my slow journey to infinity

Chapter 40 It shouldn’t be considered a fraud

Chapter 40 It shouldn’t be considered a fraud
The phantom moon disappeared in the sky, the dense dark clouds quickly crowded back, and the heavy rain began to fall again.

All the enemies that had hindered Wang Shui's escape ran away, and the only sound left on the battlefield was the sound of fire burning steel in the rain.

Tonight, Wang Shui experienced the first battlefield in his life. Although the scale was small, it was tragic enough. Unlike the first awakening world where he was quickly kidnapped and used as a hard labor, this time he could barely be considered a soldier, a mere soldier. Soldiers who want to flee.

Numbness, emptiness.

Wang Shui turned off the field communications of the surviving veterans and started looking for vehicles. He wanted to leave here.

Although the system prompts that the battle is over, Wang Shui is afraid that the enemy will find out that their queen has fallen and then fight back.After all, the current fortress is just an empty city. Even if it is not occupied, its strategic value is not small.

The road to escape was devastated.

Even a war in the extraordinary world will not jump back to the era of cold weapons. Many awakened people like to use cold weapons just because cold weapons can take advantage of their physical fitness and make it easier to use various abilities.

The most widely used and most lethal weapons on the battlefield are various artillery shells and rockets, as well as various strategic weapons. Cold weapons just occupy the same ecological niche as ordinary firearms - individual weapons.

The outside of the city was washed away by unknown explosives, and a large number of non-transcendent natives were blown to pieces. As soon as the small war began, Wang Shui discovered that there were only more than 200 people in their camp, so the blood outside became a river, mostly the blood of the natives.

The car was not found for a while, but Wang Shui found a lot of good guns that were still usable, a large number of special ammunition, consumables, cards, energy coins and other odds and ends, and of course a lot of mobile armor with low damage, but to Removing these armors from corpses also requires specialized tools.

Wang Shui was happy to pick it up, but he didn't dare to stay any longer. He ran out while checking the seemingly complete vehicle... and then he saw two familiar armored vehicles.

Yes, Brother Tu and the others said they would stay for two days.

Wang Shui recognized the familiar coat and the tall and thin figure in the blood and mud at a glance. Brother Tu seemed to want to jump up, but a long sword passed through his back - only his mobile armor was left. Bits and pieces.

sad?Wang Shui was not as sad as he imagined, and there was only a sense of loss similar to regret in his heart.

He moved closer to his new friend and saw his tree-like face - it was indeed Brother Tu.

The items on Tu Ge's belt and inner pockets were intact, but his spell-casting medium ring was missing, but the sword that impaled him was still there?
Did the enemy who killed him abandon his sword?

Wang Shui couldn't figure out what happened at that time. He recovered Tu Ge's relics and even found the "Deadwood Guard" cigarette tin box that he had just given to Tu Ge yesterday.

Tu Ge is obviously much stronger than him... This nameless little hunting group is the same. They are all good players among the awakened ones. Without mobile armor, Wang Shui can't get past two levels in the hands of any of them.

Wang Shui explored the surroundings and found the gunman's body and the white cat.

The death of the white cat was a bit strange. She was lying on a mound, the white armor on her body was severely damaged, and a broken blade was inserted into her chest, but her face was as quiet as if she was asleep.

What’s even stranger is that there were six little white cats on her body!Yes, it refers to animals like cats.Six pure white kittens made of energy were squatting on her body in different postures.

Wang Shui checked and found that there were indeed no signs of life, and he was even a little cold.Aqua regia just stayed for a moment, and suddenly there was another kitten!Now there are seven!

It was strange. Wang Shui checked this phenomenon on the Internet, but did not get any useful information. Wang Shui checked the items on the white cat, especially the ancient sword she was holding tightly, but there was nothing magical about it.

Wang Shui didn't bother anymore, he didn't have that much time now.

I went to check the vehicles as a routine, and the good news is that the armored vehicles of Tu Ge and his regiment are still usable!Wang Shui quickly started the ignition, but the car system prompted him that fingerprint verification was required.

It was like breaking a lock in the old days. Wang Shui got out of the car and ran to the white cat's body, ready to cut off her hand, but this efficient thought just passed by. After all, he was also a teammate who escorted him. Brother Tu's friendliness made him Wang Shui felt a trace of guilt in his heart - he didn't want to bury them, but wanted to destroy the bodies...

With mobile armor, it was not difficult to carry a body. Wang Shui dragged the white cat towards him and pulled out the broken blade from her chest. Then a white light bloomed, and the little white cat composed of seven energies suddenly turned into white light. Flying into the chest of the big white cat!

The white cat's body regained color almost visibly, her face turned rosy, and her chest began to rise and fall!
Is she alive again? !
Wang Shui quickly removed his helmet and patted the white cat on the face:

"Hey! White cat! Stinky cat! Are you still alive?! Do you need any medicine?"

The white cat only trembled slightly, and in the dim environment, her slowly opening eyes were like a calm and deep blue lake.

"Take me away……"

Still alive!Wang Shui quickly cleaned up the debris on her body, carried her into the armored vehicle, started the vehicle, and then put her on the back seat to dry. After a brief self-inspection of the armored vehicle, Wang Shui drove it quickly and left the blood mud swamp. .



There was a loud sound of rain. Not long after Wang Shui drove out, he stopped in a forest and turned on the [Environmental Mimicry] camouflage on the armored vehicle. He was going to rest here for a while.

After leaving the battlefield, he was suddenly overwhelmed by fatigue, and the effect of adrenaline was even more obvious than when he was an ordinary person.

He couldn't leave anymore, and he didn't dare to turn on the active night vision device, whether it was low light or bioradar, the early warning range was very limited. If he accidentally got into a group of monsters he didn't recognize, he would have to shed his skin even if he didn't die.

The white cat in the back seat fell into a deep sleep in the warm wind. After a brief meal and drink, Aqua Regia's eyes fell on that quiet place in the darkness. The enemy did not seem to come back, and the moonlight did not rise again.

Wang Shui is a person who cherishes his life, but his character cannot be called a coward. He is the kind of person who thinks he is well prepared and behaves recklessly.Just like how he changed jobs across industries without any preparation many years ago, and then encountered obstacles everywhere until he was hired by a large factory to work as a coolie.

His caution and recklessness seem to be contradictory, but in fact many ordinary people are like this, blind and confident, and in the end it is easy to get themselves bruised and bruised.

Of course Wang Shui is aware of his problems, but if he wants to become carefree and mature, he can't do it by just patting his head.Just like many people know that proper fitness can prolong life, and they all know that being too fat is bad for the body. This is also driven by the threat of death, but most people still find it difficult to move.

Today was the same. Wang Shui couldn't convince himself, so he opened the car door.

The super maneuverability effect in silent mode was not much weaker. It only took Wang Shui 10 minutes to arrive near the place where Sylvia fell, and then found her without much effort.

She was probably going to die.On a small rock, Sylvia was raising her head to receive the baptism of rain. She was surrounded by the cold moonlight, and she was the light source.

Her body was glowing, and it was being shattered from the waist down, turning into light fragments that were not affected by wind and rain, and slowly rising into the sky.

"Oh~ I survived, you're so lucky."

Sylvia was not panicked or sad, but looked quite cheerful.

"It's a fluke." Wang Shui replied and approached her.

"I didn't expect that the last person I saw would be you, and I didn't expect that you would come to me with your courage. I don't know which friend asked you to send me the mecha, but thank you for letting me die. It’s not that frustrating.”

"I just came to see if Her Majesty the Queen has any powerful relics, and to give support to the younger generation. As for the helper, do you know the black brother from Tiefeng City? In other words, [Edward Cavendish]."

"I know him, a libertine scumbag, a profitless businessman, a well-known broker in the black market. This matter should be the commission he received... Hehe, you actually dare to work under such a scumbag. This is no better than a dead soldier." Still miserable? Forget it, what does this have to do with me?

Don’t even think about picking up corpses. My body was completely destroyed by the explosive potion 10 minutes ago. My belongings have been stripped of reality and the storage space cannot be opened. The only person I am talking to you now is that I am about to dissipate. soul. "

There was no gain, and Wang Shui was not disappointed. He was indeed here to pick up the leaks, but now he has a new idea.

"It's a great experience to be able to give you a ride, but I'm a little strange. At the fifth level, don't you have some unique ways to save your life? I just rescued a friend. When I found her, her body was all She was cold, and there were still a bunch of kittens lying on her body. I just pulled out the weapon that caused her death, and she came back to life as if nothing happened."

Sylvia raised her slender and heroic eyebrows:
"Is it [Nine Lives Bodyguard]? A rare and powerful innate ability. After receiving a fatal effect, a Destiny Cat will help bear the damage. As long as the fatal effect is dealt with, the Destiny Cat can slowly recover and can withstand up to nine times in a row. Fatal injury. The disadvantage is that if the physical fitness is not enough in the early stage, it is easy to fall into serious injury and suspended animation after being fatally injured, but this is already a very powerful effect."

Wang Shui nodded clearly. The white cat's condition was definitely not just the result of her natural ability. After pulling out the fatal broken blade, her wound healed quickly. It was unknown whether it was the effect of her skills or the equipment.

"As for me, of course I have many life-saving abilities, but my good assistant, the deputy captain, also knows me well enough. He got the poison that inhibited my resurrection, and then locked me in a dungeon that isolated the system and continuously drained my physical strength. To be on the safe side, he also collaborated with the enemy and called in the fifth level of the empire. Fortunately, he was just a fool, otherwise he would have been embarrassed today."

"Can you still report your deputy leader now?" Wang Shui asked after pondering.

"It's useless. The pile of assets he took away is enough for him to leave this war zone with a dozen of his confidants. As long as he is willing to spend money, his reputation and guilt will be cleared, and his files will become a blank slate. These are just trivial matters."

Wang Shui stopped asking. At his level, he couldn't even cause trouble for others. At this time, he could just enjoy the dancing moonlight.

After a long time, Wang Shui suddenly asked:
"Hey, Queen, do you want to survive?

"Has your black brother prepared any backup plans? I don't think it can be saved from this state." Sylvia pointed to her disappearing belly, "The props that can save you from this state are probably better than Is my life worth anything?"

“Ever heard of cyberspace consciousness uploading?”

"I heard that the dream system has been leaking information in this regard, as well as advanced structural life soldiers. However, the technology of ordinary life uploading souls through scanning has great flaws. Cyber ​​consciousness and soul are two different concepts. There will be significant data loss during the scan.”

Sylvia looked at Wang Shui and said, "However, if you just take out the soul, many warlocks, mages or special professions can do it. If you want to get my soul, then I would rather destroy myself."

Wang Shui just spread his hands and showed the Queen his funny panel and a small amount of [Thinking Lock] information.

"First of all, I don't understand soul technology at all. Secondly, I don't understand spells either. This is just a new soul transformation mechanism. Its own [soul translator] can ensure the integrity of the soul, and after this digital conversion , the soul is still a soul, not a cyber consciousness, but the soul will acquire the characteristics of digital life, what do you think, sir, do you want to give it a try."

As Wang Shui spoke, he took out the NERvGear and began to carve the alchemy array on it.

"You have died twice, don't you want to struggle again? If there is a chance to make a comeback, wouldn't it be possible to meet your good deputy commander again?"

Using the simplest words to seduce, Wang Shui handed the NERvGear to Sylvia and said:
"It's not a contract, it's just a choice."

Sylvia hesitated.

To hesitate is to make a choice.

"Although I have made it waterproof and upgraded the energy into our energy coins, the material of this thing is still very fragile. Don't pinch it, I'm afraid it will break. I can't imitate this thing for the time being."

Wang Shui's words brought back Sylvia's thoughts. Looking at Wang Shui's clear and calm eyes, Sylvia no longer hesitated and put on the NERvGear.

"I didn't expect to be convinced by you so easily."

"There is no shame in wanting to live."

With that said, Wang Shui activated the [Thinking Lock] program in the creature's brain, connected to NERvGear through [Array·Interaction], and activated the microwave sensor in the helmet. Shui Wang immediately peered into a huge data cloud.

"Good news, I saw the whole data; bad news, the amount of data is a bit large." Wang Shui looked at Sylvia's disappearing belly, "There is also bad news, there was just a little scrap, your soul The data immediately dissipated, an unknown collapse."

Sylvia's silver-gray eyes dimmed a little, "It's normal. Those potions will also affect the soul, and the destruction is irreversible."

"No, I mean, do you mind becoming a copy? Compared with reading the soul, the copy soul will not dissipate, and the speed will be much faster."

"Then am I still me?"

"If you think so, then don't resist, otherwise it will affect the integrity of the memory."

Wang Shui entered the copy command and compressed and packaged it while copying, forming encrypted information and imprinting it into his biological brain.

Half an hour later, Wang Shui stepped forward to catch the NERvGear. The last shards of light rose into the sky against the wind and rain, and traces of Sylvia disappeared.

Putting away the NERvGear, Wang Shui immediately turned around and disappeared into the rain.

(End of this chapter)

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