New York 2006

Chapter 327 Hype

Chapter 327 Hype
  "Fili, there is no need to be angry about a woman."

"Taylor is not that beautiful, far behind Kristen. As for doing this for her? It's hurting yourself."

"Here, let me wipe the blood from your fist."

Fiona pulled him to sit on the bed and wiped him with iodine in distress.

Luo Ji said nothing, feeling that the anger in his heart could not be dissipated.

Two minutes later.

Fiona said in a relaxed tone: "Feili, it's done. Do you think I bandaged it beautifully?"

Luo Ji came to his senses and glanced at the bow tied with gauze on his hand. Some girls.

Normally, he would definitely be able to laugh out loud, but now he was not in the mood at all.

Luo Ji looked at Fiona irritably: "You go to the study and help me get my spare mobile phone. Just in case anyone needs to contact me in case of emergency."

Fiona hesitated: "You won't hurt yourself again, will you?"

Luo Ji glanced at the blood stains on the wall, then looked directly at her: "It won't happen anymore, don't worry."

Fiona turned back three times every step and walked towards the study on the second floor with a worried look on her face.


Three minutes later.

Luo Ji turned on his spare phone and went online to the Reddit forum. Searching for discussion threads about Taylor having a new boyfriend, he wanted to see how this matter was discussed online.

It only took five hours after the news broke, but there were already many related posts. One of the posts was the most popular, and it roughly summarized what happened.

"Some time ago, Taylor wrote a very soulful song "All too well" for her ex-boyfriend Logic. As a result, Logic revealed that he had a new girlfriend Kristen the next day."

"The news was a big deal at the time, but as time went by, the news gradually faded away."

"I thought this matter was over. Unexpectedly, today Taylor officially announced to the media that her new boyfriend is Logic's good friend Taylor Lautner."

"I have no problem with the two Taylors being together."

"But did Taylor Swift say it in her song before? If you dare to betray me, I will hang out with your best friends."

"Ha ha ha ha."

There are various comments below the post, and everyone is talking about the direction of this horse-catching story.

"Well done Taylor. Hanging out with Logic's good friends. Hahahahahaha."

"Why am I not Logic's good friend!"

"Stop being happy. Do you think Taylor has gone too far? Logic is good enough to her, can't the two of them get together and break up?"

"As deep as love is, so deep is hatred!"

"Hang out with Logic's good friends."

  Luo Ji didn't want to read anymore and put his phone in his pocket. Then he looked at Fiona next to him: "Give me some advice, I want to take revenge."


Fiona was a little hesitant: "The two of them are most likely hype. I remember that the two of them seemed to have filmed the movie "Valentine's Day" together. It will be released on Valentine's Day next year. This time is just right for the hype."

"Whose side are you on?"

Luo Ji directly yelled: "I don't care if they are hyping it up, Taylor is a bitch, I am so good to her, but she doesn't care about humiliating me in the media. Don't look at what is being said about me on the Internet now."

Fiona hurriedly tried to comfort her: "I said they were hyping it up just to make you feel better. Don't be angry. Of course I'm on your side."

Luo Ji said coldly: "Then give me some advice. Now I just want to take revenge. Since she is so cruel, don't blame me for being heartless."

Fiona thought for a moment and began to come up with various ideas.

"We have many media channels and can directly smear them in the media. This is not possible. Taylor Lautner is still an actor in "Twilight", so we cannot smear Lautner. Then just smear Swift."

"Her third major is about to be released, so we are looking for someone to target her. Lady Gaga is very suitable. Taylor is not as popular as Gaga."

"If there are many of her colleagues in your private equity fund, you can kick them out directly."

Jingle, Jingle, Jingle.

Fiona's cell phone suddenly rang. She picked it up and looked at it, then said to Luo Ji, "It's Taylor Lautner."

Luo Ji nodded: "Take it."

Fiona and Lautner communicated for about a minute, and then she covered her phone and said to Luo Ji: "Lautner said he was only with Taylor to hype the movie "Valentine's Day," and he wants to talk to you. Let’s talk.”

"Give me the phone."

Luo Ji took the phone, tried his best to appear nonchalant, and said, "Lautner, good afternoon. What do you want to see me for?"

"Logic, did you see the news about Miss Swift's interview this afternoon?"

"Look, what's wrong?"

Taylor Lautner said anxiously: "Logic, she and I are not together. Yesterday, Garry Marshall, the director of the movie "Valentine's Day," wanted us to hype up the movie. I'm still thinking about it and plan to ask for your opinion. , but unexpectedly, Miss Swift directly admitted it in the media today."

"Yeah." Luo Ji said calmly.

Taylor Lautner was a little confused by Luo Ji's flat tone. He tentatively said, "Logic, you're not angry, are you?"

"What are you angry about?"

"Swift and I were hyping it up in the media," Lautner said.

Luo Ji said calmly: "She and I broke up a long time ago and have no relationship anymore. I have no objection to you hyping her up."

Taylor Lautner was still a little worried: "Logic, do you really have no objection?"

"Don't worry, I don't have any of it here." Luo Ji said in a relaxed tone: "I don't care about her at all a long time ago!"


Los Angeles.

Paramount Studios.

The filming scene of "CSI".

Taylor Swift wore black clothes, leather boots, and black stockings. The eyes were painted with deep smoky makeup. Her blond hair was dyed black. She has metal jewelry on her mouth, nose and ears.

A perfect dark punk girl.

Taylor stood aside, silently watching the police car flashing not far away. She is currently starring in a guest role on CSI.

In this TV series, she played the story of a 19-year-old girl who, after experiencing various things, transformed from a good girl into a rebellious punk girl, and was later killed.

"Come on, let's take a rest," the director said.

Taylor walked to the side to get a cup of coffee, but after taking a few steps, he was stopped by someone: "Taylor, come here."

When she saw it, it was her agent, Rick Buck. She walked over and asked, "Why are you here?"

Rick Buck pulled Taylor to a remote corner and asked angrily: "Didn't I tell you not to agree to the "Valentine's Day" crew's request for hype? Why did you suddenly announce it?"

Taylor said nonchalantly: "What happened to me promoting the movie?"

Agent Rick Buck followed closely: "Are you trying to get revenge on Logic?"


"What else could you do if you didn't want to take revenge on Logic? Lautner was still considering it, but you announced it unilaterally. You were never like this before!"

Taylor spoke up: "Lautner agreed as soon as I announced it to the media."

Rick Buck said: "Lautner is an actor under Logic, and he is just riding a tiger. On the one hand, he has to take care of Logic's emotions, and on the other hand, he must not offend the crew of "Valentine's Day." You think he is making his own decisions about you. No complaints about the media announcement?”

Taylor turned away and said nothing. At this time, matching her image of a punk girl in the TV series, she looks very rebellious.

Agent Rick Buck looked anxious and said: "Tyler, what are you thinking? Logic has been very good to you, and you are still so angry with him."

Taylor said angrily: "He is good to me! He is good to me. The day after I released such a soulful song, he made it official in the media with another woman."

"It was a misunderstanding. It was secretly photographed by The Sun. Why can't you understand?" Rick Buck earnestly advised: "You blocked him directly, and he didn't complain at all. He also called many times. I hope I can advise you. He is such a big shot and handles hundreds of millions of dollars in business every day. Do you think he has a lot of time! How could he be so patient if he didn't cherish the friendship between you."

Taylor crossed her arms and tilted her head to the side without saying anything.

Rick Buck is also very helpless. To be honest, his agent is very powerless in front of big stars. He had dared to say harsh words to Taylor before, but now he could only persuade him.

"Tyler, you will annoy Logic. He has helped you so much, but you treat him like this. He must feel that you don't care about our friendship at all."

Taylor said angrily: "Who wants his friendship!"

"It's okay if you don't care about his friendship, but you shouldn't treat him like this. This time you went too far."

Rick Buck anxiously persuaded: "Logic is not a broad-minded person. After The Sun offended him in the previous period, he has been fighting a lawsuit with The Sun and went straight to the UK."

"The Sun is now using tactics to make him appear directly in the British court. It wants to waste his time and make him compromise. But Logic is very powerful and will not compromise at all. He told the media that he will come to every court!"

"Logic is very young and has achieved such high achievements. It can be seen from the sniper on the Sun that he is very proud and very impulsive. He does things without considering the consequences and regardless of them. You can say that this time He was humiliated in the media, aren’t you afraid of his revenge?”

Taylor was dressed as a punk and said with a stubborn look: "I'm not afraid of him! Fxxk him!"

Rick Buck almost begged and persuaded: "Tyler, can you just call him and apologize? Just think it's for me and everyone else?"

Taylor said angrily: "I don't want it! Don't think about using the people around you to kidnap me."

"Taylor... please! Logic is young, impulsive, and kind-hearted. If you go and apologize, he will definitely forgive you!"

Taylor glared at the agent: "I already said, I will not apologize."

Rick Buck looked at Taylor seriously: "Do you want to ruin the relationship between you and Logic?"

Taylor's eyes turned slightly red when he heard this. But he still said stubbornly: "If it's ruined, just ruin it! I don't care about the friendship with him at all!"


Long Island, New York.

Outside the villa, Fiona led Braun inside.

"How did you come?"

"Can I not come? Taylor has gone too far this time. Now the Internet is full of voices mocking Logic." Braun then said: "How is Logic now?"

Fiona said with some worry: "He is very angry now, very angry! I rarely see him in this state, and I am a little scared."

Braun asked: "What did he plan?"

"He just wants revenge on Taylor now." Fiona added after finishing: "Revenge on Taylor Swift."

"What about the others? Like Taylor Lautner."

Fiona shook her head: "Taylor Lautner was also a victim. He took the initiative to call and apologize. This incident was just something Swift did to retaliate against Logic."

"Did Taylor Swift call and apologize?"

"No. Only her agent, Rick Buck, called."

"How did Logic handle it?"

"He didn't talk to Rick Buck at all." Fiona looked worried: "Now Feili is very angry and talking about how to get revenge on Taylor."

Hearing this, a faint smile appeared on Braun's lips, and then it disappeared quickly. He asked: "By the way, where is Christine?"

Fiona said: "It seems that she is accompanying Sammy. She doesn't know about this yet."

"Then you go up first." Braun continued: "I'll go find Kristen, maybe she can comfort Logic."

"Okay." Fiona didn't care and walked upstairs alone.


Braun looked around the party and saw Christine among the women. He walked forward, exchanged a few words with Sami and others, and pulled Kristine aside.

Braun said: "Kristen, please spend more time with Logic these days. He is in a bad mood."

Kristen's face was full of doubts: "What happened to him? He was fine just now."

Braun took out his phone and searched for news, then handed it to her: "Taylor Swift and Taylor Lautner made their official announcement in the media today."

"What?" Christine looked in disbelief. She didn't believe it was true until she read the news: "This..."

Braun said: "Anyway, please spend more time with Logic during this time. Let's go upstairs now."

Kristen nodded, and then said doubtfully: "Braun, you seem to really hope that I can be with Logic, right?"

Braun hesitated before saying, "Yes."


Braun said seriously: "We are our own people."

Kristen didn't react at the first moment, and it took her a moment to think about it: "Okay, thank you, Braun."

Braun began to make suggestions: "You can go up later and simply appease him. Don't get involved in our discussion."



ten minutes later.

Luo Ji sat on the bed, with Christine beside him to comfort him. Fiona sat opposite and spoke a little less. It was mostly Braun who did the talking.

"Logic, regarding Taylor hanging out with your good friends, it is only discussed on the Internet. The mainstream media has not mentioned this topic, only talking about the two official announcements of Taylor."

Luo Ji nodded: "Yeah."

Braun continued: "To be honest, those tabloids have been a little scared by your large-scale legal proceedings during this period. They should only discuss the matter and not say gossip that is not beneficial to you. But it is difficult to express opinions on the Internet. put an end to."

"I know." Luo Ji said angrily, "I don't want to pay attention to these comments now. I just want to get revenge on Taylor!"

Braun advised: "That's not true, she is just hyping up. This is a common thing in the entertainment industry."

Luo Ji said angrily: "Braun, I cherish our friendship with her so much and provide her with so much help, but in the end I get humiliation. Do you want me to swallow my anger? Since she is ruthless, then Don’t blame me for being rude!”

Braun had no intention of really persuading him, he was just pretending. He said, "Okay, Logic, what are you going to do?"

Luo Ji glared at him: "You are my manager. Do you still want me to think about it?"

"Feili, don't be angry." Christine comforted him.

Luo Ji was unmoved and looked straight at Braun. Braun didn't want to offend the angry person, so he began to follow Luo Ji's temper.

"Are you going to leave immediately? Chatting with a female singer in the media will be very detrimental to your image."

"I listened to Fiona's previous suggestions, use Lady Gaga's album to snipe her, kick people around her out of your private equity fund, and use our media to smear her. These are all good."

"Doesn't she have a stake in your Marvel? You can find a way to lower her stake."

"By the way, you have been with Swift for so long, have you got some dirty information about her? If we use the media to smear her, we can use it."

"I don't have any dirt on her." After Luo Ji said this, he suddenly had an idea. An idea comes to mind.

Braun was about to continue, but Fiona interrupted directly: "I just suggested it. I just wanted Fili to calm down, but I didn't intend to let him use it."

Braun continued: "But isn't that what revenge is? Taylor has gone so far. It's impossible for us not to fight back."

Fiona couldn't stand it and said directly: "But these methods are too despicable."

Luo Ji nodded: "Fiona is right, these methods are too underhanded. Not only is it bad for my media image, it is also bad for my company's profits."

Braun said, "Then what are you going to do?"

Luo Ji murmured, "I don't want to fight with her in the media, and I won't touch her interests. This is too low."

Fiona said worriedly: "You..."

Luo Ji's eyes shone with coldness and he said directly: "Since she is so cruel to me, then I will take away her most precious possessions!"

(End of this chapter)

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