New York 2006

Chapter 23 I'm on TV

Chapter 23 I'm on TV

In the Park Slope Apartments in Brooklyn, New York, 24-year-old female reporter Robin Shbarsky was chatting with several friends in the apartment.

"Let me tell you something, didn't I interview a singer who sang on the streets of Williamsburg before?"

Lily, the female kindergarten teacher, immediately became starry-eyed and looked like a nymphomaniac: "I know, we all went to see his performance some time ago. He sang very well and was very handsome."

Architect Ted also added: "Yes, we have all seen it, Robin. We invited you to go, but you were busy at the time, so only the four of us went."


"Almost a month ago!"

Female reporter Robin mysteriously said to everyone: "Do you know that his original song has been published. It can be downloaded on iTunes."

Matthew, a trainee lawyer, added: “I don’t know.”

"Then you guys should listen carefully." After Robin said that, he took out the notebook in the apartment, searched for it and started playing it. After a few minutes, the song stopped and everyone fell silent.

Lily, the female kindergarten teacher, said: "It sounds really good. We heard him play guitar and sing, but at the time we only thought it was average. Now that the finished product is produced, we realize that it sounds so good."

Architect Ted said: "So what we saw at that time was the early stage of a singer. Now he is about to become famous. It's a pity that we didn't take a photo with him at the beginning. Does he still perform now?"

Female reporter Robin moved her hair with her hands: "I heard from him that he will not perform in Brooklyn again in the near future. He is now planning to shoot the music video of the song, with a budget of US$50."

Matthew, a trainee lawyer, exclaimed: "$50? He was still singing in Brooklyn more than a month ago! I gave him five dollars for the sake of the kitty, but I haven't seen him making money like this for more than a month. What record company is he signed to?"

"He has his own independent record company. As for where the money comes from, I don't know."

Lily, the female kindergarten teacher, said: "Robin, did you have anything to talk about him today?"

"That's right, I feel like he likes me a little bit and always finds excuses to ask me out."

"What?" Lily, the female kindergarten teacher, opened her eyes wide: "He's not that old, I think he is only 18 years old."

Robin giggled and said: "He is only 16 years old, the same age as my sister. After the interview that day, he asked me out, but I didn't agree because I still had the interview. I thought he just wanted to make friends."

"What's next?"

"Later, he asked me out again. One day when I was free, I agreed to go out to watch a movie with him. It turned out that he took me to see a lover who could not be touched by a romantic movie. After the movie, he took me to a romantic candlelight party. Dinner. Brought me lots of roses.”

"What happens next?" Everyone looked at Robin expectantly, waiting for her next words.

Robin tried hard to suppress his smile: "Hee hee, hee hee."

Trainee lawyer Matthew yelled: "Robin, what have you done? He is only 16 years old!"

Robin reacted: "What are you thinking? What can I do? Of course I send him home. He is only sixteen! He is in the same grade as my sister."

At this time, the door of the apartment was suddenly kicked open, and their friend Barney, who worked in a bank, shouted loudly: "Robin, you are popular, do you know that?"

"What's on fire?"

Everyone looked confused. Barney picked up the laptop on the table, searched it on Google, and opened a video for everyone to watch. The title was, Mom, I'm on TV.

The video opens with Luo Ji’s self-narration.

"Bro, I was recently performing on the streets in a small square in Williamsburg, Brooklyn, New York. While performing this afternoon, a beautiful reporter from NBC Universal suddenly came and asked to interview me. Below is the video I shot." Luo As a reporter, Bin felt very strange watching this video. The interviewee filmed himself being interviewed by the reporter.The image is very scheming, perfectly capturing the cardboard billboard Luo Ji made himself. The video uses a very weak soundtrack, his song Viva la Vida.

The entire interview was actually quite long, but the video was edited to shorten the interview time to just over four minutes, explaining the exchange before the interview, several important questions during the interview, and the exchange after the interview.Robin in the picture is very photogenic, including several close-ups.

The video then shows Luo Ji’s self-narration.

"Just now is the video shot by my photographer at the scene. Next is what everyone wants to see most, the shot of me appearing on TV! Don't go into details, just watch it."

The screen turned to show a clip of an interview with Luo Ji broadcast by New York City News Channel 1. The entire news lasted 4 minutes.It mainly introduces Luo Ji's step-by-step experience from a penniless boy to a successful person.Of course there are kittens, as well as clips of people watching Luo Ji's performance, as well as original songs he has released.

At the end of the video is Luo Ji’s self-narration.

"Mom, I'm so successful that I'm on TV. HAHAHAHAHAH. It's commercial time at the end. If you want to hear the original music I performed just now, please go to iTunes and search Viva La Vida to download the original music. Thank you everyone."

The 10-minute video ended and everyone reflected on the video.

Architect Ted loves to show off his knowledge. He said: "This video is very interesting. It is very different from the videos played on traditional TV. It is like having a friend talking in your ear. It's a bit like Blair Witch's No. 1 is called narrative, but this is closer to life."

Everyone agreed.

My friend Barney, who works in a bank, jumped to his feet: "Are you blind? Is this the focus of the discussion? Did I ask you to analyze the shooting technique? How many times did you watch the video?"

Everyone took a closer look and saw that it had been played 500 million times just five days after it was uploaded!

Robin exclaimed: "This is more than the number of daily views of our station in a month! Why are there so many views?"

Barney, who works in a bank, smiled mysteriously: "First, this video has been recommended on the home page of YouTube. Second, this video is now widely discussed in major forums. As for the third, you will never guess what it is?"


"As Robin's friends, we all know that the ratings of the news station that Robin works for are like shit, but ordinary people don't know that. They are still very eager to be on TV, so this video is welcomed by everyone. You guys. Read the comments again.”

There are many comments under the video, and these are the ones with the most likes.

"Logic Awesome! It's on TV!"

"Kid, we have watched you come all the way. It has not been easy for you. Being on TV this time is a sign of success for you. But can you behave better? You are like a White House speaker. Man, it’s too formal, it’s a disgrace to all of us. I despise emojis.”

"Don't listen to the comment above. There's nothing wrong with answering formally. They are all 4chan psychopaths!"

Matthew, a trainee lawyer, said: "But what does this have to do with Robin becoming popular? It is also the singer who made this video popular!"

Barney, who works in a bank, smiled mysteriously, slid the mouse wheel, and then pointed at a relatively high-like comment and said: "Everyone, look at this!"

"This female reporter is so beautiful!"

Several people responded later.

"I know her. She is a reporter from New York Metro News. Some time ago, when she was interviewing a coachman, she fell on horse manure. I uploaded the video of the news at that time. This is the link. Hahaha, it made me laugh. .”

"This female reporter is indeed so beautiful! But the part about the horse manure ruined her beautiful image! Hahahahahaha."

Robin's friends all knew about this and laughed at her for a long time. However, the local station she worked for had little ratings and had little impact.As a result, Luo Ji's video was exposed this time, and the embarrassing video of her was posted online.

Clicking on the video link, it was a video of Robin standing on a carriage and falling into horse manure. The video was only a few dozen seconds long and had already received 300 million views!
(End of this chapter)

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