my slow journey to infinity

Part 7 of Chapter [-]: You’re not that stupid after all.

Chapter 7 Half, you’re not that stupid~
"Do you know the secret of using a sword, Hanbu?"

[One-Handed Straight Sword] The skill instructor looked at the open space in front of him with a serious face and asked Wang Shui a question.

I don’t know, please tell me to hurry up. I still have to kill monsters. If I don’t kill monsters, I won’t have anything to eat today. Don’t blame me then. Please treat me to dinner.

"The secret of the sword? Is it the union of man and sword?" he replied casually.

The instructor smiled and shook his head: "Always keep enough room to escape."

Okay, I approve of your swordsmanship!

"A one-handed straight sword is generally used with an off-hand shield. It is both offensive and defensive, and is also convenient for escape. However, it can only be equipped with a small shield. If you use a large shield, you need a special [Shield Specialization] skill, which is a skill that requires high strength to learn. "

The instructor pulled out a wooden sword from the weapon rack next to him, lowered his body slightly, put his left hand and foot in front, held the sword flat with his right hand and pulled it back, and his body relaxed naturally.

"For safety reasons, a small shield is an off-hand equipment that must be mastered. However, in terms of sword skills, the small shield will interfere with vision and balance during early training, so you can start without holding a shield when learning."

"Yeah!" Wang Shui nodded, ran to the right side of the instructor, and assumed the same posture half a body behind, so that he could see the instructor's movements clearly.

The instructor also nodded with relief. He looked dull, but he still had the ability to take the initiative to learn.

"Look, the so-called sword skills are also sublimated from simple attack movements. In the final analysis, the movements are still those movements. The standard attack movements of a one-handed sword are mainly thrust, downward slash, upward lift, horizontal slash, left and right diagonal slash, etc. Wait, these movements almost all have corresponding sword skills, just like the thrusting hand movement I am showing now."

When the instructor said this, he pushed his feet on the ground to exert force, rotated his waist and hips, and sent the sword straight forward with his right arm.

At the same time, the wooden sword's blade lit up with a distinct blue light, and the sword skill took shape.

At first, the person is pushing the sword, but when the instructor's sword reaches the extreme distance, it becomes the sword leading the person away!
The instructor sprinted forward three to four meters at an extremely fast speed. He himself also made a small jump and even stepped in the air to change legs, so that his sword skills could help him sprint out.

"This is the general basic sword skill for one-handed weapons - [Linear Attack]. Of course, it is difficult to judge the one-handed hammer and the like."

The instructor's explanation was so bland that Wang Shui was dumbfounded.

As promised, what about a world without magic?Can anyone do a stress analysis on the displacement just now?Isn't this magic? !
Although he was complaining endlessly, Wang Shui still started to follow suit, pushing his feet on the ground to exert force and twisting his waist and hips.

The instructor didn't teach him to twist his waist or raise his crotch, maybe because he thought that Wang Shui, who claimed to have learned the [Dagger] skill, should know how to exert force.


It was a slight clang when the force reached the tip of the sword, and the thrust was standard, but the light of the sword skill did not light up, and Wang Shui naturally did not sprint out.

"Well, I did a good job in half of it. The movements are very standard. It's just that the twisting of the waist ends too early, or the arm movement is too slow, which leads to a feeling of weakness in the end. Don't be anxious. I will teach you the lower chop, the upper lift, and the horizontal chop first. , left and right diagonal slashes, you practice these movements together to become familiar with the sword in your hand, so that the movements are stable and the force can be exerted smoothly."

Then the instructor demonstrated the downward slash, upward lift, horizontal slash, and left and right slash. This time he did not activate the sword skills, but only demonstrated the movements slowly.

After watching it twice from multiple angles, Wang Shui fell into deep thought, carefully recalling and analyzing the instructor's standard force movements.

It didn't take long for him to start practicing, with his instructor giving guidance.

"Don't twist your body too much when cutting horizontally. Just let the sword draw back naturally when it reaches the right side."

"The arm should be open for the slash. Yes, the front part of the sword should travel the maximum distance, so that the power near the tip of the sword will be greater. Control the distance and angle of each slash, and it is best to keep the force consistent."

"Tickling is not a challenge! Pay attention to relaxing your wrists! Move forward, yes, and keep your body balanced."

These movements were not difficult, and the instructor was very patient. Soon Shui Wang's movements became quite coherent and smooth.

But Wang Shui still hasn't learned the skills, so he can't use the sword skills at all.

Time passed quietly, and slight hunger, muscle soreness and mental exhaustion came together, but Aqua Regia still gritted his teeth and persisted.

Sweat flowed into his eyes, so he simply closed his eyes and only used his body to feel the movement of the sword.

Wang Shui didn't want to give up. This might be his only chance to acquire basic skills.

He couldn't learn it from such a responsible [One-Handed Straight Sword] instructor... He didn't think highly of others either. Being miserable and performing were not his burden. He was more afraid of wasting time.

The delay in acquiring skills is not just a matter of falling behind schedule, but a matter of survival.

His natural ability prevented him from simply dragging and dropping skills, but it also strengthened his learning ability. The word "extreme" is not just a decoration.

The more he chops and stabs, the lighter the [small sword] in his hand becomes, and finally becomes like a branch or even a feather. Gradually, Aoi can feel the wind, or airflow, passing through the blade.

He could feel the air being split by the blade, but he still didn't gain the skill.

It was as if he had stayed in the safe city [Tiefeng City] controlled by the system for half a year, read a lot of various professional books, and consumed a lot of bullets to practice guns, but he never acquired any skills.

A faint feeling of irritation slowly began to creep into my heart, and the sword in my hand began to become heavier.

"Stop." The instructor said calmly, interrupting Wang Shui's uneasy momentum.

Stopping the shuriken, Wang Shui wiped the sweat from his face, and no longer restricted his breathing. He swallowed the air in big mouthfuls to save his confused head.

The instructor walked back and forth in a small area, his face full of solemnity.

"Hanbu, how did your brother teach you the [Dagger] skill?"

ah?I can't, I'm just talking nonsense.

Wang Shui could only shake his head in confusion.

The instructor frowned, circled around Shui Wang twice, and finally walked to the front of Shui Wang and looked into Shui Wang's eyes.

Wang Shui now no longer has the energy to perform, and his eyes have returned to his own vicious dead fish eyes. Exhaustion makes Shui Wang look even more unfriendly.

"Hanbu...have you ever killed a monster?"

Wang Shui shook his head.

"Then you, with the mentality of wounding and killing, do you use violence against any target?"

"Does a wooden target count?" When Wang Shui answered, he thought of the poor target that had its entire outer outline destroyed by his practice of marksmanship.

The mentor shook his head seriously, then picked up the wooden sword again.

"Come on, attack me. You should still have some strength."

Um?Wang Shui expressed doubts, sparring?

"With the attitude of killing me, attack my vitals. Don't worry, with your skills and condition, if you can touch the corner of my clothes, I will give you a gift."

Such low-quality provoking methods and extremely unreasonable material temptations. Although Aqua Regia is a little annoyed, he is not stupid yet.

The level of this instructor is definitely not too low. For a one-handed sword, agility is the main attribute. His speed must be very fast. It is normal for him to miss.

But thinking this way, Wang Shui still lowered his body and assumed a charging posture.

The instructor simply stood, holding the hilt of the wooden sword in his right hand, the tip of the sword naturally hanging down and pointing to the ground.

Thrust!Wang Shui suddenly burst forward. Without sword skills, he could only step forward and walk up, and at the same time thrust the sword forward.

The posture is standard and the movements are powerful.

The instructor just turned slightly to the side and avoided the piercing sword tip very lightly.

Standing firm on his feet, Wang Shui did not put away his sword, but turned his wrist and buckled it inwards. The sword body was leveled, and he took a step to the left. The sword in his hand quickly changed from stabbing to slashing to the right.

The instructor took a step back and just avoided the horizontal slash again.

Wang Shui's right foot at the back cuts a circle from the inside to his left foot. His center of gravity moves forward quickly. At the same time, he turns his wrist outwards, allowing the sword blade to do a small wrist dance in front of him. When the sword moves to the upper right, he quickly moves directly towards Cut diagonally downward to the left.

The description is more complicated. In fact, it means taking a small step forward after a horizontal cut, turning the wrist to dance, and then cutting diagonally.

Smart, coherent and delicate.

The diagonal slash enveloped the mentor within the attack range, but the mentor just raised the wooden sword lightly.

The wooden sword knocked Wang Shui's sword away. The instructor took a step forward, clasped the sword in his wrist and hit Wang Shui's chest in an instant. Then he turned his wrist very quickly, and the tip of the wooden sword drew a very small semicircle, just in time to hit the lowered man. Throat of aqua regia!
After receiving a heavy blow on his chest, Wang Shui felt a slight tap from his mentor, and a small but clear force penetrated directly through his chest and out from his back.

The tip of the sword that swept across his throat brought clearer pain. Aqua regia choked and unconsciously let go of the [small sword] in his hand.

Dang clang——dang——

The small sword fell to the ground, and Wang Shui also grabbed his throat and stabbed him until he knelt down and didn't recover for a long time.

"Such exquisite wrist skills. Has anyone ever taught you how to use a sword like this? In the sword skill system, even a thin sword does not have such a continuous attack."

Rather than being injured by Wang Shui, the instructor was even more surprised that Wang Shui had just shown him, and he responded with a backhand clasp of the wrist, sword point, and a small slash with a flip of the wrist.

"It's very sophisticated, but without the corresponding sword skills, it won't be very powerful. This technique-focused attack has too small a range of movements, making it difficult to develop into sword skills. And it's obvious that this technique is aimed at small and medium-sized monsters. Or just for..."

That's right, it was developed for people - killing skills.

Because the injury was not serious and he didn't even lose much blood, Aqua Regia recovered quickly.

"Why, your throat is injured and you can't speak?"

Wang Shui nodded, and the [Damaged Part] Debuff icon appeared below his short blue health bar, with a countdown of 5 minutes.

But it doesn't matter!
Wang Shui endured the pain and once again assumed a charging posture, but this time it was not towards his mentor, but towards the open space next to him.

The power of the ground, legs, and waist starts from the ground and flows naturally.

When Wang Shui stabbed the sword blade flatly, azure blue light quickly covered the sword blade.

Accompanied by light effects and sword skill sound effects, Wang Shui moved forward two to three meters before he stood still with messy steps.

"Well, when using the dash skill, either create time for your feet to leave the ground, or run and charge with them. Don't put your feet firmly on the ground to brake."

After giving the final guidance, the instructor smiled and shook his head, "Hanbu, you're not that stupid. Your understanding of swords seems to be a little different from traditional schools."

Wang Shui did not show any expression of joy, but bowed to his mentor seriously.

Then he took out a blank piece of paper and wrote with a pen:

"Thank you very much for your teaching. It's really important to me. What's very rude is that I haven't asked the teacher's name yet."

"Luke, or according to the mentors' numbers, you can call me mentor number seven."

Thank you so much Brother Qi. Wang Shui looked at the [One-Handed Straight Sword] skill that had been automatically filled in the skill bar. He was so happy that he quickly calmed down.

Rather than simply acquiring this skill, Wang Shui was more concerned about the fact that he seemed to have caught the inspiration to continue acquiring the skill.

"You seem to be aware of it." Mentor Seventh Brother suddenly said, "You should have figured out the reason why I am stuck on the edge of mastering the skill."

Yes, Wang Shui nodded. It turned out that if he wanted to acquire skills, he would also use the skills he practiced to beat others.

"Yes, it is the idea, the idea of ​​the strong. Attack, defeat, or even kill, the skills you have mastered or the prototype of the skills, it is not a dance, nor is it a physical exercise, it is a weapon! And in your hands A weapon like a sword! You are too cowardly!"

ah?Isn't it okay to just beat people?
"You have to grab it, grab the skill you are about to master, you have to imagine what kind of changes it will bring to you, how it will help defeat the enemy, master it! Use it!"

Wang Shui nodded very well, and then wrote on the paper: "Please explain it more simply."

"Intention, you lack the idea of ​​a strong man. There is no desire to win, no murderous intent, no aggression in your eyes. You lack fighting!"

Having said this, Wang Shui was instantly enlightened.

Indeed, he had not fought any battles for half a year and had been repairing cars and forging iron.

I went to practice shooting because I like firearms and want to have fun with them.

The only two skills he mastered were under great pressure to survive when he was captured by a force and forced to work as a coolie during the awakening mission.

Fighting, and pressure...

Wang Shui, who had figured it out, bowed to his mentor Seventh Brother again, and then wrote on the paper:
"I'll ask you if I have any questions later. I think I'm going to practice more now."

Today, Wang Shui has gained a lot. He has solved a big knot in his heart, but in terms of SAO strategy, he has not yet started.

"Well, you should practice more, and as an adventurer, your physical fitness is too poor. You can choose to do some additional strength training every day, such as practicing sword practice with weights. Strength is speed. Although it is a bit exaggerated, the strength is enough. The strength and agility attributes will indeed increase."

Mentor Seventh Brother was nagging like this, while Wang Shui looked confused.

"Can the four-dimensional attribute values ​​be improved through exercise?"

Looking at the words on the paper, the mentor Seventh Brother was also puzzled:

"Otherwise? Just rely on the three free attribute points you get each time you upgrade? Aren't the free attribute points used to make up for shortcomings? When you lack strength and can't pick up powerful weapons, you can increase your strength. You can also use agility and dexterity if you are in urgent need of it. Point some. There is only physical fitness, which has no other effect except increasing blood volume and physical potential. No one will increase physical fitness. Therefore, free attribute points are generally not hoarded first. When the effect of high-level exercise is significantly reduced, use the hoarded ones. Points to pick up more powerful weapons? Your mentor, oh no, didn’t your dead brother tell you?”

I haven’t seen Brother Hei for a month or two, and I hope he can overcome this illness soon.

No, the point is not Brother Hei.

In Wang Shui's memory, there was no previous post on the strategy website that mentioned attributes could be exercised to increase!
There are quite a few posts explaining the impact of attribute values ​​on combat, and then there are a bunch of point-adding strategies.

According to the instructor Seventh Brother, it is best to save the attribute points until the end to meet the wearing requirements of high-level equipment!

Now, the players who have upgraded the fastest are already at level three or four. With more than a dozen points, the impact is already huge...

Moreover, these guys with very high levels who wasted points will become the main force of the strategy team in the future!
Wang Shui rushed out the door and opened the map to find the location of the tavern.

Argo!You better, right here in this town!

(End of this chapter)

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