New York 2006

Chapter 336 Prism Plan

Chapter 336 Prism Plan
  The next day.


A fine restaurant next to Capitol Hill in Washington.

Luo Ji followed Kelly McEnany with a cold face.

McEnany also saw that Luo Ji was unhappy at this time: "Logic, what's wrong with you?"

Luo Ji said calmly: "It's okay, just lead the way."

McEnany looked at Luo Ji's frosty expression and decisively said nothing. Lead the way silently.

When the two arrived at the door of a box, she opened the door and said, "Logic, Senator Scott Brown, and Ms. Palin are all in there."


Luo Ji walked inside, and McEnany closed the door outside.

When Scott Brown and Ms. Palin saw Luo Ji, they immediately stepped forward to greet him with smiles. However, seeing Luo Ji's frosty expression, they hesitated in their steps.

Ms. Palin, who was relatively familiar with Luo Ji, asked, "Logic, what's wrong with you?"

"What's wrong?!"

There was anger in Luo Ji's tone, and he took the lead and looked at the man next to him: "Brown, I listened to Ms. Palin's advice and reconciled with you. I donated money to send you to the Senate seat. I didn't expect you to hate me." It hasn’t resolved yet. Just a few days after becoming a senator, he turned against my business. Is this how you did to me?"

Seeing Luo Ji's angry look, Sarah Palin immediately looked at Scott Brown with disbelief: "What did you do? Didn't you promise me that you would settle the feud with Logic?"

Scott Brown looked confused: "I didn't do anything, Logic, is there some misunderstanding?"

Brown's first reaction was also natural, not like he was pretending. Luo Ji basically ruled him out as a suspect, but the drama still had to go on.

Luo Ji and Sarah Palin walked to the sofa, not caring about their former gentlemanly image. He took her hand and started to complain, telling her everything exactly.

"Brown, isn't it you or who is it?"

Luo Ji said angrily: "You just became a senator and this happened to my company. Once I agree to their request, will you find someone to break the news to the media? Say that I provided the information to the government." user profile and ruin my career?”

After hearing this, Sarah Palin looked at Brown suspiciously, not realizing that her hand was still in Luo Ji's.

Brown quickly explained: "Logic, since I promised to reconcile with you, I won't do these little tricks. I really don't know what happened this time."

"Really?" Sarah Palin looked unbelieving. At this moment, she hadn't realized that she was already considering the issue from Luo Ji's point of view.

"of course it's true."

Brown then said: "Logic, we are allies now, how could I do something like this to destroy the Great Wall!"

Luo Ji looked at Brown and said, "Did I make a mistake in my judgment? It's really not you?"

Brown felt a little aggrieved: "It's really not me."

Luo Ji looked at him and then said, "Okay, Mr. Brown, I believe in your character. It was my fault that I was emotional just now. I'm sorry."

Sarah Palin had a smile on her face: "That's right, Logic, if you have something to say, talk to me. Brown, don't pay attention to Logic's impulsiveness just now, he is only a 19-year-old kid."

Brown smiled: "No, it will be fine if the misunderstanding is resolved. I'm not that narrow-minded."

The conversation had reached this point, and Luo Ji no longer had to sacrifice his appearance. So he was ready to quietly take back his hand. But after a little effort, he realized that Ms. Palin was patting his hand to comfort herself.

Luo Ji simply ignored the matter and looked at the two of them with a confused look on his face: "Who is targeting me?"

The two of them fell into thinking.

After three seconds, Luo Ji saw that neither of them spoke, so he took the initiative and said, "Could it be that the Democratic Party knew that I supported Mr. Brown's campaign and deliberately retaliated against me?"

"It's possible, but the probability is very small!"

Sarah Palin continued: "Only a few people in the Republican Party know about your support for Brown. They are my close confidants and will not leak the secret."


Sarah Palin then spoke ill of the Democratic Party: "Logic, so what if the Democrats find out, we the Republican Party will protect you. The Democrats are very evil-minded, you..."

Luo Ji looked at Sarah Palin and wanted to laugh. After several contacts with this popular Republican politician, he found that she was indeed very candid and said what she had to say.

Not as deep as William Daley or Ms. Clinton.

Sarah Palin talked a lot, and Luo Ji heard it in one ear and out the other.

After she finished speaking, Luo Ji looked at her seriously and said, "Ms. Palin, of course I support the policies of the Republican Party, but I am a celebrity and an entrepreneur. It is not convenient for me to completely join any party."

"Well, I understand."

Sarah Palin took a deep breath. Rich Americans all chose to hedge their bets. There was no way she could just kidnap Luo Ji.

It looks like I will continue to tell Logic more about the benefits of the Republican Party in the future. I hope he can figure out quickly which talent represents the future of the United States.

Luo Ji then looked at the two of them: "Senator Brown, Ms. Palin. Now, I need your help."

"Say it, Logic. I will help." The newly elected Senator Brown said directly. This is the first commission from the sponsor, and he will definitely try his best.

Luo Ji said directly: "If someone is really targeting me this time, it must be deeply hidden. And since it involves the intelligence department, it must be very sensitive. It is impossible to find out thoroughly."

"You're right, Logic." They both nodded in agreement.

Luo Ji continued: "So, I want you to help me find out. Is it just me who provides user information to the National Security Zone, or are there other Internet companies."

"It's a really good way to confirm."

Brown said: "If you are only asked to provide user information by a company that has been established for less than a year, it must be a trap. But if multiple companies provide user information, this may just be the normal operation of the intelligence department."


in the afternoon.

Luo Ji, Chelsea Clinton and Psaki met Secretary Clinton at her house in Washington, DC, where she had just returned from Haiti.

A magnitude 1 earthquake occurred in Haiti on January 12, and there have been aftershocks in the past few days. The damage to media coverage was severe.

Ms. Clinton is on a tour of the country as Secretary of State.

After Ms. Clinton saw the three people greeting each other, she immediately paid attention to her daughter's work: "Chelsea, how about working at Mr. Logic's fund company?"

Chelsea smiled all over her face: "It's great. I come into contact with celebrities and rich people every day."

"That's good." Ms. Clinton then looked at Luo Ji with a gentle look on her face: "Logic, please take care of Chelsea during this time."

"This is what I should do." Luo Ji asked curiously: "Ms. Clinton, you just came back from Haiti. How is the situation there?"

"Very bad."

Ms. Clinton continued: "Logic, you have no idea. Haiti was severely affected. More than 10 people died. Millions lost their homes. The entire country was paralyzed."

Psaki next to him asked: "Level 7.0 is not high, so why is Haiti so badly damaged?"

"Most of them are caused by man-made disasters."

Ms. Clinton said angrily: "That country is too bad. The officials are corrupt and the construction team is shoddy. The people are just getting by. Haiti is a completely failed state."

Ms. Clinton had always looked dignified and elegant, and it was rare for Luo Ji to see her so angry. So he asked.

"Ms. Clinton, was your trip to Haiti not going well?"

"Yes, as soon as the relief supplies were delivered to them, I received news that these supplies were divided up by Haitian officials."

Chelsea next to him was also a little angry: "This is too much."

Ms. Clinton said: "They have not benefited either. Many countries are angry this time. Now the United Nations is planning to sanction them. In the future, all relief supplies in Haiti will be personally delivered to the Haitian people by the United Nations, otherwise the United Nations will not rescue. "


"Alas..." Ms. Clinton sighed: "Okay, let's not talk about these unpleasant things. Logic, what do you want to see me for today?"

After chatting for so long, Luo Ji certainly had a purpose.

Judging from Ms. Clinton's treatment of him, it appears that Democrats did not find out about his support for Scott Brown.

But even if the Democratic Party finds out, so what, it will at most cause some trouble to him. Luo Ji is no longer the same person he was three years ago. At that time, he would give in if threatened by a small prosecutor.

But now, few people dare to threaten him. He also has enough confidence.

Luo Ji said to her, "Would you like to chat alone, Ms. Clinton?"

Ms. Clinton nodded, and then she said to Psaki and Chelsea: "You stay here, Logic and I will go to the study to chat."


Arriving at the study, Luo Ji straight to the point told her the whole story.

After hearing this, Ms. Clinton looked at Luo Ji and asked, "So, what are your concerns?"

Luo Ji said directly: "Ms. Clinton, could this be Scott Brown's revenge on me? This happened just after he was elected to the Senate. I now suspect this is a conspiracy."

"This is impossible!"

Clinton said very firmly: "Logic, the premise for Scott Brown to retaliate against you is that after your company provided user information to the government, he then found someone to break the news to the media and damage your company's credibility, right? "

Luo Ji nodded: "Yes."

"The prerequisite for breaking the news is to have evidence."

Ms. Clinton continued: "Logic, you don't know if you don't work in the government. Those intelligence personnel all need political review. It's true that Scott Brown is a senator, but where can he find someone from the intelligence department to leak information to the media? , that is treason. Not to mention, who could possibly betray him. Just to get revenge on you for ruining your own future, no one would do such a stupid thing."

Luo Ji looked at her seriously: "So, is this really just a coincidence?"

"99% chance it's just a coincidence."

Ms. Clinton continued: "It may be that your company's user base is large enough for the NSA to be interested in your company."

Luo Ji heard some hidden meanings in Ms. Clinton's confident answer: "Ms. Clinton, do you know much about the National Security Agency?"

Ms. Clinton nodded: “Yes, I come into contact with them regularly in my work.”

Is this the benefit of having power? Sarah Palin didn't know about this department, but Secretary Clinton was in constant contact with it.

No wonder the fight between the two parties has become increasingly fierce. Everything is because of power!

Luo Ji was not embarrassed at all and directly asked about this sensitive information: "So, am I the only one involved in this National Security Bureau plan? Or are there other Internet giants?"

"What are you asking about this?"

"I just want to feel at ease." Luo Ji continued: "If someone breaks the news one day, if I am the only company, I will be dead."

"Rest assured," Ms. Clinton reassured, "the law protects private companies involved in providing user data to the government from prosecution."

Luo Ji was very dissatisfied with her answer and looked directly at her, intently.

Ms. Clinton looked at Luo Ji, hesitated for a moment and whispered in Luo Ji's ear: "Okay, I can tell you. All the Internet giants you can think of are involved. You are not the only company. Now you You can feel at ease now.”

Luo Ji wanted to ask more, but he knew that this matter was indeed very sensitive. Plus Ms. Clinton had an I-told-you-all look on her face. So he nodded and said.

"I see."

Ms. Clinton patted Luo Ji on the shoulder to comfort him: "Logic, don't be suspicious or have any psychological burden. This is just a simple matter of cooperating with the government's work."


Luo Ji then explained the fundamental reason why he came today: "Is this one of the reasons why some areas ban American Internet companies, or why local governments use administrative power to support local Internet companies?"

To be honest, after going through these two days. Luo Ji gained a deeper understanding of the global Internet landscape. He had previously ignored geopolitics and the secret struggles among governments.

He set up WeChat as a subsidiary for development, but in the end it was still controlled by American capital. He may have thought too simply.

"Yes, you are very clever."

Ms. Clinton then said confidently: "However, very few countries on earth dare to do this. The WTO we created was not in vain. If they dare to ban or ban our companies without any reason, they will suffer retaliation from the US government." . This is the fundamental reason why American companies can operate unimpeded around the world."

Luo Ji said directly: "But this does not include Russia, China, and Japan and South Korea, right? American Internet companies have failed in these countries. There is not a single successful case. This can't be explained by just saying competition, right? .”

Ms. Clinton’s confident momentum was interrupted momentarily, and she choked up: “These… are just a few countries.”

Luo Ji looked into her eyes: "Ms. Clinton, you should know about WeChat's situation in various countries. I have set up subsidiaries in Japan, South Korea, China, and Russia. We are allies. Now, I need your sincere advice. These Is it possible for the subsidiary to develop successfully?”

Ms. Clinton thought for a while and said: "Game companies are entertainment products, just like movies, and there is little resistance to success. However, your WeChat involves sensitive communication fields."

Ms. Clinton continued: "Countries such as Russia, China, Japan and South Korea are different from failed countries like Haiti, and they are also different from other second-rate countries. They are successful countries, and the administrative efficiency of their governments is very high."

"Internet companies in the United States have been trying for more than ten years, but none of them has succeeded in occupying a dominant position in several of their countries. This is because these countries will use administrative power to support local Internet companies under WTO rules."

Luo Ji nodded: "So, even if my WeChat is leading now, the probability of success in the end will be very low, right?"

"Uh..." Ms. Clinton continued: "Logic, I suggest you continue to compete. Microsoft, Google, and Facebook are still competing in these places. The government will support you."

"Let me think about it."

Ms. Clinton is a typical American white elite.

America is the chosen country, the city on the hill. Americans are God's chosen people. They want all humanity to live according to their will.

But Luo Ji was different. He said he would consider it, but he had already made up his mind.


Chelsea Clinton stayed with her mother, while Luo Ji and Psaki left in a car. The first thing he did when he got in the car was that Luo Ji dialed Deborah Liu's phone number.

“Where is the plan to merge WeChat’s Russian subsidiary into the headquarters?”

"It has been successful."

"Build Russian companies back on their feet."

Deborah Liu was a little confused: “Why?”

"Don't ask any more questions now. I'll tell you when I get back." Luo Ji continued, "And WeChat Japan and South Korea's subsidiary was split into two companies. One for each country."


Luo Ji then said: "Then, sell all these subsidiaries. It would be best if you can retain some shares. If not, sell them all."

Deborah Liu was extremely surprised: "Why? Why did you suddenly make such a big move?"

"It's not convenient to talk now. Let's talk about it when I get back."

Although Luo Ji was sometimes impulsive, he was not afraid of challenges.

But the probability of winning this time is very low. Should he use his selfless dedication to pave the way for the United States' global hegemony? He's not that stupid.

Deborah Liu lowered her voice and said carefully: "Logic, we just received information from the National Security Agency of the United States. Would it be too sensitive to sell these subsidiaries now?"

Luo Ji said: "We are a private company, and we can do whatever we want. In capitalism, there is no problem in selling if the price is right. If American companies want to buy it, I will also be willing to sell these subsidiaries to them. In addition, if national security is If the bureau has any questions, let them come to me.”

"Okay." Deborah Liu continued: "Logic. What about other regions?"

"Other areas maintain the status quo."

Europe, the Middle East, the subcontinent, Southeast Asia, the entire Americas.

Either it is the little brother of the United States, or it is the back garden of the United States, or the local government has no execution ability at all. Of course Luo Ji will not give up on these markets.


The next day.

Luo Ji met again with Scott Brown and Sarah Palin, two major figures in the Republican Party.

The two of them obtained some definite information through some connections in the Republican Party and through some outsourcing companies, which was much more accurate than Ms. Clinton's specious hints.

Companies that have already participated in this program include Microsoft, Yahoo, Google, Facebook, Paltalk, and YouTube.

They even found out what these intelligence outsourcing companies called this plan.

They call it Project Prism!
  (End of this chapter)

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