New York 2006

Chapter 299 The Republican Party’s Ingratiation

Chapter 299 The Republican Party’s Ingratiation
"Recently, little rock queen Avril Lavigne has been photographed many times in New York, attending parties with Logic."

Sitting in the car, Luo Ji watched the news from TMZ on his phone.

The accompanying picture is a photo of the two leaving together when they attended a party hosted by Beyoncé a few days ago.The two were chatting and laughing as they walked down the road, looking like a happily chatting couple.

The photo looks beautiful, the angle was well chosen, and the two of them are captured beautifully.From the perspective of insiders, this seems to be deliberately staged for hype.But it’s not true. This photo was secretly taken by paparazzi.

After the news came out, the paparazzi were like cats smelling fish, pestering Luo Ji and Avril these days.The media wanted to know if the two were dating.

It is now recognized in the United States that Luo Ji is a playboy, but in fact, his previous reputation was not like this.

When he first debuted, Luo Ji had a bit of a bad reputation because he wrote a song with his idol Britney all night.

Therefore, some people also speculate that he relied on women to get to the position, hyped up the media to report, and was a scheming man.

Later, with the long-term relationship between him and Taylor, and Luo Ji's music conquering the people, this voice disappeared. At that time, apart from his fondness for swearing, his media image was actually very good.

Later, after Luo Ji and Taylor broke up in the media, they "made" a new girlfriend, Lady Gaga, at the speed of light.

Luo Ji had had an affair with Lady Gaga before, so everyone agreed that it was Logic who cheated on her.

Moreover, the media image of Lady Gaga, a "bad woman," was not good to begin with, and this also affected Luo Ji.But at this time, his media image is not bad, not too bad.

But what happened next caught the American people off guard. Without warning, he "broke up" with Lady Gaga, then got married quickly and had two children.

He was only 18 years old at that time. He had a child at such a young age and had so many love affairs. This confirmed Luo Ji's identity as a playboy and a scumbag.

Therefore, everyone believed that he should have a new girlfriend soon after his divorce last year.

As a result, nine months have passed, and Logic, a playboy, has never had a girlfriend and is still single.

When something goes wrong, there must be a monster, so as time goes by, more and more paparazzi secretly take photos of Logic.

Then, there was this photo of him and Avril Lavigne, which detonated the media.

Two bodyguards and Blake, despite all the precautions, they failed!

Luo Ji looked out the rear window and saw about twenty paparazzi, some driving cars and some riding motorcycles, chasing him.

Best friend Blake's eyes were a little worried: "It looks like I can't get rid of him."

Luo Ji turned back and looked forward: "Forget it, it's okay. If they want to follow, they can follow."

"Avril is a married woman. It will be bad for your reputation to destroy other people's marriages."

Luo Ji asked, "We are nothing, we are just friends. And Avril and I have already explained it to the media. So is there a problem if I attend my friend's party now?"

"No problem, no problem. But..." Blake suddenly laughed: "Are you eager for the media to report the scandal between you and Avril to take revenge on Max and Kristen?"

Luo Ji was exposed and glared at him: "If you don't speak, no one will think you are mute."

"Hahahaha." Blake laughed directly.


The vehicle drove all the way to Manhattan's Upper West Side, where Avril Lavigne's New York home is.

The Upper West Side is bordered by Central Park to the east and the Hudson River to the west.This location is similar to New York's Upper East Side, occupying the best location in Manhattan, New York, close to Central Park and the river.

Rich American artists such as singers and actors cannot squeeze into the Upper East Side, where the old money lives, so they usually buy real estate in the Upper West Side.

But Luo Ji didn't like the Upper West Side, nor the Upper East Side. They were all apartments.He prefers living in a single-family house to living in an apartment.And because of 9.11, he didn't want to get too close to the center of Manhattan.

As soon as Luo Ji got out of the car, a group of paparazzi immediately surrounded him.Pick up the camera and shoot non-stop.They kept asking questions.

"Logic, are you here to see Avril? What is your relationship?"

"Logic, are you and Avril together?"

Luo Ji didn't want to answer, so he was escorted by Blake and his bodyguards to the apartment.But a reporter's question stopped him in his tracks.

"Logic, these days Massachusetts State Senator Scott Brown is accusing you of transferring Marvel's toy manufacturing business to China, leaving American people unemployed. Do you have anything to say about this?"

Luo Ji turned around and said, "Marvel now has $19 billion in debt, and we must cut costs to prevent Marvel from going bankrupt. I've explained this many times, and I don't want to talk about it again."

"As for Congressman Brown, I think he is just taking advantage of my popularity and talking a few words, which can't solve anything at all. I am a man of action and contribute to the economy and GDP of the United States. All my companies provide services to the United States. created more than [-] high-paying jobs.”

"I think he shouldn't be called Scott Brown, he should be called Loudmouth Brown. He is just a guy who only talks. If he has the energy to attack a 19-year-old kid in the media, he might as well think about how to solve the problem in Massachusetts. High unemployment is the real deal."

After Luo Ji finished speaking, he turned and walked towards the apartment.


In the evening, Scott Brown saw the news, and he started yelling!

"Fxxk, Logic, you bastard! You gave me a nickname. Fxxk, Fxxk..."

It took him 10 minutes to vent his emotions and gradually calmed down.

To be honest, now he regrets why he provoked Logic in the first place.

This 19-year-old mixed-race boy is not only venomous, but also petty and unforgiving.The strength is still very strong.

However, now that he has reached this point and wants to ruin his political future, he has no choice but to go on.

Jingle bell, jingle bell!Brown's personal cell phone rang.I picked up the phone and saw it was the head of the Massachusetts Tea Party calling.

"Brown, did you read the news about Logic's response to you today?"


"Didn't you reconcile with him before? Why did you have a quarrel again recently?"

Scott Brown spoke directly: "He is funding my rivals and wants to ruin my political future!"

"Put this aside for now." The other person continued: "You should have heard that Senator Ted Kennedy of the Democratic Party passed away recently. There will be a special election next, and we plan to recommend you to run."

Scott Brown's heart immediately jumped. This is the only one hundred senators in the American Federation. Which politician would not be moved.

"Do we have a chance? The Democrats have held this position for 23 years," Brown said.

The other person asked directly: "Do you have confidence in yourself? This is the key point. If you are not determined to win, it will be useless even if we support you."

"Of course!" Scott Brown said immediately.

"very good."

The person opposite continued: "Next, you should prepare and focus your energy on the special election. You need to continue to attack Barack's health care reform bill, his housing assistance plan, and his immigration policy. Instead of going to fight with A 19-year-old singer confronts the media."


The tea party member on the other side interrupted directly: "Let me get it straight. Sarah Palin called me today. I hope you will restrain yourself in the media and stop targeting Logic all the time."

Brown felt a little aggrieved: "Sarah Palin is a Republican. If she doesn't help me, forget it. Why should she help Logic?"

"I asked, and what she probably meant was that Logic is still young and his political leanings can still be influenced, so he doesn't want you to completely force him to side with the Democratic Party. He has also supported some Republicans and donated money to the Republican National Committee. .”


"You should know that we Republicans don't hate Logic that much. He has a high IQ, rose from the bottom, started from scratch, has a very high musical talent, and has now achieved such a high level of achievement. In addition to his playfulness, his other values ​​​​are very consistent with those of us Republicans. , he advocates personal struggle, opposes corruption, supports gun ownership, and believes in God. Apart from the squabbles in the media, you have no deep-seated conflicts. So, can you stop attacking him?"

"He's still funding my competitors," Brown fumed.

"Your competition has changed and you are now running for U.S. Senate! Instead of keeping your state Senate position."

"Then what if he still attacks me in the media?"

"I'll let Sarah Palin talk him down."

In fact, Scott Brown has long since decided to retire. Logic cannot be criticized in the media. The kid’s base is in New York and Los Angeles, the Democratic Party’s territories, and he still has no influence.

However, Brown would not admit defeat directly. He was still a little aggrieved and directly applied eye drops: "That guy Logic is a small-minded guy. He definitely doesn't want to see me successfully run for the federal Senate. When the time comes, he may chase me all the way to the special election. "

"His little money will not determine anything. Our Republican Party must win this seat this time. This is a key seat that determines the absolute majority in the Federal Senate. If we win this seat, we can block the policies of the Democratic Party in Congress. We cannot Let the Democrats destroy America, so the Tea Party will give you the greatest support."

Scott Brown continued: "What if Logic goes out in person and appeals to people in the media to support the Democratic Party? He has a great influence among young people and can influence some voters."

"Logic is a star and an entrepreneur. As long as he is rational, he will not end up personally."

Brown didn’t want to give up yet: “What if?”

"Stop talking about Logic, we can't possibly deal with him!"

The other person then said in a cold voice: "We support you because of your political views, not because you quarreled with a mixed-race singer in the media. Please understand this."


Avril Lavigne's house on the Upper West Side, New York.

Luo Ji was having fun when his best friend Blake staggered over with Luo Ji's work phone. He looked like he was drunk: "I have your phone number." Luo Ji took the phone and looked at it. Two missed calls.

"Okay, go ahead and play!"


Luo Ji watched his best friend leave and shook his head. He was a bit unreliable.

Fiona was better, Luo Ji missed her a little.When she is around him, everything is handled in an orderly manner.

Putting this thought aside, Luo Ji took the phone and went to the balcony. Avril's home was quieter here, but there were still people here.

Two models are standing here drinking and chatting. They will wear Avril Lavigne's brand clothes on the catwalk at this year's New York Fashion Week.

Avril Lavigne’s recent parties have mainly hosted people from the fashion industry to gain early fame for her brand of clothing.

The two models were very excited when they saw Luo Ji approaching. They said with smiles on their faces: "Logic."

Luo Ji nodded to them, and then said directly: "Sorry, can you leave for a while? I'll make a call."

The two models' bodies froze: "Okay... okay."

After they left, Luo Ji closed the door to prevent others from disturbing them.

He then dialed the number, and the call was picked up just a few seconds after the call was placed.

Luo Ji hurriedly said, "Ms. Palin, I'm so sorry. I was at the party and the sound was too loud and I didn't hear the ringtone on my phone."

"It's okay. Just call me Perrin, no need to be so polite."

"Okay, Palin, what do you want from me?" Luo Ji spoke very politely. This Republican politician is very popular in the United States.Now the media is saying that she resigned as governor of Alaska, possibly in preparation for the 2012 election.

She might become the first female president of the United States, but Luo Ji showed enough respect.

Luo Ji didn't have any problem with people supporting the Republican Party. He didn't have any firm political beliefs. He was just a speculator.

His business partner Musk has donated to both the Democratic and Republican parties this year.half each.

Rich people in the United States do the same, and neither party is offended.

It's just that the priorities of each rich man are different. For example, Luo Ji donated more to the Democratic Party and less to the Republican Party.Thomas Tull donated more to Republicans and less to Democrats.

Only a few wealthy people with firm political beliefs will clearly stand on one side and not donate to the other side.

Sarah Palin spoke up: "Are you in New York right now?"


Sarah Palin said in a gentle voice: "I will come to New York in two weeks to attend a Tea Party protest, and we can get together then. I haven't thanked you in person since you donated to me."

"I was in Los Angeles at that time, filming "The Twilight Saga"."

"That's right." Sarah Palin thought for a moment: "When will you leave New York?"

"At the beginning of September, we need to make some preparations in advance."

"That's it, then I'll go to Los Angeles to meet you next week."

Luo Ji was a little confused, but he still said, "Okay, let me know in advance when you come, and I will send someone to pick you up at the airport."

"Then it's settled." Sarah Palin's voice sounded delighted.


The two chatted for another 10 minutes, and Luo Ji saw Avril waving to him through the glass door, asking him to go back and continue the party.

Luo Ji then said, "I still have something to do here. If there's nothing else, I'll hang up."

"One more thing." Palin continued: "I just told Scott Brown that he will not attack you in the media in the future."

Luo Ji was instantly furious, but this was a Republican Party boss, almost on the same level as Ms. Clinton.

Luo Ji endured it and said, "Thank you."

"You're welcome, this is a trivial matter to me." Sarah Palin continued: "Then you will not attack Brown in the media in the future, right?"

"Of course, I don't want to argue with him in the media."

"That's good."

"I'm hanging up."

"Bye, see you next week!"


After hanging up the phone, Luo Ji felt furious.

At this time, Avril saw him hang up the phone, pushed open the glass door of the balcony and walked in: "What's wrong? You look angry."


"Is it really okay?" Avril's face was full of doubt.

Luo Ji stepped forward and pushed her shoulder: "It's really okay. You can go to the party first and I'll come find you later."

"Okay." Avril looked back three times and left, her face full of worry.

Luo Ji smiled and waved to her to reassure her.

After Avril disappeared from sight, Luo Ji's expression immediately turned grim, and he took out his personal cell phone and dialed Psaki's number.

When the call was connected, Psaki said in surprise: "Dear..."

Luo Ji interrupted her directly and said coldly: "Did you go behind my back to find Sarah Palin and ask her to be a lobbyist to find that trash Brown?"

"No, why did you say that?" Psaki's voice was full of doubts.

"Really do not have?"

Psaki said loudly: "Really not! You have banned it, how could I go to her as a lobbyist on my own initiative?"

Luo Ji realized that it was a misunderstanding, but he was a little confused: "Then why did Palin call just now and say that she said hello to Brown and that he would not attack me in the media in the future."

Psaki was a little angry at Luo Ji's attitude and injustice just now, and yelled, "How do I know!"

"My attitude was bad just now, I'm sorry!" Luo Ji apologized proactively.

"Forgive you."

After all, Psaki was much older than Luo Ji and would not be as familiar with him. Then she thought about it and said, "You have funded Palin's [-]-meter knife before, and you are considered a small financial backer. She must have wanted to please you before she took action on her own." Helped you settle Brown."

Luo Ji cursed: "That stupid woman didn't know to ask me in advance if I needed her to settle things."

Psaki was in disbelief: "Do you still want to continue to quarrel with Brown in the media?"

"Yes." Luo Ji said his real purpose: "I want to use that little politician to establish his authority and show it to other politicians. Recently, some politicians may think that I am young and want to use me as a money bag. I'm a little disrespectful. Being petty and being retaliatory may affect your reputation, but it has a deterrent effect and others will be wary of you!"

"You..." Psaki was speechless. After a long time, he sighed: "You are too strong!"

"This is me!"

"Sometimes compromise is an art."

"That's a weak excuse. The strong don't need to compromise."

Psaki whispered: "There are always compromises in life, and you can't always have everything go your way."

"Stop talking about this." Luo Ji didn't want to continue talking about philosophy of life with her, so he got down to business: "Sarah Palin wants to meet me next week. What do you think her purpose is?"

"What else can politicians do to find financial backers? Of course it's for money!"

Luo Ji was a little confused: "She is now the most popular politician in the Republican Party. She is still leading the Tea Party movement. As for taking the initiative to see me?"

"No politician would dislike having more money."

Psaki continued: "You are somewhat underestimating your influence now. You are too successful. No young person has such achievements as you, and you have a great influence among young people. So, whether Palin is She has every reason to win over you, both for herself and for the sake of the Republican Party."

Luo Ji said stupidly, "Am I so successful?"

Psaki said in a very serious tone: "Of course."

"Then you still don't cherish me. You are busy working in Washington every day."

"Honey, I'm going to Los Angeles to see you next week."

(End of this chapter)

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