New York 2006

Chapter 82 Investing

Chapter 82 Investing
New York, Future Records offices on Broadway.

"Boss, I wonder if you have ever heard of such a joke?" Accountant Lin Qingji said.

Lin Qingji has a private accounting firm with its headquarters in California and a branch in New York.The two met last time at the Hilton Chinese-American gathering hotel.Therefore, Luo Ji outsourced all corporate and private accounting matters to his company.

"You said."

Lin Qingji said with a smile: "An American couple was shipwrecked and drifted to an uninhabited island without any communication tools around them. They were worried that the rescue team could not find them, so they began to cry loudly. As they cried, the husband suddenly asked his wife : Have we paid our personal income tax? Wife: We have paid it. Husband: Have we paid our real estate tax? Wife: We have paid it. Husband: What about salary tax? Wife: We have paid it. Husband: What about social security and medical insurance taxes? Wife: Ah , I forgot, and I haven’t paid it yet. The husband was relieved, hugged his wife and said excitedly: Thank God, we are finally saved, don’t worry, honey, I bet the tax bureau will find us soon!”

"Hahaha." Luo Ji heard this joke for the first time.

Lin Qingji continued: "So, boss, the US tax bureau is very powerful. Don't have any problems with taxes. In two months, it will be the tax filing season in April, and your personal income alone will exceed 4 million dollars." , this money must be invested, otherwise you will have to pay a large amount of tax."

"What suggestions do you have?" Luo Ji asked.

"I looked at the personal reports of you and your family members and found that you have not purchased various insurances and social security. So I first suggest that you help your whole family buy various insurances and social security, but it is a small amount of money. The big head still needs to be invested or set up a charity. Fund. What do you think about it?"

"Charity fund?" Luo Ji became interested.

Lin Qingji introduced: "For example, if you create a charity fund of 500 million yuan, then you don't need to pay taxes on this 500 million. And 20% of it, which is 100 million, can become your This year’s tax exemption is gone.”


"But 500 million requires 5% of the assets every year, which is 25 yuan. If you use this money to promote an environmental protection campaign or help poor students, it is considered charity. To be more direct, this 5% The funds are not used for charitable purposes, and there is no problem if they are all spent on management expenses. The remaining 95% of the funds can be invested without any restrictions on use, and the income earned from the investment only requires 1% tax, and can also be included in the cost .”

Luo Ji only knew that charity funds in the United States could be used to avoid taxes before, but he didn't know that they could be used in this way: "So you mean, I can arrange for my family and friends to join the charity fund, let them receive wages, and Used to hold parties and network, as long as I spend 5% every year, I can enjoy a tax-free limit of 20% of the donation amount, and the fund is still under my control?”

Lin Qingji said: "Yes. I heard you said that your family is idle at home every day. You can arrange them into a charity fund so that you can really find something for them to do."

"Then you can help me apply for a non-profit fund first," Luo Ji said.

"What's the name?"

"Let's call it Viva La Vida, the Long Live Life Charity Fund!" Luo Ji said to Lin Qingji.

Lin Qingji smiled and said: "But this is just a small amount of money. What are your plans for the remaining money? Xu Yongqian has a fund company with an annual return rate of more than 15%. Do you want to invest some?"

Luo Ji asked in surprise: "15%, is it so stable? How many years has it been?"

"Five years! I also invested 100 million dollars." Lin Qingji said with a smile.

Luo Ji always thought that Xu Yongqian was a simple "personal donation raiser", but he didn't expect that he also had his own fund company. The 15% rate of return was indeed high, but after thinking about it, Luo Ji still refused. He preferred to invest based on his own intuition.

"Forget it, I have other uses for this money. You can help me register a non-profit charitable foundation, and then help me and my family buy social security and insurance."

"Okay, goodbye!" Lin Qingji said goodbye and left.

Luo Ji saw him out of the company door, then returned to the office, took out the iPhone that Jobs had given him, and continued to study it.

This mobile phone is simply an epoch-making product, and its convenience of operation is unparalleled.Internet access, listening to music, receiving emails, calls, and text messages.It includes all the functions of MP3, personal digital assistant and mobile phone electronic products.

This created many firsts, the first mobile phone with full touch screen operation.I can't find any buttons on my iPhone's main panel.The only few buttons such as power on and off, volume control, etc. are placed on the side of the fuselage.The first mobile phone to provide a complete end-to-end content solution.The first mobile phone that can play YouTube videos.The first mobile phone to integrate Google Maps.The first mobile phone that is most convenient for surfing the Internet.

Of course, it's also the first phone with a non-replaceable battery.The only disadvantage is that the standby time is much shorter than that of traditional mobile phones.However, this phone can be charged with a removable charging power source on the market, which is a solvable problem.

Luo Ji sent a text message to Jobs: "The Apple mobile phone is very easy to use. It is simply an epoch-making product!"

Jobs replied coldly: "I know!"

Luo Ji didn't care about Jobs's attitude and continued to play with the iPhone. The more Luo Ji played with it, the more he liked it. He got started very quickly, like instinct, and was very familiar with these functions. This made Luo Ji more determined in his investment philosophy.

He logged into his securities account and continued to buy $886 million worth of Apple stock, which together with his previous Apple stock totaled $1000 million.

Then he bought another 151 million yuan worth of Gugou stocks, making up 200 million yuan.

Luo Ji rose from the Internet. He knew very well that the Internet represented the future, so he spent another 300 million yuan to buy most of the Internet stocks on the market, including Booking Holdings, Netflix, Amazon, Yahoo and other Internet industry leaders. company.

After spending a whole morning to complete the purchases in batches, Luo Ji directly invested 1337 million US dollars this time, and a total of 1500 million US dollars was invested in the stock account.

Luo Ji looked at his securities account with satisfaction and felt very happy!This is the future!

Jingle Bell!Jingle Bell!
"Hello, Mr. Logic, are you not satisfied with Citibank's service, so you transferred a large amount of funds?"

"No, I use it for investment." Luo Ji said to his manager at Citibank.

"Our bank also has specialized financial funds. Do you want me to recommend some to you?" the manager of Citibank said.

"Need not!"

"Do you need a loan? You are a high-quality customer of our bank, and our bank can offer you the most favorable loan interest rate!" said the manager of Citibank.

"I need a loan of about 1500 million meters. Please give me a quote! I will give you an answer after comparing it with other banks!" Luo Ji said.

The manager said bitterly: "Okay, we will contact you later."

After shopping around, Luo Ji contacted two Chinese bankers he met at a Chinese gathering at the Hilton Hotel, Wu Jianmin from Huami Bank and Wu Zhenshan from United Bank Holdings.

In the end, the one with the best interest rate among the three was Huami Bank. They cared very much about Luo Ji, a potential high-quality customer, and offered the best interest rate.However, they asked Luo Ji to open an account in their bank.This was a very reasonable request, and Luo Ji agreed without thinking.

"Ronaldo, in about one day, you will be able to get a loan of 1500 million yuan! If you need it at any time, you can contact me directly." Wu Jianmin, chairman of Huami Bank, said. "Thank you!" Luo Ji said.

Satisfied, Luo Ji called the Deutsche Bank investment manager Xu Youyu gave and asked him to come to Future Records to discuss investing in CDS!
"Today is a good day..." Luo Ji hummed a tune, quietly walked out of the office and began to observe.

He walked to the recording studio first. The music director and two technicians in the recording studio were busy. This recording studio was rented out, and people would come to record every few days, which at least made some income.

Luo Ji inspected several other departments. Max was fishing, assistant Fiona was fishing, Jeff Busker was fishing, the accompaniment team was fishing, the front desk, the publicity department, the finance department, and the administrative department. Employees are still fishing.

Luo Ji's good mood immediately dissipated. He paid these people wages and left them idle. This made Luo Ji feel very uncomfortable.

He found music director Jeff Basker: "The promise I made to you can be fulfilled. We need to sign a few singers now, and we can't let the company idle!"

Jeff Busker asked in surprise, "Really?"

"Of course!" Luo Ji decided to continue trusting him.

"Do you have any requirements?" Jeff Busker asked.

Luo Ji thought for a while: "Hum, try to choose singers with creative ability and good singing skills. Such singers can be given better contracts. As for those without creative ability, if you are very optimistic about it, give them All-round contract, 360deal.”

"Okay. Do you have any other requirements?" Jeff Busker said excitedly.

"By the way, remember to sign up a few ethnic minorities. Don't just sign up all white people." Luo Ji looked directly at him and spoke.

"I understand!" Jeff Busker winked at Luo Ji.

"Okay, then you go ahead and make arrangements. Find those unsigned singers. Ask them to submit their resumes. When the collection is almost complete, I will also participate."

Luo Ji nodded with satisfaction, walked out of Jeff Busker's office, and then looked at the group of employees who were fishing.I felt happy immediately, and I will be busy with them after a while!
"Hahaha." Luo Ji smiled.

Agent Braun came over: "Why are you laughing?"

"I plan to sign a few singers! Make the company bigger," Luo Ji said.

Manager Braun rolled his eyes: "Logic, can I find some singers to collaborate with you?"

Luo Ji had a very serious attitude and looked at his manager Braun with a smile: "What do you mean?"

"You should know that the record industry is in a slump right now. Therefore, many singers are jointly launched by multiple record companies. So I also want to sign a few singers and jointly launch with you." Manager Braun said.

Braun had already had this idea, and Luo Ji knew it.He is really nice and has good taste: "Okay."

"Thank you, Logic." Agent Braun said sincerely.

"I'm willing to win-win! By the way, what's the name of your record company?" Luo Ji asked curiously.

"Schoolboy Records, SB Records for short."

"Hahaha." Luo Ji laughed.

"why are you laughing?"

"I don't know why I want to laugh when I hear this name." Luo Ji said with a smile.

Manager Braun didn't pay attention to this and continued: "Logic, since you want to sign singers, there must be many singers without managers coming to apply. Can you give me their management contracts by then? Of course, I I won’t let you suffer. I plan to set up a brokerage company, and I can give you 50% of the shares! This brokerage company also includes the brokerage contract between you and me. I also plan to set up a tour company, and I will also let you You own 50% of the shares."


Agent Braun continued: "I have such experience. I have often organized parties and tours before. I also have experience as an agent. If you believe in my ability, I will definitely do a good job for these two companies. By then, our companies together will become a full-service entertainment and marketing company. It will cover everything from record production, online distribution, promotion, management, and tours."

Luo Ji was shocked: "Isn't there any legal risk in this? I am not only the artist's manager, but also the manager of his record company, and the head of his touring team."

Manager Braun said with a smile: "This is what the record industry does now. The decline of the record industry has brought about all-round changes in the industry. Everyone wants to get every profit in their own hands. As long as we follow the According to industry practice, don't squeeze singers. They are naturally at a disadvantage and no one will go against us. We are not black-hearted capitalists, we are artists and advocate win-win results."

Luo Ji looked at him seriously and said solemnly: "Scooter Braun. Are you sure? I don't want to make news and be attacked by my colleagues and say I am a black-hearted capitalist!"

Agent Braun also said seriously: "You have my promise, Felix Rowe!"

Luo Ji stretched out his hands to shake hands with his agent Braun: "Okay, I believe you! Go ahead and make the plan."

Back in the office, Luo Ji was still a little worried, so he called his lawyer Jamie and explained the whole story to him.

Lawyer Jamie said: "Logic, that's indeed the case. The law has been somewhat loosened in the past two years. As long as you don't participate in actual management, just hand over the operation rights to Braun."

"Anything else to add?"

Lawyer Jamie was silent for a while before speaking: "With your album selling so well, there is no doubt that you will become a first-line singer. Braun should be careful. Your management contract will expire in half a year. He and those big... There is no advantage in the competition between brokerage companies. It is very likely that he wants to bind you through the brokerage company and the tour company. Without you, he is nothing. From a business perspective, as long as you are a first-line singer, anyone can go through those two companies. For companies to make money, you can actually set up these two companies by yourself and do it yourself.”

Luo Ji thought for a while, and finally rejected lawyer Jamie's proposal: "Braun is not bad, and he has been very helpful to me. I am very busy every day now, and my schedule is already full. I am not that Much energy, I originally planned to outsource the tour to Live Nation. If I did it, I would have to build a team from scratch, which would be very troublesome. He has such experience and ability. I am willing to work with those who have the ability. Everyone wins!”

"Okay." Lawyer Jamie said: "Can the legal affairs of these two companies be outsourced to our law firm?"

"Then you have to negotiate with Braun!" Luo Ji said.

(End of this chapter)

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