New York 2006

Chapter 311 Personal Biography

Chapter 311 Personal Biography
July 2009, 10, 5:10 am.

A clearing in the forest next to the small town of Portland, Oregon.


director Catherine Hardwicke shouted, and the crew around her immediately applauded.

Clap clap clap.

With the crew giving priority to Luo Ji's scenes, after 20 days of shooting, all of Luo Ji's scenes were shot.

He's finished!

Luo Ji showed off to his co-star Christine: "Let me just say I can do it twice. Hahaha, my acting skills are already at the top of Hollywood!"

"Yes, yes, your acting skills can win an Oscar." Kristen said without sincerity.

Luo Ji ignored her comments and gave her a high-five, then walked up and shook hands with the rest of the crew.

Catherine Hardwick took the initiative to come forward and said with a flattering smile: "Logic, your acting skills are improving very quickly!"

A bright smile appeared on Luo Ji's face: "Hahaha, I also feel that I have made rapid progress. I am already comparable to Tom Hanks."

Catherine frowned, then quickly ignored the topic: "Are you going back to Los Angeles today?"


"Be careful on the road."

"Okay." Luo Ji then patted Catherine on the shoulder and encouraged her, "You continue to direct movies well, and I will hold a party for you to celebrate when you get back to Los Angeles."

Catherine nodded respectfully: "I will."

Luo Ji gave Catherine a satisfied smile and then walked towards the RV.To be honest, Luo Ji was very satisfied with Catherine after being beaten with a big stick.

She has no arrogance at all now, she respects Luo Ji very much, and she works very seriously.

The most important thing is that she is very talented. The TV series "The Vampire Diaries" was shot very beautifully, and the ratings hit a new high for the CW TV station.This show is now very influential among OMI teenagers.

With such achievements, the crew of "The Twilight Saga" invited her back.She shot the movie shots very beautifully, which was recognized by Luo Ji and Yang Yanzi.

Arriving at the RV, Luo Ji sat down on the sofa and stretched out beautifully.

He was in a very good mood now, like eating a stick of ice cream on a hot day.

Fiona came over with a cup of coffee and handed it to him: "You look happy?"

Luo Ji took a sip, smacked it in his mouth and said happily, "Of course, my acting skills have been recognized by everyone, and no one will say that my acting skills are bad anymore."

Fiona took the initiative to ignore Luo Ji's boast: "Shall we leave now?"

"Wait a minute Christine, she will be here soon. She wants to say goodbye to me."


As soon as she finished speaking, Kristen opened the door and walked into the RV.

She immediately threw herself into Luo Ji's arms: "My dear, can't you stay with me for two more days?"

Luo Ji had a look of reluctance on his face: "I also want to stay with you, but I really can't help it. There are still a lot of things in the company that I have to deal with personally."

"Okay." Kristen's face was full of reluctance. She thought for a while and said, "Then I will go find you after I finish shooting the movie."

Luo Ji decisively gave the correct answer: "Of course."

Christine then hugged Luo Ji tightly and said, "Dear, I really can't bear to have you leave."

Luo Ji said loving words to her: "I can't bear to leave you either."

Fiona looked at the two tired people, rolled her eyes and left the RV.

When Kristen saw Fiona leaving, she walked over and locked the door of the RV. Then she slowly walked towards Luo Ji with a smile on her face: "Honey, there's still an hour before I start shooting."

In the past few days, Kristen knew that he was leaving, so she came three or four times a day, as if she wanted to drain him dry.

Luo Ji looked embarrassed, but an idea suddenly flashed in his mind, and he said with a disappointed look on his face: "I want to, too, but I don't have a condom here."

Kristen smiled slightly and took out a bunch from the pocket of her jeans: "It doesn't matter, I have it here."

Luo Ji swallowed hard: "Okay... okay."


"Honey, why didn't you respond?"

"But... maybe I'm not in the right state. I haven't been sleeping well recently."

"It's okay, I'll help you." Kristen said, then lowered her head.


On the private plane, Luo Ji yawned heavily, and tears appeared in the corners of his eyes due to the exertion.

Saoirse Ronan sat opposite and asked with a concerned look on her face: "Logic, have you not rested recently? You have dark circles at the corners of your eyes."

Luo Ji yawned and said, "Yes... yes, I've been having some insomnia recently."

"Is something bothering you?"

"No, it's just insomnia." Luo Ji shook his head.

Fiona was sitting not far away, taking a deep look at her nephew who was lying without changing his face. She shook her head helplessly and lowered her head again to read the third volume of "Harvard Business School Management Encyclopedia" in her hand.

Rashida Jones also expressed concern: "Logic, you should pay more attention to your health. You suddenly passed out due to overexertion before. Don't destroy your body at such a young age."

Luo Ji looked listless: "I'll pay attention."

Saoirse Ronan and Rashida Jones also finished filming today, so they flew back to Los Angeles on Luo Ji's private jet.

Rashida Jones continued: "Logic, can your second album "18" sell 2000 million copies this year?"

"If sales pick up during the Christmas holiday, we should be able to reach it." Luo Ji then said, "Don't just talk about me, tell me about you. Have you received any film projects?"

Saoirse said: "I have been offered a war-themed movie called "The Road Back"?"

"Say what?"

"This World War II-themed work tells the story of a Polish prisoner of war who escaped from the Soviet Gulag concentration camp during the Polish-Soviet War."

"The United States loves to make movies about the Soviet Union." Luo Ji muttered softly.

Saoirse leaned forward: "I didn't hear what you said clearly."

"Nothing." Luo Ji looked at Rashida casually: "What about you? Have you received any film projects?"

A smile appeared on Rashida's face: "I got it, a movie called "The Social Network", directed by David Fincher and written by Aaron Sorkin."

"This lineup is awesome!" Luo Ji never recognized director Garry Marshall, so he made a mockery of famous Hollywood celebrities.These two are the top talents in Hollywood, and they produce classic works.

Rashida is also very proud: "Yes, Hollywood is very optimistic about this work."

Luo Ji asked curiously: "What is the movie about? Social networks, it should be related to the Internet."

"You're Smart is indeed the story of the Internet, telling the entrepreneurial experience of Facebook founder Zuckerberg."

"Hollywood has made a biopic about him." Luo Ji suddenly felt sour.

"Yes, the movie is based on the novel, The Accidental Billionaire."

Nowadays, the media often ranks Luo Ji and Zuckerberg together. The two are regarded as the most accomplished young people.This also gave Luo Ji a little bit of a comparison mentality with him.

Luo Ji frowned and said, "Accidental billionaire? Why does it sound like you blame luck for him? He doesn't rely solely on luck. He is a programming genius."

"Not entirely, you will know after reading the novel yourself."

"Okay." Luo Ji asked curiously, "Did you get Zuckerberg's authorization to make the movie?" "No."

Luo Ji asked, "Are there any legal risks?"

Rashida shook her head: "No. Biographies, especially biographies of famous people, can be written without personal authorization. This is based on the principles of freedom of expression and reflecting historical truth."


After Luo Ji answered, he immediately thought of himself.

In the past, several reporters wanted to write a biography about him and interview him, but he refused.He didn't follow up after that, and he didn't know if they continued to write his biography.

Rashida asked, "What are you thinking about?"

"When you talk about Zuckerberg, I think of myself, and I don't know if anyone has written a biography for me."

Rashida said seriously: "You don't have to think about it, someone will definitely write it for you. You are so famous now, and you will definitely make money if you write it. Those writers will not give up such a good opportunity to make money."

Luo Ji frowned for a moment. He had a lot of dirty information.

But he thought about it and felt relieved, it was not like before.When he first debuted, he was weak and cared more about reputation.But now a little dirty information is nothing to him.

After thinking about it, Luo Ji easily started chatting with the two of them: "Rashida, I remember that you, like Zuckerberg, both graduated from Harvard."

"Yes." Rashida asked, "Logic, why did you go to New York University instead of Harvard? You must know that Harvard is the top university in the world."

Luo Ji shook his head: "No, no, no, Rashida, New York University is the top university in the world!"

Rashida's face was full of surprise: "Logic, you can't ignore the facts just to promote your school."

Luo Ji smiled slightly: "You can always allow me to defend my school."

Rashida laughed: "Hahaha, okay."


The three of them sat together and chatted easily, and before they knew it, a few hours passed.

"Hahahaha, Logic, you are so funny." Saoirse burst into laughter, and Rashida also laughed from ear to ear.

It's not that funny either. Luo Ji was a little confused.

Fiona, who was sitting not far away reading a book, glanced at Saoirse and Rashida, and muttered in a low voice: "Two sycophants."

At this moment, the captain reminded on the channel that we would arrive in Los Angeles in 10 minutes.

Luo Ji then returned to reality and frowned a little when he thought about his upcoming trip.

His eyes suddenly lit up when he looked at Rashida opposite him, so he stood up and said, "Rashida, can you come here for a moment? I have something to ask you."

Rashida was stunned for a moment, then stood up slowly, stammering a bit as she spoke: "Okay... okay."

Luo Ji walked towards the lounge of the plane, Rashida following closely behind.

Saoirse saw the two entering the lounge and angrily punched the leather sofa with her fist.Then he crossed his arms and pouted, sulking alone.

Fiona felt helpless at Luo Ji's behavior. She frowned and shook her head, but made no move.


Private jet lounge, looking through the porthole glass, the sky is clear outside.

Luo Ji pointed to the bed, then smiled at Rashida: "Sit down."

"Okay... okay." Rashida looked a little nervous.

This woman is usually quite relaxed and generous, but now she is so nervous.

Luo Ji didn't think much and sat next to her, preparing to ask, but he didn't know how to ask.

Rashida blushed: "Logic, do you...what can I do?"

Luo Ji simply stopped being coy and asked directly: "Rashida, you are 33 years old this year."

Rashida instantly thought of some rumors about Logic in the media, and her face turned even redder: "Yes... yes."

"So are you single now?"


Luo Ji then asked, "Does your family usually urge you to get married?"

Rashida was stunned for a moment and looked at Luo Ji in disbelief: "Is this why you came to me to ask?"

"Yes. Otherwise, what do you think I'm going to do?"

"I thought..." Rashida stopped mid-sentence, a look of disappointment on her face.

"Why do you think?"

"It's nothing." Rashida shook her head, then looked at Luo Ji: "Why do you ask?"

Luo Ji said he had already made up the reason: "I have a friend who is 30 years old this year and has been being pressured by her family to get married. She doesn't know what to do? She wants me to help her with some advice."

Rashida thought for a while and said seriously: "My family also urged me. This is human nature and normal. But I usually ignore them. This is not the nineteenth century. Men and women are equal now, and there are many women who marry late. ”

Luo Ji shook his head: "I know these truths, but what do you think? Or what do women of your age think? I want to know your true thoughts."

"Uh..." Rashida hesitated.

Luo Ji frowned and said coldly, "Isn't it convenient for me to tell you?"

"no no."

Rashida organized her language a little: "Although humans are a highly intelligent species, they still cannot get rid of the influence of genes. Due to the desire to reproduce, most women in their 30s are eager to get married and have children. You should also You know, a woman’s prime childbearing age is only between the ages of 25 and 30, which is very short. The later it gets, the more anxious women will be.”

Luo Ji thought for a while and said, "Then you..."

Rashida showed a sad look on her face: "Of course, I am the same. It's just that I didn't meet the right one, so it was delayed until now."

"Thank you for informing me." Luo Ji was very satisfied with her frankness and stood up and extended his hand: "We will be good friends from now on. If you need anything, you can come to me at any time."

Rashida observed Luo Ji's facial expression, and it seemed that he really had no thoughts in this regard.

Rashida shook her head and smiled bitterly, then she reached out her hand to shake Luo Ji's hand calmly, and said mischievously: "Then if I encounter difficulties and seek your help in the future, don't ignore me."

"How is that possible? We are good friends!"

Luo Ji then said, "By the way, if you are afraid that you are too old to have children, you can try egg freezing technology. My ex-wife froze her eggs."

"How about this technology?"

"It's very mature, but you have to suffer a little in the middle." The two said as they walked outside.


Saoirse opened her mouth wide and looked at Luo Ji and Rashida who came out of the lounge with a look of surprise.

Luo Ji sat across from her and asked with a puzzled look on his face, "What's wrong with you?"

Saoirse came back to her senses, blushed and waved her hands quickly: "'s nothing."


Luo Ji stopped paying attention to her and continued talking to Rashida about egg freezing technology.

Saoirse looked at Luo Ji and then at Rashida, and couldn't help but think.

There are only 5 minutes before and after entering and exiting. Excluding the time for undressing, dressing and tidying up, there is only less than 3 minutes left!

Less than 3 minutes?Saoirse was confused. Wasn't he like this last time?
(End of this chapter)
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