New York 2006

Chapter 220 Hua Guo Xing

Chapter 220 Hua Guo Xing

(Chapter 216 has been released.)
Early in the morning, in the hotel parking lot, Christine stood not far away and looked at Luo Ji. Her eyes were filled with tears and she was reluctant to leave.

"take care of yourself."

Luo Ji waved his hand ruthlessly, got into the car and left. Career was more important than the relationship between men and women.

The black vehicle slowly walked away and slowly drove out of this cold town.

Fiona asked: "What's going on with you two? Why is she so sad?"

"Just as you think."

Fiona asked in surprise: "When did it happen?"

"On the third day here."

"Then your relationship progresses really fast." Fiona said sarcastically.

She thought for a while and then said: "Women are born to be actors, and she is still an actor. Don't be fooled by her. I have been reluctant to leave you for just a few days, and you are still crying. Who are you pretending to show to me?" !”

Luo Ji spread his hands, smiled and said, "Doesn't this prove my charm?"

"show off."

Fiona then said warmly: "You are indeed charming, but you must be careful about women who approach you with ill intentions."



Today's filming is over, the crew returned to the hotel, and everyone gathered together to eat and chat.

The topic of discussion is, of course, the recent intensifying global financial crisis.This situation has now affected all aspects of the American people.

"Recently, several of my friends and relatives have lost their jobs. It seems that their company's capital flow was cut off and they couldn't get loans and went bankrupt."

"The stocks I bought have fallen again. When will this end?"

"Then why don't you take action quickly?"

"Totally trapped."

"Don't be afraid, just wait until the "Wall Street Rescue Act" is passed."

"I don't support this bill. Why should we, the middle-class taxpayers, pay for the crisis caused by Wall Street?"

"I don't support it either. Haven't you heard? Part of the $7000 billion will be subsidized to Latinos and black people with low incomes so that they can continue to repay their home loans. What's the point of this? You need to use the money I gave to the government. I have money to save them, but why don’t I know how to save me? I also have a mortgage to pay off.”

"However, the financial crisis has already affected the economy of the United States and even the world."

"The ones who suffer the most are the rich. It has nothing to do with me. Anyway, I have no investment in the financial market."

Christine listened to their discussion and ate her meal.She was not involved and the financial crisis did not affect her at all.

Before the "Twilight" movie was released, she was a small actor in Hollywood with no savings.It wasn't until the movie was released that I gradually had some money in my hands.

However, she did not invest randomly. House prices have dropped a lot recently. She has already identified several houses worth around 300 million yuan and will go back to buy one after the filming of the movie is finished.

"Hi, Kristen," Anna Kendrick, who plays her best friend in the movie, comes over.

"what happened?"

"We'll go shopping after dinner later. Do you want to go? Several actresses from the crew will go."

Kristine made an excuse to refuse: "I won't go. I have a shooting assignment tomorrow morning. I plan to go to bed early."



Back in the room, Kristen took out her phone and looked at it. It had been two days since she left, and Logic hadn't called yet, not even a text message.


Kristen complained, but still picked up the phone and dialed his number.After a while, the call was answered.

"Hi, Christine."

"Honey, what's wrong with you? Why is it so noisy?" She could hear the screams coming from outside through the phone.

"I am currently in China, attending a fan meeting, backstage."

Christine complained: "You go to China and don't even say hello to me."

"I was too busy and forgot, my dear, I will make it up to you when we shoot in Italy."

Kristen whispered: "Honey, I miss you."

There was no answer from Luo Ji on the other end of the phone. Christine only heard him talking to someone.They seemed to be speaking in Chinese, and I had no idea what the two of them were talking about.

After a while, Luo Ji's voice came from the other end of the phone: "I have something to do here, dear, I'll call you later."

"do not……"

Kristine wanted to say a few more words, but there was a beeping hang-up sound on the other end of the phone.

She threw the phone aside angrily, feeling a little uncomfortable.

After a while, she adjusted her mentality, took out her laptop and searched the Internet for news about her boyfriend in the past two days.

"Logic suddenly appeared in China yesterday and spent $5 million to buy [-]% of the shares of BYD, a Chinese new energy electric vehicle company, in the Hong Kong stock market."

The picture accompanying the news was of Logic shaking hands cordially with a middle-aged Chinese man wearing glasses.The two smiled happily at the camera.

It says below the photo: Logic on the left, BYD President Wang Chuanfu on the right.

"In August this year, Logic offered $5 million to acquire Tesla, an American electric vehicle company. But Musk rejected it at the time, and the two even had a quarrel in the media."

"Logic has expressed concerns about global warming in the media more than once."

"He himself has always been optimistic about the future development of new energy companies and wants to contribute to global warming. As early as a year ago, Logic invested in SolarCity, a new energy start-up."

"In the past two months, he has invested in a number of new energy start-ups around the world. The companies are mainly concentrated in the United States and China. American companies include Enphase Energy, SolarCity, etc., and Chinese companies include LONGi, Tongwei, Sungrow, etc. According to Logic, he holds 10% of the shares in each of these companies.”

"When Logic was interviewed by reporters, he revealed that it will serve as a bridge of communication to allow these companies to cooperate with each other by leveraging their respective advantages."

"Logic revealed to the media that the reason why SolarCity was able to get out of the predicament was due to him. Not only did he participate in SolarCity's financing again and maintain his 10% stake, he also allowed SolarCity to cooperate with new energy companies in China to obtain to lower-cost solar power components.”

Kristen looked at the picture accompanying the news, which was a photo taken when Logic invested in SolarCity last year.

She looked at the photo carefully, her eyes tightening.

She saw Taylor Swift in the photo.This woman was the initiator of Logic's rejection of her last year.Unexpectedly, the two of them invested in this company together.

Kristine sighed: "Oh, why didn't I meet you first?"

Kristen quickly adjusted her mentality and continued to watch the news.

"Logic's massive investment of [-] million yuan in BYD is Logic's biggest recent move. It seems that he is still obsessed with electric vehicles. If he failed to invest in Tesla, he would invest in BYD instead."

"Logic visited BYD's electric vehicle manufacturing plant yesterday and personally drove an electric vehicle produced by BYD. He praised BYD's electric vehicles for being very comfortable to drive."

The next picture is a photo of Logic driving a BYD electric car at the training ground.

He looks very confident. At 18 years old, he doesn't look immature at all, but very domineering.Kristen looked at the photo and couldn't help but be a little obsessed. This is her boyfriend.

She continued to watch the news, and immediately her eyes widened and she became very angry.

"I personally am not optimistic about Logic's investment. The mileage of BYD's electric car F3DM is a problem. It may run out of power on the road. Unlike a gas-powered car, you can refuel as you go. When an electric car runs out of power, I don’t even know where to charge..."

Kristen watched some more news, including news photos of Logic meeting fans in China.

As she watched, she couldn't help but feel angry and cursed: "Why do I still need to learn about my boyfriend's schedule from the news! That bastard doesn't care about me at all."


Huaguo, Shencheng, five o'clock in the afternoon.

Luo Ji stood at a roadside stall. On his left was Pony Ma, the president of Tencent, and on his right were government officials from Shenzhen City. Behind him, there was a crowd of people, including Fiona, the head of Holi's Huaguo branch, and others.

Several police officers stood around to maintain order and keep the onlookers away.

Reporters from several TV stations were carrying cameras to record.

Luo Ji asked the stall owner in Mandarin with an American accent: "What's the best here?"


"Give me one, with some soup."

The stall owner was very fast and soon had a portion ready. Luo Ji took a sip of the soup, then picked up a bun with chopsticks and started eating.

It was a bit hot, so he blew on it twice, then stuffed it into his mouth after it cooled down a bit.The aroma of meat immediately overflowed, it was really delicious.

Luo Ji looked at the people around him and asked, "Do you want one, haha, I'm treating you."

Several government officials looked at me and I looked at you: "Okay, okay, thank you."

A TV reporter walked up and asked, "Logic, are the xiaolongbao delicious?"

Luo Ji smiled and extended his hand to give a thumbs up, and said with a smile: "It's delicious, just like mom."

Hahaha, everyone around laughed out loud when they heard this.

Luo Ji continued to talk to the camera: "To be honest, this is my second time coming to China. When I come here, I feel like I have returned to my hometown. The delicious food here makes me feel like home."


Everyone stayed here for more than ten minutes, eating and drinking.Go to the Huaguo branch of Holi Games not far away.This is the focus of today.

Luo Ji came to the door of an office building with a banner hanging above it.Warmly welcome Chairman Logic to inspect Holi Network Company.

Luo Ji smiled with satisfaction and nodded with satisfaction.

There is also a banner next to it, warmly celebrating the settlement of Huli Network Company in Shenzhen.

This is the Huaguo branch of Holi Game Company. When we walked inside, more than 20 employees stood at the door to greet us.

Luo Ji shook hands with them one by one and said hello, showing the leader's care for employees.

Then, led by the person in charge of the company, Luo Ji visited the company.

The company's style is still different from the office style in Silicon Valley. It is closer to Tencent's office style layout and does not have the free atmosphere of Silicon Valley.

The company is still very large and is preparing for future expansion. There is a lot of space that is not being utilized.

Luo Ji, as the leader, began to give instructions. He pointed around and said: "Add a tea room here, arrange it as a game room, arrange it as an activity room, add a few table tennis tables, or indoor mini golf, etc. Yes. Sitting for a long time is not good, so employees can get up and move around to relax.”

"Okay, boss."

Luo Ji thought for a while and continued: "You should be very clear about the main role of this branch. It is to cooperate with Tencent to localize Holi's games and to localize mobile phone games."


"But I hope you can use your subjective initiative and develop new games in your spare time, or try to start a business in China's Internet ecology. You can think about these by yourself, have ideas, and apply to the head office. , I will read your application, you know?"

"Okay." The person in charge of the branch replied.

"Do it well!" Luo Ji patted his shoulder and encouraged him.

Everyone then went to a conference room, where Luo Ji, Tencent's Pony Ma, and several related personnel sat at a long table.The legal team has the documents ready at this point.

After a period of negotiations, Holi Games and Tencent reached an agreement and the two became a strategic partnership.

Luo Ji and Pony Ma held a thick contract and signed the agreement under the guidance of the lawyer next to them.

There were some reporters and photographers sitting below, taking pictures non-stop.

There are many documents attached to the contract, but there are only two core clauses.

All games of Holi Games will be exclusively represented by Tencent Games.Do not upload to other social platforms in China, such as, Campus Network, etc.

Tencent’s model for agency Holi games is based on the agency model of Huaguo Online Games, which is a small amount of agency fee + 30% profit sharing model.

30% is far behind Facebook's 90% share, but this was achieved by Holi Game Company after intense negotiations at the expense of the initial agency fee.

Tencent directly represents several of Holi’s popular games at one go, all of which are games with a strong social nature.

For example, pet buying and selling, buying and selling of friends, parking spaces, mafia wars, etc. Of course, these must be Chineseized and localized, and they must also comply with China's game policies.

Like chess, The Sims, etc., there is no need for an agent at all.Tencent can develop these by itself, and Luo Ji copied them from them before.

However, it is not appropriate to say that they are plagiarized. These games themselves exist in reality.The gameplay is already there and anyone can develop it.

"Happy cooperation!"

"Happy cooperation!"

Luo Ji and Pony Ma shook hands, smiled and looked at the camera to accept the reporter's photo interview.

"Logic, do you have anything to say about Tencent?"

Luo Ji blew a rainbow fart: "Of course, Tencent is a world-renowned Internet company. It is the largest social company in China..."

The signing ceremony ended soon after, and Luo Ji, Pony Ma, and several other Shenzhen government officials sat together chatting and boasting.

Luo Ji spoke eloquently: "The two largest Internet players in the world are China and the United States. There is no Internet at all in Europe. Now American Internet companies are entering the world, and I think China should do the same..."

More than 20 minutes later, there was a knock on the door.Luo Ji was having fun blowing his pussy, and was a little unhappy to be interrupted.

Fiona came in. She walked up to Luo Ji and whispered a few words.

"Okay, I see, you go out."

"Yeah." Fiona walked out and closed the door.

Pony Ma asked: "Logic, what's wrong? Is something wrong?"

Luo Ji said nonchalantly: "It's no big deal, it's just that Buffett just spent 2.5 million yuan to buy 10% of BYD's shares."

"Ah..." Several people in the audience looked at Luo Ji in surprise.

Luo Ji curled up his lips and said helplessly, "Oh, Buffett is a follower."

(End of this chapter)

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