New York 2006

Chapter 3 Viva la Vida

Chapter 3 Viva la Vida
The RV campground is actually quite far from the school. The school bus is driving on the road, and the surrounding environment has gradually changed from dilapidated to prosperous. The students are chatting with each other.

Luo Ji also had a conversation with Blake and finally figured out the whole story. The story started two weeks ago, when Luo Ji had not yet traveled to this world.

Two weeks ago, Black complained: "The money from the pirated tapes is gone again."

Luo Ji and Black had already started to pay attention when they were selling pirated videos. They quickly targeted a man named Jamie Dutton. His clothes were worth a lot of money and he often visited high-end areas in New York.

It took them a week to figure out Jamie Dutton's whereabouts.

The plan was this: Luo Ji put on his protective gear and put on his skateboard, Blake held the DV in his hand, and the two of them would come to the corner of the speed-limited road where Jamie Dutton drove past.Pretend to be two teenagers who like to record skateboarding videos and have a showdown.

When the car passes the corner of the speed limit section, the speed is the slowest and the safety level is very high. The two people usually switch, relying on inertia and skill to land safely, and then pretend to scream in pain to attract the attention of the people around them. Put pressure on car owners.

In order to achieve a realistic effect, they also opened an account on a video website and uploaded their skateboarding videos.

Over the years, the two of them have committed crimes more than a dozen times.The targets are those who are slightly rich.Rich people like this, if they encounter such a thing, as long as they don't have too much money, they will basically choose to settle the matter. They don't want to go to the police station to file a report because of such a car accident.

Of course, this kind of thing cannot be done often. The two of them usually choose a target and observe it carefully before taking action after a few months.

A week ago, everything was ready.Luo Ji came on stage.

This time it was supposed to be a perfect crime, but the predecessor made a mistake. When he was about to hit the car, he accidentally tripped over a bump in the road. Then he lost control of his body under the impact of the car. , the back of his head hit the ground first, and he lay directly on the ground, unconscious.

Jamie Dutton was obviously frightened. He got out of the car in a panic to check. As soon as he saw Luo Ji's condition, he knew something was wrong.What was supposed to be a harmless crime turned into a real car accident.He quickly called Blake, who was still yelling next to him, and carried the unconscious Luo Ji into the car and took him to the hospital.

"Your condition was too scary at the time. You were lying motionless on the ground with weak breathing and heartbeat. Jamie looked very frightened at the time and immediately put you in the car and took you to the nearest hospital. I thought you were acting at first, Later I found out that it was true. When we were in the car, your body became colder and colder, and I couldn’t feel my breathing and heartbeat at that time. In the end, I was so scared that I didn’t dare to touch you. By the time we got to the hospital, you had already woken up. , covering his head and screaming in pain." Blake said fearfully.

This body was indeed dead at that time, Luo Ji thought silently in his mind.

This will also be Luo Ji's biggest secret in his life, and will accompany him to the grave.

Luo Ji pretended to be casual: "We stayed in the hospital for two days, and all the tests were done. The body is fine, and the MRI of the brain is normal. It's just a slight concussion. The doctor said it will be fine in a week or two."

"You look fine now," Black said, but then he became a little regretful: "I probably would have ordered more."

That was indeed the case. At that time, Jamie offered to compensate him. The first proposal was ten thousand dollars, so there was obviously room for bargaining.

But Luo Ji had already traveled through time, and the memory of this body at that time came out like a storm, making his mind extremely confused.Jamie agreed without thinking.

Luo Ji pretended to be casual: "That's it, a [-]-meter sword is a lot."

Blake added: "That's okay, Jamie is actually quite nice."

The school bus was driving forward slowly, and the trees beside the road were lush and green. Luo Ji still felt a little unreal. How could he pass through it?

He stretched out his hand and touched the glass of the school bus, feeling a slight chill and feeling the reality of the world.

Blake looked at Luo Ji and said, "What's wrong with you today? You're often in a daze, and your attention doesn't seem to be here."

"I'm thinking about something, please leave me alone." Luo Ji patted Blake's shoulder to comfort him.

"Okay!" Blake agreed, while his face secretly glanced at Luo Ji suspiciously. He always felt that his best friend became weird after a car accident.

Luo Ji had actually been thinking about his way out ever since he traveled back in time. The terrible RV campground, the corrupt public security around him, and the ubiquitous drugs and violence were all constantly challenging his nerves. He desperately wanted to get out of this environment.

The memories of past lives are not brought over.Then you can only use the images of your previous life before your death to find ways to make money.

In the scene before death in his previous life, he was sitting in front of the computer, watching the song MV of "We don't talk anymore" being played on the computer.

This song was deeply engraved in his memory. He had never seen any boys or girls in the picture, and the style of the song was also very unique.It is worth mentioning that his voice is very similar to the man in the song, both have a beautiful high note. The picture in the MV is really clear, clearer than any picture on the market now, so is this a song from the future?Can it help you get rich?

Copyright laws in the United States are particularly strict. A popular song can indeed make a person financially free.

According to Luo Ji's judgment, this is a song with great potential.The melody is very nice, and I don’t know what kind of synthetic sound is used for the accompaniment. It sounds very fresh, and the style is different from all the current songs.

The lyrics are also great and very emotional.It tells the story of a pair of lovers who broke up, but the relationship between them has not dissipated yet. They looked at the photos taken together and felt sad.But because of their self-esteem, neither of them was willing to take the initiative to contact each other, and eventually the two never contacted each other again.

The emotions expressed in the song are very profound, especially the male voice, whose voice is full of sadness.The song is indeed excellent, but did I travel through time just to become a singer?
As the school bus drove slowly, Luo Ji thought alone. He remembered the word "long johns" he said this morning.Is this word a very profound word in my previous life?Although he has no memory, it subconsciously affects his current thinking.The word "autumn trousers" reminded him of advice, mother, warmth, autumn...

So is it possible that there are memories from previous lives that have not been brought over?One day a feeling, a scene, an emotional experience will appear in his mind unconsciously.

Luo Ji's thoughts drifted away, and he remembered the "Long Live Life" hanging on the wall before his death.This hanging painting is a richly colored oil painting depicting various forms of watermelon.The watermelon at the bottom of this painting is written in Spanish Viva La Vida, which means long live life.

Luo Ji checked online and found that this painting still exists in the world today, and it appeared very early. It is now placed in the Kahlo Museum in Mexico.

This painting was created by Mexican painter Frida Kahlo in 1954. She is also one of the most outstanding and legendary female artists in the history of art in the world.

When Frida Kahlo was 18 years old, the bus she was traveling in collided with a tram, causing her severe injuries. Her spine was broken into three pieces, her cervical vertebrae were shattered, her right leg was severely fractured, and one foot was crushed. Losing fertility is destined to be accompanied by pain from now on.

The painting "Long Live Life" was painted at the last moment of her life by a female artist who struggled with pain all her life.The painting says, Viva La Vida, long live life!
How much courage does it take for a person who has been with pain all his life to say the words "long live life"? A severely disabled female artist shows her infinite love for life.

At the end of her life, this female artist wanted to say that although she was disabled, her life was beautiful and happy.She still wants to express her infinite attachment and nostalgia for life. Life in this life is so beautiful that she is reluctant to leave this beautiful world.

Luo Ji couldn't help but think of himself. The painting "Long Live Life" perfectly suited his current situation.

He died due to an accidental explosion in his previous life, and his death was extremely painful.After traveling to this life, although the most piercing coldness and pain of death tormented him all the time, and it was extremely painful to think about it, he was still alive after all.

In this life, the limbs are sound, the mind is flexible, and the young life is full of vitality.

The cycle of life and death, the past, at this moment, he had an infinite love for life.Perhaps, this is the meaning of his coming to this world.

Live, live meaningfully!

Thinking of this, Luo Ji couldn't help but feel solemn and solemn in his heart. There was a bang, as if something hit his heartstrings. The violin playing sounded in his mind. Was it an auditory hallucination?

The violin overture is like turning on the switch of deep memory.A picture appeared in Luo Ji's mind. It started with a rose, and as the rose rotated, the camera turned to reveal a man in his 30s singing.

I used to rule the world
I was the master of the world

Seas would rise when I gave the word
The sea water surges at my command
Now in the morning I sleep alone
Now I sleep alone at dawn

Sweep the streets I used to own
Looking longingly at the long street that once belonged to me

I used to roll the dice
I once controlled the destiny of the world
Feel the fear in my enemy's eyes
Enjoy the fear spreading in the eyes of your mortal enemy
Listen as the crowd would sing:
I hear all the people cheering for me
Now the old king is dead! Long live the king!
The former king is dead!Long live the new king!
Luo Ji recognized it at a glance. The person in the picture was Chris Martin, the lead singer of Coldplay. He was older than in reality. So, was this a song from Coldplay in the future?

This experience is really novel.

This song has never appeared in my memory, but the sound and image are like there is an "other" playing the MV in my mind, frame by frame.

What should this situation be called?Miracles, children of heaven, the reappearance of the subconscious, the influence of thinking on memory, the reappearance of past lives...

Countless words flashed through Luo Ji's mind, and finally, as if naturally, his subconscious told him the answer: "Apocalypse, a revelation from heaven."

Therefore, it is very likely that there will be a new apocalypse in the future, so as a time traveler, it would be stupid not to produce a song.

 Coldplay - Viva La Vida
(End of this chapter)

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