my slow journey to infinity

Chapter 10: Calm down, just vent your desires

Chapter 10: Calm down, just vent your desires~
As the little piranha in the pit turned into flakes of light, the sky was almost dark enough that it was impossible to see.

I don’t know if anyone has experienced the darkness of rural nights many years ago. The darkness with almost no artificial light sources was very penetrating. Of course, the starry sky at that time was also particularly beautiful.

Now Wang Shui is in a dense forest. The sky is the big butt of the second level of "Aincrad", surrounded by dark trees, which makes him dream back to his childhood.

There was only a small lantern in his backpack - this was what he brought with him when he returned to the village in the afternoon to buy gathering tools after a day of farming.

But in a really dark forest night, no matter how bright the thing in your hand is, it will not bring you a sense of security.

Aqua Regia hurriedly collected man-eating grass honey and prepared to leave here before it got completely dark. By the way, he would verify whether the trap he dug would be refreshed tomorrow.

Yes, he dug a trap.

He dug a large pit with a diameter of two meters and a depth of more than one meter near the center of the fighting clearing he created, and directly dug out the shovel he got from the village.

Then I put some vines on it, but other than that there wasn’t much cover.

The idea of ​​digging traps came from Wang Shui's many attempts to attract monsters. He discovered that man-eating plants have eyes but they don't seem to be very useful.

Yes, plants have eyes, and the two eyes are always looking in different directions, looking full of wisdom.

When it moves, it does turn the side with eyes to the front. When it turns, it does not turn around in a small range like an animal with feet. It sticks a vine on the ground as a fulcrum, and then uses a large number of root-like vines to push it. Draw a circle around yourself.

The speed is not too slow, but for humans, this turning movement is comparable to a U-turn of a large truck. When seeing this guy turning around, Wang Shui has to give way.

Of course, the man-eating plant will not be beaten in place when it turns around. When Aqua Regia takes advantage of it to turn around and get close to attack, it will still use "spit" and vine attacks to target Aqua Regia. Obviously, this monster is not only relying on Those wise eyes seek out enemies.

It is sensitive to enemies, but it is much less sensitive to the feet. If there are any rocks, tree roots or the like on the ground, the piranhas will directly run over them like a roly-poly with a big bottle.

So Wang Shui thought of traps, hoping to use traps to limit the movements of the man-eating grass to make it easier to kill.

Wang Shui, who has extremely high execution ability, quickly tested pits of different depths, and finally found that a pit of about one and a half meters was the limit for changing the path-finding logic of the piranha, and it would be difficult for it to climb out if it exceeded one meter.

Wang Shui expanded the pit, then found some thick vines to cover the trap, and successfully trapped the next unlucky guy.

People who have never played with traps may not realize that traps are rarely like cartoons, waiting for the prey to completely walk on top before suddenly collapsing. This kind of trap requires very precise trigger design.

When Piranha fell into the lazy pit of Aqua Regia, half of its body slid down and fell, directly stuck on the trap pit diagonally.

Aqua regia would have to quickly run behind it and kick its big butt hard until it fell completely.Its tentacle-like vines were stuck in the small space and moved wildly. In the end, he could only watch Wang Shui pruning its branches and leaves with his sword.

The great philanthropist Wang Shui used this pit to continuously help more than a dozen man-eating grasses that were not growing well. He exhausted himself until he finally became kind again (awakened) and went to chop some long wooden sticks as thick as his arms, and peeled off one end. The points are then grilled with fire, so that the carbonized wood thorns are hard and corrosion-resistant.

First, a circle of wooden thorns was inserted vertically around the trap wall to strengthen the trap structure and prevent the soil from collapsing.Then arrange some wooden thorns randomly at the bottom. The number of wooden thorns at the bottom cannot be too many. After setting too many wooden thorns, the pressure distributed to each thorn will become smaller, which may result in the thorn not being able to penetrate the skin of the man-eating grass.

After adjustment by aqua regia, five wooden thorns were finally retained at the bottom of the pit.

With the addition of wood thorns, when Wang Shui is pruning and cutting leaves for the little brothers in the pit, more than five dozen points of damage will explode on their heads every two or three seconds - if they are hung on the trap wall The number of wooden thorns on it will also increase.

This made the efficiency much higher. In less than two hours in the afternoon, the number of man-eating plants that fell into the aqua regia trap was more than that at noon in the morning combined (40 according to the dropped sugar candies). about).

After receiving the last customer, there were no more man-eating plants around. Aqua Regis checked the status and was about to leave when a new man-eating plant happened to be refreshed next to the battle clearing - it still had a flower on its head. .

WTF!I've been transferred? !Is the system playing tricks on my compensation? !
For a moment, Wang Shui suddenly felt as happy as soaking in a hot spring. He picked up the stone and threw it away without thinking. It had become an instinct for him to throw stones to attract monsters. When he returned to the village, he planned to get a leather bag to carry the water in the river. pebble.

Although the sky is getting dark, the kill is not dangerous. Individuals with flowers only appear relatively rarely. The actual attribute values ​​​​are similar to those of ordinary killer grass, and the size is smaller.

With the help of the "Gardening Pit", Wang Shui dealt with the little girl with the flower on her head in just over a minute. The most time was spent waiting for it to turn around and fall into the pit.

Fortunately, Kayaba didn't mess with anything again this time. [Small Piranha Ovules] appeared in the dropped items normally, of course there was only one in quantity.

But compared to the ovules, Aqua Regia was more concerned about the next harvest, and he was going to use the most complete [Collecting] skill on this flower-bearing individual.

After Wang Shui bought various collection tools in the afternoon, he found that the income from using tools and collecting by hand was about three times higher than that from naked collection. If it weren't for the fact that the little man-eating plant only produced syrup and vines, he would have chopped them one by one. Goods.

I used to be reluctant to give up the durability of the sword, but now it is a rare individual. Based on the intuition of a veteran player of Aqua Regia, it must have special drops.

Wang Shui first confirmed that [Collect] took effect, selected manual collection, and struck the bottle mouth of the Piranha plant with his sword. The [Bronze Sword] in his hand turned into a hatchet and flew up and down, smashing the Piranha plant's tough-as-leather bottle. The body quickly broke open.

A large puddle of yellow-green mucus was piled at the bottom of the bottle, and sharp wooden thorns could be seen underneath. The flowers on the top were also chopped off by aqua regia. The dismemberment scene was too scary and might scare other man-eating plants.

After dividing as many parts as possible, Wang Shui clicked on the [Collect] skill confirmation window suspended in the air. This was the rule he had mastered when collecting herbs with a small shovel in the afternoon - dividing the collection target as much as possible would produce more things.

[Collection completed! 】

["Pan-Eating Grass Honey": 500ml*12]

["Vine": 5]

["Flowers of Man-Eating Plants": 1]

["Ovule of small man-eating plant": 1]

Ok? ? ?
What happened?Little sister, how come you can produce two ovules from one flower? !

The sudden feeling of happiness made Wang Shui breathless, and thoughts of "I have really lucked out?!" filled his mind.

Fortunately, the darkening environment quickly cooled his brain.

Wang Shui quickly moved the remaining wooden sticks and simply surrounded the trap, and also threw in a few wooden sticks to block the wooden thorns, just in case a daredevil fell in while walking at night, making him famous in the city.

After finishing cleaning up, Wang Shui picked up the lantern and hurried back to the village along the river. He went straight to the house of the philistine aunt, and got the [Sword of Tenacity] from the look in her eyes.

The weight value of the new weapon is 30, which is directly twice as high as the bronze sword (15). The heavy and thick feel makes it difficult for Wang Shui to adapt to it.

This value is definitely not a kilogram, but Aqua Regia feels like it cannot be pounds. It does feel more than a kilogram but not much. The "+7" strength bonus on the new sword allows Aqua Regia to swing it, but it is not used in combat. Weapons don't just have to be swung.

He got the sword first, but Wang Shui still had a lot of materials to deal with. He went to the drugstore to sell the herbs and recorded the price. Then he went to the grocery store to package a bunch of vines and sell them for 20 kel.It is worth mentioning that the "piranha flower" is a medicinal herb and was sold to the drugstore by Aqua Regia for 1210 kels. This flower accounted for nearly one-third of his income today.

Therefore, this [Collection] skill seems to be unexpectedly profitable.

When Wang Shui spawned monsters, he originally planned to go to the village tavern in the evening. It wasn't that he liked drinking. He just wanted to take care of the business of the gentle and lovely NPC sister, and explore the physical limits of this game character.

This thing called "Restrictions on Restricted Levels" was turned on when I was on the way to sort out my props.

But after acquiring the [Sword of Tenacity], he couldn't resist the urge to test the sword, so he went to the militia training area in the village to rent a large target.

The new sword, which is very tight on the hand, is really difficult to control. When using a general sword skill such as [Linear Attack], it is okay to hold the blade flat, thrust out quickly and focus on the tip of the sword, and at the same time, it is necessary to do a good job with the sword. Pointed twist.

He held the sword at chest height and completed many sword control operations with one hand while concentrating. This made the movements very easy to deform. It took Shui Wang three attempts to succeed once.

As for the [One-Handed Straight Sword] special (but not unique) [Rage Stab], it is much better. This sword skill is more inclined to the body's sprinting action. The sword only needs to be kept facing the target, and then it can be sharpened when it is close to the target. When the sword is thrust out from the ground, Shui Wang almost never misses.

At the same time, it becomes more difficult to draw back the sword skills of [Oblique Slash] and [Horizontal Slash]. After the sword skill movement is over, Aqua Regia has to spend more strength to adjust his posture, which indirectly leads to stiff movements, that is, elongation. "Attack recovery" time (note that it is different from "strike recovery". "Strike recovery" set in games such as D2 refers to the time to recover from freezing after being attacked. "Attack recovery" is similar to the noun in MOBA games. Swing after attack).

The power of sword skills and even the power of normal attacks have been significantly improved, but this period of immobility is unacceptable to Aqua Regia.He has no teammates, and cannot alternately fight monsters with his teammates to avoid the risk of stiffness. The lone wolf player must always remain flexible and mobile.

Just like the swordsmanship instructor Seventh Brother said, the secret of swords is to always maintain enough space to escape!
If you want to shorten the "attack recovery" time, two methods are given on the strategy forum: first, increase the strength attribute. When the strength is high, the control ability of sword skills and attacks will also be enhanced; second, improve the proficiency of sword skills. Speed ​​not only represents the proficiency of skill level, but also the player's own proficiency in sword skill control.

As long as the feel and operation are good enough, even heavy weapons can feel light when used.

Mastering the sword in his hand is the goal, but wielding the sword to destroy the target in front of him is Wang Shui's personal wish. Seeing the iron-covered wooden target chopped into pieces and flying everywhere, the pent-up aura in Wang Shui's heart is unraveling and being released...

Sword after sword, the speed is getting faster and faster, and the scars are getting bigger and bigger. Wang Shui does not like the group of players in the original book who like to think about death and life here. He is just venting, just relieving stress, resolving... hate ?
His hatred - maybe this feeling can't be called hatred, it's probably a feeling of frustration, boredom and depression.

This feeling was born when he was resurrected by the system, born when he came to this new world full of extraordinary fun.

Sound ridiculous?
Resurrection, entering the extraordinary infinite space, and seeing the infinite wonderful world, wow, it sounds really cool and wonderful!

But is this aqua regia’s choice?Can he make a choice?
He is just a helpless useless social creature!He is not a natural warrior!Not even a lunatic!
His knowledge, three views, and abilities directly laid a solid foundation for him as an ordinary person.

For half a year, Wang Shui has to face all kinds of weird awakened people of various races every day. Wang Shui is calm on the surface, but actually he is always worried. He is afraid, he is extremely afraid, he is really afraid that any customer will slap him to death if he is unhappy...

But he still wants to cheat people and make money, because he can't acquire skills. He is just a craftsman in the life department. He wants to survive.

If the system does not resurrect him, he may be able to accept death, but once he has life again, he will be in awe of the eternal loneliness of death.

Wang Shui really held it in for a long time. He had no choice but to keep being pushed forward. He was a weakling, a weakling with no fighting experience and no strong heart. Even the sisters in Huajie could beat him.

But finally, he finally mustered up the courage to enter the infinite world again, and finally picked up a weapon for the first time, even if he was tricked by his natural ability, and even if Kayaba Akihiko discovered the means to save his life, he might die!
He finally clenched the sword in his hand for the first time.

It was this sword that brought a sense of security. This heavy sword gave him a strong sense of security and gave him a confidence that had never existed before.

[Sword of Tenacity] was filled with blue light countless times, and the target was torn apart from various angles countless times. For the first time, Wang Shui felt his own momentum, a momentum he had never seen before and could never understand!

For the first time, there was no trace of fear or hesitation in the sword he swung.

Sheathing the sword, Wang Shui stood in front of the completely shattered target and slowly regained his breathing stability, feeling the physical weakness after the adrenaline receded, and the mental exhaustion after using a large number of high-frequency sword skills.

He just kept standing like this, without realizing anything or suddenly acquiring a strong mentality. He just vented and regained his composure.

The night ended in the quiet bed of the hotel, in the first dreamless sleep of Shui Wang in half a year.



After venting his destructive desire, he felt strangely refreshed and his body was very light and powerful, which made Aqua Regia more confident to face the world.

According to the attributes of Aqua Regia, which is about to reach level [-] and is equipped with [Sword of Tenacity], it is more than enough to rush directly to the maze area.

But today is only the fourth day of the game. According to the plot, the strategy for the first level BOSS will be around 20-30.

Players in the first and second tiers, on the one hand, are afraid of falling behind in combat power and are desperately trying to conquer the maze. On the other hand, they also cherish their own lives. They will probably not go there before exhausting all the means to strengthen themselves on the first level. Adventure guide to the maze BOSS.

According to the setting, the difficulty of the first-level BOSS strategy is from level 44 to level 10. In the original work, everyone in the [-]-person strategy group is level [-] or above.

So Wang Shui is not in a hurry. He was worried before that he was too far behind Kirito and the others and would not be able to keep up with the large army.Now Wang Shui has to slow down and strengthen the character in details. After all, Wang Shui doesn't want to die in the game cowardly.

Attribute training needs to be kept up, skill levels need to be improved, armors need to be filled up, money needs to be saved, and weapon enhancement levels need to keep up. It has a typical MMORPG flavor.

But players who love this type of game just like the feeling of getting stronger with a little effort.

Wang Shui's next task is very clear: practice skills focusing on brushing strengthening materials, and save money to upgrade (lack of everything).

The first four levels of strengthening materials for [Tough Sword] can be found on the first floor, including [Wolf Fang], [Red-spotted Beetle Shell], [Refined Steel Ingot] and [Kobold Long Sword Fragments].

The material Wolf Fang was dropped by the wolves on the grassland outside the Town of Beginning. Unfortunately, the aqua regia has long been sold out.

But there is no rush. There should be new players who have the courage to go out of town to spawn monsters in the next two days. Then ask Argo or ask player merchants to help keep an eye on it.This thing will be a very consuming material in the future. If it doesn't work, you can also buy it from an NPC. It shouldn't be very expensive.

Carapace needs to go deep into the forest to farm the red-spotted beetle. This is a monster of the same level as the man-eating grass. It has low attack desire and high defense, so it is not difficult to farm.

To refine steel ingots, you need to go through the dense forest, go to the mountain mines near the maze to dig iron ore yourself, and then take it back to the city for refining. Without the [Mining] skill, the efficiency will be very low.

Steel ingots can be sold in the starting town and village, costing 3000 koels a piece, and the minimum cost is two koels for one enhancement.

Kobold sword fragments can be dropped from the first level of the maze and the kobolds outside the maze, but only the kobold vanguard with a one-handed straight sword (a long sword for the kobolds) will drop it, and other kobolds will drop it. Strengthening fragments of other weapons will drop from the body. If there is a group of people doing it, it is not difficult to exchange materials with each other.

Right, this is R! P! G!This is how the brush game is fun!Well done, Kayaba!
Before going on an expedition to strengthen, Wang Shui planned to stay here for two days to brush up on his good friends, the little piranhas, and get some money to upgrade to level five to unlock the next skill bar.

This time he must carefully consider the choice of skills. He must equip skills that are helpful in combat!
(End of this chapter)

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