New York 2006

Chapter 317 A valuable gift for your girlfriend

Chapter 317 A valuable gift for your girlfriend

On the morning of July 2009, 10.

Warner Studios, Burbank, Los Angeles.


Director Catherine then stood up and shouted to the crew: "Now I announce that "The Twilight Saga" has officially been completed after 3 days of filming!"

Kristen immediately jumped up and excitedly high-fived Taylor Lautner across from her.Others in the crew also started to applaud.

Kristen couldn't wait to walk towards the dressing room.Taylor Lautner followed suit, and he also wanted to take off his makeup.The two of them walked and talked.

"Lautner, now that the filming is over, what are you going to do next?"

"I'll probably stay in Los Angeles."

Kristen asked casually: "Aren't you going home? I remember your home is in Michigan."

"No, I will join the group in a dozen days."

"The movie Valentine's Day?"

"Yes." Lautner asked casually: "What about you? What are you going to do?"

Kristine immediately smiled and looked expectant: "I might go to New York for a few days."


Within a few words, the two of them had arrived at the door of the dressing room.

Kristine waved her hand: "Bye."



Meanwhile, New York.

Future Music Records, Recording Studio.

Luo Ji put on headphones and listened to Gaga's second album.Jeff Basker stood there looking bored, while Lady Gaga looked nervous.

Ten minutes later, Luo Ji took off his headphones.

Gaga immediately stepped forward: "Logic, what do you think of my second album?"

Luo Ji carefully considered his words: "Although it is not as good as the first album, it is still a very good album."

Gaga was a little disappointed. She also knew that her three Billboard No. [-] albums could not be replicated, so she quickly cheered up: "Do you think those songs in the album have the potential to be a hit?"

Luo Ji said: "First of all, it must be the song "Telephone". Secondly, "Like a G6" and the following electronic music are also good. Is this a song you have recently collected?"

"Yes." A smile appeared on Gaga's face: "Those electronic music songs were recently collected by me for help from David Guetta."

"Not bad." Luo Ji then asked, "The dance song "Like a G6" suits your style very well. Which DJ helped you produce it?"

“Rhymes of the Far East.”

"Far East?"

Basque explained: "Far East Rhythm is a DJ group recently signed by electronic music records. Its members are composed of several East Asians."

"Hmm, no wonder the rap part in the song doesn't have a black accent when I hear it."

Luo Ji then looked at Gaga: "You can think of the song 'Like a G6' as the second lead single. The style of this song suits you very well. The lyrics are also very brainwashing and it has the potential to become popular."

"Okay." Gaga nodded immediately. She still believed in Luo Ji's taste in music.

Luo Ji continued to ask, "That's it, Gaga. Do you have any other requirements for album promotion?"

Gaga had obviously considered this issue. She immediately said: "I want to shoot the MV in advance and release it together with the lead single."

"No problem!" Luo Ji waved his hand directly: "I will give you 600 million yuan to shoot the MV for your second album."

Gaga looked surprised: "Thank you, Logic."

"You're welcome, you deserve it!"

As a businessman, Luo Ji would certainly not do business at a loss.Of all the singers signed by the two music companies, the most played MVs on YouTube, except for Logic, are Gaga’s MVs.

All of Gaga's MVs have brought 2000 million US dollars in revenue to the music company through various channels, and there will be a steady stream of revenue in the future.

Luo Ji asked with a gentle look on his face: "Gaga, do you need anything else? Let me know."

Gaga shook her head: "No, other companies have already arranged it for me."

"Okay, that's it!" Luo Ji then stood up and said, "Basque, come to the office with me."



The two came to Luo Ji's office and sat down.

Basque looked worried and said, "Were you trying to deal with Gaga just now?"

"No!" Luo Ji continued: "I am very serious about music, and I will never lie. The electronic music she included later is indeed very innovative."

"That's good." Basque felt a lot relieved. He didn't want to let the first lady of the company fail just after he became the CEO of Future Records.

Luo Ji sighed and said, "However, it is indeed not as good as the first major."

"There's nothing we can do about it, her first major is so amazing." Basque also felt a little regretful.

Luo Ji laughed self-deprecatingly: "That's right, hit songs are rare but hard to come by."

Basque smiled and complimented: "You don't have this trouble. I really want to open your brain and see how it is structured inside, so that every song written is so amazing."

"Okay, let's not talk about this anymore." Luo Ji took out two singer resumes from the drawer and got down to business: "Didn't you say you wanted to sign a singer? Sign these two first."

Basque took it over and looked at it: "Fun band, Ed Sheeran?"


Basque thought for a moment and said, "Is this the resume that a recent singer submitted to the company?"


"Why don't you wait until then to audition together? The company will conduct a unified audition in a few days."

"No! Just sign them both."

Basque asked curiously: "How do you judge?"

"Singing skills and creative ability."

Luo Ji said casually.Of course, this answer was just an excuse. He signed the contract after looking at the photo on his resume.Both of these people are singers who have appeared in the MV of Tianqi's song.

His music company has been collecting resumes from singers, and Luo Ji takes a look at them every once in a while.Check to see if there are any Apocalypse singers in it, I didn’t discover them until today.

Basque nodded: "Okay, I will let the company contact them."

Luo Ji felt worried and said, "Go now, I'm very optimistic about them."

"Okay." Basque stood up and planned to deal with it.

"Wait a minute." Luo Ji added, "Sign a contract with their most senior new singer, and then focus on training them."

Basque was a little surprised, and then said with a look of surprise: "Do you think they will be the next Lady Gaga?"

"How can there be so many Lady Gaga? I can only say that they have this potential."

"That's enough." After Basque said that, he ran out in a hurry.

Seeing Basque's anxious look, Luo Ji smiled and shook his head, then turned on his computer to deal with various company matters.


Three hours later, Luo Ji finished handling his official duties, stretched his hands, stood up, and inspected the company.

He hadn't been to Future Records for more than a month. After looking around for a while, he found that there were more than a dozen employees.

Luo Ji had no objection to this. He had already delegated power.Then we won’t be entangled in these, and at least give Basque a chance to try.

Basque has some option rewards in the company, and his own interests are bound to the company, so he should not mess around.

Luo Ji walked to the company's publicity area and found employees posting on the forum.

"Logicer, please work hard to make Logic's second album "18" sell more than 2000 million copies this year. I have already bought ten copies of his second album."

Isn't this a promise?
Luo Ji didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He patted the shoulder of the employee who was posting and asked, "What does this Logicer mean?"

The employee turned around and realized it was Luo Ji, and quickly explained, "This is what your fan base calls themselves."

"Luo Ji's people?" "Yes."

"Then why are you posting these posts?"

"The publicity director asked us to send it. He said that he wants your "18" to sell 2000 million copies this year."


Luo Ji nodded and didn't say anything else. To be honest, his second album had just been released in the first month. Luo Ji promoted it intensively, but didn't promote it much after that.

This is very un-celebrity.

In an era of plummeting record sales, other artists now generally have to focus on promotion for at least three months.But there was nothing Luo Ji could do. He didn't have much time, and his focus had now shifted to business.

"Boss, the company has a large expenditure that requires your signature." Max walked up to Luo Ji and said.

"Come with me to the office."

After Luo Ji finished speaking, he left, while Max followed silently behind him.

The two of them arrived in silence all the way to the office. Luo Ji took the file and put it on his desk, and casually said to Max, "You sit down first, and I'll look at the file before talking."

Max was very polite: "It's okay, I just need to stand, boss."

Luo Ji was furious when he heard the word boss. He tried his best to put on a friendly smile: "Just call me Feili or Logic. You don't have to be so polite."

Max didn't give Luo Ji any face: "I still think it's more appropriate to call him boss."

Luo Ji's anger could no longer be suppressed. He stared at her and said in a deep voice, "Fxxk you, Max, you were the one who wanted to break up with me in the first place. Now you look like it's my fault!"

Max said nothing, but looked directly at Luo Ji.Luo Ji didn't feel guilty and looked back at her.

After a long time, Max said: "Logic, do you really think you are not wrong?"

"Of course!" Luo Ji said firmly.

Max continued: "Then you think so, as long as you can fool your own heart."

Luo Ji did not answer directly: "I am good enough to you, but you took the initiative to break up with me."

"What do you want to express by saying this?"

Max didn't wait for Luo Ji to answer and continued: "Do you really think that every woman will still like you and want to come back to you because of your power and fame, not caring about the mistakes you have made? Fxxk You, Felix, I also have dignity. I wanted to slap you a few times."

Luo Ji tried his best to calm down: "Max, I've never thought of it this way."

"Then you respect my choice." Max then said seriously: "Boss!"

It’s really frustrating to lose a verbal confrontation with your ex-girlfriend!Very unhappy!

Luo Ji felt a fire in his heart and didn't know how to vent it, so he could only sit down, pick up the document and read it.

This large amount of expenditure seems to be the 600 million production fee Luo Ji just promised Lady Gaga for her second MV.Future Records and Universal Music split the money on a pro-rata basis.

Did Universal Music move so quickly?Passed in a few hours.

Hum hum!
It can be seen from this small incident that Universal Music, once a strong party, has now unknowingly become a weak party.To please him.

Luo Ji mentally calculated the amount of money he would pay for future records, and he found that it was just right.So he picked up a pen and signed his name on it.

"Give you."

Fiona knew some of Luo Ji's habits, so she reminded him, "Don't you check the amount?"

Luo Ji instantly felt that he had a point to counterattack, so he taunted, "You can do such a simple mental calculation and figure it out. Do you still need to check it? You can't do it yourself, right?"

Max, however, refused to accept this and smiled contemptuously at Luo Ji, then picked up the documents and walked outside.

Luo Ji looked at Max's leaving figure and felt even more frustrated.

calm down!Whoever gets angry in a verbal confrontation loses.

"Fxxk you, Max!" Luo Ji yelled.


At night, Luo Ji sat in the car and drove home without saying a word.

Fiona, who was sitting next to her, looked at her sulky nephew and gloated: "Hey, who made you angry again?"

Luo Ji turned his head to look at the street scene outside the window and ignored her.

Fiona didn't let him go. She pushed him over with force and said mockingly: "Let me see, he is really sulking. Weren't you happy every day in Washington some time ago?"

Luo Ji said angrily: "Fiona, mind your own business! Don't mind my personal affairs."

"Private matters?" Fiona said to herself: "Let me think about it, which women did you meet at Future Records today? Lady Gaga, no, you were just hyping up the scandal with her. Lisa, Anne, Helen Zhao ...Hum. That must be Max. You have always had the habit of eating grass from the side of your nest. You have known her so early, how could you let her go? Have you ever been in a few boats? Have you been discovered by her? Already..."

Just like that, bombarded by Fiona's constant chatter, Luo Ji finally arrived home.

Luo Ji quickly got out of the car, wanting to get away from Fiona.Unexpectedly, Fiona was not prepared to let him go at all. She got out of the car and followed Luo Ji home, with no intention of returning to her apartment.

"Why are you following me?"

"Can't I care about you? Besides, we haven't had dinner together for a long time. I'll stay with you tonight."

Luo Ji complained, "We obviously just ate together at the restaurant at noon today."

Fiona didn't feel any embarrassment at all: "Exactly, I haven't tasted the food cooked by the nanny for a long time. Let's try it today."

Luo Ji walked to the door, didn't bother to take out the key and rang the doorbell.

Fiona was still chattering next to her: "Don't you know, I actually have a good relationship with Max. The two of us even complained about you together. You have many advantages, but..."

"Christine, why didn't you say hello when you came?" Luo Ji shouted in surprise.

"I want to give you a surprise!" Kristen said and threw herself into Luo Ji's arms.

Fiona, who had been chattering next to her, said nothing more. Without saying a word, she turned and walked towards the outside of the villa.

Kristen looked at her boyfriend in confusion: "What happened to Fiona? She left without saying a word."

"She has been having a hard time lately, so leave her alone."

Luo Ji picked up Christine and walked happily into the house.After that, don’t forget to close the door with your feet.

It’s better Christine, so good!


Night, bedroom.

After a long reunion, Luo Ji got out of bed and walked to the closet.

Kristen said: "What are you doing?"

"You'll find out later." Luo Ji opened the closet, pushed aside his clothes to reveal a safe, dialed the password, and took out a long, beautifully packaged box.

Luo Ji smiled and sat on the edge of the bed, handing it to Christine: "This is for you, open it and take a look."

Christine took it and used only a little force, but it didn't open the first time.The second time I increased my strength, and then I opened it.

She was immediately stunned by the diamond pendant in the box, which sparkled under the light, especially the heart-shaped diamond on the pendant. It was really a pigeon egg, very big!
Kristen asked in surprise: "Isn't this expensive?"

Luo Ji said in an understatement: "It's only 468 million U.S. dollars. I bought it from Christie's auction house in New York."

"This is too expensive, I can't accept it." Kristen was very moved, but still refused.In addition to this, her boyfriend has given her gifts worth more than [-] million yuan.

"My dear, you deserve the best. I bought this specially for you. I think the silver color suits you very well. And didn't you also help me during the salary negotiation this time?"

Ever since the global box office results of "The Twilight Saga 2" came out, Luo Ji wanted to reward her.Christine brought so much to his Apocalypse.It's just that it was delayed because of the breakup, and now it's time to take advantage of this reason to reward her.

"Help is help. But it still doesn't work!"

Kristen waved her hands quickly: "This is really too expensive. Why do you keep giving me expensive gifts? The gift I gave you is less than 100 million."

Luo Ji grimaced, took the necklace, stood up and walked to the window: "If you don't accept it, I will throw it outside on the street right now."

Kristen stood up quickly and pulled her boyfriend over: "Okay, why don't I accept it! But you can't give me expensive gifts anymore."

"Okay." Luo Ji agreed.

"No." Christine quickly added: "You can give me expensive gifts if you want to in the future, unless..."

"Unless what?"

Kristine tilted her head, smiled sweetly and said, "I won't tell you, you can think about it yourself."

 Chapter 3: Update during the day, I can’t hold on any longer, I’m sleepy.

(End of this chapter)
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