New York 2006

Chapter 243 The Big Bang Theory

Chapter 243 The Big Bang Theory

Zhu Haowei looked at Luo Ji who came back from the door with a disappointed look on his face, and felt like laughing in his heart.But he still held it back with strong perseverance.

Luo Ji said angrily: "What's so cool about HBO? It made me anxious. I'll go find the president of Warner!"

Zhu Haowei said helplessly: "Boss, stop thinking about "A Song of Ice and Fire". That is an HBO project, and they will not add people to it. Don't you know? As long as the project you want is in Hollywood now, you will be subject to it." Super popular.”

"Really?" A faint smile appeared on Luo Ji's lips.

"of course."

Zhu Haowei said seriously: "You don't know yet, the president of MTV Movies who sold us the adaptation rights of "The Twilight Saga" has been fired."

Luo Ji touched his chin and thought for a moment: "Think about it. "Twilight" is another Harry Potter series. With such huge interests, it's no wonder those people are implicated."

Zhu Haowei complimented: "Boss, your vision is indeed unique."

"Yes." Luo Ji nodded lightly.

Zhu Haowei continued: "Boss, I wonder what you think about superhero movies adapted from comic books? There were three superhero movies in the top ten at the box office last year."

"A comic book movie?"

"Well, "The Dark Knight", "Iron Man" and "Hancock". The box office has exceeded 5 million US dollars, and the box office of Batman has reached 10 billion US dollars."

Luo Ji frowned and said, "But "Hulk" didn't succeed. We pinned it to the ground and rubbed it."

Zhu Haowei continued: "But the success rate of comic-book movies has been too high in recent years. "Constantine" directed by Francis and "300" by Zack Snyder are also comic-book movies."

"Really? I thought 300 was a historical adaptation."

"No, it was adapted from Dark Horse's comic of the same name. Snyder helped Warner adapt "Watchmen" last year."

"What is a Watcher?"

Zhu Haowei said with some confusion: "It's a superhero comic, very famous. Boss, don't you read the comic?"

"Reading comics requires financial resources. It is a hobby for children from middle-class families."

Luo Ji continued: "I only read a few Superman comics when I was a kid, but I stopped reading them when my family had no money. But I have seen a few comic book movies, including Sony's Spider-Man series and 20th Century Fox's X-Men series. "

"Okay." Zhu Haowei continued: "Boss, do you think the comic-book movie will be successful?"

"I don't know much about comics." Luo Ji thought for a moment and said, "Let's do this. You can ask someone to make a detailed report on the comics market and comic-adapted movies."


Luo Ji thought for a moment and said, "By the way, you can recommend some comics to me and I'll look back at them."

Zhu Haowei said coherently: "There are too many. I don't know what type you like. American comics are mainly concentrated in two companies, Marvel and DC..."

More than 20 minutes later, Luo Ji said with a smile: "You are still a comic fan, you know so much about American comics."

Zhu Haowei showed an otaku smile and said sheepishly: "I loved reading comics when I was a kid."


In the evening, Luo Ji returned to his home in Burbank after spending the afternoon at the film company. After dinner, he went to the study and started fishing with a DC comic.

Two hours later, Luo Ji was stunned.

"Crisis on Infinite Earths? The Anti-Monitor intends to devour all parallel universes through anti-matter energy and reduce the multiverse to nothingness. This begins an unprecedented and massive war."

This 1985 comic is full of wild imagination. Most of DC's heroes appear. It's a perfect event that is unexpectedly exciting.

After the shock, Luo Ji began to analyze it carefully.

If cost factors are not taken into consideration, it is naturally convenient to adapt comics into movies. A comic has almost complete storyboards and scripts, and it can be made into a movie with just a few modifications.

Popular comics, like popular novels, naturally have a large number of fans, and the excitement of the stories has also been tested by the market.As long as it is made into a movie with normal standards, it is not difficult at all to attract audiences into the theater.

No wonder the success rate of comic-book movies has been so high in recent years. It turns out that’s the reason!
Ding, Facebook received the message.It was sent by Luo Ji's friend Sheldon.

"what are you doing?"

"Reading comics." Luo Ji typed in reply.

Sheldon immediately replied: "I also like comics very much. It seems that we have the same hobby. Hahaha, by the way, which comic are you reading?"

"Crisis on Infinite Earths."

"Isn't this book published in 1985? Why are you reading it now?"

Luo Ji casually replied: "I didn't read comics before, but I only started to understand them recently when I needed to work."

"You're a fake comic book fan." After Sheldon complained, he sent another message: "By the way, why did you start learning about comics?"

"I plan to buy the comic rights and make it into a movie!"

"Um..." Sheldon began to change the subject: "I heard you came to Los Angeles?"


"Do you have any plans to hold a party recently? You said you would invite me to attend if you had the chance."

"Not yet."

"Ooooo, sad Emoji."


In an apartment in Pasadena, California, a 10-minute drive from Caltech.

Sheldon is sitting at the desk playing with the computer. His three friends, engineer Howard, astronomer Rajesh, and experimental physicist Leonard, are sitting on the sofa chatting with Penny, the beautiful neighbor opposite.

Rajesh pretended to be casual and asked, "How was Penny's recent audition?"

Leonard sighed: "Oh, it's still the same, there's not much progress. She's been very disappointed recently."

"Hehehe." Howard smiled obscenely: "Isn't this the right time? When a beautiful woman is in a low mood, this is your chance to take advantage of her."

Leonard said with a sense of justice: "How can you think so? Am I such a person?"

"If you don't go, I will go!"

Leonard immediately protested: "Hey, Penny is mine?"

Rajesh said lightly: "Penny has been here for two years, and you haven't succeeded yet. Why don't you replace me?"

Leonard directly started to attack: "You should first correct your problem of not being able to talk when you are with a woman!"

"How can you say that to me! I am not sick!" Rajesh retorted.

"It's not a disease, what is it?"

Leonard and Rajesh, two super otakus, immediately started arguing, and no one noticed that Howard had quietly gone out and disappeared.

After a few minutes, a woman suddenly shouted outside the door: "Howard..."

Several people in the room looked outside and saw Howard running in from the door in a hurry, followed by Penny, the neighbor opposite, following aggressively.

Penny came in with an angry face, put her hands on her hips and said sternly: "Howard, can you please stop saying such disgusting things in the future!"

Howard hid behind the sofa, lowering his head like a primary school student and not daring to speak!Leonard and Rajesh were also frightened by this fierce woman and froze up.

Penny then warned: "Howard, if you say such obscene words in front of me next time, I will destroy your lower body."

Howard quickly raised his hand and promised: "I'm sorry, there will be no next time!"

Penny glared at Howard and prepared to turn around and go back to her apartment opposite.


Just then, a scream echoed throughout the apartment.Penny was immediately frightened. She looked in the direction of the sound like a reflex, only to find that Sheldon had jumped up and danced.

Penny yelled: "Sheldon, what are you crazy about? You scared me!"

Sheldon said excitedly: "Hahaha, Logic invited me to the party!" "Who?" Penny opened her eyes wide and looked directly at Sheldon.

The other three people in the apartment immediately glared at Sheldon, and Sheldon realized that he had said the wrong thing and quickly covered his mouth.

Penny followed closely: "Did you just say that Logic invited you to his party?"

Sheldon said unnaturally: "I didn't say Logic, you heard wrong."

"Then who were you talking about just now?"

Sheldon's eyelids and mouth began to twitch, and he was very nervous: "Uh, ah, it's my colleague Peter Parry."

Penny immediately said: "Don't even think about lying to me. Your expression will look very unnatural if you lie."

"No, no." Sheldon waved his hand quickly.

"I heard you clearly, you are talking about Logic."

After Penny finished speaking, she walked over to Sheldon's computer. She looked on the screen and saw that Sheldon was chatting with her Facebook friend Logic.

The last three were posted by Logic in succession.

"You're a big man, can you stop saying please?"

"I'm not afraid of you anymore!"

"There will be a party at the Warner Bros. headquarters building at three o'clock the day after tomorrow. Come over then and I will have someone give you an invitation."

Penny looked at Sheldon in disbelief: "Is he the Logic we all know? How come you have his Facebook friends?"

"Uh, ah..." Sheldon hesitated, not knowing what to say.

Penny stared at the computer a few more times, and then clicked a few times with the mouse. Sheldon's friend Logic was officially certified by Facebook, with 1643 million fans.

The whole apartment suddenly fell into an eerie silence. You looked at me and I looked at you and you didn’t know what to say.

It was Penny who broke the silence first. She said playfully: "Sheldon, I just told you that you have never let me add you on Facebook. It turns out that you are afraid that I will find out that you have Logic in your friend list."

Sheldon did not answer directly, but looked at his three friends.But he was immediately warned back by an angry look, which meant that he should not spill the beans.

Sheldon could only say helplessly: "No, it's not because of this."

Penny continued to ask: "What's that for?"

"Ah, um..." Sheldon rolled his eyes: "Mainly because the posts I usually post are about physics, and I'm afraid you won't like it."

The three friends immediately breathed a sigh of relief and echoed: "Yes, that's the reason, Sheldon said it at the beginning."

Penny didn't delve into the issue. She walked up to Sheldon, raised her chin, smiled and patted his shoulder: "You can do it. You also know Logic. How do you know him?"

Now that the matter has come to this, there is no need to continue to hide it.

Sheldon said with great pride: "I met Logic when we played the game "World of Warcraft" together."

Petunia said with a playful smile: "I also played with you for a while, have you forgotten?"

"Of course I remember." Sheldon thought for a while and continued: "But you are so bad at playing that you don't even know the requirements for passing items in the game. You have to ask me to help you pass the level every time."

"Hahaha, aren't you awesome!" Penny patted Sheldon's chest with her hand.

Sheldon immediately covered his chest: "Violent woman, you hurt me by slapping me."

Penny complained loudly in her heart about this helpless big boy, but she still apologized with a smile on her face: "I'm sorry. My fault."

Sheldon said bluntly: "Okay, I forgive you."

Penny immediately walked up to Sheldon flatteringly: "You are going to a party the day after tomorrow, can you take me with you?"

Sheldon immediately refused sternly: "No, Logic didn't ask me to take someone."

Penny immediately walked up to Sheldon, opened her big innocent eyes and said, "Sheldon, please mess with me. As you know, I have been in Hollywood for a long time and have never had a chance. The Warner headquarters party may be My best chance."

"It still doesn't work. It's obvious that Logi invited me alone. What if you are added to the invitation and he kicks me out?"

Penny bent over: "Just help me. Have you forgotten how I helped you when you had a cold last time?"

"You did take good care of me last time." Sheldon continued: "However, I also helped you a lot. It really doesn't work this time. I have been asking him for an invitation for a long time."

Penny begged and said: "Can you ask Logic for me? If you can get one, you can definitely get the second one."

Sheldon secretly glanced at his three friends, and they immediately glared at him in a warning tone.

Sheldon could only say helplessly: "Well, next time, wait until the next time Logic holds a private party. This party is not held by Logic, and he is also an invitee."

Penny was very shameless and kept chasing after her: "Logic is a big shot in Hollywood. It's just one more invitation. He will definitely be able to handle it easily."

Sheldon was sweating profusely. He himself could not tell lies. When Penny forced him to do so, he broke the pot and said, "You go ask Leonard and the other three. As long as they agree, I will ask."

Penny immediately opened her eyes wide and looked at the three Leonards expectantly.The three of you looked at me and I looked at you, all silent.

Penny said softly: "Leonard..."

Leonard was stunned by the sound and licked his soul: "Sheldon, it's not easy for Penny, so please help and ask."

Everyone looked at Howard and Rajesh, who could only nod helplessly.

Sheldon then walked to the computer and sat down, typing and sending it: "Logic, there are two of us here, can I have two invitations?"

The other person sent a word lightly: "Okay."

Penny suddenly jumped up: "Oh, Yeah!"

She was so excited that she jumped up and down, and then kissed all four otakus on their faces.

Leonard and the three of them all chuckled, looking like idiots.

Sheldon quickly wiped his face with a look of disgust on his face: "Penny, if you do this again, I will take others to the party."

Penny quickly raised her hands in surrender and said with a flattering look on her face: "No, I promise there will never be a next time."

"Yeah." After Sheldon finished speaking, he sat down and continued chatting with his Facebook friend Logic.

Penny paced back and forth in the room, saying to herself: "No, I have to prepare an evening dress now. I don't even have any decent clothes."

"No, I have no money. This week's salary has been spent."

"Leonard, can you lend me some money?"


After a while, Penny left the room, and the three Leonards came to sit on the sofa.

Howard said: "Wait until Penny meets the big shots in Hollywood at the party and becomes a star. Leonard, think about it, you have no chance with her now, and you will have no chance with her in the future? You even loaned her money, Are you afraid that she won’t be pretty enough?”

Leonard's face suddenly filled with sadness, and then he looked at Sheldon who was playing on the computer angrily: "Sheldon, it's all your fault. If my future smart and beautiful child disappears, it will be your fault!"

Sheldon didn't even look back, he just said lightly: "It has nothing to do with me. It was agreed by the three of you."

"It's not you who let it slip!" Leonard said angrily.

Sheldon turned back to look at the three of them: "It's none of my business anyway, it's what you three agreed to. Besides, I've been hiding it for so long. Sooner or later, she'll know that we and Logic are gaming friends."

"Okay." Leonard comforted himself.

Sheldon said, "I won't tell you anymore. I'm going to video tutor Logic on his homework. You guys should be quiet for a while."

The air suddenly fell silent, and the only sound in the room was Sheldon's typing on the keyboard.

After a long time, Rajesh suddenly said: "Actually, a kiss would not be bad."

"Hey hey hey." Howard and the other three suddenly laughed like crazy.

(End of this chapter)

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