New York 2006

Chapter 306 Meeting Taylor again

Chapter 306 Meeting Taylor again

2009 9 Month 13 Day.

Future Music Records and Electronic Music Records jointly rented eight stretch Lincolns to take the company's singers to New York's Radio City Music Hall, where the 2009 MTV will be held today.

Of course, Luo Ji also took a private plane back to New York from Los Angeles. Today, all the singers from the company were present.

The singers are arranged according to their company positions as follows: Logic, Lady Gaga, Justin Bieber, Bruno Mars, Kaitlyn Ross, Tracy, Yitong Chen, Janelle Monáe, and James Byrne.

There are also some less successful small singers, as well as corporate music producers.There are 26 in total.

Luo Ji, Jeff Basker, Bruno Mars and Justin Bieber were sitting in the same car, chatting and laughing.

Luo Ji asked Future Records CEO Jeff Basker: "How is the recording of Gaga's second album going? It's been nine months."

"She has to hold a concert, collect songs and record them at the same time. So the progress is relatively slow." After explaining, Basque continued: "She asked me to ask you, can you write a song for her?"

"If it's the same as before, tell her not to count on me. My output is already low and I don't have any songs suitable for her." Luo Ji then urged: "She is very popular now, so you should quickly let her release her second album. It would be a pity not to take advantage of such great popularity.”

Basque hurriedly said: "I know, I will urge her. I guarantee that her second album will be released in October at the latest."


Luo Ji is generally very tolerant of his singers and gives them plenty of freedom.But Gaga was different. Luo Ji had listened to some of the songs she had already recorded for her second album.

Except for "Telephone", her collaboration with Beyoncé, which has the potential to become a hit, the other songs are of average quality.

Lady Gaga's first album had three hit songs, but her second album only had one.So what are you waiting for if you don't take advantage of the popularity?

To be honest, there are too few hit songs, and there are only so many in the music world in a year. They are rare but hard to come by.

If Luo Ji didn't have Tianqi, his second album would most likely be a hit.It is a small probability event that a singer will become famous, but it is a high probability event that a singer will decline like Norah Jones after becoming famous.

Bruno Mars curiously asked: "What is the name of Gaga's second album?"

"Fame Monster," Basque replied.

Bieber suddenly said: "This name suits her very well."


Everyone in the car laughed, even the bodyguard driving the car couldn't hold back.

Today, Gaga is wearing a black dress, with her upper body surrounded by bird-like black feathers. She also wears a black top hat filled with feathers, which is a very avant-garde and exaggerated look.

She has more than one set of this exaggerated costume, and she has prepared several.One set is even more exaggerated. The whole body is covered in red clothes, including the face, which looks very weird.

Bieber said with a smile: "Ms. Gaga's style is always so outrageous."

Basque teased him: "That's her style, Bieber, do you want to imitate her?"

Bieber looked panicked: "No, no, I don't want it."

"Hahaha." Several people laughed.

Luo Ji looked at Bieber with a look of relief.

This kid surprised him. Bieber's first album didn't become a hit. Luo Ji thought he would be like the other singers in the company, and that was it from then on.

Who would have thought that his second album would become a huge hit, especially among teenagers, and it would become very popular.The little girl also likes him very much.

Bruno Mars also teased him: "Bieber, I will ask Braun to give you a set of clothes like Gaga's later."

"No, it's too shameful." Bieber said with a scared expression.

Several people were amused by his antics: "Hahaha."

After laughing, Luo Ji became concerned about Mars: "Your third album is scheduled to be released in March next year, right?"


Luo Ji encouraged: "Come on, I listened to your third album's lead single "Just the Way You Are". It's great. You will definitely become popular next year!"

Mars looked surprised: "Really?"

Luo Ji looked at him seriously: "You have to trust my vision."

Basque responded: "Mars, be more confident. The song you created has been recognized by everyone in the company!"

"I will." Mars smiled shyly.

Besides Bieber, Bruno Mars was the second singer in the company that surprised Luo Ji.Others, such as Lady Gaga and Katherine Ross, all rely on revelation in a sense.

But Bruno Mars was introduced by Basque at the beginning and did not rely on Luo Ji at all.

Mars has released two albums in the past two years. He is a producer himself. The song style is somewhat like Michael Jackson. It sounds a bit outdated and has always been tepid.

Luo Ji never interfered with his creation, but who would have thought that he would suddenly come up with a song that was recognized by everyone in the company.

Basque suddenly said: "Logic, now that Mars' songs have been recognized by everyone, can the record expand in the future and continue to sign singers?"

Luo Ji knew that Basque had already had this idea and wanted to expand the company's power.With the example of Bruno Mars, this proves that he is capable.

"I don't object in principle." Luo Ji continued, "But you have to communicate well with Universal Music. They were opposed to my expansion of the company and couldn't stand the fact that I kept signing new singers, so I started to separate the company."

Basque laughed: "Universal will definitely agree. You don't know that your electronic music records have developed so rapidly in the past two years. Universal is regretting it now."

"is it?"

"Of course." Basque complimented: "They underestimated your musical vision."

Luo Ji instantly felt extremely comfortable, and the feeling of relief rushed directly to his forehead: "Okay, just go ahead and do it!"


The car drove to the entrance of Radio City Music Hall in Manhattan. As soon as Luo Ji got off the car, fans separated by fences on both sides of the road immediately burst into cheers.

"Logic, Logic, Logic!"

"Logic, look over here."

Luo Ji first observed the surrounding environment. At first glance, it didn't look dangerous. The MTV photographer also noticed him at this time, and the camera slowly moved over.

When interacting with fans, you may encounter some crazy fans. Luo Ji has encountered them more than once, although this may be dangerous.But in front of the media, Luo Ji will still try his best to act like a doting fan.

Luo Ji winked at the bodyguards. Accompanied by two bodyguards, he stepped forward and high-fived the fans.

"Logic, can you be my boyfriend?"

A teenage white girl, smiling and crying with surprise on her face, grabbed Luo Ji's hand and wouldn't let go.The bodyguard immediately acted and separated the girl's hand.

This was just a small episode and passed quickly.Luo Ji interacted with fans and came to the photo area.

He posed in various poses for reporters to take photos and then prepared to enter the venue.As a result, as soon as he took two steps, he was pulled in front of the camera by the host outside the venue for an interview.

Luo Ji knew it was a live broadcast, so he immediately cheered up.

The host pointed to a TV set next to him: "Logic, what do you see on it?"

Luo Ji looked carefully. On the TV were the mugshots of the celebrities present today. His face was the largest in the middle, surrounded by the faces of Lady Gaga, Pink, Beyoncé, Taylor and others.

There is a curve below, and there are some keywords on it, Logic, MTV, VMA, investing in Twitter, $[-] million, Twitter shareholders, Twitter board members.

Luo Ji immediately realized what this was. He had heard about it, so he smiled and said, "Is this a real-time discussion on Twitter?"


The host pointed to the top of the curve below: "Logic, look, this is the discussion about you on Twitter when you entered the venue just now. Twitter went crazy instantly, with 30 tweets pouring in in 2630 seconds. This is too intense. !”

Luo Ji smiled and said, "Thank you everyone for liking me."

The host then said: "Do you know about this cooperation between Twitter and MTV? During the awards ceremony, we will broadcast from time to time who is the most discussed star on Twitter." "Of course I know, I'm very early Just know it.”

The host stared into Luo Ji's eyes and said with a smile: "So, is this the real reason why you bought 10% of Twitter shares for [-] million yuan yesterday?"

"Hahaha, yes. Thanks to you."

After the fun ended, the host became serious and asked: "Logic, tell me, Lady Gaga or Beyoncé, who do you hope will win the most awards tonight?"

This question is a bit offending!
But Luo Ji had already passed the period of being cautious in his words and actions, and he did not shy away from saying directly: "Lady Gaga, she is the best!"

"Ok." The host began to finish: "Logic, when it starts later, you want to perform a tribute to Michael Jackson, right?"


"Then I won't disturb you. You still have to go backstage to prepare in advance."

"Okay." Luo Ji walked to the camera and said to the audience, "See you later when the show starts."


Five minutes later, Luo Ji was led by the staff to the dressing room backstage of the concert hall.

Luo Ji was wearing a black suit today. This suit would be very suitable for the opening performance later and there was no need to change at all.Luo Ji picked up his own guitar in the room and played it. There was no problem with the strings.

Get it!

Male celebrities are simple and don't need to prepare several sets of dresses for the whole party like female celebrities.

Luo Ji then sat on the sofa, watched the live broadcast of MTV on TV, and waited quietly for the awards ceremony to begin.

"Why did Taylor come here in a carriage?"

"Holy shit, why did Pink and Shakira wear matching clothes? Hum... or Shakira is more beautiful."

"Beyoncé's red evening dress is so sexy! It's so big."

The TV screen switched and came to the TV where I just tweeted.

The host said: "Viewers, do you know what is the most popular discussion on Twitter right now?"

The host continued: "The real reason why Logic spent 10 million yuan to acquire [-]% of Twitter's shares was because it learned in advance that Twitter would cooperate with the MTV Awards. Hahaha."

It’s all a joke, right?

Bang bang bang, there was a sudden knock on the door.

Luo Ji walked over and opened the door, and what he saw was Taylor.

Today she was wearing red lipstick and a silver-white dress with rhinestones on it, which made her look blingBling and dazzling.

Taylor looked at Luo Ji with a smile on his face.

Luo Ji looked at her and touched his chin, lost in thought: "Hum... you didn't wear a bra this time."

Taylor immediately stepped forward and hit Luo Ji on the shoulder: "You bastard, why do you say this every time we meet?"

"Hahaha." Luo Ji walked up to her and gave her a big hug: "Long time no see."

"haven't seen you for a long time."

Luo Ji pulled her to sit on the sofa and chatted: "How was your global tour?"


"How many more games are there?"

"More than 50 games will be held until July next year."

Luo Ji was shocked: "You started in March this year, right? It's been almost a year and a half."

"Yes." Taylor nodded.

"How cruel, you have a rivalry with Lady Gaga." Luo Ji realized something immediately, looked at her with concern and asked, "Is Big Machine Records trying to squeeze you? They deliberately arranged so many shows for you."

Taylor waved his hand quickly: "No, no, this is of my own free will."

Luo Ji frowned and asked, "Are you short of money?"

Taylor said, "Of course I'm short of money. I lent you all my savings from the past few years."

"Uh... doesn't this give you shares in Marvel? Together with your previous investment in me, you now own 2.6% of Marvel's shares." Luo Ji continued, "If you want to withdraw, I can I have acquired your shares. Or I can lend you money. I have a lot of money recently."

Taylor opened his mouth wide and said in surprise: "You just acquired 10% of Twitter's shares for [-] million yuan, do you still have some spare money now?"

Luo Ji said stupidly, "Of course, you don't look at how much my second album sold this year?"

Taylor couldn't stand Luo Ji's arrogance, so he stretched out his hand and put it in front of Luo Ji: "Then lend me a [-] million-meter knife."

Luo Ji rubbed his head in embarrassment: "Maybe not that much. But if you squeeze in tens of millions, you should be able to get it together."

Taylor laughed: "Hahaha, I'm just teasing you."

Luo Ji glared at her: "Why are you working so hard if you're not short of money? Touring is a waste."

" do you say it?" Taylor organized the language a little: "Let's put it this way, it's like you like playing the piano very much. I like performing on the stage very much. It's a kind of love. I don't dislike it, but I like it very much. Enjoy this fulfilling feeling.”

"Okay." Luo Ji then added: "Also, I don't like playing the piano."

"You know whether you like it or not."

"I just know that I am a humble person."

"Huh." Taylor looked unbelieving.

Luo Ji changed the topic and continued: "I heard from people at the record company that you have a good relationship with Justin Bieber?"

"Yes." Taylor said: "I invited him as a warm-up guest when I was on tour. The kid was very nice and liked to play pranks to make everyone happy. I went to see him when he broke his leg while skateboarding, and we The video was uploaded to YouTube..."

The two chatted very naturally.Just like old friends, there is no sense of distance at all.Luo Ji felt happy and relaxed from the bottom of his heart.This makes him very comfortable.

Boom boom boom!
There was a knock on the door. Luo Ji stood up and opened the door. The person in charge of MTV appeared.

He looked at the two of them with a smile on his face: "Logic, Taylor, the award ceremony is about to start. You guys hurry up and get ready."

Only then did Luo Ji react. He raised his watch and saw that 10 minutes had passed before he and Taylor chatted. He hurriedly said, "I'm going to get ready."

Taylor also reacted, looked at the time and stood up quickly: "Oh no, it's only 8 minutes until the show starts. I won't talk to you anymore, I'm going to the front desk seat."

There was a thumping sound, and Taylor stepped on high heels and hurriedly walked out the door.

Halfway through, she slapped her forehead with her hand: "Oh, Logic, I came to you with something serious to say, but you interrupted me and completely forgot about it."

"what's up?"

"It's too late now. I'll tell you after the award ceremony."

"Okay." Luo Ji gave her an OK gesture.

Taylor walked outside in a hurry.Luo Ji also picked up his guitar and stood up to get ready. In order to appease him, MTV skipped Madonna and asked him to perform as the opening act. He couldn't let his guard down.

However, Luo Ji still put some thought into thinking about what Taylor was talking about.

Unexpectedly, forget it, we will find out after the award ceremony is over.

 One more chapter tonight

(End of this chapter)
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