New York 2006

Chapter 62 Fiona and Britney

Chapter 62 Fiona and Britney

Grandma Queenie, brother Chucky and Luo Ji were having breakfast at home. Suddenly Luo Ji's personal phone rang. Luo Ji looked at the number and saw that it was a call from the white-glove lawyer of the Daly family in Chicago, so he came alone. The phone was picked up in the room, and the lawyer opposite spoke directly.

"Logic, what you explained is a bit difficult to handle. Her crime is a crime of harming children, which is a felony. And she doesn't want to betray the person who sold her the contraband. Even we have to give an explanation to the judicial system. The trial will begin soon. , she didn’t want to cooperate, which made it very difficult for me to handle.”

The woman the Daley family's white-glove lawyer was talking about was Fiona.Luo Ji asked this person to resolve Fiona's lawsuit.The two did not mention their names on the phone to prevent the phone calls from being recorded.

"I don't believe you are incapable of solving this problem."

"Why did I lie to you? This is how the system works."

"He may not have made it clear to you, so let me tell you now. Please don't treat me as a 16-year-old child. I know what the rules are and I am willing to abide by them. It was he who introduced me to you. You If you don’t trust me, don’t you still trust him?”

He was referring to William Daly. It was he who introduced this white-glove lawyer to him. This lawyer represented the Daly family and established a network in Chicago for power and money transactions.At the same time, he also helped the Daley family win over various business and government forces in Chicago.Everyone protects each other and works together to maintain Chicago's elite.

The person on the other side was silent for a while and then said, "Let's not talk about this anymore. Do you know about Chicago's Love Is Charity Foundation?"

"do not know."

"This charity fund is mainly established to help the poor people in Chicago. This charity fund is great and everyone likes it. Are you interested in donating to this charity fund?"

"Of course, don't look at my young age. I especially like to do charity. How much do you think is appropriate?"

"You have just become famous. I think a hundred thousand meters of knife will do."

This is a power-for-money transaction. The specific links will be communicated by this white-glove lawyer, and the transfer of benefits will be completed in this charity fund.It is estimated that some of it will flow into the hands of Fiona's prosecutors.

"Do you think she is reliable? Is there any need to save her? Maybe it would be better for her if she goes inside for a while."

The white-glove lawyer said: "I have met many gangsters, and they all compromised after using a little bit of tactics. I threatened her and asked her to tell her who the contraband was, but she didn't. All I can say is She is a very loyal person, but a bit stupid, which may be related to the environment in which she lives. As for whether you want to save her or not, it is up to you to decide."

Luo Ji touched his chin, thought for a while and then said, "You can ask the charity fund to contact me."

After communicating with the white-glove lawyer, Luo Ji dialed Fiona's phone and said directly: "I heard that you are unwilling to cooperate with the lawyer. Your crime is a felony. Do you know that you may go to jail? You'll lose your right to vote, no serious company will ever hire you, and you'll probably die socially?"

Fiona's aura was very weak and she whispered: "I know."

"You know you still do it?"

"The Gallagher family never acted as whistleblowers."

Hearing this, Luo Ji nodded with satisfaction: "Okay, I respect your choice. You refused my funding before, but now you can't. Look at all the people you meet in your life. When you live in that environment in the South District, the people you meet may lead you astray. Moreover, Debbie, Carl and Liam are still young. I need to provide them with a comfortable and safe environment so that they will not continue Things like this happen.”

Fiona finally put down her pride: "Okay."

"The house I rented at the hospital has not expired yet. You all will move there. I will call Lip and Ian for the monthly rent and living expenses. I have already solved your problem for you. , come to New York when you are done, I have a job for you here."

"Ah, going to New York?" "I need someone I can trust, Fiona. We don't have much contact, but we are related by blood, so, can I trust you?"

Fiona replied firmly: "Of course, Fili, you can trust me, we are family."

"Okay, that's it. You contact Sami to move, I've already told her."

As soon as Luo Ji hung up the phone, he received a voice message from Britney. Her tone was very sad and she asked Luo Ji to call her back.Just as Luo Ji called, he heard Britney crying.

"What's wrong with you? Why are you crying?"

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu My aunt just died. I'm so sad. There will never be anyone in this world who loves me like she does."

"I'm so sorry, Britney."

Ever since Luo Ji and Britney became friends, Britney often chatted with him. She had no one she could trust, so she could only talk to Luo Ji about some life matters.Through this period of time, Luo Ji finally got to know the real Britney.

She is not the glamorous star on TV. She may have been a child star. She has lived in the spotlight since she was a child and has been well protected. Her social experience is very shallow.Although she is 26 years old and a mother, she is more like a simple teenage girl.

She desperately lacked love, but there was no one around her who truly loved her.Everyone around her wants her money and has no feelings for her at all.Her agent, her ex-husband, and her family were all after her money. If Luo Ji was a little nice to her, she would start to rip out her heart and soul.

After Luo Ji became her friend, she proposed to change Marvin Gaye's share ratio to [-]-[-].In a capitalist country like the United States, where people value money so much, it is very rare for her to have such a proposal.

However, her proposal was rejected by Luo Ji. She had a large team around her and involved many stakeholders. If it were to be revised, it might be very ugly.It's not easy for her to explain to her team, and Britney is really nice to Luo Ji. She helped Luo Ji during the last ranking.

"I'm so sad. I don't know what I will do in the future of my life? My ex-husband is still fighting a divorce lawsuit with me. He is using all kinds of means to slander me in the media. The paparazzi are also chasing me, and the media is targeting me. It was so full of malice that I felt as if I was sick and had lost all meaning in life.”

"You won't commit suicide."

"Of course not. I just feel like I am no longer who I am now."

"If you feel that life is unsatisfactory, then pursue a career. You are America's sweetheart. As long as you come back, everyone will treat you well again, including the media."

"I just want to be myself."

This is the biggest difference between Luo Ji and Britney. She wants to be free, but the American media will not let her go.

She is like a little girl who starts to get angry with the media and challenges the bottom line of the media in various ways.You won't let me do this, but I have to do this.This instead caused the American media to pursue it even more crazily.

The two of them had quarreled many times over this.After every argument, Britney would take the initiative to apologize to him.But she just doesn't change and goes her own way.

That's the other side of Britney, she's really paranoid about certain things.

"Let's not talk about this topic. Every time we talk about this, we will quarrel. You'd better take care of yourself and drink less..."

(End of this chapter)

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