New York 2006

Chapter 308 Twitter troll

Chapter 308 Twitter troll

At this time, the MTV awards ceremony has come to an end.

On the stage, Beyoncé raised the trophy for the best music video of the year with her hand and gave her acceptance speech.

"Wow, this is great."

Although Beyoncé said this, there was not much happiness on her face.She was also very embarrassed by Kanye's outrageous behavior today.

When Kanye came on stage and grabbed the microphone to say something, people first suspected that she was the one who instigated it.There will be a lot of tweets on Twitter criticizing Kanye and Beyoncé.

Beyoncé continued: "I remember when I was 17 years old, I won my first MTV award for Destiny's Child, and it was the most exciting moment of my life. So now I want to invite Taylor on stage and enjoy this moment too. .”

Wow wow wow wow, cheers quickly erupted in the field.

Taylor slowly walked out from the side of the stage at this time.At this time, Taylor's white dress had turned into a red dress.

Female celebrities are like this, they can change several sets of clothes during an award ceremony.

On the stage, one black and one white, two beauties wearing bright red dresses.It looks very eye-catching.

Luo Ji also applauded along with everyone, and his bad mood improved a lot.

Kanye grabbing the microphone is not only a bad thing, but also a good thing. At least there are a lot of new users on Twitter.

Of course, Luo Ji definitely has no intention of letting Kanye go.If Jay-Z doesn't give Luo Ji a satisfactory answer, Luo Ji will definitely kick Beyoncé and his wife out of the private equity fund.

On the stage, Taylor was in a much better mood at the moment. After enjoying everyone's cheers, she said mischievously: "Maybe everyone can do it again."

Ooooh, everyone cheered for her immediately.

Everyone present felt sympathy for her.Just because Kanye's behavior was too outrageous this time, it is so disgusting for a big man to bully a 19-year-old female singer.

After Taylor enjoyed it, he began to deliver his unfinished acceptance speech: "I want to thank the director of the MV..."


Ten minutes later, after the host once again paid tribute to Michael Jackson, the MTV awards ceremony officially ended.Everyone started to disperse.

If we put aside the incident of Kanye grabbing the microphone on MTV today, many interesting things happened later.

For example, Britney won an award but did not come to the event because she was on tour, so she could only deliver her acceptance speech via video. She was dressed very ugly during the video.

For example, when Eminem was presenting an award to Lady Gaga, he was stunned by Gaga's whole body wrapped in red clothes.

And Justin Bieber, the host called on everyone to support Taylor when he took the stage.

Of course, there was also a singer who surprised Luo Ji the most, and that was Pink.

Luo Ji had complained about her before, saying that whoever wore the same outfit was ugly and who was embarrassed.Unexpectedly, this female singer sang two songs for Luo Ji Tianqi during the high-altitude acrobatic performance.

"Try" and "Just Give Me A Reason."

One of the two songs is a female solo, and the other is a male and female chorus.The melody is very nice.This time Apocalypse is not a song MV as usual, but Apocalypse is a live performance.

In the video, Pink looks just like the MTV performance just now.Perform aerial acrobatics and sing at one of the future Grammys hosted by Staples.

Two songs were performed back to back.

In the video, her breath, her articulation, and her singing skills are perfect.

She can perform aerial acrobatics and sing at the same time. Her singing skills are simply terrifying. Pink's future performance, like Luo Ji's performance today, can be called a top-notch performance.

Luo Ji was very interested in Pink. He stood up and said to Jeff Basker beside him: "Go and invite Pink and let her come to our celebration party tonight."

Jeff Busker was a little confused: "Why are you suddenly interested in her?"

"I was inspired by her performance tonight and want to collaborate on two songs with her."

Jeff Busker complained: "Logic, you can't do this. You used to write songs for Adele, and now you have to write songs for Pink. If this continues, the female singers in the company will have objections. Especially Gaga, she I have complained before that you write songs for Adele, an outsider, but not for her."

“I will write songs for anyone who can inspire me.”

Luo Ji went on to say, "I'm good enough to Gaga. I wrote her "Bad Romance," the No. [-] song on the Billboard, and also asked her to participate in my second album "Shallow." She is already a well-known figure in the music industry. This is the only one. Have you ever seen anyone I treat so well? Besides, those songs are not suitable for her."

"Alright alright."

Jeff Busker continued: "But don't be so anxious to reveal that you will write songs for Pink. Wait until Gaga releases her second album, otherwise she will be jealous. After all, she is the first sister of the company, and we still have to take care of her. Check her mood."

Luo Ji nodded: "Okay."

"Then invite Pink to the party?"

"Invite, but don't reveal anything about writing songs."

"it is good."

Luo Ji thought for a moment and said, "By the way, I'd like to invite Shakira, Katy Perry, and host Russell Brand."


After Luo Ji finished speaking, he looked for Taylor in the venue.

Luo Ji found her at a glance. She was surrounded by celebrities, and everyone seemed to care about her. It looked like Taylor had gained a lot of sympathy points today.

Luo Ji felt that Taylor should stop socializing soon, so he took out his personal cell phone and sent her a text message.

"It seems that you will be quite busy right now and won't be able to finish it for a while. There is a party held by my company in the evening at my house on Broadway. You can come over with your team to play."


Luo Ji's two record labels had a good harvest tonight. Lady Gaga won three awards, Luo Ji won two, and Justin Bieber and Katherine Ross also spoke on stage as guests.

A group of people from the company happily took the car to Broadway's home for a party.

"Hey, Logic, why is it so dark in your home and the door is still wide open?" Justin Bieber asked in confusion: "Didn't the rest of the company come here early to start the party?"

Luo Ji immediately thought of what trick they had prepared, but he pretended to be ignorant and shook his head: "I don't know. You'll find out when you get in."

Lady Gaga, Bruno Mars, and Justin Bieber walked towards the villa.Luo Ji quietly pulled behind.

As soon as everyone entered the door, the lights of the villa suddenly turned on. Several people in the room sprayed ribbons together, and everyone inside shouted: "Surprise!"

Even though Luo Ji had been mentally prepared and pulled behind him, he was also startled by this sudden attack.Not to mention the few people walking in front.

Lady Gaga was so frightened that she covered her chest with her hands, and Justin Bieber was so frightened that he fell down. "Hahahahaha." Luo Ji pointed at them and laughed heartlessly.

After the frightened people recovered, they also started laughing.

The DJ holding the microphone said: "Everybody, let's cheer for Lady Gaga and Logic, who won five MTV Awards tonight."

Oh oh oh oh ah ah ah ah.The room instantly burst into warm applause and howls of ghosts and wolves.

After cheering, the DJ picked up the microphone and continued: "Next, let us applaud Logic for his behavior on stage. He is a true gentleman."

Snap, snap, snap.Everyone shouted again.

After the laughter, everyone began to spread out and socialize.

This is a rare gathering of the owners of two music companies, including singers, producers, and composers.They might be able to generate inspiration and collaborate while chatting.

After attending the ceremony all night, Luo Ji was feeling a little hungry.

He was just about to find some food to eat when Braun came over. He smiled and said: "Logic, your performance tonight is very gentlemanly. Twitter is praising you now."

"Why are you complimenting me?" Luo Ji came to the food table, picked up a plate and handed it to the chef: "Bring me a piece of barbecue."

Braun stood aside and said: "Say that you are a real man, that the eyes you glare at Kanye are very domineering and sharp. Say that you are very considerate to women. In short, they are all good words."

Luo Ji smiled and said, "Yes, yes, everyone's evaluation of me is very objective."

Braun continued: "However, some people on the Internet are saying that you still like Taylor and that you will get back together."

"Yeah, I understand." Luo Ji took the dinner plate, picked up some other food, and sat down at the makeshift table and chairs outside to eat.

Braun followed Zai Luo Ji closely: "Will you and Taylor get back together?"

Luo Ji said while eating, "No."


"Of course it's true. I've told you twice." Luo Ji looked at him impatiently: "Why are you so interested in whether I and Taylor will get back together?"

Braun quickly explained: "I am your agent, so of course I have to care about your emotional issues."


Braun continued: "There are a lot of tweets on Twitter discussing whether you will get back together. Would you like to reply?"

"Should I tell the media directly that I will not get back together with Taylor."

Braun said: "Of course it can't be so direct."

Luo Ji thought for a moment, then smiled and said, "Watch my performance."

"What are you going to do?"

"You will know when you look at my Twitter later. Haha, as a member of Twitter's board of directors, I also have to make a contribution to the company."


[-] p.m., Twitter headquarters.

A traffic monitor suddenly noticed that the number of views of a tweet soared rapidly.

An employee hurriedly checked. After reading the tweet that caused the incident, he smiled and said to his colleagues: "Our shareholder Logic tweeted."

Another employee was not surprised: "This is not surprising. Since Logic bought a stake in Twitter, not all his stars have joined Twitter. He has also posted several tweets in the past two days."

The employee laughed, pointed at the computer screen and said, "This is different. Logic started trolling directly this time. He brought the real-life troll model to Twitter."

The colleague quickly turned his attention to his computer, which showed the latest tweets from the Logic certified account.He looked carefully.

Logic said: "I was on Broadway and just came home from the MTV Awards."

"I saw a lot of people on Twitter discussing why I stood up to Kanye when he grabbed Taylor's microphone. I want to say that no one with a conscience would just watch a 30-year-old man... For men to bully a 19-year-old girl, I just happened to be there, and I believe other celebrities would do the same thing there."

"Kanye's behavior tonight was so bad and dissatisfied. I feel like he is like a bully on campus, a bully with a twisted mentality. He only bullies the weak to show his strength."

The two employees looked at each other in confusion after reading the tweet.

“Do you think we should make this tweet trending?”

"Of course! Our shareholders have made it clear that he wants to make this matter bigger. Besides, don't you think this is a good time to hype up the news? It will definitely attract a large number of new users to Twitter."


An hour after the award ceremony, Taylor got in the car and headed to Luo Ji's house with his team for the party.

When the female assistant saw Taylor getting into the car, she hurriedly handed her the phone: "Logic just posted a tweet about Kanye, and it has already become a trend. The comments below are all criticizing Kanye, and some are supporting you and Logic." "

Taylor took the phone and read it, with a smile on his face and said, "Yeah, I know."

The female assistant said: "He is so kind to you."

"He and I are good friends!" Taylor had a smile on her face, and her eyes kept looking outside, filled with anticipation for the next party.

The female assistant looked at the budding Taylor and said, "You want to get back together with Logic again, right?! Have you forgotten what happened last time? He rejected your proposal to get back together, and you cried so sadly when you came back. He is just a playboy. Young Master, his scandals have never stopped. It’s not worth it.”

When Taylor heard this, he immediately shrank and stammered: "But... he has always been single!"

"That's just the surface. Are there not many women who have had scandals with him?"

The female assistant counted on her fingers: "Kristen, Evan Rachel, Carey Mulligan, Avril Lavigne. Photos of Logic dating them were taken by paparazzi. And his ex-wife Robin, Photos of them taking their children for a walk together after their divorce also leaked."

Taylor continued: "That was all tabloid reporting without evidence. He also said he was single on Facebook."

The female assistant advised: "But, he is too carefree..."

Taylor interrupted directly: "Stop talking, I have my plan."

The female assistant asked: "What are you going to do?"

Taylor shook his head and said no more.

 Pink - Try and Just Give Me A Reason
  The two songs performed by Pink Mom at the Grammys are simply perfect, you can enjoy them.

(End of this chapter)
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