my slow journey to infinity

Chapter 58 Speech and Prelude to War

Chapter 58 Speech and Prelude to War

In the side hall where the entire group of elders was killed, Wang Shui began his live speech.

[Everyone who is fighting on the front lines, and fellow Ishval compatriots who are suffering in the rear, today, I think everyone should have expected it.To give a brief introduction to those compatriots who don't know me, my name is "Azir", an ordinary Ishvarian. 】

[I don’t want to make any further comments on these people who fell on the ground. No matter what the angle is, what they did is ruining our entire tribe. They deserve to die.These high priests who have mastered the channels of communication with gods and conveyed the will of gods for generations do not seem to be any more special than ordinary people like us. A small bullet can take away their fragile lives. 】

[I am not a group that denies God, but if God ignores all this and ignores our suffering, then do we still need to kneel down in front of His idols and pray to Him! 】

[Live, it’s that simple. We haven’t even pursued a happy life. Our enemies want to kill us, and our insides are full of these insects. My compatriots, I am very sad, but I can accept the rationality of all this. Sex, because a nation that does not strengthen itself does not deserve to live! 】

[We have been fighting against the desert and the harsh environment for thousands of years, but today we have to kneel down here!Gradually losing the last bit of resistance in the constant hunger and fear!Let others slaughter you in despair! 】

Wang Shui's voice gradually became louder, but he always maintained a cold and calm serious expression. He did not need to portray himself as a madman.

[I know you don’t want to kneel down either!I don’t want to be killed!Fellow citizens, stand up!Unite!We must rely on our own strength to create a living space! 】

[The root cause of the recent famine problem has been hastily solved with a few bullets, but the situation is not at all easy.My compatriots, the temple will still stand in the middle of the oasis, but I hope you can put aside all kinds of prejudices and face the development of this world, and we must take this step together. 】

[Here, I issue an announcement to the whole world that today, the interim government of the presidential parliamentary system of "Ishval Country" was officially established!I, "Azir Shia", will serve as the first president and be responsible for the current military and government affairs. All financial systems will be maintained with the same team of people. They will count the property of the original elders and return it to the national treasury for use in the war. 】

[The Finance Office will launch a 24-hour live broadcast for all large residential areas, and all resources will be compiled into detailed data announcements.Starting today, "Wartime Planned Rationing" will be launched. All basic supplies such as food and water sources will be distributed to the public free of charge after daily counting. However, the quantity will not be large at the beginning. We hope everyone can apply as needed. 】

[Then, in order to facilitate management, we will conduct the first census and the census of industrial, agricultural and commercial infrastructure. Everyone just needs to cooperate with the investigators to provide information.Soon we will open a large number of industrial, agricultural and commercial jobs, and we encourage everyone to work in exchange for remuneration. 】

[You don’t need to worry too much about supplies. The trade routes have been reopened and we will have sufficient supplies. 】

[Finally, I want to say to the people of Amestoris, yes, this live broadcast is also happening in all parts of Amestoire. 】

[Listen, you started an unjust war, a cruel massacre.You are invading the land where we have lived for generations, killing every one of our compatriots, without even finding a high-sounding reason.Okay, great, I hope you won’t talk about disgusting freedom, democracy and human rights when you bear our wrath. 】

[That’s it for now, for Ishval and for our world, long live victory! 】

The live broadcast was turned off, and Wang Shui recovered from his excitement. He nodded to several new cadres and asked them to go back and perform their duties quickly to support the leadership team.

Reasonable Wang Shui originally wanted to give a vigorous and highly inflammatory attack speech, but in the end he gave up.

Alas, this country is too weak. Not only is the industrial system weak, but the agriculture and animal husbandry commerce is also quite fragile. Without transportation lines and supplies, the huge population can only wait to starve to death.

His recent lectures at the bottom of society have allowed Wang Shui to see many scenes that can be called disasters, not to the level of "cannibalism", but almost there.

Even if he is not a good person, he has given up on tormenting the country, and he doesn't want to torment these people anymore, so he should settle it quickly.

The people in the side hall began to disperse, and when Wang Shui was about to return to his office, Yier, whom he hadn't seen for several days but insisted on following today, came up to him and asked directly:

"I visited those grain factories. The refining arrays inside are extremely efficient, and the birth-producing technology is also very mature... But the output should be far less than our stocks. There are also oils, vegetables, meat, a lot of sugar, fuel, Gunpowder and various chemicals cannot be produced by just a few factories."

Yi Er has matured a lot recently, but Wang Shui was too lazy to explain his money-making ability and just casually said:

"What you need to pay attention to is the alchemy laboratory. Arrange the talents I have recruited from all over the country and the alchemy masters invited from the new country. You have to lead their research and crack the national alchemy formation as soon as possible. Otherwise, how much can we do? All your efforts are in vain, and you don’t have to worry about supplies, I won’t let anyone starve to death.”

Aqua regia patted El on the shoulder slightly tiredly and asked him to concentrate on his work. El was hesitant to speak, but just solemnly nodded and left. In this situation, he chose to believe Mr. Azir.

There are only a few castle guards left in the room cleaning up the bodies of the elders. More soldiers have already set off to live broadcast the house raid. It will be a sleepless night tonight.

Wang Shui didn't care about the wealth. He returned to the small building he built alone, returned to his office, and opened the electronic atlas to monitor the battle situation.

"Hill, we are about to start taking action. Let a [Mechanized Brigade] penetrate from the northeast to the south to cut off the connection between this part of the enemy and nearby cities, and then let the Ishval army in the east cooperate with the feint attack and let them also participate. Feeling, now we need a victory to inspire us.”

"Yes, the specific combat plan will be drawn up by the fire control system of the [Daylight Blue Sheep] mecha. A simple order like yours is too amateurish."

Hill, who was sailing around the world, heard that there was a war and slipped back early.

"Aren't you going to take command personally? Can the brain of the second-level mobile armor come up with appropriate tactics?"

When it comes to fighting, Sylvia is obviously more professional than Aqua Regia.

"That's enough. The learning library of fifth-generation aircraft is rich in war resources. It's just a mortal war at the level of guns and artillery. Those national alchemists are not even comparable to a few strategic missiles, and we have undead soldiers. Are you still afraid? Are you fighting a resource war?”

"That's what I say... Okay, but remember to simulate the parameters of [Philosopher's Sword], don't waste those lives."

"Small idea."

Compared with commanding operations, Wang Shui has a more important job - government affairs.

He began to check the material production status of various factories, warehouses and logistics, and real-time data on various detailed matters.Even with the big data intelligence brain of [Core Computing Center·Crater Mountain] to help him sort it out, just looking at the statistics took him a lot of time. Recently, he has been learning how to manage a large organization.

Being president is much more difficult than doing research. If he wasn't really worried, Wang Shui would have wanted to do research with Yi Er and others.

Especially his [Philosopher's Sword] is still in a very crude state.

This is a special sword-shaped cold weapon made using [Sealing Alchemy]. It can absorb the soul of the target it kills into the [Pseudo Philosopher's Stone] in the sword. After killing a certain number of creatures, the false The stone will become a true Philosopher's Stone.

Wang Shui used the factory to make a lot of mass-produced [Philosopher's Sword], and then prepared a large number of his structural troops. A large number of lives were lost on the battlefield, and Wang Shui did not want to waste it.

Just, there is a kind of "efficient" beauty.



On the night of September 1907, 9, under the guidance of a lingering drone reconnaissance pod, a large-scale armored vehicle force camped quietly under the cover of rocky mountains and sand dunes. There was no command camp, and they just quickly established artillery positions.

yes they.

The ones running between the positions to transport ammunition were the Hill sisters who were driving mechanical structures.

The structure is human-shaped as a whole, with a blue-black matte coating on the outside. Firearms are embedded in the two arms, and a two-handed sword is embedded on their backs.

Their body shapes are exactly the same, only the cloaks with the new flag of Ishval have different numbers.

When the artillery position was being built, a [Reconnaissance Battalion] had already gone out to explore the way. Now two [Motorized Infantry Battalions] and a [Tank Battalion] are doing final inspections and will be dispatched soon.

Twelve unmanned aerial vehicles have been deployed over the battlefield, responsible for formation patrols, weather monitoring and data relay, and synchronizing ground images into a "war sandbox" to the distant battlefield command center.

At this time, two structures with somewhat sloppy paint climbed onto a small rocky mountain. They observed the enemy camp in the distance with their electronic eyes and communicated in low voices.

"What's next, Your Lady Queen?"

One of the structures was specially installed with a speaker, and the sound of aqua regia came out of it.

"I'll kill you first!"

Another structure controlled by Sylvia suddenly kicked Aqua Regia down from the rocky mountain. He was purely here to join in the fun and would only interfere with Sylvia's command.

"At the Military Academy, there are still five minutes until two o'clock in the morning. The artillery position immediately conducts the last self-inspection. The fire control program continues to be calibrated to ensure that the hit rate of the first round of "correction shots" is above 5%. Repeat the key points without the need for flares. .The mechanized infantry battalion and the tank battalion are preparing to charge at the barrage boundary, and everyone is counting down to attack! "


Sylvia's answer was thousands of "yes" that almost overlapped together. This atmosphere more or less allowed her to regain some of the feeling of being on the battlefield.

Wang Shui, who was kicked down the mountain, did not crawl back. He pulled out a quiet sand motorcycle from the camp supply truck, put a [Philosopher's Sword] on his back and ran to the battlefield.

All vehicles are driven by alchemy. The new version of the engine is very fast and makes little noise.

When Aqua Regia rushed to the middle of the battlefield, a red light suddenly flashed and disappeared on the digital communication interface, as if nothing had happened, until a few seconds later:

A dense and dull sound came from the front of the water regia, followed by continuous shock waves. Invisible air waves rolled up the sand, covering a large area for a while.

[Xu Jin Barrage] Wang Shui, who kept pressing forward and kept maneuvering, could even hear the screams on the battlefield.

At the same time, the green dots on the electronic map also began a silent charge.

The bombing only lasted 5 minutes. The flaming steel rain covered the Amestrian camp. The tank battalions were scattered and surrounded. The infantry got off the car and immediately drew out the [Philosopher's Sword] and entered the battlefield full of smoke and dust. .

When Shui Wang drew his sword and slashed into the first enemy's body, he deeply understood what massacre meant. The bodies of these ordinary people were too fragile.

There were no wailings all over the mountains and plains, and there was no tragic scene of blood flowing into rivers - the blood was absorbed by the sand.

The soldiers of Amestolis were cleansed by artillery while they were still sleeping. Those who survived the first round of artillery fire were already harvested by the mechanical death gods while they were still in a daze.

Half an hour later, Wang Shui stopped. He looked at the ruby ​​​​in the [Philosopher's Sword] sword. He felt a little complicated. What made him complicated was that killing ordinary people did not bring much psychological burden to him.

"Quickly check the wear and tear, and replace them immediately if there are any physical problems. The artillery battalion has moved forward. We will meet outside the city in the [C13] area. At five o'clock, we will launch the siege on time."

Sylvia calmly issued the maneuver order, and the combined brigade set off immediately.

 Don't worry, I'm adjusting the time. I want to update twice or more a day, and I'm looking for a suitable time to publish on time. (Also adjusting his work and rest)
(End of this chapter)

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