New York 2006

Chapter 273 Scarlett Johansson’s Thoughts

Chapter 273 Scarlett Johansson’s Thoughts
Los Angeles, at ten o'clock at noon, Robert Downey Jr. listened to the urgent knock on the door and looked through the peephole. The person knocking on the door was his agent from CAA.

He then let go of his nervousness and opened the door. The agent immediately thrust a newspaper into his arms. He said angrily: "Look, Marvel seems to be planning to start other projects!"

Downey quickly picked it up. It was the "Hollywood Daily", and the headline was the just-released DC comic book superhero "Watchmen."

Soon, he found news about Marvel in the corner of the newspaper: "Today, we interviewed Kevin Feige, CEO of Marvel Studios in Burbank, Los Angeles. He told us that since Logic acquired After Marvel, it brought a lot of financing to Marvel.”

"From now on, Marvel no longer needs to worry about film production funds. Therefore, they have decided to launch another superhero movie "Thor" this year. It is estimated that it will enter the production process soon and will see you next year. "

"Kevin Feige also said that preparations for "Iron Man 2" have ended, but the specific shooting date cannot be determined yet. This is somewhat inconsistent with the news we have received before, because Marvel Studios previously stated that "Iron Man 2" "It will start filming on April 4."

"The changes in filming may be related to Logic's entry into Marvel. The specific information is not yet clear."

"However, Marvel Entertainment Co., Ltd., which is listed on the New York Stock Exchange, will officially complete financial settlement and delisting in the middle of next month. By then, shareholders who hold Marvel shares in the market will receive 38 billion Cash at market value valuation…”

After reading the report, Downey looked at his agent with a solemn expression: "What does Marvel mean?"

The agent said with a look of displeasure: "What else could it mean? Of course if we don't agree to a long-term film contract, they will put the filming of "Iron Man 2" on hold!"

"If you put it on hold, let's put it on hold, let's see who can't bear it!" Downey said angrily: "I only received a salary of 50 US dollars for my first movie before I got this good contract. Now that Marvel has succeeded, they won't admit it. .As long as Marvel does not film after the time stipulated in the contract, then we will see you in court!"

"This has nothing to do with Marvel. They have never proposed changing the contract before. Logic must have given the order after taking over Marvel."

"Whatever, it's the same!" Donnie was very angry.

The agent said in hindsight: "I told you a long time ago that you would take the initiative to visit Logic during the Oscar period, but you refused to go. It has long been rumored in Hollywood that he is a petty person, and anyone who offends him will be resented and revenged by him. .”

"No one from the crew was going, and Kevin Feige also said that the acquisition would not be successful. What's going on with me going alone? Will I go up and lick the new owner's boots when I see him?"

Downey glared at his agent: "It's not like you didn't firmly oppose it at the time."

The agent looked helpless: "No one expected that Logic would agree to such a high offer."

"It's too late to say all this now." Downey said firmly, "I won't compromise anyway."

The two discussed for a while, but did not come up with a result. They could only sit on the sofa and drink and chat in depression.

At this moment, the door was opened. Downey looked up and saw that it was his wife Susan Downey. Behind her was someone, Marvel Studios CEO Kevin Feige. Holding a briefcase.

The atmosphere when we first met was not as tense as expected, but rather harmonious.

Downey was so notorious that he was chosen to play Iron Man by Marvel because his wife, Susan Downey, had a good relationship with Kevin Feige.

Kevin Feige didn't hide it, and directly explained his intention: "Downey, I went to New York two days ago to meet Logic. He is determined to sign multiple film contracts. He is very determined and cannot compromise."

The agent immediately fulfilled his duties and said directly: "But business is business, we signed a contract."

"I understand you." Kevin Feige nodded seriously, and then continued: "Do you know why Logic must sign multiple film contracts?"

The agent said sarcastically: "Isn't it because he is a petty person?"

Kevin Feige was a little confused and couldn't figure out why he said this, but he ignored it and said directly: "Logic is really optimistic about the movie universe strategy I have formulated for Marvel, so he will not allow a actors, potentially threatening this strategy.”

The agent immediately said: "Then I'll see you in court!"

"Do you think Logic, which just acquired Marvel for $38 billion, will be afraid of paying a small amount of liquidated damages?"

Kevin Feige is a pop culture nerd.But having owned a company for many years also has its own temperament.He looked directly at Downey's agent and said angrily: "You didn't even listen to my conditions and just threatened me directly. Do you think I'm weak?"

The manager's face became a little embarrassed, and he wanted to retaliate but held back.

The atmosphere became tense, and Downey's wife Susan immediately smoothed things over: "Fitch, it's nothing. Just tell me!"

"Marvel must sign multiple film contracts, even if they change roles."

Kevin Feige first said a threat to his agent, and then he looked at Downey: "But it's not that we haven't taken your interests into consideration. Your 2 million salary for "Iron Man 1000" will be given to you." Increase it to 1200 million US dollars. In Marvel's movie universe strategy, you will always be in the C position and the actor with the highest salary. And most importantly, we will compensate you 200 million US dollars as the "Iron Man" 1》Movie remuneration. Now as long as you sign the contract, 200 million will be credited to your account immediately.”

After speaking, Kevin Feige took out a contract from his briefcase and handed it to him.

Donnie hesitated for a moment and finally took it.He was very energetic when discussing with his agent just now, but he also knew in his heart that an actor would always be at a disadvantage when fighting against a company worth billions of dollars.

After getting the contract, he and his agent went to a room to discuss it.Ten minutes later, he and his agent walked out.

The agent said: "In principle, we are willing to sign, but we have several conditions."

"Go ahead," Kevin Feige said.

The agent showed his professionalism: "The compensation of 200 million US dollars is too little. We ask to increase it to 500 million US dollars. And if the box office of "Iron Man 2" exceeds 6 million US dollars, Downey's salary for the next film will be 2000 million. On this basis, we need to increase the salary of each movie by 20%, with no upper limit. And we demand an increase in the actor’s dividend ratio.”

"Impossible, Marvel can't take the initiative to break the existing Hollywood rules." Kevin Feige directly refused: "Unless you let the Screen Actors Guild renegotiate with the Motion Picture and Television Alliance! As long as you can do it, I will agree to it. condition."

The agent said: "But Tom Cruise's salary for the "Mission: Impossible" series is much higher than that of other actors in Hollywood."

Kevin Feige directly retorted: "That was in the 90s, you can't apply it to now."

In the last century, the film and television industry developed greatly, but the various film companies in Hollywood did not yet have a tacit understanding.Sometimes, in order to compete for actors, they ask for extremely high dividends and remuneration. For some stars, the income from a movie may reach 5000 million to 1 million US dollars.

However, capitalists like film companies will not just watch huge profits flow to actors.Over the years, film companies have gradually developed a tacit understanding. The highest salary for the top superstars is also 2000 million US dollars.

Unless it is a very special project, generally no company will take the initiative to break this tacit understanding.

The two had a lengthy discussion, but in the end, Downey's agent still made limited concessions.

There was no result for a while, and Kevin Feige had no choice but to leave.

When he got to the car, he called Logic: "Boss, Robert Downey Jr. is willing to sign a multi-film contract in principle, but the conditions they proposed are a bit harsh."

Luo Ji asked, "What does he want?"

Kevin Feige said: "As compensation for the first film's salary of 500 million US dollars, if the global box office of "Iron Man 2" exceeds 6 million US dollars, the salary for his next starring Marvel movie will reach 2000 million US dollars. And , in the future, for every movie he mainly stars in, his salary will be increased by 10%, with no upper limit."

Luo Ji frowned: "Is there no way to continue the discussion?"

Kevin Feige said: "Their will is very determined!"

Luo Ji asked, "Is it possible to replace him?"

"The risk of changing the starring role in the sequel is too great." Kevin Feige hurriedly said: "Aren't there enough lessons in history about changing actors in sequel movies? Moreover, now the public also recognizes his "Iron Man". This This also gave him the confidence to put forward conditions.”

Luo Ji thought for a moment: "Did he ask for an increase in dividends?"

"We mentioned it, but in the end they compromised because they felt there was no hope."

According to the rules, actors' dividends will not be too much, which is good.The bonuses for some supporting actors are even pitifully small.

However, with a salary of more than 2000 million US dollars, this is a bit of a bad rule.However, this is something that the ex-Marvel, a newcomer in Hollywood, did to save money, and he cannot be blamed.In fact, this condition is not bad.

If in the future, as the Marvel Cinematic Universe becomes more and more successful, Robert Downey Jr. will completely take the initiative, and there is no telling how much his salary will expand.

Luo Ji said: "Continue the negotiation. If it doesn't work, agree to his request."

"Okay." Kevin Feige breathed a sigh of relief.

"What about the other actors?"

"They didn't have much leverage, and the supporting characters were easily replaceable, so they all agreed." Kevin Feige then said: "Only Edward Norton, the Hulk, is not willing to sign."

"Then change it!" Luo Ji said.

"Okay, I don't like him anyway. The last time I worked with him, he was always looking for trouble on the set." Kevin Feige continued: "I feel that our movie universe strategy does not need to find that kind of big-name actors . Like Edward Norton, big actor movies are still in the market, but Robert Downey Jr. is successful."

"Ok, just take care of it." Luo Ji then said, "If there's nothing else, I'll hang up."

"Oh, by the way, one more thing." Kevin Feige continued: "Emily Blunt resigned from the role of Black Widow because she wanted to play "Young Victoria."

"A movie about the Queen of England?"


"The Queen of England is indeed more attractive to the British character than the Black Widow." Luo Ji continued: "You can do whatever you want. I promised you that I will not interfere with your creative freedom."

After hearing this, Kevin Feige took the initiative to express his kindness to the new boss: "Logic, is there anyone you would like to recommend?"

Luo Ji immediately thought of his ex-wife.But I quickly put this idea aside. The character in the comics is a sexy type, which does not match the temperament of my ex-wife.

Luo Ji thought again of Scarlett Johansson, who had asked him for help through Woody Allen.

She also played this role in the Avengers movie, and her performance in the movie was also very good, so she asked: "What do you think of Scarlett Johansson?"

Kevin Feige was a little confused as to whether his boss was interested in his wife, but he was not stupid enough to ask: "Okay."

Luo Ji asked the topic that concerned him the most: "How much do you think it will take to get her?"

Kevin Feige thought for a while: "The salary of a female star is relatively low to begin with, and she is just like that in business. A supporting role can probably be done for no more than 100 million yuan."

Luo Ji asked what he wanted to ask the most. He didn't want to waste any more time on such trivial matters: "Okay, you can take care of it. I'm hanging up."

"Okay, I'll convey your message..." Before Kevin Feige could finish speaking, there was a hang-up tone on the other end of the phone.


Three days later, Scarlett stayed at home and read the newspaper in her hand: "Marvel has officially confirmed the shooting time of "Iron Man 2" and will officially start in 20 days. Musk revealed to the media today that as the "Iron Man of Silicon Valley", He will also make a cameo appearance in the film."

Scarlett felt a little disappointed after reading the news.However, failed auditions are common in Hollywood, and she quickly adjusted.

Maintaining the glamorous life of a Hollywood star is very costly.Work must continue.

She was just about to call her agent to see if there were any suitable projects when her agent called: "Marvel Pictures just informed me whether you are willing to play the role of Black Widow in "Iron Man 2". I agreed for you."

Scarlett was instantly pleasantly surprised: "What happened? Hasn't this role been taken away by Emily Blunt?"

"Marvel didn't say the specific reason." The agent then changed the topic and said with a smile: "But do you know who recommended you?"

"who is it?"

"Logic." The agent said with excitement: "What is your relationship with Logic? She is actually willing to squeeze out Emily Blunt for you."

Scarlett looked confused, thought for a moment and said truthfully: "He and I have only met a few times, and the first time we met, we almost had an unpleasant incident."

The agent became curious: "The first meeting was unpleasant. What happened?"

"It was at the 2007 Grammy party, and I walked with Justin Timberlake. Then I met Logic, who had a good relationship with Britney at the time, and then he had a conflict with Timberlake."

"Okay," the agent thought for a moment and said, "Could it be that he likes you? That's why he helped you."

Scarlett smiled: "I'm already married, how could he, an 18-year-old boy, like me?"

The agent then said: "Don't you know your charm yet? Children of Logic's age are very obsessed with you. Even if you get married, it will be the same. Maybe, you can..."

"Uh..." Scarlett interrupted what the agent wanted to say.

The agent thought for a while and realized that what he was about to say was indeed inappropriate, so he said: "In any case, it is right for you to have a good relationship with Logic. He is now the owner of Marvel. Maybe you can let him create "Black Widow" for you. ” independent film.”

"Yeah." Scarlett nodded.

"After the failure of "Escape from Clone Island" a few years ago, Hollywood has questioned your commercial ability. In the past few years, you have been working in art films. This is a good opportunity."

Scarlett said seriously: "I know, that's why I take the role of Black Widow so seriously."

"Yeah," the agent said, "No more, I'll hang up now. I'll go find Logic's contact information for you. You can call him later to thank him personally."


"Bye, Logic."

Scarlett hung up the phone and fell into deep thought.

Just now the agent couldn't find Logic's personal contact information, only his work cell phone.She contacted Logic through Logic's assistant.

However, Logic accepted her thanks calmly and ended the call.

Is the agent's guess wrong?

No, no, no, she is very aware of her charm, but why is Logic so bland?She carefully recalled their past.Suddenly, some ideas came into her mind.

Logic met her for the first time and was very hostile to Justin Timberlake, not because of Britney at all, but because he was jealous of being with Justin.

Last time at the Oscar celebration party, the reason why he didn't agree in person was because he didn't want others to think that he would interfere with the creators.

The more Scarlett thought about it, the more plausible these ideas became.In her mind, the scene of Logic looking at her gradually emerged, and now she wanted to understand that there was clearly love and admiration in Logic's eyes at that time.

In fact, since filming the movie "He Actually Doesn't Like You That Much", Scarlett has also agreed with the love theory in it. As long as you like it, you should pursue it, regardless of whether the other person is married or not.

But why didn't he take the initiative to express his love for himself?
Scarlett thought for a long time, and then a sentence came out of her mouth: "Is Logic a tsundere and trying to get away with it?"

(End of this chapter)

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