New York 2006

Chapter 246 Super Genius

Chapter 246 Super Genius
After all the business was basically done, Luo Ji looked at Christine: "Is there anyone you want to meet at the party?"

"Of course, this is a good time for me to expand my network." Christine took Luo Ji's arm and said, "Come on, the heroine of "Sex and the City" seems to be free. Let's go talk to her."


The two of them relaxed completely. After chatting about fashion with Sarah Parker, the heroine of "Sex and the City", they also talked about how the human face ages with Cate Blanchett, the heroine of "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button". special effects.

Now I am chatting with Roland Emmerich, the director of "1 Years Before History", about his latest film "2012".This is a big shot in the industry, and he once filmed the movie "The Day After Tomorrow".

Luo Ji asked, "Emmerich, is your new movie another disaster movie?"

"Yes, the filming was completed in September last year." Emmerich nodded.

Kristen said doubtfully: "So, when you were filming "2012" last August, the Hollywood Screen Actors Guild was planning a strike."

Roland Emmerich said fearfully: "Yes, we were sweating at the beginning. The good news is that the strike was unsuccessful in the end. The Film and Television Company Alliance and the Screen Actors Guild quickly reconciled."

Luo Ji asked in confusion, "How come I haven't heard of this?"

Emmerich explained: "Logic, the actors' union strike is not of the same order of magnitude as the writers' union strike. If the actors' union strike succeeds, the losses will be very huge. Those large film and television companies control the media. From the beginning, they The mainstream media did not report this matter, only some small media reported it at the time, and the impact was very small."

"They can indeed do it." Luo Ji had already learned this lesson during the financial crisis.

Emmerich then complained: "Although the United States has freedom of speech, its ability to control speech is no weaker than those countries that deny freedom of speech. The United States has two mouthpiece newspapers, the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal ”, the way they report one thing is a benchmark, and other mainstream media will follow this tone in reporting. This is called controlling the direction of public opinion.”

"Yeah." Luo Ji listened with interest.

Emmerich then boasted: "For example, last year when the Hollywood Screen Actors Guild was planning a strike, several major media groups reached a tacit agreement and they did not report it at all. As long as the mainstream media does not report it, then this kind of thing will only be reported in the small media. If it spreads widely, it won't cause much repercussions. This is blocking the news."

Luo Ji didn't think so: "But now with the Internet, everything is different. The speed of message transmission has been greatly accelerated. As long as one thing can arouse people's interest, it is difficult to block it, and it will soon spread all over the world. world."

Emmerich thought for a moment: "No, the main way people get news now is from television."

Luo Ji retorted: "But the Internet is becoming more and more popular, and the number of Internet users will increase rapidly every year. One day, the main way for people to obtain information will come from the Internet."

"I agree with your opinion."

Emmerich continued: "However, the power of the U.S. government and those wealthy people is very great. Together, they only need to control the Internet giants like they control traditional media. If they want to block a message, they still need to control it. Very simple."

"This is a bit of a conspiracy theory. It's not verifiable at all." Luo Ji retorted. As far as he knew, Microsoft and Google were in great conflict, so how could they possibly join forces?

Emmerich smiled: "You are still too young, their energy is beyond your imagination."

It seems that this person, like most people in the United States, naturally distrusts the government and giant companies, and believes in the existence of the shadow government. He always thinks that they are working together to control the world and everyone's thoughts.

Kristine saw that the conversation was a little stagnant, so she smiled and smoothed things over: "By the way, you were talking about movies and the Screen Actors Guild strike. How come we ended up here while chatting."

"Ha ha ha ha."

Luo Ji and Emmerich both laughed out loud. It's easy for men to stray from the topic when chatting. It can range from a small thing in life to the Big Bang, and the topic in between can be different.

Luo Ji returned to the topic: "I have never heard of the news that the Screen Actors Guild was planning a strike last year. How did you know about it, Christine? Is it because you are an actor and have paid special attention to this matter?"

Emmerich said: "She must have received an internal notice from the Screen Actors Guild, right, Kristen?"

"Yeah." Christine nodded.

Luo Ji looked at her: "So you are a member of the Screen Actors Guild? When did you join?"

"I joined when I was 12 years old." Kristen asked curiously: "Logic, aren't you?"


"Then do you want me to introduce you to join?"

"Forget it, no need."

Luo Ji still knew clearly that he was a capitalist in the film and television company alliance.Isn't joining the Screen Actors Guild just looking for trouble?

Roland Emmerich smiled: "Okay, I won't disturb you anymore. You guys talk first, I have something else to do here."

"Okay." Kristen smiled and nodded.

After Emmerich left, Luo Ji looked at Christine: "He is a big director in Hollywood. He has shot super blockbusters like "The Day After Tomorrow". Why don't you talk to him more?"

"Need not."

Luo Ji asked, "Could it be that the argument I had with him just now affected his opinion of you?"

It was rare for Christine to realize that her boyfriend valued her. She smiled softly and said: "Emmerich is best at shooting disaster movies. Disasters are what attracts people. He doesn't use big stars; he uses... They are all new stars saving costs."

Luo Ji smiled playfully: "So you think you are a big star now?"

"Hehe, of course." Kristen smiled mischievously.

Luo Ji patted her shoulder: "Which director do you want to meet next, I will take you there." Kristen said seriously: "The director of Batman, Christopher Nolan."

Luo Ji searched the party and found that he was chatting with Anne Hathaway. Hathaway seemed to be amused and was laughing with her mouth wide open. The two of them seemed to be chatting well.

Luo Ji pointed with his finger: "Nolan is chatting with someone else. It looks like we have to wait for a while."

"It's okay." Christine took her boyfriend's arm and said, "Let's go find something to eat. I'm a little hungry."

The two of them came to the cold table, each took a tray and picked up some food, then came to a dining table and sat down to eat.

The food prepared by Warner tasted very good. Luo Ji and his girlfriend were chatting and laughing while they were eating. Suddenly, a woman in a red evening dress walked over without realizing it.

Christine immediately became alert. She saw that the blonde beauty with perky breasts in front of her was a threat, and the smile on her face suddenly disappeared.

The blonde beauty walked up to Luo Ji with a smile and said very confidently: "Hello, Logic, my name is Penny."

Luo Ji knew her. He had seen her before when she was on the red carpet. She also came to the company to audition for "The Twilight Saga".

However, this woman doesn't know how to look at her eyes. Didn't she see her girlfriend right in front of her?
Kristen had been with him during this time, very obedient and gentle, Luo Ji still had to give her some face.

Luo Ji didn't extend his hand in response, but nodded as a greeting.Then he talked to his girlfriend again.Kristine was very satisfied with her boyfriend's performance, and the smile on her face reappeared and became even brighter.

The smile on Penny's face disappeared, and she became a little unsure of her appearance.Her hands were hanging in the air, not knowing whether to put them down, and she stuttered, "I, I came with Sheldon."

It turns out it was brought by an acquaintance!
Luo Ji immediately put on a smile and extended his hand to shake her warmly: "Hello, Petunia, sit down and talk."

Penny sat down and then stretched out her hand: "Hello, Christine."

Kristen showed off the cool expression she usually uses in front of the media: "Hello, Penny."

Luo Ji looked at Penny in confusion: "Where did Sheldon go? You guys should have been here at three o'clock, how come you haven't seen him for so long?"

Penny said helplessly: "He keeps pestering Batman with questions."

"Christian Bale?"


Kristen chimed in: "Who is Sheldon?"

Luo Ji explained: "He is a professor at Caltech and my gaming friend. He usually helps me with my homework via video."

"Hmm, why is he pestering Bell?"

Luo Ji said, "He is a huge comic book fan and likes superheroes very much."

Penny added: "He is the kind of person with a high IQ, just like the male protagonist in "A Beautiful Mind." Sometimes I feel like he is not on the same planet as him."

Kristen said in surprise: "Is he as intelligent as the hero of "A Beautiful Mind"?"

Penny said: "Well, he is very young. He is already a university professor at Caltech at the age of 25. According to his self-proclaimed IQ, he is 187. However, he is not as normal as the hero of "A Beautiful Mind". He is a bit weird."

"Really? I've never met such a person." Kristen looked at Luo Ji with suspicion.

Luo Ji nodded affirmatively: "Yes. His IQ is indeed very high, and he is also a bit weird."

After being together for so long, Luo Ji became very familiar with Sheldon.

Although Sheldon is a university professor, he is just a child who has not grown up. He often loses his temper, speaks directly and never minces words, is not polite, and has severe obsessive-compulsive disorder.

And he may also suffer from Asperger's Syndrome, which is known as a genius disease.

Luo Ji considered himself to be a genius, and was rated as a learning genius by many classmates and teachers.But when Luo Ji got along with a super genius like Sheldon, he could barely keep up with his thinking.

No wonder some people say that the best of mankind lies in the scientific community.

The three of them were talking and laughing, talking about some interesting things about Sheldon's past.

Penny laughed and said, "Do you know what Sheldon and the others did when I first met him?"

Kristen was completely attracted to Sheldon at this time, and lost her initial wariness about Penny. She asked curiously: "What did they do?"

Penny said: "They just went to the high-IQ sperm bank that day, but later they backed down because they could not guarantee that the child would have high IQ in the future."

"Hahahaha." Christine laughed.

Luo Ji fell into deep thought. Men all have the desire to spread their genes everywhere.Can he also go there to donate sperm? His IQ can fully meet the requirements.

However, if I think about it carefully, I might as well forget it.

Luo Ji was so famous that it was difficult to keep it secret.It would be too bad if someone came to him in the future and wanted to share his assets, or accuse celebrities of rape, as is common in the entertainment industry.

Stop it, stop it!
(End of this chapter)

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