my slow journey to infinity

Chapter 1 Tsk, there are some discrepancies in the plot

Chapter 1 Tsk, there are some discrepancies in the plot...

"Brother Shui, please take a look, can this thing still be repaired?"

A half-dragon girl with a scaly head pointed at a pile of scrap metal and said to Wang Shui.

Wang Shui pinched the severe metal fatigue fracture with his fingers and asked very professionally and seriously:
"What is this pile of stuff?"

"Ah! It's [BS433-A3-"Black Sword"] micro mobile armor! "

Wang Shui continued to send out an email with a very professional brow, and received a reply soon after.

"Well, the damage is very serious. It would be very expensive to repair it. Why don't you consider replacing it?"

The half-dragon girl was a little disappointed and said: "If it's too expensive, forget it. A new mecha costs more than 2... Next time [Mandatory Mission] will go to the fantasy world. [Real Frontline] is not suitable for those of us who have not reached the first level." It’s still too dangerous for newcomers.”

Good guy, your life is bigger than your heart. Isn't it the same danger no matter what level there is? Wang Shui couldn't help complaining in his heart.

On the other hand, the mobile armor is broken into pieces like this, but you are not dead. You look so majestic, oh no, dragon male, emmm... dragon female!
"There is still room for detours in the repair price. Do you have 5500 dream points? Or if you convert them into silver coins, you can get a 500 point discount, which only costs 5 silver coins."

"5 silver coins! Is this price acceptable? As expected of Brother Shui, the best repair master in the novice area!"

Wang Shui waved his hand, "Okay, okay, add me as a friend, and I'll send it to you probably before the day after tomorrow. If you agree, I'll also sign the maintenance contract."

The half-dragon girl signed the contract and left happily. Wang Shui twitched his lips when he looked at the pile of scrap metal that could not be sold at a high price, and directly pushed it into the repair shop to see if he could remove any good parts.

Just two or three minutes later, a flat unmanned transport vehicle drove over and requested a signature from Wang Shui.

Wang Shui signed his code name as the Awakened One [Half Bottle of Water] on the light screen. The car used a mechanical arm to push a medium-sized composite box to the ground, and then nimbly and quickly drilled out of the alley with complex terrain.

Opening the box, inside is a set of [-]% new [Black Sword] mobile armor.

"Can't it be turned into a card..." Wang Shui muttered as he moved the various parts of the mecha to the workbench.

The close-fitting micro-mecha built with an alloy rigid structure and composite lining is only a little heavier than the traditional steel full-body armor, but the gap in technological level is like a starship beating an ape.

The boy who dumped the scraps was really getting better and better. He used a cleaning agent to treat it before delivering it, which saved a lot of trouble in aqua regia.

Having been flattered, Wang Shui happily paid the full amount this time.

[Pay Dream Points to "Bloodthirsty Dragon MAX": 1500, the transaction contract is completed! 】

The text and the mechanical female voice appeared at the same time, but I don't know why every time I see the name "Garbage Guy", Aqua regia feels weird and it hurts.

After the transaction, Wang Shui first took out a box of professional mecha repair kits and began to dismantle them.

Energy modules, no problem;

The energy shield module is no problem if it is a bit old;
Muscle strength module, no problem;

Three-item table, huh?Why is this thing installed on the mecha?Confiscated.

If the sensing system is damaged, replace it with a piece of glass first.

Combat Discipline Mod, huh?Where is my fire control? ? ?
No wonder it couldn't be restored to card form. It turned out that there was no fire control chip, and the entire combat control module was just a shell.

Alas, Wang Shui sighed, returned to his small shop that looked like a garbage dump, and rummaged through the half-dragon girl's pile of scrap metal.

Good guy, this one is even more terrifying, the entire combat control module has melted into a pile.

"It's a shame, it's a shame~"

Muttering, Wang Shui found a box on the dilapidated shelf that was bent by various metal garbage. There were two crystal cards inside.

He pulled out a card and stuffed it into the weather-beaten desktop computer next to him that was stained with brown and black oil. He dug out the fire control file of [Black Sword] from a pile of messy information, and then started to swipe the system into the crystal chip card.

The fourth-generation first-order mecha, this antique fire control and intelligent control system are integrated. Without the system, it naturally cannot be started and cannot be turned into a card for easy portability.

And now it is difficult to find the system of this mecha on the [Dream Network]. It is only the same old junk repair shop that has such a useless treasure.

Aqua regia was not idle during the system refresh.

It looks like a [-]% new mecha, but in fact, the alloy material has a lot of hidden damage, and its defensive performance is far worse than it is labeled. The long-outdated intelligent control system cannot detect in real time. No, this old system cannot detect metal properties at all. .

Especially the damage to important parts such as the shoulder armor made this mecha in good condition scrapped. It looked new, but when it was actually driven, it was in danger of disintegrating and falling apart at any time.

Lack of maintenance, lack of upkeep.

After all, it is a first-order cannon fodder machine. No, it may not even be considered a cannon fodder machine. At most, it can be regarded as a training aircraft.

Even a person like Wang Shui can't bear to sell this kind of self-destructive waste to customers. After all, it may affect his good reputation, but who makes the customer have no money? Isn't this the customer's problem?

Cruelly, Aqua regia took out a can of metal repair oil from the counter that was also full of oil stains and had been used countless times but could never be used up, and began to maintain the mecha.

Half an hour later, the sky quickly turned gloomy, and a figure like a mountain of meat appeared at the door of the shop.

"Hey, Brother Shui, it's shift change."

"Kazan, please stand outside for a moment, otherwise I won't be able to get out." Wang Shui quickly called to the strong little giant hybrid man.

The crystal card loaded with the fire control system was inserted into the combat control module, and the energy path was turned on and self-checked. After the module connection was normal, Wang Shui thought connected to the mobile armor. After the self-checking of a table of modules was completed, it directly became got a card.

[Item Card·"Black Sword" Mobile Armor (White)]

In Wang Shui's field of vision, a dim screen appeared that only he could see. After all, the light signal acted directly on the brain, rather than projecting light.

No problem, the card information is connected to Wang Shui's [Computing Terminal], indicating that there are no abnormalities in the basic functions.

But for the sake of quality control, Wang Shui still came to the door of the store, held the card between the index and middle fingers of his right hand, and issued voice commands while connecting in his mind.

"Item card activated."

With a light body, Wang Shui floated slightly in the air, about twenty centimeters above the ground. The illusory light formed around his body like a black sword mecha. Then the black light condensed, and a set of close-fitting black armor appeared directly on Wang Shui's body. .

I rely on!

Wang Shui suddenly bent over and felt a sharp pain under his right rib!
Come on, come on!I forgot, what I am wearing is an old work suit, not a professional combat hunting suit. The pockets are full of screws and wrenches, and I almost broke my bones due to aqua regia!
Quickly undressing, the mobile armor returned to the card three seconds later, and Wang Shui breathed a sigh of relief.

The effect is okay. The panel on the helmet shows that the system is normal. Although no additional [Energy Coins] are inserted, the mecha can absorb the free energy in the environment to ensure basic operation, indicating that there is no problem with the energy module.

As for plugging in the [Energy Coin] to verify the shield and combat auxiliary system, Wang Shui didn't dare. Plugging in the energy was equivalent to installing explosives.

The mecha with only mechanical structure assistance is not very heavy, which shows that the overall rigid structure is intact, which is enough.

So... Wang Shui threw the card into the mailbox next to him, set it to be sent out the day after tomorrow, and attached the contract content.

get it~
Don't let the customer receive it too early, let the customer think that he is working hard to repair it and work overtime until the last minute as promised, so that the customer will feel that the money is worth spending!
Wang Shui, who picked up a big deal for nothing, stretched and saw Kazan, the little giant of Roshan, who looked confused next to him, and waved to him.

"Kazan, before Brother Hei or I came back, I left the front store to you. If anyone comes to ask you, just say that the craftsmen are not at home. Do you understand?"

"I understand, Kazan will sleep in the store, waiting for Brother Hei and Brother Shui to come back!"

I'm afraid Brother Hei may not have died in Flower Street.

With a slander, Wang Shui was just about to leave, when the simple-minded Kazan asked loudly:

"Brother Shui, are you going to run a mission in another world?"

"Yes, even those who are awakened in the life department must conduct a solo [exploration mission] within half a year, according to the system regulations."

"Brother Shui, Kazan can protect you! Let's go together!"

"Go, go, you can only queue up for the mandatory mission. Watch the store carefully and don't eat the materials in the box! If you are hungry, you can eat the scrap metal outside."

"Oh~ Brother Shui, be careful. Kazan only has two friends, Brother Hei and Brother Shui..."

I'm really relieved to be worried about you, a guy with poor IQ.

After leaving the Artisan Street where metal garbage was piled everywhere, Aqua Regia, dressed in shabby work clothes and with a greasy face, seemed to have nowhere to go, so he could only walk towards the city center in a daze.

The gradually bright and spacious streets are surrounded by various restaurants, department stores, and shops selling brand-new equipment.

Most of the people who open shops here are locals and are not managed by the system and do not have to pay taxes to the system, but they will spit out the money they make elsewhere.

After all, the [Dream System] is not a good thing.

There are also many awakened ones like Wang Shui among the pedestrians. Now the city at the feet of Wang Shui is controlled by the [Dream System], and these [awakened ones] who belong to the system have also been fished here from various worlds.

This is not a very beautiful city.

Leaving Craftsman Street, which borders the slums, the surrounding houses began to rise. Many masonry and concrete buildings were gradually replaced by steel buildings, and gradually even the ground became a specially coated steel road.

There are more and more colorful dynamic billboards and more pedestrians, but there are fewer low-level awakened people like Shui Wang.This is no longer a novice zone.

[Steel Edge City], the name of this city does not come from the fact that more than 80.00% of it is steel city.

In fact, the original old city was in the slum area, and no trace of the original ancient masonry fortress can be seen. This city has just been controlled by the [Dream System] for seven or eight years.

In fact, the same goes for Wang Shui. He has only been selected by the system to be an awakener for half a year, and now he is completely different from the inside out.

Half a year ago, he was still a social beast who worked around all day long, until the destined dump truck sent him into an unexpected near-future science fiction world.

Then, [Dream System] contacted him and told him that the system intercepted his soul and reshaped his body. Now he is an awakener belonging to the system. He needs to complete the initial awakening task and choose the one that suits his soul. Awakening of tendencies, becoming a transcendent...cannon fodder.

Is it true that my life is full of passion? !
With the excitement of the protagonist, Aqua Regia ended his first infinite journey.

Then there is no more then.

The question is that he did not lose in terms of momentum.

Wang Shui, who was wandering on the bright neon streets, was a little distracted. Tomorrow was the deadline for the mandatory mission. The system did not support idlers, and the system was very good at recognizing people. The awakened ones here were either fierce and brave, or cunning and cunning. Either they kill decisively, and some people who seem quiet and dull must actually be particularly advocating violence.

How could such a pure, simple and kind-hearted person like me be detained... This is something Wang Shui has never been able to figure out.

Wang Shui doesn't look down on himself, he really feels that from the inside out, he has a different style from this group of awakened people.

He is afraid of death, afraid of pain, afraid of hunger and various harsh living conditions.

So until now, he has only experienced the first awakening mission.

Moreover, he did not complete the main mission at that time.

He lingered for a month on a battlefield where mechas hugged each other, until the system determined that he could not complete the mission.

The system directly gave him the lowest level [Random Awakening] reward, and then threw him into this city.

Others are limitless, kill everyone in the first world to get full rewards, and start conquering the world in one wave.

The infinity of aqua regia makes it difficult to survive with only a chance to survive, but with nothing.

What can he do? Before he came here, he was a CRUD coder at the lowest level. He was a real loser who relied on the keyboard to punch.

In the end, Wang Shui survived with the help of his good social skills and Brother Hei.

After he learned that those who were awakened in the life department could participate in the mission at a minimum, he switched to the life department without any hesitation, and said goodbye to the world of the strong.

For life-type awakeners, the system exchange list permissions are only [-]% of those of the combat type, and there are basically no things that directly enhance combat power.

The rewards for life awakeners after completing any tasks will also be replaced with something related to production capacity.

Therefore, the life system will only get weaker and weaker, and it will become more and more difficult to pass the mission. If you are lucky, you can hug the combat system that is lined up together. If you are not lucky... According to Hei Ge's suggestion, Wang Shui should find a small guild. Join in and do hard work in exchange for high-level assistance from the guild leaders.

However, the first official mission was to find a big partner. Even if Wang Shui didn't care about face, no guild was willing to waste time covering a newcomer like him.

A feeling of melancholy and guilt enveloped him until he reached the mission center.

This is a huge white brick square with a huge stone ball statue in the middle, which is arched like a chess piece with a huge round platform.

Some ancient stone squares are so abruptly embedded in the center of the steel city.

As long as you walk onto the square, you can connect to the stone ball through your personal [computing terminal], and you can view, receive, and start tasks anywhere in the square.

Therefore, although there are many people in the huge square, not everyone is crowded in front of the stone ball statue in the middle.

The white light at the beginning and end of the mission kept flashing, and some of the awakened people were teleported away or back in the white light.The guys who were ready to go and the returnees in the first aid cabin alternated their work in an orderly manner.

However, their number is not large, or in other words, they do not account for a large proportion of the crowd in the square.Most of the people in the huge square are vendors setting up stalls here and people coming here to purchase.

Yes, that’s right, Mission Square is also the largest wild stall market. It is allowed to set up stalls here by default, and no tax is collected. It is much better than the system’s Awakened Mall. The online mall takes 20%, while offline only requires fists, fists. Big enough and you can have a stall.

But all this prosperity has nothing to do with aqua regia.

I was a little hungry. I hadn't taken a shower or changed my clothes. Aqua regia was wandering around the outside without any sense of existence.

The closer to the stone ball stall in the center, the higher the level, and he is only worthy of hanging around the periphery.

But he also came here to shop, buy equipment that matched his level, and he would start from here tomorrow.

Thinking Connection [Computing Terminal], this virtual machine that occupies a small amount of the computing power of his biological brain, can achieve very strong data computing effects, which directly reflects the pop-up of a small window on the brain's vision screen.

"Personal information." He silently ordered in his mind.

[Name: Wang Shui]

[Code name: half bottle of water]

[Archive: Human (First Series of Human Race)-Male-AM101C0622]

[Occupation: None (awakened)]

[Level: Level 1 (Level [-])]

[Life: 100% (simple quantification of life activity)]

[Energy 1: 50/50 (first-order non-attribute energy)]

[Physical fitness: 1.12] (Comprehensive qualities such as strength and fitness)
[Coordination: 1.77] (body coordination and nerve reflexes, etc.)

[Perception: 0.82] (observation ability and environmental acuity, etc.)

[Thinking: 1.88] (comprehensive ability of thinking, learning, calculation, etc.)

[Mind: 1.22] (Comprehensive strength of soul, spirit, will, concentration, etc.)

[Talent Awakening·Arrogant Master (Dark Silver): Cannot obtain extraordinary professions, cannot change bloodline, can only obtain skills through learning, learning ability is not restricted, and learning ability is greatly enhanced. 】

----master a skill----

[Forging (Advanced)], [Mechanical Engineering (Advanced)]

——Alchemy Array————

[Array·Interaction], [Array·Computing Terminal]



No more, at level zero and level one, the five basic attributes are hovering around 1 point of a standard human being, and the perception is even lower than that of an average person.

The only thing worth taking a second look at is Dark Silver's talent awakening ability.

According to Brother Hei:
[Dream System] divides all data into levels according to strength, with [grey, white, green, blue, gold, and dark gold] as the main levels. Of course, these levels refer to items of the same level. Gold-level equipment is better than gold-level equipment. The third level difference is not 01:30.

What Brother Hei means is that there is no silver in the official classification given by the system, just because silver is rare. After all, the classification is based on strength. There are occasional silver items or skills among awakened people, so rarity does not mean there is no silver.

The overall feeling is that it is between blue and gold.

Therefore, the talent of [The Master] is rare, but it is not very strong, and the negative effects are even too obvious.

Failure to obtain an extraordinary profession directly cuts off the safest and most systematic path to extraordinary cultivation;

The bloodline cannot be changed, and given the lower limit of human abilities and growth rate, it is quite a pain in the early and late stages.

The most important thing is that skills can only be acquired through learning. This seems to be a simple description, but its effect directly prevents Aqua Regia from directly acquiring skills through system infusion!
Others have acquired powerful skills by playing or buying them themselves, and they can learn them directly with a clap of their hands. After a little practice, they will have an epiphany, and in the next world they will start killing everyone in the field.

But Wang Shui can't do it. Let alone clapping his hands, he can't even instill all-round knowledge for a long time. In fact, he still doesn't understand what "learning" in "skills can only be acquired through learning" means.

The only two skills he has mastered now, [Blacksmithing] and [Mechanical Engineering], were due to the fact that in the first world, when he was doing the awakening mission, he was captured by a large arms company and worked as a coolie for a whole month. acquired.

During the six months that Gou has been in the city, his two skills have been improved to a high level through his daily work.

Having said that, it is true that the learning ability has been greatly enhanced, and the poor guys in the slums are amazed at the rapid progress of Wang Shui's repair technology.

but!Why, the advanced scrolls for these two skills are only one or two thousand!
This is exactly half a year. Some of the so-called [Class C] awakeners who started with the same number as Wang Shui have rushed to the third level in half a year. Even the latest batch of [E] class newcomers have also entered the first level and become official. of extraordinary beings.

The shameful senior Wang Shui is now dangling in front of a bunch of low-level stalls with the little hard-earned money he earned in the past six months.

Until his wandering eyes were caught by that black streak.

(End of this chapter)

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