New York 2006

Chapter 264: Everyone’s Attitude towards Luo Ji at the Oscars

Chapter 264: Everyone’s Attitude towards Luo Ji at the Oscars
At four o'clock in the afternoon on February 2009, 2, Luo Ji and Christine sat in a car and headed to the Hollywood Kodak Theater in Los Angeles, where the No. 22 Oscar Awards Ceremony will be held today.

It was very quiet inside the car, and Luo Ji leaned on the back seat and fell asleep.

Christine suddenly said: "Honey, it's almost there."

"Okay." Luo Ji opened his eyes and shook his head to wake himself up: "How is my current condition?"

"Very handsome, great!" Kristen said with a smile.

"That's good."

"Are you under a lot of pressure recently? You couldn't sleep last night." Kristen asked with concern: "Is it because of Marvel? I saw on the news that they were going to use the poison pill plan or something. .”

Luo Ji said without changing his expression: "Marvel said it won't sell it, but it's not yet in contact with my acquisition team. The poison pill plan is just a means of negotiation for them. I'm very well now, I don't feel any pressure at all. Last night Insomnia is just an extra cup of coffee.”

Christine observed Luo Ji and found that there was nothing wrong with him: "Okay, but you still have to pay more attention to your health."

"I listen to you."

Of course, what Luo Ji told was a lie. He could remain calm despite the collapse of Mount Tai, but this was only on the surface.

In fact, in the face of major events, as long as you still have human emotional instincts, there is no such thing as a calm heart. They are just good at pretending to make others think they have a big heart.

Everything is expression management!

Since the acquisition began, Luo Ji has been under increasing pressure, especially since negotiations with Marvel began in the past two days. The slow progress has made him very anxious.It was starting to affect his sleep.

If the acquisition fails in the end, he will not only lose the largest ownership stake in "Apocalypse Films" to date, but he will also lose some money and his reputation will be damaged.

Kristine saw that the atmosphere was a bit solemn, and she opened her mouth to liven up the atmosphere: "Did you pay attention to the good news of the past two days?"

"What good news?"

"Our two Razzie nominees for Worst Actor and Worst Actress didn't win."

Luo Ji said: "They are just trying to catch the publicity, our movies are not that bad."

Kristen laughed and said: "Paris Hilton is so unlucky. She won the Razzie Award for Worst Actress and has been ridiculed by the media these days."

"Hahahaha." The two of them suddenly laughed evilly.

Kristine continued: "By the way, were you really not worried about us winning the award before?"

"Don't worry at all. No one will take that kind of rubbish award seriously." Luo Ji raised his chin and said "not caring."

"But it would be too embarrassing to actually win the award. This will be recorded on the Internet forever." Kristen continued: "You don't know, I was worried for a long time before the Golden Raspberry Awards were presented..."

After driving through two inspections, a few people arrived at the entrance of Oscar.

Terrorist attacks in Omi happen every year. For safety reasons, there are no passers-by here, and there are several security guards in suits and ties standing around to keep watch.

Blake, who was driving, said: "Logic, Christine is here."

"Okay." Luo Ji took a deep breath to restore himself to his best condition.A nearby camera was already focused on the car door. He stepped out of the car and opened the car door for Kristen in a gentlemanly manner, then walked her onto the red carpet with his arm in his arms.

Now is the Oscar red carpet show, which will be broadcast live on ABC.

An ABC TV host immediately came to greet him: "Logic, Kristen, good afternoon."

"good afternoon."

"Is this the first time you two have attended the Oscars?"

Luo Ji smiled and said, "Yes."

"How do you feel about attending the Oscars for the first time?"

Christine said: "We all grew up watching the Oscars, and we are all very excited to participate in this grand ceremony..."

This is a speech written by a public relations person. The longer you become famous, the more careful you have to be when speaking.

The ABC host at the door smiled and said: "There will be countless reporters and photographers waiting for you. I am going to throw you into the wolves. We will meet again before they eat you up."

Luo Ji smiled and shook hands with him: "See you later."


The length of the red carpet is more than 200 meters, separated by a safety rope. On one side are the audience who bought tickets to watch, and on the other side are reporters and photographers.

More than 3500 people come to attend the Oscars every year, and the live broadcast of the red carpet show only lasts for more than an hour. Everyone has to enter for more than an hour, and there are photos and interviews in between. The time is very tight.Everyone has to line up to enter.

Amanda Seyfried from the cast of "Mamma Mia" waved to the audience and was immediately greeted with cheers.She felt a little proud that the people around her were not as famous as her.

"Ohhhhh, ahhh! Logic, Kristen."

"Edward, Bella."

"Logic I love you!"

Behind the red carpet, there was suddenly a louder voice than the one welcoming her just now.Many spectators sitting on the viewing platform stood up excitedly, and the security guards standing around immediately became alert.

After the initial frenzy, the audience quieted down a bit, and Amanda heard people lining up around her start discussing.

"It seems like Logic and Kristen are here. They are the crew of The Twilight Saga."

"I heard that Logic is about to become the owner of Marvel."

"Hey, I wonder what the people from the "Iron Man" crew who came today will think?"

"No matter what they think, they have no decision-making power. I plan to take the initiative to get to know Logic later, will you go?"

Amanda pretended that nothing happened, put on her best performance, and continued to smile and wave to the audience on the stage.


Next to the red carpet, a FOX reporter shouted loudly: "Logic, here, how far have you gone in acquiring Marvel?"

Luo Ji continued walking forward, pretending not to hear.I don’t know how many reporters asked him this question along the way, and he responded to them all in this way.

"Hey, I seem to have lost Christine." Luo Ji looked back and found that she was entangled with a reporter not far away.Looks like I'm being interviewed.

Luo Ji felt helpless and could only slow down and wait for her.

The Oscar red carpet show is still very important for actresses.Every year, female celebrities compete here to compete for beauty, and fashion magazines also select several female celebrities with the most beautiful outfits, which is very beneficial for them to get endorsements of luxury goods.

Kristen's black Chanel evening gown suits her well this year, and she might actually be featured in Vogue magazine.

A host from ABC TV station walked up to Luo Ji and said, "Logic, can I interview you? You will appear on the live broadcast."

"I don't want to talk about Marvel?"

The host did not refuse: "OK."

"How about Christine?" Luo Ji pointed with his finger: "She's right behind. She'll be here soon. Let's do the interview together."

The interview soon began, with Luo Ji and Christine standing together, and a camera recording nearby.

The host held the microphone and smiled and said: "Logic, among the five female stars nominated for Best Actress this year, who do you hope will win the award?"

"Why do you say hope? It's a bit offending." Luo Ji then changed the subject, as if he wasn't afraid of offending anyone at all: "Kate Winslet, I hope she wins the award."


"She's my idol."

"Do you like Kate?"

Luo Ji smiled and said, "No one dislikes Kate. I have wanted to get to know her for a long time, but unfortunately I never had the chance."

The host smiled and said: "Then when I meet her later, I can help you ask her if she wants to get to know you."

"Then trouble you."

The host then brought the microphone to Kristen: "For the five male stars nominated for Best Actor tonight, what do you hope..."


At the end of the interview, Kristen asked: "Why didn't you just say that you hope Angelina Jolie wins the award? Brad Pitt is your partner."

Luo Ji imparted his life experience to his girlfriend: "Who should be nice to others and who should be harsh to them? You have to learn to distinguish. If you treat some people too well, they will get in trouble with you."

"Yeah." Kristen nodded.

"Hi, Logic, Christine. Good afternoon." Amanda from the "Mamma Mia" crew came over at this time.

Luo Ji took the initiative to kiss her and hug her: "Good afternoon, Amanda."

"You are making your first appearance at the Oscars tonight. Are you nervous?"

Luo Ji waved his hand nonchalantly: "Not at all, but are you nervous?"

"I'm indeed a little nervous." Amanda then patted Luo Ji's shoulder lightly: "When we go on stage to speak together, you have to take care of me."

"Ok." Luo Ji nodded expressionlessly.

Kristine frowned slightly when she saw Amanda's actions, then calmly approached her boyfriend and took his arm.

Amanda pretended not to see it and suggested, "Can we take a photo together?"

"of course can."


After the group photo ended, the three of them separated. Kristen held Luo Ji's arm and asked casually in a chatty tone, "Are you familiar with Amanda?" Luo Ji looked calm and said casually, "I and Amanda She has met several times during rehearsals before, and as you know, we will speak together at the Oscars today."

Kristen stared at Luo Ji's face and found nothing unusual.Then he nodded.

After just a few words of conversation, the two had a silent confrontation.

There was only about 200 meters of red carpet, and the two of them walked for more than 20 minutes to the entrance of the Kodak Theater. Luo Ji walked up the steps. After taking a few steps, he found Christine standing still below.

Luo Ji turned around and asked in confusion, "What's wrong?"

Kristen was a little worried: "My high heels are too high, 12 centimeters, and it's inconvenient to go up the steps."

This stumped Luo Ji. He joked, "How about you take off your high heels and hold them in your hand?"

After Kristine listened, she thought seriously for a while and actually started to take off her shoes.

Cameras everywhere noticed this scene and immediately recorded it.

"You're awesome." Luo Ji gave her a thumbs up, then turned and left.

He didn't want Kristen to ask him to carry her shoes. If this was photographed, the media would definitely speculate on their relationship.

Christine held two pairs of high heels in one hand and quickly followed Luo Ji as she jogged. She stood and complained, "I don't know who invented high heels. They are really uncomfortable to wear."

Luo Ji looked at her seriously: "I saw your wild side today. Is this something that an average female star can do?"

"Hahaha." Kristen bumped him with her shoulder and winked at her boyfriend mischievously: "This is my character. You will see more of it in the future."


Luo Ji and Christine came to the area prepared by the Oscar organizers for the "Twilight" crew. By this time, many people from the crew had already arrived.

Hey, why is Remy Hay holding hands with Ashley Greene?
Kristine looked at the two of them playfully and pointed with her finger: "Are you two together?"

Ashley admitted generously: "Yes."

Kristine immediately took her friend's hand and complained: "How long has it been since you didn't tell me this?"

"A few months."

Luo Ji didn't pay too much attention to the young couple and began to greet the crew one by one. These people were basically involved in the production of the second film.

Luo Ji focused on chatting a few more words with Taylor's brother Austin: "How do you feel about the Oscars?"

"Awesome, so many stars are here." Austin looked excited: "Thank you for inviting me."

Luo Ji waved his hand casually: "It's a small matter."

Austin is still reasonable: "I still know that the organizer's quota for the crew is limited, and many people did not come, so I still want to thank you."

"You're welcome." Luo Ji continued, "How is your sister doing lately?"

"It's good. She has been preparing for this year's concert during this time."

"That's good..." Luo Ji said leisurely.

Luo Ji finally came to director Catherine Hardwicke. She was the only person present on the crew today who did not continue to participate in the production of the second part of "The Twilight Saga."

Catherine stood up and spoke with some restraint: "Hello, Logic."

"Hello." It seems that the experience during this period of time has erased her previous arrogance.Luo Ji took the initiative to give her a kiss and pretended that nothing happened between the two of them: "How are the preparations for "The Vampire Diaries" going?"

"Soon, shooting is expected to start in early March."

Luo Ji nodded and then ordered: "Next week the company will release the director's cut of the DVD of 'The Twilight Saga'. Please cooperate with it then."


Luo Ji patted her shoulder and encouraged her, "Do a good job. After the filming of the first season of "The Vampire Diaries" is completed, I will consider you for any movie projects."

Catherine finally showed a smile on her face and said with gratitude: "Thank you, Logic."


After finishing the conversation with the crew, Luo Ji watched the live broadcast of ABC TV on the big screen. The host was still interviewing people walking on the red carpet outside.

He looked at the countdown next to him and saw that the official awards ceremony would only start in more than 40 minutes.

Kristine, who was sitting next to her, said: "How about we go socialize, there are already quite a few people here."

"Go on your own, I don't want to move."

Kristine then said: "Then I won't go either, to stay with you."

"No, you go ahead." Luo Ji patted her back and encouraged: "Getting to know more people will help your career."

Kristen was a little moved, but she still shook her head: "Let's forget it. I feel that the "Twilight" series is enough. I can make at least three more, so there's no rush."

"Okay." Luo Ji didn't try to persuade her anymore. His girlfriend's career ambitions were indeed not strong. She was also slightly socially anxious and would not go out socializing without someone to take her with her.


What Luo Ji didn't expect was that even though he didn't take the initiative to visit him at the Oscars, many people took the initiative to visit him.

First of all, people from the music industry, Beyoncé and Miley Cyrus came dressed up together. They performed at the Oscars today.

Kristine looked at the two of them and touched her chest unconfidently.

Luo Ji also looked at her sideways. He had no doubts about Beyoncé, but what was going on with Miley's breasts?It wasn’t this big last time!

Luo Ji smiled and joked: "Miley, did you use nipple pasties today?"

"Get out of here!" Miley raised her fist and punched him.

Luo Ji then looked at Beyoncé and nodded with satisfaction: "Well, I have no doubts about your scale."

Beyoncé smiled and scolded: "You have become bolder, why didn't you dare to say this in front of me before?"

"Wasn't that unfamiliar before?"


The four of them laughed out loud immediately. They chatted for a few minutes and then dispersed, agreeing to chat again at the Vanity Fair celebration party after the award ceremony.


One of the people who took the initiative to visit was Brad Pitt. His attitude toward him was less cordial but more respectful.Luo Ji only chatted with him normally about work matters.

The next people who took the initiative to visit were some small celebrities or people behind the scenes in Hollywood.There are few real big names.It seems like these big names in Hollywood are still a little reserved.

However, although they did not come over, their eyes looked at him from time to time, and some of them even pointed.Then go back and continue the discussion with the people around you.

Luo Ji didn't need to think about it. What they were discussing must be the big news that Luo Ji had made in the past few days, the acquisition of Marvel.

However, the "Iron Man" crew that Luo Ji thought would come did not come. This made Luo Ji frown slightly. He looked at Robert Downey Jr. and the crew sitting not far away with an unkind look. member.

Kristine next to me suddenly said: "The award ceremony will start in twelve minutes."

"Then I'll take my leave. I'm sorry to bother you." The young director next to him said a little disappointedly. He felt that Luo Ji was not thinking about him when he was talking to him just now.

"Why did you leave without finishing your sentence?" Luo Ji asked doubtfully, "What's missing from your documentary about dolphins?"

The young director said with some hope: "We still lack some funds for post-production, we owe some actors' wages, and we still need a distributor."

"Then you go to Logic Pictures tomorrow to find CEO Zhu Haowei, and say that I asked you to come."

The young director was immediately excited: "Thank you, Logic."

Luo Ji smiled: "Go to your seat quickly, the awards ceremony will begin soon."


Christine asked with a curious look on her face: "Why are you suddenly interested in documentaries?"

"I really like watching documentaries."

"Then your thoughts were not on him just now?" Christine continued: "I thought you were not interested in him, so I issued the eviction order."

"I'm multitasking."

While Luo Ji was chatting with Christine, he was observing the surroundings. Almost everyone at the scene had arrived.Only the area directly in front of the center of the stage had some people missing.

That's the best seat in the entire theater, and the people sitting there are all this year's nominees.They should have other arrangements.

One after another, nominees such as Sean Penn, Anne Hathaway, Angelina Jolie, and Meryl Streep came in.

Kate Winslet also came in with them, but she did not sit down immediately after entering, and her eyes searched the venue.After searching around, her eyes met Luo Ji's.

Immediately, she waved slightly to Luo Ji, walked over and kissed Luo Ji in a familiar manner, and then said with a smile: "Logic, when I was walking on the red carpet, I heard the host said that you have always wanted to get to know me? "

Luo Ji smiled and said, "Yes, you are my idol."

"Thank you for your love for me. Now that I'm here, what do you want to say to me?"

Luo Ji immediately lost control of his words: "I think you were very beautiful in the movie The Reader."

Christine: "..."

Kate: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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