, they would ask where their hometown was.

The current Xinguo is in chaos. The random nonsense in the original work, coupled with Wang Shui's memories and assumptions about the Qing Dynasty, have made the politics, military, and economy here a mess.

The capital city is full of all kinds of vehicles and machines, and the streets are bustling with business and people.

However, according to Wang Shui's investigation, in the past ten years, due to the booming industry, Xinguo has begun a state of warlord separatism similar to that after the Republic of China.

The current emperor is not particularly panicked. He has strong financial resources and has long invested in various industries. He has mastered a large amount of resources and a powerful army. He is still the largest warlord.

Wang Shui has no sense of belonging to this magical new country. He doesn't like the Qing Dynasty in history. He doesn't want to see the absurd and difficult life of the people in the capital, let alone interfere with this country.

He didn't even get out of the car and went straight to the palace.

Under the strange [Ruyu Pavilion] plaque was the emperor's study. Wang Shui waited for a moment before being called in, and then he saw Uncle Dao Ming.

When he saw Uncle Dao Ming's face, Wang Shui's expression was complicated. He didn't need to guess to know that the system had made it all up based on his memory, without considering anything like ethnicity.

"Sylvia? Your foreign name?"

It has to be said that Uncle Dao Ming's tone still makes people feel like spring breeze, with a gentleness in his majesty.

He put down the thread-bound book in his hand and slowly walked out from behind the desk.

"You can call me Wang Shui, but actually, I'm not from Xinguo."

When Wang Shui answered, he did not use the English-like language of Amestoris, but the language similar to ancient Chinese used by Xinguo.

"I see, why are you not used to being called "Your Majesty"? "

Uncle Dao Ming was not angry, but walked over with a smile. He took a serious look at Wang Shui, who was dressed casually.

"Seeing that I don't even wear a dress, do you think I have never seen foreign clothes? Mr. Via, the legendary businessman? Tsk, he is a bit too young."

"Yes, it came in a hurry."

Wang Shui is neither humble nor arrogant, not entirely because he is tough, but because he really doesn't understand etiquette.

When he was a child, he had learned some scholarly rituals in school, and even had a coming-of-age ceremony with his classmates at the Confucian Temple. Of course, it was purely for fun at school, but now he only remembers giving it up.

"It's a small matter. I heard that Mr. Wang Shui likes to collect books related to alchemy and medicine. I also know that you obtained the title of national alchemist in a foreign country, so I used some rare books to lure you here. In fact, we have important matters to discuss. , please sit down."

Hiss - this is not something that can be spent at [-]. This emperor is much more pragmatic than Wang Shui imagined, and he even dismissed his guards.

"Your Majesty, just say it straight. I'm afraid I'll get the wrong intention."

"Okay, I hope to get your technical support. I need your weapons factory, and I want my people to completely master these technologies."

Uncle Daoming started to speak loudly, but he did not propose any reward at the same time.


Uncle Dao Ming was stunned by Wang Shui's words. He originally thought that Wang Shui, as a businessman, would ask for compensation first, or lower his demands first.

"Don't be surprised, my energy is limited, and money is not particularly important to me.

I will settle here in the near future. Information and technical personnel on basic guns, tanks, rockets and other weapons can start here today.

I can even help you build supporting heavy industrial facilities, various production lines, and factories. Likewise, I also hope to get your help, and I will give you my full help without any conditions. "

"It doesn't hurt to elaborate."

Wang Shui's generosity didn't make Uncle Dao Ming happy either. He only favored himself and others.

"People, scientific researchers, I need talents who are proficient in alchemy, I need professional and experienced doctors, I need top-notch martial artists, and I also need supporting and comprehensive knowledge.

Even if these talents live in the countryside, in deep mountains and old forests, or even under the tents of warlords everywhere, I still want them to help me with my research. "Uncle Daoming frowned and stared into Wang Shui's eyes, then stood up, walked around the room, and came back to continue staring.

After a long time, he said:
"Your request is more extreme than asking for money directly."

"I believe that for Your Majesty, money is no longer your pursuit. I can help you complete the reunification of the country. I also hope that you can help me complete the intellectual reunification."

"No, you are wrong. Money is still very important to me." Uncle Daoming said seriously, then suddenly laughed and said:

"It should be straightforward enough at this level, right?"

Well, interesting sir.

"I probably understand. What you mean is that as a businessman, I not only have to provide technology, people, and factories, but also money?"

"As the emperor, I not only have to publish out-of-print books, but also help you recruit talents from all over the country. You also know that the various places are listening to the propaganda but not the instructions. Wait for me to slowly raise money, build factories and produce, and snatch those talents back to you. , maybe it will be gone for decades.”

Okay, the progress of unifying the country has slowed down, and it’s all my fault that I don’t have the money.

"Then, I will pay [-]% in cash and put it directly into the construction. You will send out the site selection today, and construction can start in a week at the earliest."

"You pay [-]%, and I will grant you a title in the new country and help you open up the market, but there is one requirement. You can leave at any time, and you can't take away too much property."

Hiss - Is your political situation a little too unstable?Can such benefits be obtained?

"Do you want to be so straightforward?"

"I hate going around too!" Uncle Dao Ming patted Wang Shui on the shoulder.

"Deal, don't worry about the market for now, let's establish the military industry system first."

Wang Shui really doesn't want to open up the market here anymore, and he doesn't want to use modern industry to destroy the chaotic economy here. He doesn't have the time or interest.

"Okay! Come and look at the map on the desk. The blank space in Zhu's review is the address chosen by the ministers. The one with the old buildings was chosen by me. Which one do you think is more suitable?"

Yes, Uncle Dao Ming had already made up his mind. He was sure that Wang Shui would agree.

Wang Shui looked at the map carefully, asked about the meaning of various marks, and then came to the conclusion:
"Use it all."

"Use them all? Does it need such a large area? Would it be better to build it in other cities?"

Wang Shui organized the language:

"No, the first phase of construction will not even use one-third of the land drawn, but the water sources of these rivers must be utilized. Not only that, water conservancy facilities must be built in these places... Let's do it!"

Wang Shui picked up a brush and dipped it in ink, but the ink was already a little dry.He fumbled around awkwardly, knowing that he needed to grind the ink first, but he didn't know where the various tools were or how to use them.

Uncle Dao Ming didn't ask anyone to come in. He picked up a plain white pen and dipped it in some water from the porcelain basin on the shelf at the back, sprinkled it into the inkstone, and then skillfully spread out the old ink.

After three or two strokes of ink, Uncle Dao Ming remembered something, patted his forehead gently, and said:
"Oops, there's a pen in the back."

Wang Shui was also made to laugh. He also had an alchemy pen on his waist, but he was afraid that the emperor would misunderstand him.

"It's not important. Your Majesty, look here."

Wang Shui dipped in ink to mark out some areas on the map, and said:
"The area to the north is set up as a heavy industrial zone, and slightly to the southwest, factories for both military and civilian use can be set up. In the southeast, all the way to the seaside, it is set up as a chemical industry zone, and transportation and various resource facilities are also built together.

Then there is here, east of the east city of Beijing, where the scientific research and education area and the relatively strict new city are built.To the south and west, build modern cities and gradually move out civilians to prepare for future development.

As for the middle part, it is built as a city within a city and a national forbidden area. "

Wang Shui's painting was very simple, but Uncle Dao Ming understood it.

"In this way, not to mention the resources, property, and manpower consumed, it will be a big project in terms of time, which will easily waste people and money."

"What age are you looking for? Professional workers. I will quickly create a group of... um, mechanical workers. The construction speed is very fast. I will bear this part of the cost.

However, the scientific research area must be developed first. If His Majesty's capable ministers and celebrities cannot master the core technology, then building more factories will be in vain. "

In order to start research as soon as possible, Wang Shui increased his investment. Uncle Dao Ming pondered for a moment and nodded:

"Okay, we can start work tomorrow."

"Ahem... Not tomorrow. The production workers still need a lot of materials. Your Majesty allows me to transport resources for a few days. It will still be the same time, a week later."

In fact, it's not over yet. The two have just made a general plan, and there are still many details to discuss.

The lights rise at sunset, and it's midnight in a blink of an eye.

The emperor's body was obviously not in the condition of an ordinary person, and Wang Shui could also feel his powerful "qi".

Presumably Uncle Dao Ming also has two brushes, otherwise he would not even arrange a bodyguard, even to show trust is too much.

The servant brought food and drinks for the third time. It was already midnight snack. He carefully placed the things on the table in the outer room, whispered a reminder and quickly retreated, not daring to look at the papers scattered on the floor.

"By the way, does your Majesty have a son named Lin and a daughter named Mei?"

During the intermission, Wang Shui couldn't help but gossip about the main characters.

"Oh? Do you know him? If I remember correctly, he is the son of a local clan who wants to marry the emperor, which means that the whole clan will comply and is a prince in name only. They even keep their own surname."

"Troublesome and strange setting."

"Yes, it's old and complicated. If they don't agree with me, they will be exterminated by me. And the clans that have won my praise will get carried away and suppress others, which makes me endlessly annoyed.

The Lin you mentioned seems to be from the Yao family. He said he went to seek the elixir of immortality. Ha, it's a fantasy.How did you know them? "

"They went to Amestorius. Immortality is not a fantasy, but that kind of power is too evil and difficult to control. It is very unstable for the country."

Wang Shui said it seriously. In fact, it was no wonder that he mentioned this to a high-ranking emperor. The emperor would know about it after Yao Lin and the others finished participating in the final battle.

"Is it the Hohenheim kind?"

"Huh?! You know him?"

"The Jin Man from hundreds of years ago is not a legend but a real thing. There are many books about him.

He introduced a kind of alchemy, which was combined with medicine and martial arts by our alchemists and Taoists, and integrated with alchemy. The development of modern science and technology depends entirely on this thing. How could I not know about it.

Moreover, the book records that the man named Hohenheim can naturally repair his body, and also records that he was tortured by resentful spirits. I wonder if he is dead now. "

"He's still alive, but he's dying."

Wang Shui received it casually, and at the same time tasted the pastries carefully. I have to say, this cook is amazing!
"Oh? Is it true that you have such a long life? You are only now at the end of your life?"

Uncle Dao Ming was also tired, munching on pastries while asking about interesting foreign stories before dinner.

"Well, that guy studied for a long time before he found a way to kill himself. But he still has something to do. After he saves the country, he will die in peace."

"Sounds interesting, where are the details?"

"It hasn't happened yet. I'll tell you about it when I get the chance. But Yao Lin and the others should also have experienced it by then, so you can let them tell you."

"Tsk, tsk, immortality. Although it is dangerous, if it were put in front of me, I don't think I would refuse."

Uncle Dao Ming did not hide his desire for immortality.

"Your Majesty, given your physical condition and age, you still have a lot of time in your life. Maybe you will feel tired of this world earlier than the immortality technology."

Wang Shui lamented to a ruler without knowing whether to live or die.

Uncle Dao Ming laughed out loud:
"Hahaha, boy, what you said makes sense!"

(End of this chapter)

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