New York 2006

Chapter 257 Logic with an IQ of 167

Chapter 257 Logic with an IQ of 167
In Burbank, Hollywood, Thomas Tull, the president of Legendary Pictures, returns home.He checked his watch and saw that the time was just right. Then he took out a can of beer and sat on the sofa to turn on the TV.

His partner Logic recently recorded "The Ellen DeGeneres Show" and it will be broadcast today.

The ratings for this game should be very high. Now Logic is at the top of the media, Thomas Tull thought.

At the same time, in the NBC studio, the deputy walked up to Allen excitedly and said excitedly: "Ellen, the ratings have broken the record in the past two years, with 2330 million viewers."

Allen looked at his deputy and said with a smile: "When Logic first came to our show to promote the first album, I knew at that time that he would become a top player. I was so good to him at the time, and now is the time to reap the rewards. "

"That stupid woman Oprah is out of date and still clings to the behavior of the last century. She doesn't pay attention to young artists." The deputy asked in a low voice: "I heard that when Logic was on her show for the first time, she raided Logic and wanted to ask Logic Some sensitive issues. Is this true?”

"Maybe, there is no smoke without fire, anyway, someone in Hollywood said so. But what is certain is that Logic doesn't like her very much."

Allen stared at Luo Ji's handsome face on the studio screen, smiled slightly and said, "Didn't you notice? Logic's stars. Like Lady Gaga, Justin Bieber, Bruno Mars, Kristen Stewart , Taylor Lautner and other people are doing promotions, all they do is our talk show.”

"Hey, it's true what you said."

Allen burst out laughing: "Hahaha, thank you Logic for being so careful."

The deputy said expectantly: "Do you think it is possible for our ratings this year to surpass Oprah's talk show?"

"It's hard to say." Allen sighed and said, "Although that woman Oprah was stupid and lost some conservative audiences by supporting Barack last year, her background is still very profound. However, as long as we capture the young people This group of people will one day surpass her. After all, the world will eventually belong to young people, right?"


Kristen was expressionless as she sat on the sofa with her family and watched the Ellen Show on TV.

Allen opened his big eyes and looked at Logic across from him with piercing eyes: "How on earth did you create so many excellent songs? I really want to open your head and observe."

Logic said seriously: "Maybe you can try it. I also want to know why I am so smart."

Hahahahaha, the laughter of the audience could be heard on the TV, and Kristen’s family also laughed out loud.Only Christine's expression did not change at all.

Allen then asked: "Logic, have you tested your IQ? How much is it?"

Luo Ji suddenly looked horrified: "Have you been spying on me?"

Allen looked puzzled: "Why did you say that?"

Luo Ji said, "I just took an IQ test two days ago, and now you're asking me this question?"

"It's definitely a coincidence. I'm not spying on you." Allen waved her hands hurriedly, but the smile on her lips seemed to tell others that she was spying.

There was laughter again from the TV.But Kristen remained expressionless.

Allen coughed twice and became serious: "What's your IQ test?"

Luo Ji said calmly: "167."

"167! Is Logic's IQ so high?" Christine's mother exclaimed. She then looked at her daughter, who also had a slightly surprised expression on her face.

Alan in the TV show also looked surprised: "Is this true?"

Luo Ji said seriously: "I took a very comprehensive IQ test from Mensa some time ago, and their results showed this. They said that my image memory ability, spatial imagination and creativity are beyond the average person."

"Then are there many people with your IQ?"

"I think it's quite a lot, one in every 3 people."

Allen smiled: "It does sound like a lot!"


"No, this is 3 people!" Allen said loudly, then she became coy and whispered: "Logic, can I touch your head?"

Without hesitation, Luo Ji stretched his head over with a big smile on his face: "Come on!"

Allen didn't know how to be polite at all and rubbed his hands back and forth on Luo Ji's hair.Suddenly, Luo Ji's handsome hairstyle became messy.

The audience burst into laughter immediately, and the more than 2000 million viewers who watched the show also laughed out loud.Explain the matter humorously so that others will not be offended by your superiority.

Luo Ji talked about his IQ on the Ellen DeGeneres Show in order to show himself to the public and prepare for the next big event.

Luo Ji had been planning this for a long time.

The United States pursues the concept of elite governance, and as long as you are an elite, you will enjoy privileges.Positions such as justices, priests, and prosecutors control far more power than in other countries. Rich people can enjoy various privileges that ordinary people cannot access by combining resources.

For example, there is an inequality in the police force between rich communities and poor communities. It is okay for some politicians to say that people without money should fend for themselves. Donating to the president can get an amnesty order. Presidential donors can directly become diplomats. Finance After the crisis broke out, bank executives did nothing to wait for news.

To people from other cultures, this would be unimaginable.Such privileges should have been dealt with by other governments for the sake of equality.

But the United States is different, because there is a cultural concept of self-reliance, and all aspects of politics, culture, and economy are a privileged system that recognizes elites.

This is why other people see American news as magical, but Americans think the matter is not a big problem.Because the overall tone of Miguo society still recognizes the meritocracy, this is part of the reason why the United States can attract elites from all over the world to come to the United States.

People with high IQs have a higher probability of becoming elites than ordinary people.High IQ is also highly regarded in the United States.

Henry Goddard is the only undefeated head coach in USC football history.

In 1908, he traveled to Europe for a two-month stay to study methods used by other researchers to treat mentally retarded children.It was there that he learned about an intelligence test developed several years earlier by French psychologist Alfred Binet.

After returning to the United States, he introduced intelligence testing.Goddard quickly convinced American doctors to use the test.Just three years later, he introduced the test into public schools.Since then, IQ testing has become popular in the United States.

Of course, there was the dark stuff, and that was eugenics.Many mentally retarded people were sterilized in the early years, and Goddard was a member of the Ohio Sterilization Commission at the time.

He also coined the word "idiot" moron. Because of vicious incidents such as sterilization, calling people idiots and retarded is a very serious matter in the United States.

Although there is a dark side, intelligence tests are becoming more and more popular in the United States. For example, in the movie "Forrest Gump", there is a scene where Forrest Gump tests IQ.

Americans are very enthusiastic about IQ testing, and many parents will test their children when they are young.Some schools will also arrange testing.

When Luo Ji was a child, he was tested twice under the arrangement of his father.His IQ at the time was 133.Now that the brain has been developed by Apocalypse, it has grown a lot.

In short, the overall atmosphere of American society still highly values ​​IQ.

Needless to say in the scientific community, Einstein, Hawking, Marie Curie, and Sheldon are all people with high IQs.

Talking about politics, the president of the United States will have his or her IQ analyzed by the American media and professional psychologists.Kennedy 158 and Clinton 156 are considered the highest group.But even if they are low, other presidents' IQs generally exceed 130.

Only George W. Bush, who was considered to have a low IQ, caused an uproar at the time.Even the Chinese side knows about it.

He didn't pay attention at first, but he started to refute the rumors when the matter became serious.However, it would be troublesome to spread rumors and refute them.

Now many media still call him an idiot.In fact, his IQ is not low at all, it is 128.Although it is less than the lowest score of 130 for the president of the United States, it is still among the group of people with excellent IQ among humans.

Some time ago, it was said that Barack's IQ was only 102. Due to the lessons of George W. Bush, he quickly came out to refute the rumor. This false news did not cause much of a sensation. His IQ is actually 140.

In short, IQ is something that can be shown off in the United States, and people like to pursue it.The high-IQ sperm bank where Sheldon went to donate sperm is very popular in the United States.Many couples who want to have a surrogate pregnancy choose to get their sperm from there.

Many American couples who have no children, or who want to adopt a child for other reasons, would first choose to adopt a child from China, because East Asians generally have higher IQs.

Many celebrities also tend to show their IQ to the media.

For example, Musk has shown off in the media that his IQ is 155.Jodie Foster, shows off her IQ of 132.Natalie Portman, showing off her IQ of 140.Rashida Jones, showing off her IQ of 140.Matt Damon, showing off her IQ of 160.Meryl Streep, showing off her IQ of 143.

Although these people claim to have such high IQs, society still recognizes them.Because their education level is there, they all graduated from Ivy League schools.

But some news is different. Last year, there was news on the Internet that Shakira was a certified genius certified by the Mensa Club, with an IQ of 140, Madonna 140, Steve Martin 142, and Quentin Tower. Lentino 160, James Woods 180.

Many people feel that these messages are false, after all, their education level is there.This is more like a PR news produced by a certain brokerage company.

There was a lot of rumors at that time, but Mensa jumped out and slapped them in the face, saying that they didn't.

These people are quite smart. After all, they did not admit that the news was said by themselves. Even if it was refuted, it could only be said to be false news.

But some people are too stupid. Sharon Stone once boasted in the media that she had an IQ of 155 and was a member of the Mensa Club.As a result, she was slapped in the face by Mensa, saying that the club did not have her, and even Forbes magazine reported the matter.

It's so embarrassing. How stupid would you be to do this?

Of course Luo Ji also knew the seriousness of the matter, and it would be very embarrassing to be slapped in the face.

So when he tested, what came out was reality, and he also wanted to know his true IQ after being developed by Apocalypse.I found the most authoritative Mensa Club to take the test, and there were multiple proctors. He also did the most comprehensive test.

Therefore, if someone questions the authenticity of the matter, Mensa will come out to endorse him.

The program on TV continued, and Allen said: "So, Logic, do you think people with high IQs will have high achievements?"

"Of course not. There are many members of Mensa with high IQs who are ordinary people."

"So do you think your success has something to do with your IQ?"

Luo Ji said, "It has a bit to do with it, but not much. You know, there are millions of people with high IQs in the world, but there is only one Logic."

Christine's mother glanced at her daughter, who was watching the show with an angry look on her face.

The mother said: "Logic is such an outstanding kid, and he is so kind to you. Are you still not going to take the initiative to contact him?"

"No," Christine said firmly.

Her mother sighed helplessly: "Isn't it just a quarrel between lovers? This kind of thing is too common. Men are more concerned about face. As long as you take the initiative to call, I guarantee that he will definitely reconcile with you."

"Why didn't he take the initiative?" Christine looked aggrieved: "He's a bastard. He hasn't called me once in the past few days."

Her mother said: "You said you wanted to have a quarrel on a bad day, but it had to be Valentine's Day. Later, he ignored the past and had someone send you a Valentine's Day gift. That gift was not cheap either. The market price is 16 meters. Doesn’t this prove that he likes you?"

"To him, that little money is like tens or hundreds of dollars. He would rather give gifts than take the initiative to contact me." Kristen said aggrievedly: "It's like this every time, and I take the initiative every time." I apologized to him, but I always accommodated him. He also wrote such affectionate songs to his ex-girlfriend, obviously he never forgot her!"

Her mother said: "Logic has never admitted in the media that those two songs were written for Taylor? He obviously cares about you. Logic has been filming the MV with Taylor these days. If you really are like this If the quarrel continues, be careful if they really get back together."

Kristen felt worried in her heart, but her face was full of stubbornness: "If they get back together, they'll get back together! I don't care about him!"

"Oh, you young people! A simple thing has to be so complicated." Christine's father spoke: "The most important thing between lovers is communication. Your mother and I have had such a good relationship for so many years. The result of communication.”

Kristine made a face and said nothing.

The TV show then discussed some interesting anecdotes from the second album, including the details of Logic and Robin's $4700 million divorce settlement last year, and before they knew it, it came to the end of the show.

Allen said: "Some time ago, there were reports in Hollywood that your film company's personal income exceeded $3.6 million last year just from "The Twilight Saga". Is this true?"

“They are professionals and the predicted numbers are very close!”

Allen asked curiously: "Can you tell me the specific number?"

Luo Ji looked thoughtful: "3.73 million meters."

Allen then asked: "Where is your music company? Your record company also had good sales data last year. "The Fame" 730 million copies. "16", 640 million copies, and the "Twilight" soundtrack, 610 Ten thousand copies. There are also Bruno Mars’ second album, Justin Bieber’s first album, and Caitlyn Rose’s first album, all of which have sold more than 200 million copies. There are also several singers who have sold 100 million copies, which should be It must be a very profitable year.”

"Yes." Luo Ji smiled and said, "My two record companies brought me approximately 3.53 million US dollars in revenue last year."

Ellen looked serious and counted on her fingers. After a while, she said in surprise: "So last year you earned 6.9 million U.S. dollars from your film company and record company."

"You miscalculated." Luo Ji corrected with a smile: "It's 7.26 million meters!"

Hahahaha, the audience also laughed out loud.

However, this time Christine's family did not laugh as usual, but were extremely silent.All eyes turned to Christine.

Kristen seemed to be being interviewed by the media. She was not as emotional as she was when she was dealing with her family just now. She was extremely calm and looked cool. She said, "What do you think I do?"

"Um, it's nothing." Her father said and continued watching TV.

Her mother said: "Um..., Christine, would you like to call Logic?"

Kristen looked unconcerned: "No need."

The whole family fell into an eerie silence. In this atmosphere, everyone watched the next Ellen show. Although there were many laughs, there was no laughter in the whole family.

Kristine stood up expressionlessly: "I'm going back to the room."

"Okay." Her family replied quickly.

When she came to her room, Christine's cool expression disappeared.She took out her mobile phone and looked up her boyfriend's number. She wanted to call it but hesitated.

Her face was full of unwillingness and grievance.He began to complain.

"It's obviously your fault."

"You want to send me away with just one sentence."

"It's like this every time, why don't you take the initiative to call me."

"You still love me, right?"

"Are you too busy and forgot about it?"

"Definitely so."

"Yes, that must be the case." Kristen said with determination as the grievance disappeared from her face.Then she dialed her boyfriend's number without hesitation.

(End of this chapter)

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