New York 2006

Chapter 38 Yao Ming’s Song

Chapter 38 Yao Ming’s Song
This game was really exciting. After Luo Ji finished his halftime performance, he went back to the stands to watch the game.TV cameras would take care of him from time to time, which was also a kind of exposure.

In the second half, the score between the two teams was very tight. You and I were chasing each other point by point.Yao Ming's figure walked back and forth on the court, fighting hard for the ball.

In this game, Yao Ming was the core of the Rockets. He supported the team's inside line. Kobe, Parker, Walton Jr., and Bynum all became Yao Ming's ghosts, allowing Yao Ming to get 8 blocks.


"Yao Ming worked hard for more than 40 minutes, but in the last few minutes he left the field due to physical exhaustion, and then was overtaken by the Lakers. It's really a pity."

Jeff Busker, standing next to Luo Ji, spoke up. He couldn't help but feel sorry for Yao Ming.Yao Ming is very popular in the United States, and many Americans like him very much.Luo Ji also sighed.

"Well, competitive sports are so cruel. If you lose, you lose."

"Yao Ming, Yao Ming-Yao Ming-Yao Ming, Yao Ming, Yao Ming."

Suddenly "Yao Ming's Song" was sung at the scene. The tune of the chorus of this song is exactly the same as the World Cup song "Ole Ole Ole Ole". It is very nice and very simple.This song is very popular in the United States, and almost all Americans can hum it.I don’t know who got started, and many people at the scene started humming along.

"Without a big dream, no one thought we could survive. We haven't had such luck for a long time, and the last piece of the puzzle has been found. This is a much-needed link in the journey to the championship. Yao Ming's appearance is surprising. Overwhelming all teams is to Because of Yao Ming, Houston rekindled its championship dream, and the key city entered a renaissance. Yao Ming, Yao Ming-Yao Ming-Yao Ming, Yao Ming, Yao Ming."

Yao Ming performed well, and many people cheered and sang for him.Many people at the Staples Center in Los Angeles were still partying, but Luo Ji had already left the venue.

He made an appointment with Yao Ming for dinner today.Luo Ji made a reservation at Rancho Santa Fe, an authentic French restaurant. Britney said the food at this restaurant was very delicious.

Yao Ming is really tall. When he entered the restaurant, he could only lower his head. When he entered, he instantly became the most handsome guy in the restaurant.

This is a high-end French restaurant, and many people are from the wealthy areas of Beverly Hills. They just nod from a distance and don't come to disturb.Luo Ji stood up and greeted him warmly, asking in Mandarin.

"I heard that if you don't perform well on the court, you like to say FMD, and then people think you are memorizing the word tomato."

Yao Ming laughed heartily, then stared at Luo Ji with a serious expression: "Logic, I was clearly memorizing the word tomato at that time."


A joke instantly brought the two of them closer. Luo Ji invited Yao Ming to take a seat. After ordering their food, the two started chatting: "I came to the United States in 2002. Time flies so fast. Four years have passed in the blink of an eye." Well, you may not know that after you came to the NBA, even though I don’t like basketball, I started to pay attention to the NBA.”

Yao Ming said happily: "I am honored to make you interested in basketball. I read an interview about you a few days ago. When you were at your worst, you lived on the streets with your family. Is this true?"

Luo Ji answered frankly: "There is an element of exaggeration in this. My family and I own an RV. Since my father passed away, our family has been living in the RV. We made money some time ago before we moved to a house in Brooklyn." In an apartment. We have never lived on the streets, and the media likes to use exaggeration to report it."

Yao Ming is very interested in this aspect: "What is it like to live in an RV? I am very curious about your previous life. Can you tell me about it?"

Luo Ji said: "My mother is a single mother with two children, so she can basically receive various social benefits. However, my mother has never had a job. We are hungry but we are not living a good life. The biggest problem we encounter is not food, but drugs and violence."

Luo Ji took a sip of water and continued: "In the RV campground where I live, you can see narcotics everywhere, and there are hawkers selling all kinds of narcotics there. If you have lived there, you will see the pedestrians nearby. The first impression must be that they are seeing zombies. Many of them have suffered from long-term suctioning, which has caused blood vessels to sink, muscles to stiffen, nerves to be damaged, movements to be uncoordinated, and their walking postures to be very weird, making people think they are seeing zombies. It is really difficult to just Use words to describe that kind of scene, and you will be shocked when you see it in reality. If you have the opportunity, I can take you to see it."

Yao Ming smiled and said, "That's no need. I just listen to what you have to say."

Luo Ji said: "Don't just talk about me, what about you, you have been in the United States for so long, what is your biggest feeling? Have you encountered any inconveniences in your life?" Yao Ming smiled and said: "The biggest feeling is that the United States is really In the capitalist world, money can bring you many privileges. The biggest problem in life is eating. It is really difficult to change a person's eating habits. I often think of the taste of my hometown. As long as I think of the taste of my hometown, I miss my hometown even more.”

"Maybe you should hire a full-time chef who specializes in Chinese cuisine to cook for you."

"Haha, yes."

Yao Ming is a rich man. He is really popular in the United States. Advertisers often ask him to shoot commercials, and the response of the commercials is very good. He earns more than many first-line stars.Hiring a full-time chef will not be a financial burden at all.

Luo Ji asked, "How has the past two years been in China?"

Yao Ming looked at this American mixed-race boy in confusion: "Domestic?"

Luo Ji quickly explained: "I'm talking about China."

"Well, the country has developed rapidly in recent years. The annual GDP growth rate has exceeded 10%. It can be said that people's lives have undergone earth-shaking changes in these years. Living standards have been steadily improving, and the domestic poor population has been gradually reduced. Many first-tier cities The prosperity of the United States has reached the top in the world. Of course, this is at a macro level. Judging from your experience, you should also feel it in recent years. More and more Chinese are visiting the United States, and the presence of Chinese in tourist attractions around the world has also increased. more and more."

The room Luo Ji lived in before his death in his previous life had a desktop computer and various electrical appliances. The decoration of the room was also good. It was no different from the homes in developed countries today. All of this shows that the country has become richer and it seems that the country will get better and better. .

"Perhaps I can go to China if I have a chance."

Yao Ming opened his arms and made an invitation: "Welcome, welcome. When you come to China, I promise to make you feel at home."

"Haha, then it's agreed, I'll leave it all to you when I go to China."

"no problem."

French cuisine is the most influential and distinctive cooking system in Europe and the United States. During the Renaissance, the French monarchs had strong royal power, which reached its peak under Louis XIV. The luxurious atmosphere of the palace was very particular about food, and various cooking methods were adopted. The nobles who followed suit flowed into the people.This has also made French cuisine synonymous with quality.

Many people say that the United States has less cultural heritage than Britain, but they hate France even more.Luo Ji invited Yao Ming to come to this famous French restaurant in Beverly Hills because of this atmosphere.

Americans say that French cuisine, with its delicate texture, delicious sauces and gorgeous table settings, makes eating an art.But Luo Ji didn't understand this. If he had a portion of each of the famous French dishes of foie gras, seafood, snails, and truffles, even if he didn't like the dish, there would always be someone who liked it.

As expected, French food is about eating with a sense of ceremony. After eating several dishes, Luo Ji and Yao Ming each ordered another fried rice.

In such a harmonious atmosphere, the guests and hosts enjoyed themselves. The two talked about everything from basketball to music, business to film and television. Yao Ming said: "The Chinese are doing well in the economy. Look at the four Asian tigers, the Chinese have three seats. The Chinese in the United States The most influential thing is business, and many famous Chinese entrepreneurs have emerged in the United States."

Luo Ji answered: "The Chinese have a good influence in the film and television industry. There are many famous directors and action stars. Ang Lee, John Woo, James Wan, Jackie Chan, Jet Li, etc."

Yao Ming said: "It seems that the influence of Chinese people in music and sports is relatively weak."

Luo Ji stretched out his hand and shook it with Yao Ming: "Then I hope you can continue your efforts in sports and create greater glory."

"Haha, the same goes for you. I hope you can achieve something in pop music."

(End of this chapter)

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