New York 2006

Chapter 74 Ms. Clinton

Chapter 74 Ms. Clinton

There were five people who arrived with Ms. Clinton, and Luo Ji only knew two of them. One was her assistant Patty Doyle, who was often with her in the media.

Another one is Kirsten Gillibrand, whose Chinese name is Lu Tianna. She is a member of Congress from New York State.There is news that she has known Ms. Clinton for a long time. When Ms. Clinton ran for the New York State Senate in 2001, she was a member of the campaign team.

Luo Ji watched from a distance, and his assistant Fiona came over at this time: "Xu asked you to come and say that Ms. Clinton wants to see you."

Luo Ji was a little puzzled, but he still walked over. Today, Ms. Clinton, who was in her 50s, was wearing a black women's suit, an orange sweater underneath, and her neat short hair. She looked very capable. As soon as she saw Luo Ji, she grinned, showing her signature trained eight-tooth smile.

"Logic, your music is great. I like it very much. My daughter also likes it very much. I am very happy that you can come and perform."

"Thank you, Ms. Clinton, I like you very much, and so does my mother. You are more beautiful today than ever."

"Hahaha. You look cute too."

Luo Ji saw that Ms. Clinton's smile was much more sincere this time, and it should come from the bottom of her heart.People around them saw Ms. Clinton laughing and started laughing too.

"Logic, your music is very good. You have used your talents to realize the American dream. You are another example of the smooth integration of Chinese Americans into the United States. You are the pride of Chinese Americans."

Ms. Clinton then said to many Chinese Americans: "Universal Music's attacks on Logic these days are very inappropriate. Maybe both parties should sit down and have a good talk instead of attacking each other. This is the right choice. I will say hello to Universal Music." .”

"Thank you very much," Luo Ji said, pretending to be happy.

The Chinese people around him applauded when they heard this, and Luo Ji also applauded, but he was a little absent-minded. He wondered in his mind, could it be that his charm for middle-aged women had already influenced the female senators of the United States.

"Logic, go talk to my assistant. She has something to tell you."

"Okay, Ms. Clinton."

Ms. Clinton introduced Luo Ji to her assistant and went to socialize with other Chinese celebrities.

Her assistant, Patty Doyle, was a Latina woman in business attire with short hair like Ms. Clinton. She looked smart and capable, and led Luo Ji to a corner.she said coldly.

"Universal Music is willing to negotiate with you, but you have to give up a certain benefit. 30% of the shares."

Luo Ji realized it at this moment, and the pressure suddenly increased, and he said bitterly: "How did they find me?"

Patty Doyle smiled: "Your itinerary is not a secret. As soon as they checked, they found out that our itineraries overlapped, and then they found us."

"How much are they bidding?"

"2000 meters knife."

"They want to eat shit." Luo Ji cursed directly, pretending to be fearless.

The female assistant opposite didn't expect Luo Ji to suddenly swear. She was stunned for a moment before she said, "How much do you think is appropriate?"

Luo Ji looked directly at Patty Doyle, his brain working rapidly, and he stated the peace negotiation conditions that everyone around him supported: "First, Universal Music must admit in the media that it was their mistake that caused the physical album It was not released in time. Secondly, they must ask NBC to stop all reports that discredit me. Thirdly, settle the income from my single album to me. Fourthly, withdraw the legal action against me for violating the digital distribution contract. Only in this way, Only then can we talk about the rest.”

Patty Doyle raised a smile on her lips and said coldly: "Is this your attitude toward peace talks?"

Hearing this, Luo Ji was aroused and looked directly at the Latina female assistant with a cold face: "Are you speaking on behalf of Ms. Clinton?"

Patty Doyle thought for a while and finally softened: "Ms. Clinton specifically told me that she is just a bridge of communication between the two of you and will not get involved in your affairs. But even though she said so Say, but you won’t even give her face.”

Luo Ji spoke excitedly, shouting at the top of his lungs: "Universal has been targeting me, not me. They slandered me on NBC, they did not settle my recording income in accordance with the contract, and they deliberately blocked me. The physical album will not be released. This is not a normal attitude when discussing business. They also asked you to put pressure on me. I am the victim, Patty."

Patty Doyle was silent for a while.Luo Ji's attitude also softened, and he lowered his attitude and quickly made amends: "Patti, I like Ms. Clinton very much, and my family and friends also like her very much. When I get home, I will mobilize them to donate to support Ms. Clinton. So, Patty, Dee, can you stand with me? I'm the victim."

After Luo Ji finished speaking, he took advantage of his advantage, walked up to Patty, and nudged her playfully with his shoulder: "Help me."

Patty's cold face finally broke into laughter: "Okay, I can't stand you anymore. I will convey your conditions to Universal Music. Leave me a personal phone number and I will call you if there is any progress." Notified you."

Luo Ji smiled and took out his personal phone number, then handed it to Patty: "Please leave me your personal phone number too."


After the two chatted, Luo Ji told some jokes and chatted about everyday things, which quickly brought the two of them closer. When the relationship was almost complete, Luo Ji asked in confusion, "Why doesn't Ms. Clinton want to get involved?" Come in?"

Patti Doyle looked at Luo Ji with a smile: "Have you noticed that you have been like a mad dog during this period, scolding anyone who scolds you for Universal Music? You said that although Joe Cecchini is at Sony BMG , but you’re just a dog from Universal Music, and you said a lot of bad things about other people. Don’t you realize that you have a strong fighting spirit? You have media influence, and everyone is afraid that you will go crazy and bite people.”

"Really? I really don't know this." Luo Ji said proudly.

"Is this something to be proud of?" Patty looked at the 16-year-old boy helplessly.In the banquet hall of the Hilton Hotel, everyone was looking at Luo Ji who was performing "Secrets" on the stage. Luo Ji stood in front of a stand microphone, and the lights hit the stage. Behind him were five live accompaniment teams, a female Italian cellist, a female Asian violinist, a male Asian drummer, a male Jewish keyboard player, and a black female guitarist.

"I need a story to say all the words that are stuck in my chest. My life has become a bit boring. I admit that I need this feeling. I am willing to fight for what I say until my sleeves are stained with blood. I say Every sentence is true, I swear to it. You think I am evasive, no, my heart is on the verge of collapse."

Xu Yongqian, who was under the stands, said to Ms. Clinton sitting next to him: "Isn't he very good? He can sing better than many singers of the same age."

"Yes, his music is also very good. Classical and pop are so perfectly combined. He is indeed a genius. However, you should advise him to restrain his temper. It has been quite ugly this time."

"I will."

Luo Ji sang selflessly on the stage, trying to bring emotion into it.So many outstanding people arrived today, and he wanted to leave a good impression on these people.Luo Ji showed his best.

"At this moment, I no longer need to tell a perfect lie, and I don't need to care about whether there will be accusations coming one after another. I want to pour out all my secrets, pour out all my secrets, pour out all my secrets."

After the song ended, there was warm applause from the bottom of the stage.Everyone stood up and applauded, and the applause lasted for 30 seconds.The response seemed to be very good, so Luo Ji bowed to everyone to express his gratitude.

Luo Ji sang a total of eight songs from the album this time. The entire performance lasted more than 30 minutes. He was exhausted and sweating profusely, but he was very happy. He turned around and high-fived his accompaniment members in celebration.

"This performance is wonderful, and everyone gets a bonus. Pack up your instruments, go to your room, change, and come out to the party."


This five-person accompanist team was formed at the suggestion of manager Braun. They had just released a single and had no money, so they brought Jeff Busker to perform alone. Many invitees said that the performance was too monotonous.But now that the album has been released, there may be concerts in the future, and the live accompaniment team must be adjusted now.

So Luo Ji picked these five people, trying to take care of all genders and ethnicities.Their annual salary is not low, and with bonuses, it costs at least 50 yuan a year.

After seeing the instruments put away, Luo Ji also went to his room to change, put on his spare formal clothes and walked to the banquet hall.Luo Ji arrived just in time, as Ms. Clinton was delivering a speech above.

"I have interacted with the Chinese community a long time ago. I have been helping new immigrants to establish themselves in American society. I have helped Chinese New Yorkers deal with vicious incidents many times. Everyone should know these things, and I don't have many here. I said it. I want to talk about it later."

“If I am elected, I will appoint the Secretary of Labor to conduct public hearings on the overwhelming evidence of discrimination against Asian Americans in the workplace. If the above evidence is conclusive, I will appoint the Secretary of Labor to strictly implement anti-Asian discrimination laws. I will also work with Asian Americans across America organize talks to summarize and monitor the progress of anti-Asian discrimination laws.”

Clap clap clap.

"Once I am elected, I will increase the number of Asian-American federal judges and correct the current lack of Asian-Americans on the federal bench. If there are vacancies, I will first nominate Asian-Americans to serve on the bench. Until now, there has been a lack of Asian-Americans. The phenomenon has been corrected.”

Clap clap clap.

Many Chinese-Americans applauded, and Luo Ji followed suit. This is a long-standing demand of the Chinese-American community.Everyone expressed great satisfaction at getting Ms. Clinton's personal recognition.

After the speech was over, the next step was the donation session. Luo Ji called several members of the accompaniment and Fiona to his side.

Luo Ji looked at the group of people and asked, "Do you all like Ms. Clinton's political views on helping minorities?"

"I like it, I like it." Everyone said in unison.

Luo Ji looked at the group of people and said meaningfully: "You performed very well today. In addition to the regular bonuses, I will also reward each of you with 2500 meters of knives."

"Ah, so many?" the black female accompanist said.

Luo Ji then winked at a few people and said, "Since you like Ms. Clinton's political views so much, I will take you to donate money later. You will all donate 2300 US dollars. Do you understand?"

Tracey McConnell, the smartest Italian-born female accompanist among the band members, reacted: "Okay, we'll do it."

After hearing what Tracy said, everyone else reacted and agreed. Only the black female accompanist looked confused. Luo Ji gave Tracy a look and motioned for her to get it done.

"Ms. Clinton, these are my five accompanists, and these are my assistants. All seven of us like your political views, so we come together to donate to you, hoping that you can become the first female president of the United States."

"Thank you for your support."

Ms. Clinton was genuinely happy and shook hands with everyone.All seven people filled out the check for 2300 meters and handed it over to the staff.

"Ms. Clinton, when I get home, I'm going to get my mom and grandma to support you."

"Okay, very good, say hello to your mother and grandmother for me."

After the donation was over, Luo Ji looked at Patty Doyle, who was standing next to Ms. Clinton, and winked quietly at her. Seeing Luo Ji's performance, she laughed out loud.Luo Ji pretended that nothing had happened, turned around and left with a few people.

"Fiona, please remember to remind me that when you return to the company today, I will give the six of you a bonus of 2500 meters."

(End of this chapter)

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