New York 2006

Chapter 237: Revenue of 36 billion US dollars at the beginning of the year

Chapter 237: Revenue of 3.6 billion US dollars at the beginning of the year
Broadway, Logic Investment Company, Luo Ji and the CEO were sitting together chatting.

Xu Youyu said unhappily: "Madoff gave the global investment community big news in early 2009! It made the entire Wall Street feel uncomfortable."

Luo Ji said: "I have asked Jen Psaki to donate to the Securities and Exchange Commission and the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority. This kind of thing should not happen again in the future. However, I still have to be careful in the future to prevent such problems from happening again." . It’s better to earn less than break the rules.”


It was already January 1, and a week had passed since the Madoff fraud case broke out.

The previously lazy U.S. bureaucracy was whipped into action, and U.S. financial regulatory agencies began to investigate major funds to see if they had violated regulations.

Logic Investment Company, of course, did not escape. It was on the list of inventories, and it was also the focus.

Because the company is so similar to the Madoff Fund, it gives people a sense of "unattainable" mystery.

During the inspection, some problems were indeed discovered by the government.

Ever since Lehman Brothers' problems broke out last September, global stock markets have been falling. Seeing stocks shrinking day by day, Luo Ji couldn't hold on no matter how optimistic he was about the future.

He asked people in the company to operate and try to reduce costs while ensuring that the stock share ratio remained unchanged.

As a result, the company's employees were so capable that they saved Luo Ji $1500 million in costs this month.As a result, during the investigation, he was found to be manipulating the stock price.

Wall Street, haha.

Xu Youyu said with some worry: "Will I go to jail?"

Luo Ji patted his shoulder to comfort him: "Don't worry, I won't let this happen! I've already informed people in the political circles, and the results should be out soon. At most..."

Suddenly, a Chinese employee walked in with documents. He said excitedly: "The government's penalty results are out. A fine of 100 million meters is imposed. There are no strings attached. We are safe."

"Yes." Xu Youyu waved his fist.

Luo Ji watched from the sidelines. This Chinese employee was the initiator of manipulating the stock price. No wonder he was so excited.Luo Ji didn't intend to punish him. There were too many people like him on Wall Street, not to mention that he was doing it for Luo Ji's benefit.

However, it still needs to be hammered.

Luo Ji said with a cold face: "This can't happen again in the future."

The Chinese employee said tremblingly: "Okay, boss, I'll be out if nothing happens."

"Yeah." Luo Ji nodded.

Xu Youyu passed the initial excitement period and now he has calmed down: "Logic, the terms of reconciliation are surprisingly loose!"

Luo Ji said calmly: "I told you, relax, there is someone above me."

New York is Luo Ji's base, and he operates it very seriously.

The $200 million in political donations every year is not in vain. At the New York City level, mayor Bloomberg, John Liu and other city government politicians are responsible, and at the federal level, Ms. Clinton, William Daley and other Democratic congressmen are responsible. Senators are in charge.

After the incident happened, Luo Ji called them and asked them to take care of him.

The city government and the federal level worked together to smoothen the relationship a little bit, and the case was raised high and put down gently.You only need to pay some symbolic fines and it will be over.

that power!money!So harmoniously intertwined.

Luo Ji felt that even if he did something outrageous and went to jail, he might be able to get a pardon from the president when the limelight was over.

At this moment he feels like he can do it!
After Xu Youyu was overjoyed to get the good news, he finally let go of the stone in his heart and got down to business: "Logic, more than a dozen customers have redeemed their funds recently."

Luo Ji asked in surprise: "What's going on? Does anyone think that our fund is a Ponzi scheme like Madoff's? Last year's fund return rate was 71%! Is there any Ponzi scheme in modern society that would give such a high return?" rate of return!"

"Of course it's not because of this. Our fund has financial statements sent to clients every quarter!"

Xu Youyu sighed and said: "These dozen customers are all unlucky. They are about to go bankrupt due to the financial crisis and can only redeem their own funds."

"Okay! What is the size of the private equity fund now?"

"5.3 billion knives."

Luo Ji asked in confusion: "Why is it growing so fast?"

"Several clients saw the latest quarterly yields and added funds. They thought that since we had such high yields during the financial crisis, then the yields may be even higher after the financial crisis."

"Yeah." Luo Ji nodded.

Xu Youyu said with a worried face: "But it is obviously unrealistic to maintain such a high rate of return. No one can do it. We only did it because we seized the opportunity of the financial crisis."

"Oh, you are not good at this. If other fund managers had such high returns, they would have celebrated. You still worry about the future."

"If you don't have long-term worries, you will have immediate worries!" Xu Youyu said a classic Chinese saying.

Compared with other ethnic groups in the United States, Chinese Americans think too much and do not like to enjoy themselves immediately. Their happiness is lower than the average and they are less happy.Maybe this is the problem of highly intelligent races. I don’t know if this is a good thing or a bad thing.

Luo Ji said, "Let's talk about future investment strategies. First, let's talk about your year-end bonus."

"The company's analysts will each be rewarded with 50 knives, the operators will each be rewarded with 20 knives, and other ordinary employees will be rewarded with between 10 and 2 knives."


"It's time to upgrade the office decoration and security, which will require a lot of expenditure."


"I plan to upgrade the company's team building to twice a month."


"and also……"

Luo Ji agreed to all the conditions proposed by Xu Youyu without any objection, just because the company's performance last year was unexpectedly high.

Last year did not count the private investments of Luo Ji, Fiona, and Taylor.With just 2% management fee from private equity funds and 20% profit commission, the company's revenue exceeds 4000 million US dollars.Of course Luo Ji would not refute these small expenses.

Luo Ji said, "Is it over?"

"Not yet. Irene Lee is in charge of the company's venture capital department. This department was established not long ago and the company is also located in Los Angeles. Recently, there has been only expenditure but no income. What will happen to their year-end bonus?"

"What do you think?"

Luo Ji chose to ask this question to Xu Youyu because it was a difficult question.

Xu Youyu, who graduated with a Ph.D. from Princeton, was the CEO of the entire company. Luo Ji originally promised him that he would give him 5% of the company's annual profits as a reward.

But there is a problem. Investment companies are actually divided into two parts. One part is private equity funds, which is the business scope of normal funds.

The other part is the private investment of Luo Ji, Taylor and Fiona. This was also the original purpose of Luo Ji's establishment of the investment company. In order to reduce the tax rate, it was a legacy issue from history.

But the money invested by the venture capital was all Luo Ji's personal funds. The profit and loss had nothing to do with the company to some extent. However, the five employees of the venture capital and the venue expenses were the salaries paid by the entire company.

Also, the private investments of Luo Ji, Taylor, and Fiona are not included in the company's profit and loss.To a certain extent, Luo Ji used a public weapon for personal use, which harmed Xu Youyu's interests.

Xu Youyu threw the question back: "It's up to you to decide. It's not convenient for me to say."

"let me see!"

As the boss of several companies, Luo Ji has been slowly exploring and trying to learn how to control his subordinates.

Xu Youyu, a smart man, now obviously has his own thoughts and begins to consider his own interests.

Thinking about it, Xu Youyu worked hard to run a private equity fund and made a lot of money. As a result, he had to pay wages to unrelated people every month, and his year-end bonus had to be divided from their profits. No one was happy.

Xu Youyu obviously has such confidence, and he still has to try his best to win over this elite talent Luo Ji.

Luo Ji explained: "You know, the purpose of setting up the company was to serve myself. But now that I have private equity funds, the company is developing in a formalized direction. My private funds are no longer clear from the company. It won’t be good if Chu and Chu are mixed together.”

Xu Youyu said embarrassedly: "Logic, I don't mean that."

Luo Ji tried his best to use a relaxed tone and said: "Dr. Xu, I don't dislike you at all for being a smart person who strives for your own interests. On the contrary, I admire you very much. Otherwise, one day I may receive your application to change jobs. Hahaha !”


"It's okay, there are no rules!"

Luo Ji then said: "My personal funds must be kept in the company to reduce the tax rate. Let's do this. From now on, the company will use two financial systems. The expenses of the venture capital department and the company will be deducted from my money. The previous few The monthly expenses will also be reimbursed to the company.”

"Okay, okay."

"As for my personal investment, it is still not included in the company's income as before. But I will compensate you. In addition to the salary of the company CEO, I will also give you an additional salary of a private investment consultant and incentives. You see is this okay?"

Xu You smiled at the corner of his eyes, but he was still embarrassed to say: "This, this is a little bit bad."

"Small things."

It was indeed a small matter. At the beginning of last year, Luo Ji handed Xu Youyu's personal investment from himself, Taylor, and Fiona, totaling [-] million dollars.

This money has been shorting the U.S. banking industry and has not been touched.Due to the early entry time, the double leverage has now reached 3.6 million US dollars.

Luo Ji had previously invested in Netflix, venture capital to acquire BYD, SpaceX, Tesla, SolarCity and other new energy companies, as well as buying a house for Robin, charity funds, political donations, private jets and daily expenses for his family.

They all use cash income from record companies and film companies.

The money was quickly spent, and now there is another 3.6 million dollars on the books. There is so much money that I don’t know how to spend it.The better thing is that the financial crisis has not passed yet, so the money does not need to be liquidated now.

Xu Youxu smiled and said: "Logic, I'm fine here, so I won't disturb you."

"Okay, remember to prepare a document for the company's year-end bonus, and I will approve it."


"Also, in addition to your reward of more than 200 million yuan and 5% of the company's profits, as my personal investment consultant, I will reward you with an additional 500 million yuan, which will be submitted when the time comes."

"Okay, thank you, boss!"

After Xu Youyu finished speaking, he walked towards the door.

"and many more!"

Xu Youyu turned back to look at Luo Ji and asked, "Is there anything else?"

Luo Ji thought for a moment and said, "I have some money from Ms. Swift in my private investments. Did she say anything about the annual report you sent her a few days ago?"

Xu Youyu recalled: "She just expressed her gratitude to me and didn't say anything else."

Luo Ji nodded: "Okay, it's okay."

After Xu Youyu left, Luo Ji opened the private investment report and read it.It contains a detailed analysis of the $[-] million short-selling of the banking industry at the beginning of the year.

The paragraph above reads, Taylor Alison Swift, $4630 million.

Luo Ji fell into memories, remembering that she was still a young singer with only 127 million yuan, and he asked him to make her rich.

Among them, 60 was invested in Apple. It should still be 60 now. In two years, it has come full circle and returned to the starting point.

The remaining 60 was left to Luo Ji, and now it had reached 4630 million.


Luo Ji suddenly laughed.

He thought of what Taylor had said in a coquettish voice: "Feili, just take care of me."

(End of this chapter)

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