my slow journey to infinity

Chapter 25: Job hunting is successful, we are also villains!

Chapter 25: Job hunting is successful, we are also villains!
Wang Shui was very surprised by Brother Kayaba's honesty, but when he thought about it carefully, he was just a middle school student whose life was in the hands of others, so it was not surprising.

"This is the world you created. You don't have the ability to control it, right? Those so-called industrial sprouts are destroyed directly. Just delete all NPCs who have such thoughts."

In response to Wang Shui's suggestion, Kayaba Akihiko just shook his head.

"It's too late. The laws of physics have been completely filled in. The intelligence of NPCs has also entered the stage of self-disciplined growth. They will continue to think, continue to inquire and explore the world, and quickly complete the technology. The most feasible solution at present is... to shut down the server and Format all NPC data and then rewrite [Autonomous Intelligence]."

"Since you didn't do this, it means that the instructions to burn the brain are stored in NERvGear. If the server is shut down for a period of time, all players will be killed."

Even if Kayaba Akihiko kidnapped more than 20 players, his purpose was not to kill these people cheaply.

"You are very smart." This genius in physics rarely praises others.

"It is not difficult to imagine that in reality it is easy for you to hide alone, but the size and power consumption of such a server carrying the calculations of such a huge virtual world cannot be covered casually. In order to prevent being shut down by the outside world, you should start early They released the news that all the hostages will be killed if the server is stopped. I assume you are not renting a public server, right?"

Kayaba nodded:
"The server is in Tokyo, and the power supply is sufficient. It can withstand a month's power outage. The server also has multiple backup servers, but the hot switching time to protect players is not enough to complete the reconstruction of the game."

No wonder he came out as soon as he screamed. It turned out to be because he was depressed.

"Actually, such a world is not bad. I can see the world evolve forward, or when this world starts, my dream will be completed."

It sounds good, but the decadent old man exudes an aura of loneliness.

Wang Shui didn't care much about Kayaba's condition. He was more worried now - if the industrial revolution happened, would he still be able to get the Seed of the World?In other words, the original plot... ah, don't think about it, the plot must be useless.

After pondering for a long time, Wang Shui considered his words and said:
"You must have thought about a lot of rescue methods recently. I'm not sure about the AI ​​problem, but I feel that from a game perspective, it may not be impossible to save."

"tell me the story."

"An immature idea. The damage calculation set in the game does not simply calculate the damage when the weapon hits it. The damage data will be based on puncture, slashing, bludgeoning and other damage types to counter the players' invisible resistance. "

"I'm wondering if we can separately create resistances for firearms and explosive damage that is very likely to occur after industrialization, and then add default resistance to monsters to reduce the effect of these weapons."

Kayaba said thoughtfully: "Continue."

"I think you were affected by the sudden change. It should not be difficult for a mature game producer to restrict newly added weapons. Do firearms only bring damage? No, it destroys the logic of individuals becoming stronger. High-level swords Skills will cause higher damage than ordinary firearms, but firearms have long-range advantages. As an attacker, you can develop technology to become stronger, and then advance with low risk, but this does not seem to be what you want to see, after all, this is a world of swords."

Kayaba nodded, and Wang Shui continued:
"Actually, I just thought that your state of accepting the changes in the world is not right. There is a big crisis in this world, haven't you noticed?"

"You can just say, I'm listening."

"The changes in the world structure brought about by industry are even more dangerous. Once the industrial age starts, firearms will be a small problem. Have you considered the impact of the explosion of productivity on the social structure? Have you considered aircraft? Have you considered that NPCs will be Arm yourself, defeat monsters and players, and fly out of your floating city? This world is bound to move toward chaos. How many of these generally young players can be of great use in the wave of industrialization? The world of this game It will eventually become a mill of social evolution, where players and the old order will be crushed."

"So, have you ever considered finding a way to release the hostages first, throw the players out first, and consume more than 20 lives cheaply? You don't want to, right?"

Wang Shui's words made Kayaba Akihiko deep in thought, and Wang Shui was also trying to create an atmosphere where the two were on the same camp - he wanted to get the World Seed directly!
"I can not do it."

"Why, you are the creator of this world!"

Kayaba turned his head, looked at the incomplete starry sky, and explained lightly:

"I am very confident in my abilities, but I am not a completely emotionless machine. Before the game officially started, I was worried that if one day I suddenly softened my heart and released all the players, what would happen to the dead people? It is an insult to me and to the players who have worked hard to conquer the game. This game, including the technology of complete stealth, is a joke that nihilizes ideals."

"So after accidentally developing [Autonomous Intelligence], I completely locked some key permissions. Now the only way to leave this world is to eliminate the BOSS on the 100th floor."

Wang Shui's heart suddenly jumped and he quickly asked:

"What if you die?"

"Of course it doesn't matter. The world can continue to maintain itself automatically without me anymore."

It turns out that the plot has changed a long time ago. Even if Kirito kills Kayaba Akihiko, the players will not be released early.

"Failure is normal on the road to scientific research. I thought I had long been accustomed to failure, but without the support of my dreams, when I encountered such a big problem, I lost the courage to think and change."

Kayaba's self-deprecation is also very bland, as if he is judging a stranger.

"If you still cherish your dreams and your children, I think things will turn around." Wang Shui's expression became serious.

"It is definitely wrong to sit back and watch the world become more chaotic, so we must take the initiative to correct the development of industry. We must improve the industrial system of this world before the system! We must define superb, no, we must define firearms in advance!"

When Wang Shui spoke, he replaced "you" with "we".

"According to my idea, we must first update the item files, add firearms to the weapon category according to standard items, and put explosives into the consumables category, so as to limit their power. If you let the system mark the power of firearms based on physical properties, it's up to you The power of various designed super materials full of magical qualities, guns and artillery will be unimaginable."

"Then comes the numerical design, updating the entries of all monsters, adding live ammunition resistance and explosion resistance. Not only that, various items and materials must also be added, especially metal materials, negative resistance must be added! No one can withstand it It will be very difficult to iterate firearms using high-pressure materials. Weapons such as heavy firepower and artillery will be difficult to develop without qualified metal materials. Then there is the problem of limiting the yield of explosives..."

"But what's more important is technology. We can't let NPCs think about technology in advance. We need to add industrial technology to history in advance and guide them into the industrial age through archeology. Of course, we need to lock down aviation technology. can't be so abrupt. With physics engines, they will definitely have this kind of thinking and desire, just like explosives, people will always pursue stronger explosions..."

Wang Shui was lost in thought, and Kayaba Akihiko next to him seemed to be calculating something.

"Oh - that's right! We can control the thoughts of NPCs. The most important thing is the shackles on their minds! We can't let them think freely... We can add philosophy-related documents to the archaeological data, as well as... fabricated Historical facts! Tell them that continuous exploration of science and continuous pursuit of powerful firepower will destroy civilization!" "No, that's not enough. Religious elements must be added! Yes, yes, explosions are unclean, destructive, and the source of chaos! Also We need to add some content of classical rule, teach the current NPC rulers to seal up advanced technology, and try not to communicate with the people, yes, yes."

Wang Shui was still talking to himself, and Kayaba listened carefully.

"As for the people, the policy of obscuring the people? Destroying education? No, education itself is a gaping hole. We need to add this part of the settings in advance of [Autonomous Intelligence], so that NPCs can pay attention to literature and thinking, value enjoyment, and integrate mathematics and other Suppress. Oh, and also suppress the accumulation of capital. Without large capital investment and high profits, technology can only be a toy. Well, entertaining dumb people is not bad, but with such low productivity, what cheap entertainment is there? Sword fighting competitions? Or Let’s just take it one step at a time and do some eco-friendly animal protection and LGB... Well, these seem to be too extreme.”

Wang Shui's thinking here is getting more and more divergent, and Kayaba Akihiko next to him is sweating on his back for no reason. The middle-aged brother feels that there is no need to be so extreme...

"Okay, okay, stop. That's enough. This is enough. Your idea seems to be useful, but I want to see... how long it takes to do this."

Although Kayaba said that it seemed feasible, neither of their expressions relaxed. Kayaba no longer carried aqua regia on his back, and directly opened a lot of windows, and various data files were classified and counted by him. With.

"How many manpower do you have?" Wang Shui said in a low voice. He looked at the massive game files, as if he had returned to the era of social animals, ah, I can't think about it anymore, my waist and shoulders have begun to hurt.

"...It's just me. According to your idea, first add parameters to important items in the simplest way, add new item data, associate new technical algorithms and connect to [autonomous intelligence], it will take about 300 to 350 tasks. Day, and what you mentioned... those things, I still need to seek professional consultation to ensure the effect, but my current situation..."

"Hmm - I probably know."

As Wang Shui spoke, he approached a large number of windows floating in mid-air, his brows knitted together, and his mind was thinking rapidly.

"This, and here, are these index files of item files? Are the indexes of sword skill content in these two windows? These file types should be configuration files, hey, this is an engine file? The suffix of this sao file name is Is it the source code file of the engine? What language did you use to develop it?"

Facing the question of aqua regia, Kayaba showed a surprised expression for the first time:

"You know development?!"

"It's so funny, who knows the structure of your file? Aren't they all written in English? It doesn't look like a mainstream game engine? Come to think of it, this kind of complete immersion in the virtual reality world is definitely not possible with a traditional engine, or The question just now is, did you develop the engine framework yourself, and what about the development language?"

"I also developed it myself."

"Who copied it?"

"Well, the logical processing is similar to CPP, but the underlying library is newly created, leaving room for learning from Python's modular tool library. But in terms of intelligent algorithms and physical algorithms, I designed them myself, and I also designed the engine architecture behind them. self-made."

"Are there any special development tools? Oh, by the way, your language doesn't have a lot of abstract descriptions and self-created symbols, right?"

"Of course not. The original development team is very large. The self-developed language has been as close to common languages ​​as possible, and development tools are also available."

There was a brief silence between the two again. Wang Shui seemed to have made up his mind and said:

"Mr. Kayaba, I would like to apply for a job in your company. At least you can leave the thought control to me. I know a little bit about it."

The serious atmosphere was relieved by Wang Shui's job declaration, and Kayaba was also amused. He asked like an interviewer: "What about programming?"

"The level is very poor. I will never be able to use the algorithm you came up with. But I can still add, delete, modify and check game data, add items, etc., as long as your API documentation is detailed enough and easy to retrieve."

"Okay, last question, why do you want to help me?" Kayaba asked seriously.

Wang Shui nodded his head:
"For the sake of your own life, when the world becomes chaotic, it is no longer a matter of working hard to clear the level. You cannot stop the world, and you cannot let go of the lives of 20 players. But my situation is different."

Kayaba also thought very quickly: "Your protection device?"

Wang Shui snapped his fingers: "Yes, as long as you turn off the jumper and update my control system, my life will be saved. There is a high probability that it will be saved. Then you can also save the source code of this world." Enter my NERvGear - there is a storage structure inside, so even if you die, boss, your children will survive."

Kayaba was silent. He was not surprised by his death. After all, he had kidnapped more than 20 people and had killed nearly [-]. This was a massacre that could be ranked among the best in Africa.

Wang Shui's suggestion moved Kayaba, and he really needed this young man's help now.

"I'm convinced by you, welcome to join my studio."

The middle-aged man extended his right hand to Wang Shui, but Wang Shui was not particularly happy after shaking hands, at least it didn't show on his expression. In order to express his attitude towards work, Wang Shui took the initiative and said:
"We don't have much time. I suggest we do a small update first. We first list the technology tree for industrial development, and send the descriptive content to NPCs to make them pay attention to archeology, and then the thought control aspect. Philosophical documents and religious-related restrictions are also the guidance tasks for players. To let them participate in the industrial world, I think firearms can be added to sword skills."

For example, some kind of high-speed revolver Iai.

Kayaba nodded: "The original setting of this world and the recent changes will form a document for you. I will first sort out the content that needs to be modified and added in the program, and organize it into project plans, patch specifications, and patch specifications according to difficulty. There are many ready-made documents for interface and class structure specifications, proxy files, pseudocode and API documents, etc. You can look at them directly. As for the item files, the structure is very simple, but the content..."

"Give me access to the external network and administrator rights. Firearms and explosives information, industrial information, and philosophy, psychology, and sociology literature for reference can all be found online. I have experience with these."

"Okay, without further ado, I will give you the permissions and internal development materials and development tools. You can take a look and see if you understand."

Kayaba moved quickly, and Wang Shui's operation panel immediately had a lot more content, including some administrator function interfaces that were far beyond the imagination of the plug-in.

Next to it is the character information of the game that Wang Shui has been playing for about a month. It looks shabby and ridiculous.His previous efforts seemed to be in vain... It can't be said that if he hadn't caused trouble, he wouldn't have attracted Kayaba, and there wouldn't have been a successful job search.

All of this is interlocked, and there is no trace of excess in fate.

 Sorry, I forgot to update it...

(End of this chapter)

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