my slow journey to infinity

Chapter 44 Enjoying a Immoral Life

Chapter 44 Enjoying a Immoral Life
Sylvia couldn't understand why Aqua Regia wasted the whole night going to the pub to brag and chat with a group of drunkards.

No matter what he does in the future, the role of this group of ordinary people will be very limited. They are just a burden of time.

Wang Shui didn't explain much. He just refused the next card game at around eleven o'clock and returned to the hotel.

He took a shower in an orderly manner, then came to the light, took out a blank hard-cover notebook and wrote and drew in it.

"I don't understand why you waste your time doing meaningless things."

"Is it the same as I don't understand that you are surprised that I would intervene in the war and profit from it? What kind of strange moral sense does the Queen have towards the civilians in the fantasy world? Unexpected weakness."

Wang Shui's words were not very polite.

"As much as I want to say stupid things like "cheap tactics will dull the sword," I have to say that I have done things like massacre.Only after experiencing it can we have a bottom line. "Sylvia's voice didn't have much hesitation.

"Yes, I call it efficient."

"It's not efficient at all to waste time chatting. Your knowledge system, your body, your skills, there are so many aspects that you need to improve on. You entered this world just for time. Do you think you still have more than ten years of knowing this world?" After buffering, have you relaxed yourself? Rookie, do you need me to tell you that [self-discipline] is one of the basic conditions for becoming a strong person?"

Wang Shui did not rush to refute, he stopped writing and thought about it carefully.

"Just like your subconscious moral bottom line, I also have a bottom line to maintain myself, which is probably to communicate with others. Without self-worth, I will lose myself."

"What level? Just mention the realization of self-worth here. Can you first ensure that your life is not used casually by others? Are you using this excuse to comfort yourself?"

Wang Shui was questioned. Yes, he had made an excuse subconsciously. He could feel that he had become calm and indifferent recently, but his inertia and wanting to be lazy and fishy could not be changed with a slap on the head.

He has known the benefits of self-discipline since he was a child, but apart from the things he likes to do very much, any long-term work will make him slack off.

Self-deception didn't work anymore, Wang Shui felt guilty and chose to shut up and study.

"I think it is necessary for me to watch you become stronger." Sylvia said quietly.

"No way...I understand, I really need someone to supervise me." Wang Shui admitted his mistake.

"Now, your body does not belong to you alone. In order for the two of us to survive, I also need to take a certain share. Give me some authority over the biological brain, and I will set an exercise schedule for you."

Um, do you want to be so ruthless?
"And it's best to give me a way to punish you directly. Without coercive measures, it would be meaningless for you to cheat."

"It's impossible and meaningless. I can stop it unilaterally." Wang Guo flatly refused.

"Then... leave your body to me. When you are lazy, I will exercise and you can remain conscious to read or rest."

oh!Wang Shui actually forgot about this one, and it didn't seem difficult to do.

"Wait a mininute."

Wang Shui became interested. He moved a small space in the center of the room, moved his body briefly, and then said:

"I will gather my energy for a while and open a thinking interface to you. You can connect to my spirit and immediately imagine your own body when there is feedback. You should be able to do it."

[Thinking Lock] is not a system skill and cannot achieve a certain effect immediately after being released. All functions must be based on actual and parsable knowledge.

"Now? Okay." Sylvia accepted immediately, and then concentrated.

Wang Shui unfolded the digital structure of [Thinking Lock] in his mind, and then quickly drew an alchemical array on the vacated space.This is not the alchemy of the steel world, this is the alchemy of the world on the other side of the system brought by Wang Shui himself.

The lines on the ground glowed with light blue. Wang Shui's heart sank, and then Sylvia's exclamation came to his ears:

"Oh! Yes, I can feel it! But why can't I control it? I can feel it!"

Wang Shui suddenly realized that his current expression was the same as when he was a programmer and heard a tester complain to him about a certain error, and then he suddenly remembered that he had forgotten to write the implementation code for this interface.

"Well, it's a BUG. There's something wrong. I'll debug it again." Wang Shui also gave the same reply as a few years ago.

[Thinking Lock] also reserved a large interface for functions that it did not have. Wang Shui quickly patched the data packets in his mind.

"Come on, try again."

Aqua Regia activated the alchemy array again, and then gradually lost the feeling in his limbs. No, the touch was still there, but he couldn't control his body. To be honest, this feeling was terrible.

He could only watch as his hands were raised and clenched into fists.

Sylvia, who had taken control of her body, did not yell out of control, nor was she too excited. She just said lightly:
"Your body is so weak."

Well, Wang Shui checked his attributes:
[Physical fitness: 2.72]

【Coordination: 2.81】

【Perception: 3.67】

【Thinking: 4.11】

【Mind: 4.61】

"...Is it really weak? I feel like I have made great progress."

"Oh, I didn't expect that I would use such a body again. During the days when I was in a very bad state of poison, all my attributes were more than three times yours. I just couldn't feel it when I looked at the panel. After I got started, I really It's... indescribable." Sylvia manipulated Aqua Regia's body, leaping lightly in the small space to a height that just wouldn't touch the ceiling. During the landing process, she turned around flexibly and punched two punches and a whip. legs, and then landed silently on tiptoes.

Generally speaking, it is difficult to use extreme strength casually, not only because of hormone regulation and self-protection of body structure, but also complex factors such as force exertion angle, body posture, etc. will also affect the performance of strength.

But Sylvia's actions deeply shocked Wang Shui.It was the first time she used this body, and the strength, speed, and flexibility of various movements were actually stronger than aqua regia!Wang Shui is also a person with [Martial Arts Foundation]!

"My Lady Queen, try to see if you can use my skills, and try the skills you still have."

Wang Shui became a spectator, offering advice from the side.

"Stop calling me that disgusting name. I always feel like you are being arrogant. Just like my subordinates, just call me Hill."

Wang Shui sent an emoticon of agreement during the exchange of ideas. Sylvia, who was about to test her skills, shook her hand and canceled the action.

"Don't post weird things in soul chat either!"

Sylvia adjusted her attention, browsed the panel from Aqua Regia, and then quickly performed a set of punches, her fingers flexibly opened and closed, and her joints crackled and popped.

"Your abilities are all passive and basically effective. However, your physical abilities are not bad, and things like [Blacksmithing], [Computer Integration], and [Alchemy Basics] have amplifying effects, but this knowledge is of no use to me. Yes or no.”

After saying that, Sylvia quickly kicked, and the moonlight-like silver thread coated Aqua Regia's legs, and the shadow of her legs created a storm in the room.

"Good news. Of the dozens of skills I have left, the ones with active effects seem to be still usable. Bad news, the attribute bonus has adapted to your body, and the damage is greatly reduced."

Wang Shui's weak physical fitness is holding him back again.

"It's not that bad, after all, I'm just an ordinary human being, and the maximum human attribute value is only "5". "

"No, you are just bad." Sylvia poured cold water on her without thinking, "The so-called extreme value refers to the first limit of your race. If you haven't even broken through the limit, you can't even be considered extraordinary. Oh, You are only level 0, so you are not extraordinary in any sense."

Wang Shui could only happily express that he had gained knowledge without any shame.

"Then please ask the woman - uh, Mr. Hill, Miss Hill... Okay, Hill, please make an exercise plan for my body. I will implement it seriously."


After snorting without meaning, Sylvia directly opened the window, jumped down from the third floor, and landed lightly.

Wang Shui also knows the force-removing technique and can do it so silently, but he is far inferior to this kind of lightness and the effect of being able to pull it off without any preparation.

"I need a bigger venue to test my physical fitness. Just go and do whatever you need to do."

Okay... Who makes you the boss? Wang Shui connected to the biological brain, pulled a document to write electronic notes, recalled the books he had memorized from his mind, and began to review knowledge.

Unexpectedly, Sylvia broke the silence in less than 2 minutes.

"By the way, do you have a detailed plan regarding war property?"

"Huh? Not yet, why do you ask so suddenly?"

“Because exercising can be expensive, and you don’t know that there are not all medicines in the world.”

"Building pills? The system also does this?" Wang Shui was a little surprised for a moment. The style of the system was quite rough and high-tech. He didn't expect that there would be such traditional stuff.

"Herbal exercises, as well as body repair medicines, are the essence of body exercise knowledge in many worlds. If you don't care about them, the injuries will be serious."

Wang Shui expressed his understanding that during ordinary physical exercise, too much intensity will hurt the body, let alone exercise that breaks the limits of human beings.

"In terms of money, it may not be so fast. It mainly depends on where there is unrest. It's better to be close."

"Are you going to resell weapons? Where do you get the materials to make weapons? Where are the factories? If they are goods from this world, how do you get in touch with both the supplier and the seller?"

"Of course it won't be weapons," Wang Shui denied directly. "There are no cheap suppliers here that stock up on large amounts of arms, and there are no cutting-edge products that change the battlefield. So we are more direct and focus on food!"

"The lifeblood of the country? Aren't you afraid that the top brass of this country will target you?"

"It's hard to say. They are arrogant but not stupid. They have a serious military style, but they still obey the rules. I want to resell for a while, and then take the initiative to divide the interests if they are discovered. If I am lucky enough to obtain high production capacity and form a monopoly, it will not just be a little money. profit."

"You want more than just control of war rations?"

"Don't underestimate the weight of the word 'monopoly', but it's just a fantasy now. The first step is to get on Hohenheim's line and grow food. "

Sylvia, who had been running, was stunned, "You want to grow your own food?!"

"Otherwise? Collect piecemeal from the entire country? Not to mention connections, we don't have start-up capital. The orphan certificate only gave us a little more than 2, which is barely enough to grow food."

Sylvia was still in disbelief: "Your idea is really contrary to ordinary people."

If this world with a simple social structure does not give it a harsh shock of capitalism, is it worthy of having street lights all over the street?

 My pot, due to force majeure, was asked to do hard labor...

(End of this chapter)

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