New York 2006

Chapter 7 Current Situation of the Music Industry

Chapter 7 Current Situation of the Music Industry
Jamie looked at Luo Ji: "Think about it carefully. Around 2000, when physical record sales were at their peak, how many famous singers would emerge."

“Britney Spears, Eminem, Alicia Keys, Norah Jones, Avril Lavigne, Coldplay, Backstreet Boys, Christina Aguilera, P!nk… ..." Luo Ji said each name one by one.

"So in the past two years, has a blockbuster singer appeared around the world?"

Luo Ji thought for a while, scratched his head and asked doubtfully, "It's true that it hasn't happened in the past two years! Not only in the United States, but also in other countries, there are no blockbuster singers. Why does this happen?"

Jamie explained: "This is because the emergence of MP3 has provided a carrier for the spread of digital music, which has greatly accelerated the spread of pirated music. Although there are sales channels for genuine digital songs such as iTunes, who doesn't like free prostitution? Digital music The impact on the physical record industry is getting bigger and bigger. Global record companies are now having a very difficult time. According to the International Phonographic Association’s forecast, the annual sales volume of the physical record industry will drop from 2001 billion US dollars in 233 to 164 billion this year. The revenue has decreased by 69 billion US dollars in five years, and is expected to decline further in the future. The global recession in the recording industry is intensifying step by step."

Luo Ji pinched his chin: "Is this the reason why no popular new singers have emerged in the past few years? The global recession of the music industry has greatly reduced the intensity and willingness of record companies to cultivate new talents."

"Yes, this is not just a problem faced by the music industry in our country, it is a problem faced by the music industry in all countries around the world. Let's just say that this year is 2006, it is already October, and it is about to end at the end of the year. Here it is. Not surprisingly, the annual album sales champion is either the soundtrack of the movie High School Musical released by Disney, or the solo debut of Carrie Underwood, the winner of the 2005 American Idol competition, Some Hearts"."

Luo Ji said, "Such a situation has never happened before!"

"Yes, it has never happened. The album sales champions in previous years were all traditional record companies. Now you can imagine how weak traditional music labels are!"

Luo Ji couldn't help but feel a little discouraged: "Is it true that the music industry is now a sunset industry and will eventually die?"

Jamie immediately retorted: "Of course not, music is indispensable in human life. No art can have the ability to infect emotions in such a timely and rapid manner as music. No matter how the world develops, as long as it is engraved on the level of human genes, Music will never die unless the instinct changes. As long as the need exists, the music industry will never die."

"Although the music industry will not die, its decline is certain. Are these music companies just watching this happen? Are they doing nothing?"

"Of course there are moves. In the past, the music market could support seven or eight music companies with complete global industrial chains. But now it can no longer be done. The global record market has shrunk. In recent years, music companies around the world have been undergoing mergers and reorganizations. Now only There are four major music companies left. Universal Music, formerly PolyGram Records, which merged with one of the six major music companies. EMI. Warner Records. Sony BMG Records, which merged two years ago. The actions of these companies are similar. Merge duplicate departments, then lay off employees to reduce costs. Another thing, have you noticed, the songs in the past few years have not been good."

Luo Ji had seen articles like this: "It's true. The production of global music songs has declined, resulting in fewer high-quality products. This is just one aspect. The other aspect is that the development of popular music has encountered a bottleneck."

"Yes, innovation in popular music has almost stagnated in recent years. Maybe only new music forms can bring some vitality to the currently dead music market!" Jamie said.

The speaker is unintentional but the listener is intentional. Luo Ji thought of his song "We Don't Talk Anymore". Its style is different from all songs nowadays. The accompaniment uses a lot of electronic music. Is this the future trend of pop music?
"Jamie, you talked so much about the decline of the industry, are you trying to persuade me not to become a singer?"

"There are indeed considerations in this regard. If you think about the newcomers who have emerged in the past two years, there are no more than ten with sales exceeding one million. Just calculate the probability and you will know. But if you really want to enter the music industry, it is not impossible. I have a few suggestions."

"What's your suggestion?" Luo Ji asked quickly.

"Talent, go and participate in American Idol. In recent years, talent shows have become popular all over the world, including the United Kingdom, the United States, and even China on the other side of the ocean. If you look at the singers from the previous editions of American Idol, those who have won the top rankings are all pretty good. There is a bright future. Kelly Clarkson, the winner of "American Idol Season 2005", now sells more than [-] million records and even defeated queens Mariah Carey and Gwen Stefani at this year's Grammy Awards. Winning this year’s “Best Female Pop Vocalist”. And the [-] winner Carrie Underwood, whose debut album “Some Hearts” was released last year, is also expected to win this year.”

"Yes, they are very popular."

"So, Felix, you should go too. You sing well, have a good image, and are of the right age. If you can achieve a good result, even if you can't become as popular as these two champions. At least you will have a reputation and a business Acting, signing with an agent, and finding a record label are all much easier than being a vegan."

Luo Ji really had not considered debuting in the draft, so he asked, "When will American Idol sign up?"

"The registration time is in June every year. This year has already passed and it has entered the Hollywood Week period. It is definitely too late now, but you are young. You are only 6 this year. You can participate next year."

Luo Ji was a little disappointed. The second round will not start until next year. It will take a long time. He wanted to change his living environment urgently. The RV campground was too messy. "Do you have any other suggestions?" Jamie said, "The best way is Just find an agent. You and his interests are the same. He can only make money if you become popular. A reliable agent can provide you with many contacts and introduce you to record industry bosses and various song producers. It will help you a lot in the early stage.”

"But if I don't have any reputation, how can those reliable agents sign me?"

"This is why I let you be on American Idol. When you are famous enough, people from your agency will come to you without you having to take the initiative to find others. Once you are famous, you will have endorsements and tours. There are producers looking for you, songwriters willing to work with you, and the problems that seem difficult to you now won’t be problems later.”

"is it?"

Jamie looked at Luo Ji seriously: "Yes, fame. The most important thing for a star is fame. Remember this sentence!"

Luo Ji silently memorized this sentence: "To participate in American Idol, what if I fail the audition?"

"According to my feeling, there is no problem with your singing skills. Coupled with your mixed-Asian identity, you have a high probability of entering the top 24. I remember you are of mixed-Asian and European descent, right?" Jamie Suddenly excited: "Think about it again, there is no heavyweight Asian singer in the record industry now. If you appear, you will get the support of all Asians!"

"No, East Asian!" Jamie added.

Popular programs in the United States, especially talent shows, will take care of people of all ethnic groups, whether for ratings or political correctness.

Although American Idol is broadcast on FOX TV station, which is known for its conservative stance, equality of all ethnic groups has long been politically correct in the United States.Both Democrats and Republicans have acquiesced in this.It’s just that the two parties have different interpretations of the equality of all ethnic groups.The Democratic Party advocates taking care of disadvantaged ethnic groups, while the Republican Party advocates equal opportunities for all ethnic groups.

"But what if I fail the audition?" Luo Ji asked.

"Then the only way to be an independent musician is to record demo songs and submit them to major labels. It's like finding a needle in a haystack. There may be a record company owner who takes a fancy to you and offers you a date with a new artist. If they value you, then Producers and composers will be arranged to write songs for you. If they don’t value you, then they can only wait, and they may not be able to release records for ten years. The competition in the record industry itself is huge, and some companies may only be able to sign dozens of singers. The red one.”

"What if I don't want to sign a contract and just want to make a record on my own?" Luo Ji asked the question he really wanted to know.

Jamie asked in confusion: "Release a record alone? Why do you think so?"

Luo Ji quickly replied: "I was just asking."

"This situation is more troublesome. You have to register the copyright for the songs you write, rent a recording studio, and find a band to record the accompaniment. After all the recording is completed, you have to find a distribution company to let them distribute it. Of course. Now there is another way, online distribution, but the current market for online distribution is not big. The bulk is still physical records. If nothing else, even if you create the entire album yourself. But an album has at least ten songs, which only counts Simply recording, renting a recording studio and hiring an accompanist would cost 10,000+ meters. How can ordinary people afford this? So as you can see, very few singers release records alone. They are all contracted to companies, and the companies bear these costs. Yes." Jamie said.

“Indie music is so hard!”

"It's really difficult." Jamie looked at Luo Ji seriously: "The situation in the record industry is very special. The initial investment is huge, and record companies have great risks. They may release ten albums, but only one will make money. So the record industry Singer signings usually last for seven years and start in five years. After many singers become popular, they feel that record labels are exploiting them and it is easy to have conflicts. So it is normal for singers to want to go to independent labels, but you have to know that singers The money you can earn from records is actually very small. The singer's share is generally between 5% and 20%. The majority of the singer's share is from subsequent commercial performances, tours, and endorsements. After the record company promotes you, the money you earn is For the most part, the record company is just making hard money.”

Most people would give up on their independent record path after hearing Jamie's analysis, but Luo Ji is a time traveler, so he still asked without giving up: "Can't I just record a song and let them release it?"

"Unless the quality of your song is very good, few physical distribution companies are willing to release a simple song. Nowadays, there are also many independent labels that produce an album and then find a distribution company to release it."

Jamie is a nice person, and Luo Ji said frankly: “Actually, I have already written a song myself, and the demo is in the Ipod new song folder, you can listen to it.

(End of this chapter)

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