New York 2006

Chapter 206

Chapter 206

Time has come to the last day of August before we know it. With the Olympic Games over, except for some natural disasters, the whole world has fallen into peace.

The only exciting thing is the approaching US general election.

The Democrats and Republicans have already confirmed their candidates.Democratic presidential candidate Senator Barack has chosen Senator Bay of Delaware as his running mate.Republican presidential candidate John McCain has chosen Sarah Palin as his running mate.

The most popular of the four people in the media right now is Sarah Palin of the Republican Party.Because she was the only woman to make American history.

"Bye, Patty."

"Bye, Logic, Jen."

Luo Ji and Jen Psaki put Ms. Clinton’s assistant, Patty Doyle, into the car and watched her disappear.The two of them walked along the tree-lined avenue of the community and talked slowly.

Luo Ji said regretfully: "It's a pity for Ms. Clinton. If she had persisted, she might be the one making history now, not Sarah Palin."

Jen Psaki said: "The risk is too great, and her chances of winning are too low. She might as well admit defeat in advance in exchange for benefits."

Luo Ji looked at this intellectual beauty and said, "So Patty talked a lot just now. She was hinting to me that if Senator Barack succeeds in his presidential campaign, there will be a position for Ms. Clinton in the president's cabinet next year."


"What position do you think it might be?"

"Secretary of State, this is the only position worthy of Ms. Clinton."

Luo Ji then said, "Why not Vice President? If Ms. Clinton ran for office with Senator Barack, she would be invincible."

"She gave up too late. The vice president must have promised to go out a long time ago. You have also seen that the current vice president is Senator Bai from Delaware. The richest people in the United States support him. Didn't you also donate to him? Money? I remember it was 1 meters."

Luo Ji said, "Then what is the purpose of Ms. Clinton asking Patty to come to me?"

Jen Psaki said with a smile: "Of course she hopes that you will continue to support her. She owes a lot of debt due to the failure of this election. She is still waiting for you, the donors, to repay her debt."

Luo Ji wondered: "She is not short of money, right? She and her husband's Clinton Foundation have a lot of money!"

"You also said that it's the foundation's money, it's not her money. It can't be used to pay off personal debts."

Jen Psaki continued with a smile: "A lot of the money for this campaign came from Ms. Clinton's family money. Don't think of these politicians as lofty. The Clinton family's wealth is estimated to be less than [-] million yuan." Knife. Of course, their family does have power."

Hearing this, Luo Ji remembered the rumors he had heard before.

He then said: "I heard that these government positions are clearly priced. What kind of positions will have what kind of price after entering the revolving door?"


“What’s the price of the President of the United States?”

"Just look at President Clinton's annual income after leaving office. It's about between $2000 million and $3000 million. He helped companies do things when he was in office, and those companies rewarded him after he left office."

Luo Ji became interested: "How to give it? Should I give it directly?"

"Of course not! How could it be done so directly? Everyone has a tacit understanding."

Jen Psaki said with a smile: "For example, inviting them to come to the company to give speeches, buy books after they are published, hold positions in companies or foundations, etc."

"Publish a book?"

"Yes, otherwise who would buy and read those expensive books and the autobiographies that politicians themselves glorify? It's all the rewards given to them by those companies."

The two of them had walked through half of the community before they knew it, so they turned around and walked back.When he met neighbors on the road, Luo Ji extended his hand to say hello.Just continued chatting with Jen Psaki.

"My base is in New York and Los Angeles. Can she still help me if she goes to the White House? And I am not very satisfied with her. I have donated so much to her, but she has not helped much with my business. She also Not as helpful as John Liu.”

"I suggest you continue to support her."

Jen Psaki persuaded: "New York is a territory controlled by the Democratic Party. There are two forces here. One is the force of Jewish unity, including New York Mayor Bloomberg and Senator Chuck Schumer."

"One is that those cultivated by the Clinton family, Rep. Kirsten Gillibrand, New York's black political groups, including John Liu you mentioned, are also the unifying force of the Clinton family. So even if Ms. Clinton goes She will definitely inherit the White House and the position of New York State Senator."

Jen Psaki continued: "These politicians will stick together for warmth. They control most of New York's prosecutors, courts, city councilmen, state legislators and other important positions. They also have a tacit understanding and will not attack each other. . So as long as you support one party, you will be safe in New York. Of course, if it is an attack from the New York Republican Party, that is another matter. Xu Yongqian was brought in by the Republicans."

Luo Ji thought for a while and said, "Okay, then I'll buy some of her books to give away. How many do you think is appropriate?"

"According to your current wealth, 20 meters is more appropriate."

"Okay, then you can help me arrange it."

The two of them arrived at the door of their house, and Luo Ji said, "It's a bit hot. Come on, let's go in and talk."


The two came to the living room of the house, where grandmother Queenie, mother Sammy, Fiona, Robin, and Robin's sister Patty were teasing the two children in the living room.

Jen Psaki stretched out her hand to greet several people, and several others responded with smiles. Robin looked at Jen Psaki with complicated eyes and nodded in response.

The two walked through the back door to the backyard. Under the scorching sun, they sat down on a rocking chair in the shade.

Jen Psaki asked tentatively: "Are those two children yours?"


Luo Ji didn't hide anything. Jane Psaki was one of her own, and she would know it sooner or later.

Jen Psaki suddenly realized: "So this is the real reason why you and Taylor broke up. Lady Gaga was a cover. Everyone was kept in the dark by you."

"As long as you know, don't go out and talk nonsense."

"What are you going to do?"

Luo Ji said casually: "When there is a hot news topic, I will identify the child and minimize the impact. Don't talk about this and get on with business."

Jen Psaki said: "I have had a detailed conversation with Senator Barack's campaign team. Senator Barack does support environmental protection. If he succeeds in running next year, he will formulate relevant policies and provide financial support. I also I also talked with John Liu in New York and Judy Zhao in Los Angeles. Next year’s Secretary of Energy will be the target of Chinese Americans.”


Jen Psaki said: "You asked me to ask this because of Tesla."

Luo Ji nodded: "Well, before preparing for the acquisition, I actually considered everything. Tesla does have technology. When I acquire it, I can inject a little capital to maintain the company's operations. When the Democratic Party government comes to power next year, I will They will use their political connections to get the government to provide policy support and low-interest loans to Tesla, so that Tesla will be completely revitalized and no longer have to worry about funds.”

"What I didn't expect was that Musk's reaction would be so violent."

Jen Psaki continued: “Do I need to continue to lobby the political establishment?”

"Let's stop it for now. 5% of Tesla shares are not worth the effort."

"What are you going to do?"

"Although the Tesla acquisition failed, my new energy strategy will not stop. I have asked Eileen Lee to collect new energy start-ups around the world. Casting a wide net for investment will always succeed in one or two .”

"That's all it can do."

Jane Psaki saw that Luo Ji was in a bad mood, so she persuaded him: "For those rich people, even if they fail again, they will not go bankrupt personally. With such confidence, they are willing to take a gamble on the future. So it’s understandable that they don’t want to sell the business.”

"Aren't your current game companies, record companies, film companies, and investment companies doing very well? You have developed these companies bit by bit, so you might as well put your energy into these companies."

"Isn't your current game company rated as the fastest-growing game company by the media? Social games have the largest market share, and mobile games are also performing well. You should be in a better mood."

After Jen Psaki finished speaking, she patted Luo Ji's back to comfort him.

Luo Ji said relaxedly: "I'm fine, it's just a small setback. Don't worry, I'll adjust to it soon."

"Okay, then I'll leave first if it's okay. The company has a lot of things going on recently."


Luo Ji sent Jen Psaki to the door and watched her get into the car and leave.Then he came to the living room and coaxed the children with everyone. "Hi, baby, have you missed your dad lately?"

Luo Ji's response was the baby talk of the two children: "Yeah, um, oh, oh, oh, oh."

"I miss my dad, huh? You're so good."

Sami watched the interaction between father and son and said with a smile: "Fili, look at how cute the two children are. They are gifts from God to you."

Seeing Sami's expression, Luo Ji couldn't help but laugh.

When Sami found out that Luo Ji had two children, he was very angry immediately and said that Luo Ji was sorry for Taylor.But after she saw the two children, she never mentioned it again. She was very fond of the two little lives.

After all, the two children are her biological grandchildren, connected by blood.It was Sami who took the initiative to call Robin and the two children over today, hoping that he and Robin could ease their relationship.

Sammy looked at the other people and said, "Fiona, Queenie, Katie, let's take the kids outside to get some fresh air."

"Okay, okay."

Katie understood immediately. After speaking, she looked at Luo Ji and her sister with a smile.He winked at Luo Ji by the way.A few people and the children soon went to the backyard, and they were the only two left in the living room.

Luo Ji looked at Robin. Her condition had improved a lot recently.

Today she is wearing beautiful clothes and makeup on her face, and her overall condition is much better.Unlike the last time I saw her in Canada, her hair was messy and her pajamas were stained.

"You look much better lately."

"is it?"


Robin asked nonchalantly: "Who was that woman just now?"

"Jen Psaki, she works for my company."


Luo Ji pretended to be casual and asked, "What have you been doing lately?"

"I usually coax my children, push them around the community, watch TV, and then chat with Lily."

Luo Ji asked, "Why did I hear people say that you often go to bars?"

Robin stared at him closely and asked: "Did those two nannies tell you that they are spies sent by you. You control my whereabouts throughout the day."

Luo Ji asked coldly, "You haven't answered my question yet."

Robin said loudly: "I have my own life, I am free, I can do whatever I want, I want you to control it."

Luo Ji said angrily: "You are a mother of two children, and you still go clubbing every day!"

Robin saw Luo Ji's look and said softly: "I just got together with my friends, Ted, Tracy, Matthew and Lily."

Luo Ji didn't pursue the topic anymore: "It's good to spend more time with friends."

After all, she was the mother of two children, and Luo Ji couldn't force her to do things she didn't want to do.Still have to save some face for her.

Robin suddenly said: "I saw on the news that you were accused?"

Luo Ji said with a mean tongue, "You still pay attention to me!"

Robin glared at him.

Luo Ji quickly admitted defeat: "It's something within my game company. Some people say that my company plagiarized. They want to drag me down and make me attend the court session to embarrass me."

"So your company really plagiarized it? It's that "Mob War" thing."

"No." Luo Ji denied directly.

"Will you show up at the court?"

"Are you concerned about me?" Luo Ji said again.

"Huh?" Robin looked directly at Luo Ji.

Luo Ji stopped talking bad words and said with a smile: "Most likely not, the company's lawyers will try their best to stop me. If I are really allowed to attend, those lawyers will just wait to lose their jobs. I don't want to be photographed by reporters in front of the court. photos, that would be very embarrassing.”

Robin asked, "Speaking of lawyers, does your company still lack lawyers?"

Luo Ji asked doubtfully, "Why do you ask this?"

"Lily's husband Matthew is unemployed during this time and has no job. He asked me to ask you if you can provide him with a job." Robin then said arrogantly: "I will just ask, if not Never mind."

"Does he have a lawyer's professional qualification certificate?"

"Yes, he is a Master of Laws graduate from Wesleyan University."

Luo Ji rubbed his chin and thought about it. Currently, except for a few businesses under his name, Jamie's law firm was basically responsible for them.Although Luo Ji trusted him, he also knew the importance of checks and balances.

"Let's do this, you ask Matthew to set up a law firm, and I will give him some business."


"what happened?"

"It's just a little sudden. I originally wanted you to give him a job, but you asked him to start a business. You don't have to do so much for me?"

Luo Ji smiled and said, "It's a small matter. Your friends are my friends. I happen to have some business here, and I can leave it to anyone. Just let Matthew do it without worries."

Robin's eyes couldn't help but soften when he looked at Luo Ji: "Thank you."

The two sat on the sofa talking and laughing for half an hour.The relationship between them gradually became harmonious, and the previous barriers disappeared.It's like going back to the past.

Robin smiled and said: "I will help you teach Barney a lesson later, he has led your friends to bad."

"Then I'll leave it to you. Your force value is indeed very high. You can definitely beat him." Luo Ji said with a smile.

"What do you mean my force value is so high! Can you speak?"

"Don't you know how many firearms you have at home?"

Robin asked: "This is my hobby, just like you like music and games, and I like guns. Is there any problem?"

"No problem, no problem."

Robin raised his chin and asked nonchalantly: "I heard Fiona say that you and Taylor really broke up?"

"Yeah." Luo Ji nodded.

"What about Lady Gaga?"

Luo Ji said casually: "She and I are just promoting it. Her album is not well received by the audience. Being with me can increase the popularity of her album."

The two chatted for more than ten minutes. Robin smoothed his hair, pushed it behind his shoulders, puffed up his chest a little, and faced Luo Ji with his dazzling hair: "What do you think of my outfit today?"

At this time, Fiona and her mother Sami walked in with their child in their arms. Luo Ji saw it immediately. He immediately left Robin behind and walked towards the child.

Luo Ji asked with concern, "What's wrong with the two children?"

"When they fall asleep, I send them to the baby room on the second floor to rest." Sammy said.

"I'll go as well."

When Robin saw Luo Ji disappearing onto the second floor, he stamped his feet angrily.She walked to the mirror in the living room, touched her face unconfidently, and fell into confusion.

(End of this chapter)

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