New York 2006

Chapter 48 Celebrating the New Year

Chapter 48 Celebrating the New Year (supplementing the deleted chapter)

Mother Sammy is recovering well, but grandfather Frank is in very bad condition. Doctors have now determined that he is at the end of his life and can only be kept alive on a ventilator in the hospital.During this period, Karl, an African-American female caregiver, and a woman named Sheila took turns taking care of him.

This woman named Sheila is from Frank's community. She is going to marry Frank, who is dying, in order to adopt a child.

As for the African-American female nurse, she disappeared for two days after being questioned by the police. On the third day, she showed up at the hospital again asking for a job.

After Luo Ji inquired, he learned that the African-American female caregiver was a Nigerian immigrant. She was very timid. After she recorded her statement, the police threatened her to continue cooperating with the investigation, otherwise they would send her back to Nigeria.She was released only after the prosecutor completed the deal with her.

Luo Ji cross-examined her carefully and found out that her confession basically just stated the facts. She said she only heard the sound of gunshots and did not say anything detrimental to her.

It seems that the prosecutor was really just guessing at the time. He had no evidence to prove that he shot the criminal and was just defrauding himself into making a deal.Luo Ji then hired the African-American female caregiver back.

Manager Braun went to contact Jeff Basker to collect songs for himself, and Blake contacted the restaurant to deliver food to prepare food for this afternoon.As soon as Logimax and Sami returned to the ward, 12-year-old Carl came looking for them.

"Fili, what are you eating today?"

Luo Ji liked Carl very much. This kid had an almost cold-blooded calmness. In the RV, he picked up Sammy's gun and killed the gangster without any change in his expression.When he went to check at that time, he found that the man Sammy shot down was still breathing, so he came to him and asked what to do.

Luo Ji was behind the car at the time. Sami was bleeding profusely. The African-American female nurse was giving emergency treatment. Luo Ji couldn't help. Hearing Karl's words, he immediately became angry. It was this scumbag criminal who made his mother Sami become like this. of.

Luo Ji's madness suddenly came to him, he took the gun and executed the criminal on the spot.At that time, only he and Carl were witnesses, and everyone else only heard the sound of gunshots. Luo Ji then told everyone that the criminals fired the shots when they wanted to fight back.Carl also kept his mouth shut and revealed nothing to the police.

Luo Ji really liked Carl Gallagher as a relative: "Blake went to a nearby restaurant to order food. He should be there in a minute. Is there anything you want to eat? I'll give him a call."

"I want to eat prawns!"


Carl also likes Luo Ji very much and sticks to him whenever he has free time. The relationship between the two of them has been going well recently: "Feili, you do have the genes of the Gallagher family."

Luo Ji looked at Karl with a suspicious smile: "I already have it, a quarter."

12-year-old Carl smiled mysteriously: "We in the Gallagher family all have a crazy spirit of not being afraid of anything. Frank has it, I have it, Sammy has it, Fiona has it, and you have it too. When I shot criminals, my eyes... I didn’t even blink, is this something ordinary people can do?”

Genes can indeed affect personality, but this is not the point: "Karl, how many times have I warned you not to mention this matter again."

"Okay, my fault." After Karl admitted his mistake, he then became a little sad: "Feli, is Frank hopeless?"

Luo Ji immediately comforted him: "There is still hope. Frank's information has been entered into the system. Although his priority is very low, as long as there is a suitable one, he still has a chance."

Although Luo Ji said this, in his heart he basically believed that Frank had no hope.The storage time of the liver outside the body is 12-24 hours. Unless there is a suitable liver source for Frank, it is too late to transport it to others, or other people waiting for the liver source are not suitable, then Frank will get a new liver source. .

Today is the New Year celebration, but in order to take care of the patients, Luo Ji and his team can only spend this day in the hospital restaurant.Luo Ji, Sammy, Chucky, Blake, Max, Carl, Sheila, and Grandma Queenie.

After the shooting occurred some time ago, Grandma Queenie came to take care of Chucky.Now she lives in the house that Luo Ji rented for Sami and was originally going to take care of Frank.Others who were tired from taking care of patients in the hospital also went to that house to rest.

A group of people occupied a large table in the hospital cafeteria, with various feasts placed on it. Max picked up red wine and poured it for several adults, except Sammy, who was still a patient.

Sammy replaced the wine with water, picked it up and said to everyone: "Happy New Year."

Everyone toasted "Happy New Year!"

Everyone was eating and drinking, chatting happily, and several familiar patients and doctors also came over to share the food. It was very lively.Someone took out a speaker and played Madonna's song Hung Up, and cheerful music sounded.Grandma Queenie suddenly got excited and pulled Luo Ji into the middle of the restaurant to dance.

Americans really like to dance and will break into disco whenever they disagree. Luo Ji cooperated very well and started dancing with his grandmother.Others saw this and joined in.It's like turning this into a party.

"Grandma, please come back to New York with me in a few days. I miss you so much. Your cooking is delicious and very healthy."

Grandma Queenie is not like her mother Sammy. She is a real hippie. She had a falling out with her parents in the 20s and has been with a group of hippies for decades.They advocate a return to the countryside, cooperative enterprises, alternative energy and organic farming.Grandma was the herbalist at the hippie camp.Adhere to healthy and green eating habits and avoid junk food.These concepts have slowly penetrated into mainstream society in recent years, and many wealthy middle class people have pursued them.

"Why go to the big city? There is all industrial pollution and exhaust gas pollution, and people living there can only feel depressed. My child, you might as well go to the countryside with me, nature, nature, return to human nature. Aren't you an artist? Art creation We also need to liberate our nature and return to nature, so that we can have inspiration." Grandma Queenie instead persuaded Luo Ji to go to the countryside with him. Luo Ji refused without even thinking about it, but he remembered that when he was a child, he went to his grandmother's hippie camp. There lacks many conveniences of modern society, such as self-sufficiency in drinking water, energy, and food, which is very difficult.

Luo Ji decisively acted coquettishly: "We haven't seen each other for a long time. I miss you so much. Even if my mother recovers, she still has to stay with Frank. Recently, this kid Chucky, I don't know who he learned it from, he can use swear words." I plan to take him back to New York, and you will stay with us for a while, okay grandma?"

Grandma Queenie couldn't stand Luo Ji's bullying, so she finally agreed to go to New York to take care of the two of them for a while.When Luo Ji got tired of dancing, he went to Max's side and planned to sit down and rest for a while.

"Aren't you going to dance?"

"I just skipped it."

"Thank you for taking care of Sammy during this time."

Max waved his hand and looked relaxed: "It's okay. Sami and I have a very good relationship. You don't need to thank me."

"Now that Sammy is free to move around, what are your plans?"

Max thought Luo Ji was starting to chase people away, and said in a dissatisfied tone: "What else can I do? Of course I can go back to New York and continue working."

Luo Ji didn't hear Max's dissatisfaction, but he had an idea that his mother would arrange a job for Max.However, this cannot be said explicitly, and a different approach is needed.

People from lower-class backgrounds either have no dignity at all, or they are scoundrels.Either they have extraordinary self-esteem and are very sensitive inside.

Fiona was like this. Karl had performed well some time ago, so Luo Ji offered to help Fiona pay the rent, but Fiona refused firmly and said that Luo Ji looked down on their poor relatives.Max must be like this too, with a strong sense of self-esteem. As long as Luo Ji gives her a gift, she will definitely return it of equal value.So you can't make her feel like you're giving her a favor.

"Max, you know Casey, right?"

"Who is Casey?"

Luo Ji spoke: "That's the photographer I hired on the day I performed on the street in Brooklyn and was interviewed by the TV station. He has a company on Broadway."

Max asked in surprise: "Broadway? He is such a sloppy photographer, but he actually has his own company on Broadway."

Luo Ji laughed: "When I hired him, he said he had a company on Broadway, and I was fooled by him. Later, after I got to know him better, I learned that he only worked on Broadway, a 25-kilometer long street. Rented an office space in a remote location. His company is not at all in the media's mouth, in the bustling area near Times Square on 42nd Street, the heart of Broadway. Outsiders are easily fooled when they hear the word Broadway, so I want you to help Can I do you a favor?"

"What are you busy with?"

"I plan to really build my music company, not a leather company. Now I want you to go back to New York and find Casey. He will help you introduce a real estate agent. All you have to do is help me find a real estate agent." Rent a company space on Broadway, then renovate the company, purchase equipment, etc. For the details of equipment decoration, you can consult Jeff Busker, who will be the music director and A&R of my music company. This company is still in its infancy, you can Come and help me, take up the position of administrative director?”

Max was stunned for a moment, and then said anxiously: "This involves renting office space, decorating, and purchasing equipment, which involves hundreds of thousands of dollars. I have never been involved in this before, and I'm afraid I'm not capable enough."

Luo Ji spoke: "Many companies say that these administrative tasks require ability, but it's all nonsense. Anyone with a normal IQ can do it. The reason why you think you can't do it is because you haven't reached that position at all. I just Ask, Max, will you help me?"

"I am willing."

Max asked Luo Ji some more details. As her understanding deepened, her anxiety gradually calmed down.

She was already thinking about how to fulfill Luo Ji's request step by step.From being a waiter in a restaurant to being the executive director of a music company, my mood suddenly became wonderful and my vision for the future arose.

However, the good mood did not last long, and Max discovered that Luo Ji had slipped away from her at some point and was chatting and laughing with the doctor Bianca in the distance.Bianca is also an intellectual beauty, very similar to reporter Robin.

"This little pervert."

Max complained that she knew a little habit of Luo Ji. When he met a girl he liked, he would unconsciously touch his cheek with his ring finger.It was like this when I met myself, it was like this when I met Robin, and it's like this now when I meet Bianca.

"What are you talking about?"

Max struck decisively and intervened in the conversation between the two.

(End of this chapter)

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