New York 2006

Chapter 261 The influence of the first person under 2 years old

Chapter 261 The influence of No. 20 under 1 years old

In Burbank, California, Luo Ji held a party at his home and invited many people today.

There are Thomas Tull, the CEO of Legendary Pictures, Bill Lee of the venture capital company, Li Zekai of IDG Capital, Wu Jianmin of Huami Bank, Cheng Zhengchang, the founder of Panda Express Group, Yang Zhiyuan of Yahoo, Musk of Tesla, Bo Representative of Khir Hasawi.Of course, there are many people who have received invitations through various channels.

This party was certainly not just for fun. He and Zhu Haowei had a clear division of labor, and the purpose was to find investors interested in Hollywood.

Of course, they would not be stupid enough to tell their acquisition targets from the beginning. Instead, they would ask if they are interested in investing in Hollywood.

"Logic, the risk of movie investment is too great, which is not in line with Mr. Buffett's investment philosophy." The old white man from Berkshire Hathaway said.

"I can understand." Luo Ji nodded.

The old white man from Berkshire then said: "Do you have any big plans? Maybe our company can help you."

"How's that?"

"Your film company, game company and record company are all high-quality assets. If you want to raise funds, I believe many people will be interested."

Luo Ji refused without hesitation: "I have no idea of ​​selling my company's shares yet."

"Okay." The old white man shook his head regretfully.

Ever since Luo Ji revealed the income of several of his companies on the Ellen DeGeneres Show, his film company instantly became a gold mine, attracting the attention of many people.During this period, many giants in the recording industry and film and television companies tested Luo Ji to see if they had any plans to sell the company.

However, he has no plans to sell any shares of the company at all.

His purpose in breaking the news on the Ellen Show was to raise prices for the two companies so that he could get a good offer when taking out a mortgage.

As long as the loan is repaid with interest, his company has no shortage of cash flow.But if the shares are sold, they are really gone.

The old white man from Berkshire continued: "Logic, could you please tell me what your next goal is? Maybe we can cooperate."

Luo Ji hesitated for a moment, thought for a while and then refused. There were quite a few people interested in investing today: "It's just investing in some projects in Hollywood. Since you're not interested, forget it."


Luo Ji stretched out his hand and said with a smile, "Hello, Mr. Wu!"

Wu Jianmin shook hands and said: "Hello, Logic."

Wu Jianmin is the chairman of Huami Bank.After Luo Ji met him at a fundraising dinner for Ms. Clinton, the two crossed paths several times.

When Luo Ji first invested in CDS, he was a little strapped for funds. After shopping around, he took a loan from Huami Bank.Since then, the cooperation between the two parties has become closer.

Luo Ji's personal accounts, family expenses, and the financial settlements of one or two companies were all handled at their bank.

Later, when Holi Game Company was first founded, funds were a little tight. With Luo Ji's personal guarantee, his bank provided a loan to the game company.

Banks don't like to lend money to Internet companies with few assets, so Internet companies generally choose venture capital financing.

Holi also conformed to this hive. After the company began to raise funds, the loan targets became specifically for start-ups that have received venture capital, and were willing to lend money to Silicon Valley banks, which did not require Luo Ji's guarantee.

Although Huami Bank previously asked him to provide a personal guarantee, this is the business philosophy of all banks.Luo Ji didn't complain much at all, and the two parties still cooperated closely.

Moreover, Luo Ji and Wu Jianmin had a very good personal relationship. The two often met and communicated at some Chinese gatherings, and also talked on the phone in private.

Luo Ji asked: "I heard recently that United Commercial Bank, the second largest Chinese bank in the United States, suffered serious losses during the financial crisis. It is very likely that it will go bankrupt and will be taken over by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation?"

Wu Jianmin said solemnly: "Your information is very accurate. This information is only circulated among a few people now."

Luo Ji asked with some concern: "What about your bank? If there is another problem with your bank, the influence of Chinese Americans in the American banking industry will be gone."

"You don't have to worry." Wu Jianmin said with a smile: "There is no problem with my bank. After all, my company does not involve any subprime mortgage business."

"What will be the fate of United Bank? I heard that several banks are interested in it, including Minsheng Bank of China?"

"It will probably be acquired." Wu Jianmin said expressionlessly.

"Will it be acquired by China Minsheng Bank?" Luo Ji continued: "Huaguo Bank seems to have always been interested in entering the U.S. banking industry, and it is the second largest bank for Chinese Americans in the United States. This project is very suitable for them. I feel that if No one can beat them in bidding, and now China has no shortage of foreign exchange.”

Wu Jianmin looked around and whispered: "The US government has always been very sensitive to this aspect. They will not allow China to acquire local American banks."

"What about you? Will you participate in the acquisition?"

Luo Ji continued: "During the current financial crisis, assets have been severely undervalued. You wouldn't just watch the second largest Chinese bank in the United States being acquired by a white or Jewish bank, right?"

Wu Jianmin glanced at Luo Ji in surprise, hesitated for a while and said, "We do have plans to acquire United Bank now."

"That's good."

After chatting, the two chatted for a while about President Barack's government team. This year, the number of Chinese senior officials reached a new high.

In addition to Energy Secretary Steven Chu, there are also Cabinet Secretary Lu Peining, White House Liaison Office Director Chen Yuanmei, and Department of National Security Legal Counsel Fang Fuyu.

What is somewhat surprising recently is that after two consecutive nominations for Secretary of Commerce were rejected by Congress, the third nomination is former Washington State Governor Gary Locke, who is Chinese.

The United States also has a tacit political understanding of keeping things in check. Now the media are saying that this nomination will most likely be passed by Congress.

After chatting, Luo Ji got down to business: "I may need a large loan recently?"

"How many?"

"At least [-] million meters." Luo Ji then added: "It may be higher. Of course, I have collateral this time, using my film company. If it's not enough, I have some other assets. I don't know. Is your bank’s cash flow sufficient?”

Wu Jianmin said in surprise: "You must have made a big move."

"Preparing to acquire a company."

Wu Jianmin looked at him deeply, and then said in a professional manner: "I wonder how long it will take you to raise funds?"

"In the past month or so, I will ensure that you can provide so many loans at any time." Luo Ji then said, "If my next acquisition fails, I may return part of the loan."

"Here, time is a bit tight, and the conditions are too harsh." Wu Jianmin's Huami Bank deposits are only more than 200 billion U.S. dollars, and it would be really stressful to take out so much money at once.Luo Ji said ruthlessly: "If you can't do it, I'll look for other banks. You know my film company, there is no shortage of interested banks willing to lend money."

Wu Jianmin gritted his teeth: "No problem."

Luo Ji smiled and said, "It's a pleasure to cooperate."

"It's a pleasure to cooperate." Wu Jianmin then said: "Since your time is so tight, tomorrow we will start to find a professional agency to value your company."

"no problem."


After the two separated, Luo Ji began to look for the next target at the party.

He targeted Li Zekai, one of Li Ka-shing’s heirs, who was not far away.Li Ka-shing is ranked 22nd on the Forbes list of the world's richest people, with a wealth of more than 130 billion yuan.His family is not short of money.

Li Zekai once expressed that he wanted to invest in his game company, but I didn't know that he was not interested in investing in Hollywood.

"Hello, Zekai!" Luo Ji smiled and walked up to say hello.

"Logic, hello." Li Zekai greeted him warmly.

"How was your party today? Do you feel okay?"

"Your party was great." Li Zekai gave a thumbs up.

Luo Ji had been dealing with these elites for a long time and found that they were very direct in their speech, so he didn't hide anything and went straight to the point: "I don't know, are you interested in investing in Hollywood?"

"Of course. This is the holy land of the global cultural industry, and no one is not interested." Li Zekai continued: "Do you have any new film and television projects that need investment? I understand that your film company has many projects to shoot this year."

"It may not be what you think, but it is also a project involving Hollywood." Luo Ji continued, "If you are really interested, maybe we can discuss it in detail in a couple of days."

"Of course." Li Zekai smiled and continued: "I guess this time it should involve a very big project, otherwise with the resources you have at your disposal, there is no need for financing."

"Yes." Luo Ji blinked.


Zhu Haowei walked up to Luo Ji with a beaming face and said, "Logic, there are many more people interested in Hollywood, or rather you, than I thought."

Luo Ji touched his chin and said, "It looks like you gained a lot?"

"Yes, except for a few people who refused, everyone else was very interested." Zhu Haowei then said with admiration: "Boss, you don't know how famous you are outside now."

"is it?"

Zhu Haowei said with a smile: "Investment is investing in people. The person who has always succeeded is the right person. And you, you have failed very few times, but you have succeeded a lot!"

"I really didn't realize this." Luo Ji said with a serious look on his face: "Am I already so influential among the elites now?"

Zhu Haowei smiled and said: "Perhaps you can see the report about you by Forbes some time ago. You will know that you are the best entrepreneur under the age of 20."

"Hahaha, that report really flattered me!"

Luo Ji then changed the topic: "However, it is not good to have too many people. If some random person leaks the matter before we take action, or takes action on his own, our action of acquiring shares in advance may be criticized. Influence."

"I think we can raise a large amount of funds ourselves first. We will introduce other investors after the news is announced." Zhu Haowei continued: "There are so many people interested tonight, and there will always be people who are willing to continue to follow us."

Luo Ji touched his chin: "We still need to find a few qualified allies first. It's still too difficult for me to handle it alone. Maybe I can't even provide enough funds to Marvel at the beginning of the acquisition."



Luo Ji had just seen off Cheng Zhengchang, the founder of Panda Express Group, and was in a good mood. After taking a little leisure time, he was attracted by Musk, Bill Lee, Dalullah and Sarah Gore, four classic figures he often encountered. The combination came over.

Musk stepped forward and put his arm around Luo Ji's shoulders: "Logic, I heard someone at the party said that your film company has a new project that needs financing. How about taking Bill and me with you?"

Luo Ji joked: "Didn't you say in the media some time ago that you almost went bankrupt last year, and it was thanks to my investment that you saved the company? Why do you have money now?"

"Hahaha, that's all hype." Musk said with a smile: "I still have tens of millions of spare money here, how about taking me with you?"

Bill Lee also hurriedly said: "Logic, I also have tens of millions of funds here."

This acquisition was not only a simple acquisition, but also a test of Luo Ji's influence. Unexpectedly, there were signs of overfulfillment now.

Previously, he was worried that he would not be able to raise funds and find core allies.Now he has the trouble of happiness. He has to consider which people should refuse to invest in the company.

Luo Ji looked troubled: "Oh, there are too many people who want to invest in my new project now, and the staff is already full."

Musk immediately quit: "Logic, you invested in my SolarCity, SpaceX and Tesla, now I can't even invest in your new project?"

"Didn't you already invest in my private equity fund?" Luo Ji then said, "I was kicked out before I let you in. Don't you know that I offended people just because of you?"

Musk immediately retorted: "Your investment company originally absorbed customer funds. Now your project only accepts a few people. This is different, it is not of the same nature at all!"

"It's okay if you can't tell me." Luo Ji looked helpless: "We'll talk tomorrow, let's not talk about this today."

"And me, don't forget." Bill Lee said immediately.

"Okay, you two come together tomorrow night and we'll talk in detail."

Musk glanced at Bill enviously, and then said with some regret: "Logic, the game of "stealing food" has been so popular recently. I heard Bill show off that Holi's stock on the secondary market has appreciated by 60% compared to the last financing. %. Speaking of your game company, why didn’t you come to me when you first raised funds?”

Luo Ji rolled his eyes at him with a look of disgust on his face: "Have you forgotten? You were so happy to criticize me in the media at that time."

"Hahahaha." Everyone laughed out loud when they thought of the previous exchanges between the two in the media.

(End of this chapter)

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