New York 2006

Chapter 32 Promotion in advance

Chapter 32 Promotion in advance
Never an honest word
No more harsh words of advice
But that was when I ruled the world
But this is the time when I rule
Manager Braun drove Luo Ji to the Universal Music headquarters. The host on the car radio said, "What do you think of this song by Britney's 16-year-old boyfriend?"

The radio guest said: "I still appreciate this song very much. Viva la Vida uses grand instrumental arrangements and broad lyrics to describe in detail the final journey of a generation of kings. The loud volume of this song continues to become exaggerated, and the sound of the piano and Bells and orchestral sounds can be heard throughout the chorus, and the protagonist's pain is clear in the lyrics, but the bells of Jerusalem, the Roman cavalry, and the words of St. Peter give "Viva la Vida" an air of wisdom rare in today's popular songs. .It’s just a pity.”

"What a pity?"

The radio guest said sadly: "Logic is only 16 years old. Although he deliberately lowered his voice, his voice is still too immature. It would be more perfect if a man in his 40s or [-]s sang this song."

The host chuckled: "Speaking of age, do you think the two of them did it?"

The radio guest swept away his decadence and his voice became high-pitched: "Come on, that photo of a passionate kiss in the car definitely shows that the relationship between the two people is extraordinary. A man and a woman went to the hotel at night to simply write songs. What's wrong with that?" "

"But the police conducted a surprise inspection and found no problems."

The radio guest smiled and said: "Many witnesses reported that the two of them were stuck together all night in the bar. Logic is a fan of Britney and so on. Anyway, I don't believe in this nonsense of composing songs all night. Yes. Now, who is your female idol?"

"Mariah Carey."

The radio guest then said: "If you had the chance to meet Mariah Carey, would you do it?"

"Hey, hey, if you don't take advantage of this opportunity, you're sorry to God!"

The radio guest continued: "Then you still need to ask? Tsk tsk tsk, Logic can be considered a role model for men. He has worked hard for many years to become his idol. Hahaha."

Luo Ji frowned: "Braun, turn off the radio!"

Braun turned off the radio and comforted: "As the saying goes, the more a person lacks something, the more he will show it. The same is true for countries. Incidents of religious figures sexually abusing minors are often reported in the Western world. The country's response to The protection of minors is becoming more and more strict. Coupled with the widespread media coverage of Michael Jackson's child molestation incident from 2003 to 2005, the entire society has tightened its strings. Logic, this incident is actually not very harmful to the man. , the pressure is mainly on the woman's side. The entire society has much higher requirements for women than men, and to some extent this incident will be good for you."

Braun was driving, followed by paparazzi in cars and on motorcycles.The two of them drove more than ten kilometers from the hotel, and the paparazzi never left the group.

Luo Ji felt a little guilty in his heart: "I feel a little sorry for Britney. I really didn't expect that this matter would become such a big deal. Later, people from the FBI came to inquire."

Braun said: "Our public relations have actually done a very good job. We immediately revealed to the media that you and Britney had been writing songs all night. We also uploaded the demo video of the song that you and Britney recorded on YouTube. The public opinion surrounding Britney has weakened. The problem was with Britney's driver, not us, so you don't have to feel guilty."

"Well, after all, I didn't control myself first. If I didn't provoke Britney, this wouldn't have happened."

Braun continued: "Kissing has reduced the credibility of our public relations a lot, but that's all it can do. The paparazzi will definitely be chasing you during this period, but as long as you and Britney don't admit it, even if everyone in the United States doesn't admit it, Knowing that there is a high probability that you have done it, there is nothing they can do against you."

"It can only be this way."

Luo Ji looked at the paparazzi chasing after her like hungry wolves. He suddenly understood Britney's pressure. She had been subjected to such chasing every day for the past few years.Who can stand the sight of dozens of paparazzi shooting from all directions?The softness in his heart was touched, and he suddenly thought of Britney's kindness again and felt sorry for her.

"Logic, never admit to anyone that you did it in the future. It's very likely that someone will record it and sell it to the media."

"I understand, Braun, I'm sorry to trouble you during this time."

He thought again that the two relationships he had entered into this world had ended in such an unpleasant way.Britney, in particular, was hurtful.

"Maybe I should control myself in the future and find someone of the same age as my girlfriend."

Braun said: "You should have done this a long time ago. Find someone of your own age and show it to the media openly. There is no need to worry at all. There is no need to be so embarrassed by the media like this time."

Driving all the way, the headquarters of Universal Music arrived. Braun saw the right moment and parked the car. Luo Ji opened the car door and took a step forward. Unfortunately, it was too late. Several paparazzi had already blocked the way, and more paparazzi also surrounded Luo Ji. The editing moment was surrounded by dense flash lights.

"All give way, all give way!"

He was blinded by the flashing lights and could only cover his eyes with his hands. His manager Brian protected Luo Ji as he walked inside.There were shouting sounds all around.

"Logic, did you fuck Britney last night?"

"Logic, what happened to you at the hotel last night?"

"Logic, Logic..."

Luo Ji walked into the Global Headquarters building. A group of paparazzi were blocked from the door and fell silent for an instant.The two of them walked all the way to Universal's publicity department. The employees passing by on the road looked at him with different eyes of curiosity, admiration and jealousy.

When the person in charge of the publicity department saw the two of them, he immediately greeted them: "Logic, great job! You've saved us at least 100 million more in publicity expenses." Luo Ji now annoyed others the most by mentioning this. Braun was afraid of a quarrel and hurriedly approached and said, "Why did you call us here?"

"Due to Logic's scandal, the company has decided to speed up the release of your single. Let's start tomorrow. We will promote it in Los Angeles for five days, and then the company will formulate a promotion process."

Luo Ji looked at the publicity manager and Braun seriously: "You must control the radio and TV programs where you are interviewed. I don't want to be asked about Britney. If someone asks, my answer will still be the same as today. Don't let them keep fighting, it won't look good if they quarrel."


The person in charge of publicity then said to Luo Ji: "I watched your video. The demo of the song Marvin Gaye created by you and Britney sounds very good. Are you two planning to release a single together? If so, this single Once the song is released, we can increase the promotional funds to 80. Each of our two families will half of it."

Is this the influence of an A-list superstar?Luo Ji worked hard to get 20 promotional funds for his first song. He said, "Britney doesn't have time recently, so it's hard for me to hurry up and make others think I'm taking advantage."

The person in charge of publicity said: "Face is worth a lot of money, but inner appearance is more important."

Luo Ji spoke impatiently: "Besides, the public opinion is very unfavorable to the two of us now, so it's hard for us to appear together."

The person in charge of publicity followed closely: "Now that public opinion is at its peak, it is best to release the song as soon as possible."

Luo Ji could only respond perfunctorily: "Okay, okay, I'll remind you later and let you know if I have news."

Only then was the person in charge of publicity satisfied: "We'll leave tomorrow. By the way, your single CD has been rushed out. Take a look."

Luo Ji took the CD. The cover of the CD read "Liberty Leads the People" with the words "Viva la Vida" on it.

When played in the room, the total length of the song is 15 minutes.My own original solo, a remixed version of the song, my own violin solo, and a purely musical version from the symphony group.

After everyone finished listening, Luo Ji asked, "Which one do you think sounds best?"

"Original song." Braun and the head of publicity replied in unison.

"Why do I think the violin solo sounds the best? And many people say that my voice is too immature and not suitable for this song."

The person in charge of publicity smiled: "That's true, but even if a vicissitudes of voice comes to cover it in the future, the audience will still think your song sounds good."


"Listeners generally have preconceptions. If a song is good, most listeners will think that the person sings the best according to the version they heard first. The first thing everyone receives is the singing method and emotional interpretation of the original singer. The cover version will change some techniques or innovate the accompaniment, which will make the audience not used to it or not like it."

"I see. If there is a song, and if a person is exposed to a very good cover first, then he will most likely think that the cover is better than the original song throughout his life, right?"

"Yes, so before the release of many singers' records, the record company must sign a contract with the songwriter. For ten or 15 years, regular music companies are not allowed to make covers and releases for profit. Covers for private entertainment are allowed."

During this period of time, Luo Ji gained a lot of knowledge about music, scientific vocal methods, singing techniques, song classification, classification of music styles, etc., but he still had some blind spots in knowledge.Let’s learn slowly in the future.

Braun said: "Since the promotion plan has been advanced, please inform Blake to come over. I will be responsible for contacting the commercial performances for the four of us along the way, Blake will be responsible for food and accommodation, and the publicity director of Universal will contact the radio station and other publicity matters. Find another meeting The person who plays the instrument will perform with you. It's still too monotonous for you alone, usually it's a band."

Luo Ji thought for a moment that there was such a person: "What about Jeff Basker? I felt that he was very capable when we were recording. We talked on the phone a few days ago and he is in Los Angeles now. Say if there is any You can find him if you need anything."

The head of publicity spoke up: "Jeff Busker?"

Luo Ji explained: "My technical consultant during the recording of the song, I think he is quite capable and a versatile musician. He studied under Steve Lindsay."

"Is it Steve Lindsay, the famous music producer?"


The person in charge of publicity laughed loudly: "Student? Didn't Steve Lindsay hold a training class to teach music knowledge? Anyone can go as long as they pay."


(End of this chapter)

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