New York 2006

Chapter 77 The final game and Taylor’s support

Chapter 77 The final game and Taylor’s support
On February 2007, 2, at 8 pm Eastern Time, Luo Ji was sitting in his office, looking at the K-line chart on his computer screen. Apple had been rising since the beginning of February, rising by almost 4% in seven days.It finally started to fall today, down 2% today.

Luo Ji took another look at the stock price of traditional music records. It had fallen by about 7% in the past seven days, but rose slightly by 16% today.

It seems that many people are aware of the news that Luo Ji and Universal Music are going to reconcile.

Luo Ji didn't touch the Apple stock in his account, so there was no need for him to engage in insider trading for such a small amount of money.And he's prepared to hold on to it for the long haul.

The stock market had closed, and Luo Ji just walked out of the office. The other employees of the company were gone, and Luo Ji gave them an early leave today.He saw lawyer Jamie, manager Braun, and the head of publicity having a heated exchange with the old white man from Universal Music and the lawyers sent by Universal Music.

"Sorry, I'm not feeling well today. What did you talk about?"

The old white man from Universal Music was sweating profusely and looked at Luo Ji with hostility: "Logic, don't be disrespectful. We at Universal Music have shown the utmost sincerity. Don't think that we are afraid of you. "

"I don't, I just don't feel well. What are the main differences now?" Luo Ji looked at Jamie.

Lawyer Jamie said: "There are four points in total. First, Universal Music needs to extend the company's distribution contract from three albums in five years to four albums in seven years. And digital distribution must also be included in their distribution system. Second Second, Universal Music wants 3000 million to acquire 30% of the company's shares. Third, regarding the MV issue, Universal Music must follow the previous tradition of sharing the cost 20-20 and splitting the cost [-]-[-]. Fourth, if the acquisition is successful, your lyrics and music will They also don’t agree with the [-]% share and the [-]% share that your singer gets.”

Jobs' reminder made Luo Ji pay attention to the dynamics of the capital market, and he now felt more confident.

Luo Ji showed his ferocious capitalist face and looked directly at the old white man from Universal Music: "First, the distribution contract remains the same as before. Second, if you are really willing to bet on my future, I can give away 1800% of the 12 million yuan. shares, which is exactly 23% of Universal Music’s 35% distribution fee. Third, I am willing to give you 23% of the MV unconditionally. The future production costs will be shared with you in proportion. The distribution of the MV will be handled by Future Records itself. Fourth , I will take 40% of the share of lyrics, music and singers."

Luo Ji then said sternly: "During this period, you paid 20 US dollars and earned more than 200 million US dollars. You all earned it from my songs. If you agree, we will draw up a contract now. If you don’t agree, just get out.”

Lawyer Jamie looked at Luo Ji in surprise. This was very different from the originally negotiated peace negotiation conditions.He looked at the Universal Music group worriedly.

The old white man from Universal Music looked at Luo Ji in disbelief, then revealed a ferocious look and wanted to say a few harsh words, but in the end he swallowed and endured it: "I need to go out and make a phone call."

"it is good."

About half an hour later, the old white man from Universal Music walked in. There was no trace of the anger on his face when he left. He called Luo Ji aside and said proudly: "Logic, can you answer this call?" ?”

"Logic, I am the prosecutor of the South District of Chicago. I heard that you are negotiating with Universal Music?"

Luo Ji's face turned cold and he glanced at the old white man from Universal Music with hostility: "Yes, please wait a moment."

After speaking, Luo Ji walked to his office and slammed the door: "Are you here to be Universal Music's middleman? Or are you here to put pressure on me?"

The black prosecutor in the South District of Chicago said coldly: "Universal Music's conditions are already very sincere, why are you still unwilling to agree? Don't you remember what happened before?"

Luo Ji said calmly: "After the last shooting in the South District, I thought we had reached an agreement."

"Then you should accept Universal Music's terms."

Luo Ji said coldly: "So are you threatening me?"

"You can understand that."

Hearing this, Luo Ji became crazy and yelled: "M-Fxxk, I have always been so supportive of you, but now you want to become an accomplice of Universal Music to put pressure on me. Are you going to start to threaten old scores?" Me? Did my compromise last time make you think that I am someone who can be easily bullied? Come on, come on, come on. Fxxk you, Mr. Prosecutor. By the way, tell your master William Daley, Fxxk him! "

Luo Ji immediately hung up the phone, slammed the old white guy from Universal Music's phone against the wall, and shouted loudly: "Fxxk, Fxxk, Fxxk."

The negotiation team outside heard the voices in the office and all looked at each other.Manager Braun, head of publicity, and lawyer Jamie looked at the office worriedly, but the old white man from Universal Music smiled proudly and looked at them mockingly.

But he didn't feel proud for long. Luo Ji opened the door with a bang and threw the broken cell phone at the old white man's feet.Then he pointed his finger in his face and shouted.

"Ask your master to come over. I'm waiting for your move. I want to admit to the media that Universal Music wants to monopolize my record company. Whoever dares to threaten me, I will expose them in the media. Not all media Do you want to see my mad dog attitude? I will satisfy them."

When the old white man from Universal Music saw this scene, he said calmly: "Logic, can you be more sensible?"

Luo Ji cursed loudly and pointed at the door: "Fxxk you, get out of here, get out of here now."

After Luo Ji finished speaking, he slammed the door and walked into the office, leaving everyone stunned. The old white man from Universal Music looked at lawyer Jamie: "Can you go and persuade him? This is not the attitude a businessman should have."

"I can't persuade him." The person in charge of publicity said.

Manager Braun looked at the old white man from Universal Music with hostility: "Whose call did you ask him to answer? The last time I saw him so angry and irrational, it was because of his mother. He is only 16 Sui is an artist, so don't treat him as a rational person."

The old white man from Universal Music stopped talking, asked for the cell phone of the lawyer next to him, and went out to make another call.

"Viva La Vida, long live life."

Luo Ji looked at the reproduction of Frida Kahlo's Long Live the Life painting on the wall of his office, and was in a daze.The layout of the entire office is somewhat similar to the layout of the room when he died in his previous life.The reason why he arranged it like this is to remind himself at all times to feel the preciousness of life and experience the passion in life.But life is really difficult!
After becoming famous on YouTube, he began to passively accept all kinds of excesses from the American media. Everything he did would be observed by the media with a magnifying glass.Just because he was the first person of Chinese descent to break into the American pop music industry.

Various politicians, organizations, and companies in the United States all think that he is just like the Chinese-American stereotype in the media, timid and easy to compromise, and anyone will come up to test him.See if he dares not resist.


Luo Ji's memory of death in his previous life suddenly reappeared in his mind, and the pain seemed to travel through time and space and come to him again.But the pain at this moment was different from before. It seemed to have turned into endless motivation, filling his heart with courage.

"Dump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump."

The prelude of cello, violin, and piano sounded, and the familiar blend of classical music and pop music returned.Luo Ji's heart fluctuated with the music. He closed his eyes and quietly felt the music changing from calm to exciting.

There was a thud and a heavy metallic sound, and the whole music suddenly had an epic feel.Halfway through the music, a classical female voice sounded. Along with her singing, the voices of the male and female choirs sounded. The music continued, and the voices of the male and female choirs overlapped with the classical female voices. The whole song reached its climax.

The swords collide
Sword light

With power and force
Bloody fight
As mighty men
brave warrior
Show no remorse
Fearless Charge
It is the time
at this moment
The sun is rising
Snow melts
It is the time
at this moment
Luo Ji was immersed in the epic music, and felt much calmer inside.There is no MV for this song, only singing, but Luo Ji can feel the epic power of this song, as if thousands of troops are standing behind him.

"I'm fed up with anyone who dares to come up to test me and threaten me."

Luo Ji walked to his desk, opened the video of the no-suicide statement on his computer, and started watching it.

In the picture, Luo Ji changed from his usual unruly style. He was dressed in formal clothes and had hair wax on his hair. He looked meticulous.The video picture is also very bright. He is sitting on the sofa at home, looking at the camera seriously, speaking clearly and speaking every word.

"Everyone should have heard about the conflict between me and Universal Music. I want to state here that it was Universal Music who wanted to swallow up my music company. I had no choice but to confront them during this period. I declare , I don’t have any thoughts of suicide. If I commit suicide, it’s not true. I lived safely until I was 16 years old, and even the shooting incident some time ago did not take my life. If during this period I was killed for some inexplicable reason Death, that is definitely not an accident..." Luo Ji opened the backend page of YouTube and thought for a long time.

Jingle bell, jingle bell.Another call came.Luo Ji saw it was Taylor.He answered the phone.

"Fili, are you okay?"

Luo Ji forced a smile and said, "I'm fine. How are your recent promotions?"

Taylor smiled happily and said: "I'm pretty good too. My recent album sold well, but you have completely overshadowed me. I heard that your album sold 38 copies in one week, and all of them were digital." album. If a physical album comes out, there should be more."

"38? I don't even know this number. The sales data of the online platform I have here is updated every three days."

"It was a media outlet that broke the news. I don't know if it's true or not."

Luo Ji thought for a moment: "The data should be very close."

"Congratulations, Fili. By the way, is my red scarf at your house?"

"If you need me to see you, I'll take you there."

"No need." Taylor whispered, "I'll get it myself when I go to find you next time."

"Okay." Luo Ji said.

Taylor said worriedly: "Feili, Scott Borchetta just asked me to call you to comfort you and tell you not to do stupid things. Did something happen that I don't know about? Don't let anything happen to you."

Luo Ji answered frankly: "I'm fine, it's just that the negotiations with Universal Music have collapsed. There may be a serious public relations crisis."

Taylor did not continue to persuade as Luo Ji expected: "I can understand you, Feili. I feel the same as you. The music I create is like my child, but it no longer belongs to me after it is created." I belong to Big Machine Records. You still have this opportunity to protect your children. You must persevere and never compromise with capital!"

"Thank you Taylor." Luo Ji secretly remembered what Taylor just said.

Tyler yelled, "Fight, Fili! Come on!"

"I will." Luo Ji said with a smile.

As soon as I hung up the phone, another call came.

Jingle, Jingle, Jingle.

Picking up the phone, Luo Ji saw that it was a call from Patty Doyle. He pressed the answer button, and Patty's emotionless voice rang out: "I heard that your relationship with Universal Music broke down?"

Luo Ji said lowly, "Yes."

Patty Doyle said softly: "Don't you want to explain something? They said you had a very hot temper and threw the negotiator's cell phone. Didn't I ask you to restrain your hot temper?"

Luo Ji said calmly: "They are looking for someone to dig into my old scores and threaten me."

"Then... forget it, stick to it." Latino Patty Doyle said and hung up the phone.

"It's time for everything to come to an end."

Luo Ji was just about to go out when there was a knock on the door.

"Come in."

Manager Braun walked in. When he saw Luo Ji calm down, he walked up to him and said, "The old white man from Universal Music said there are new terms..."

"You let him in."

"Then me?"

"Let him come in alone." Luo Ji paused for a moment and said warmly, "Thank you, Braun."

After a while, the old white man from Universal Music walked in. Luo Ji turned his back to the door, looked at the traffic outside the window, and said, "Close the door."

He hesitated for a moment and realized that Luo Ji didn't have a gun on him, so he closed the door and said with a smile: "Logic, has someone persuaded you again? You should think like an adult."

"Come and talk to me after watching the video on the computer."

The old white man from Universal Music walked to the computer in confusion, glanced at Luo Ji's back, and then clicked on the video to watch: "Everyone must have heard about the conflict between me and Universal Music, and I want to make it clear here. , it’s Universal Music…”

After reading this, the old white man from Universal Music looked at Luo Ji's back calmly: "If you post this, everyone will think you are crazy."

"Then let the public judge."


Luo Ji turned around and sat on his desk: "Actually, I admire you, the management of Universal Music, because you have no advantage in terms of public opinion, and you have no advantage in competing with the digital music industry. You started looking for relevant political forces to put pressure on me. After I broke up with this group of people, you tried to find people who were friendly with me to influence me. Your perseverance is really touching."


Luo Ji interrupted him directly and said with a cold face: "I've really had enough of endless wrangling with you. I can make it clear to you right now. It's useless for you to find anyone to put pressure on me. I I’ll give you another hour, and I’ll post the video to YouTube in an hour, and we’ll take a break.”

"You do not dare!"

Luo Ji didn't say anything. He calmly walked to the computer, picked up the mouse and started operating.Open the YouTube backend, embed the file, write the title, and click upload directly!

"Logic, you're serious." The old white man from Universal Music finally showed fear on his face after being calm for a day.He grabbed the mouse and clicked the upload cancel button.

After clicking cancel, he looked at Luo Ji with lingering fear.The air seemed to freeze. Luo Ji looked at him calmly and said calmly: "I only give you one hour, get out!"

 Victory Two Steps From Hell / Thomas Bergersen
(End of this chapter)

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