my slow journey to infinity

Chapter 34 Wang Shui teaches you how to drive mobile armor

Chapter 34 Wang Shui teaches you how to drive mobile armor
The speed at which he mastered alchemy far exceeded Wang Shui's expectations.

The two skills [Alchemy Basics (Elementary)] and [Delicate Thinking (Elementary)] in the personal information gave Wang Shui a little confidence.

Because of physical exhaustion, Wang Shui took a rest immediately after returning from the bookstore last night. He had to re-plan his time today. Wang Shui planned to familiarize himself with the performance of the mobile armor and prepare other things, and then take time to read and practice alchemy in the evening.

Until today, Wang Shui has the style of painting that an awakened person should have:

Tough black trousers and a long-sleeved T-shirt, a close-fitting leather buckle equipment belt without metal decoration, a tactical belt with multiple hanging points but separated from the trousers, and a lightweight multi-functional jacket. The outermost part is a relatively thick gray and white Cape cape.

The entire set of clothes is strong, soft and resistant to stains, with simple and slim lines, without unnecessary bulges and metal components. Paired with the specially stolen black extraordinary tactical boots, Wang Shui's whole temperament is much sharper.

As a complete hunting attire system, there is actually a black multi-functional coat, but Wang Shui felt that the style was too unflattering, so he didn't wear it.

But in order to cover up his tight-fitting upper body attire and his small figure, Wang Shui chose a gray, white and black shawl and cloak, which was full of vicissitudes of life and also had a wide hood.

This set of clothes is very cheap, and even with three pieces of each set, it is not as expensive as a pair of shoes.After all, they are shoes that can withstand a full burst of 8 points of physical attributes. They come with a clean array to prevent foot odor and external stains. They are suitable for various micro-mobile armors. The price is as high as 8500 Dreamland Points. This is the internal price that Shui Wang asked for.

Of course, the most expensive thing is the pair of inconspicuous black leather gloves on Wang Shui's hand - the golden equipment [Hand of Hermitage]. Wang Shui did not go to a professional for valuation. He does not plan to sell it now. After all, he has a lot of money right now. , Wang Shui doesn't have many ways to arm himself. He is not familiar with fighting, and he is only level 0 and level 2, so he is a complete blank slate.

Wang Shui's physical attribute has not yet reached 2 points. He will never use his small body to fight with others in close combat. Clothes and equipment are not as solid as mobile armor.

After tidying himself up, Wang Shui came to the door of the store. Yes, he was going to practice operating the mecha in this alley.

Of course, there was no room for practice in the shabby repair shop behind him. It would cost a lot of money to go to a professional training ground, and it would be a waste of time to go outside the city. He had no choice.

Of course, this alley is not just a shabby shop like Wang Shui. The environment here is very poor, but there are still quite a lot of shops. When Wang Shui repairs equipment for customers, he often tests it here. I think the neighbors have long been used to it - Wang Shui anyway. The water convinced itself.

So, here we go.Wang Shui took out the activated mobile armor. After activation, it can be folded into a card state:
[Item Card·"Daylight·Blue Sheep" Mobile Armor (White)]

"Item card activated."

The familiar floating feeling came, and the energy built the outline of the mobile armor around Wang Shui's body. When the sense of gravity was restored, the outline solidified into a close-fitting armor.

Unlike the last [Black Sword], the mobile armor [Blue Sheep] has a thicker appearance, but overall it is not particularly bloated.The shell of special alloys and composite materials combines strength and toughness, and the weight is indeed beyond the endurance of ordinary humans. Even with the rigid structure, it is still a bit difficult to move freely with the properties of aqua regia.

[Blue Sheep] is a light golden milky white overall. There are brown protective plates with the same texture as sheep horns on the two forearms. There are similar reinforced materials on the gauntlets. This is a submachine gun with good defensive performance, but the default configuration is There are no weapons, it is said to be for environmental protection.

After putting on the armor, Aqua regia did not move in a hurry. He touched his belt first and pushed a light blue translucent crystal coin from the hidden chute into the interface of the [Energy Module].

[The third-level energy coin has been connected, the energy module self-test has been completed, and the energy supply status is: good.Standby mode automatically switches from "Silent" to "Standard" mode. 】

The electronic sound of the mecha's operating system sounded, and Wang Shui issued the next command using his voice:
"Full machine self-check, full power heat engine."

[Received, self-test starts, full power heat engine starts. 】

Wang Shui stood there obediently. A large amount of data information was displayed to him in the form of a pop-up window. After a few seconds, it quickly disappeared and switched to another window. Quickly reading this information to grasp the status of the mobile armor was required by all pilots. Master the basic skills.

Of course there is no problem with Wang Shui. He is not a driver and has not received professional training, but he is a repairman and he knows all the parameters and indicators.Wang Shui even understands the status of mobile armor better than most professional warriors. He just doesn't know how to fight for the time being.

[The self-inspection is completed and each module is operating in good condition. 】

As the self-test of the operating system was completed, Wang Shui suddenly felt his body light. He moved his hands and feet, and now he felt much lighter.Of course, the flexibility is not as good as that of the non-armor-piercing body, but the fact that this ton of gadgets can still dance while worn on the body is naturally due to the bionic power provided by the [Muscle Strength Module].

"The energy shield module is fully turned on, maximum power."

[Received, the energy shield module has been changed from "low passive" mode to "high passive", and the protection range has been enlarged. 】

A light blue light film emerges from the surface of the mobile armor, holding up the "eggshell" that makes Aoi feel very familiar. The [Energy Shield Module] in the "low passive" state can also protect against live ammunition and energy attacks very well, but the protection performance against sudden high-intensity attacks is much worse. After all, it takes time to improve the protection performance.

The state of lifting the "eggshell" is indeed safe, but the energy consumption is much higher.

There is no problem with the shield, so the next step is:

"Combat control module, enter "Red Alert" mode. "


The slight short electronic alarm sound passed away in a flash. The vision in front of Wang Shui was wrapped in a brighter blue line frame. Red light spots began to attach to the 360-degree panoramic radar map. The combat control system began to quickly analyze the environment. Danger.

For the surrounding buildings and terrain, a large number of symbols and numbers appeared on the vision screen, representing digital data such as various distances, height differences, predicted protection, energy reaction strength, probability of hiding enemies, etc.

[Received, the combat control module has entered the "Red Alert" mode, and the battlefield is being calculated in real time. 】

The priority of the fire control system is higher than the voice broadcast, so this time the module is started first, and the voice status report is issued with a lag. "Super mobile module, use all your strength to open it."

[Received, "Super Maneuver" is opened at full power, and "Overload Protection Gel" is filled.Warning, the energy module prompts that the "daylight engine" output has reached 80% of the rated capacity, and the load report has been synchronized. 】

A slight buzzing envelops the aqua regia, and the golden painted panels behind the shoulders of the mobile armor light up, and streamer-shaped light blue energy glows are sprayed outward.

Wang Shui could clearly feel that his body was several times lighter, even lighter than when he was running naked.

However, does it reach 80% load with just the basic module fully turned on? Tsk, this engine is really average.

Don't pay attention to this warning. Wang Shui jumped slightly on the spot to feel it, and then quickly changed into a running posture.The milky white figure dragged a light blue light tail and disappeared instantly, and the vague afterimage indicated the direction of aqua regia's running out.

More than a second later, Wang Shui appeared on the other side of the [-]-meter alley. The speed was not particularly fast, but it also included the process of accelerating to the limit and then coming to a standstill. This kind of maneuverability is the [Super Mobility Module]. Basic effect.

The two overloads did not bring much burden to Aqua Regia, and each module of the mobile armor also maintained normal operating data. The [Energy Module] reported that the remaining amount of energy coins was still 99%, and there was no additional loss.

Based on the comprehensive information, this set of mobile armor is fine.

After another super maneuver from extremely quiet to extremely dynamic and then still, Wang Shui returned to the door of the store. The anti-collision function of the [Combat Discipline Module] allowed him to control the landing point without too much distraction. The fifth-generation mobile armor type Not to mention, the fire control system completely destroyed all previous antiques.

After the basic inspection is completed, the system report summary pops up:


[Daylight·Blue Sheep (Mobile Armor·White)]

【Level: 2】

[Technical Generation: Fifth Generation DAF Conventional Mobile Armor]

[Energy type: third-order, fifth-order compressed energy]

[Adaptation modules: energy, muscle strength, energy shield, combat control, super mobility, life support, weapons]

[Blank module interface: 3]

[Protective performance: >>>] (expanded table)
[Body durability: 50000 (100%)]

[Explanation: The mass-produced conventional mobile armor developed and sold by the "War Behemoth" company is equipped with the classic "daylight engine" and the fifth-generation combat control system. The "Blue Sheep" model has a solid structure and strong impact resistance. The super mobility module enhances its straight-line sprinting ability. It is an excellent assault model.In addition, the corresponding small computer and medium-sized computer casings are also non-controlled materials with excellent performance. 】


Cool, the new phone is great to drive.

Of course, just this level of "knowledge" is definitely not enough. There are also "tactical movements", "offensive and defensive postures", "small-scale maneuvering and long-distance running", "weapon use", "special module use", " The professional knowledge such as "Cooperation in Combat" needs Wang Shui to understand and master.

As for "Weapon Use", it is also a long and difficult course in the Tactical Academy that lasts throughout the students' school years.

Wang Shuiwen had no weapons on his head, but fortunately the micro-mobile armor did not change his figure too much.Wang Shui is not even 1.9 meters tall when wearing armor, so conventional weapons can be used directly with armor.

As for weapons, if you don't choose special effects, they are still easy to get, especially cold weapons. There are many good ones that have been eliminated on the battlefield.

After all, weapons are much stronger than people.

While performing various maneuvers in front of the video tutorial, Wang Shui also did not forget to use the effect of [Hidden Hand] to see through the inside of the mobile armor. The beauty of the new mechanical structure in operation is really mesmerizing.

Happy times are always fleeting, and after playing - after practicing all morning, Wang Shui ended the practice at the sound of the 70% energy line prompt set by himself, and the mobile armor turned into light and disappeared.

The aqua regia that had relaxed its spirit suddenly felt a little empty, but he did not deserve to rest yet. When both mentally and physically weak (anemia), it is best to do some manual labor!

When Wang Shui returned to the store, he threw a box of rubber-like nutritious meals into his mouth, and pulled out the mechanical exoskeleton device he used to move things yesterday. Wang Shui put on the exoskeleton while entering the back door courtyard on the first floor of the shop. .

There is not much space in the broken repair shop. The small yard of about [-] square meters separated at the back has a high wall and a large awning. The yard is filled with heavy machinery covered with ash stains, and a large machine. of the melting pot.

This is the processing room of a small shop. They usually do metal heat treatment work. Sometimes Wang Shui will make some hard-to-buy or particularly expensive parts by hand, or perform additive repairs on broken pieces sent by customers.

Wang Shui chewed the extremely tough nutritious meal while preheating the furnace. Then he controlled two mechanical tentacles to rummage through the metal garbage pile in the store, trying to find some durable scraps.

Then, he discovered a familiar iron box.

(End of this chapter)

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