New York 2006

Chapter 198 Returning the gift

Chapter 198 Returning the gift
July 2008, 7, today is the opening ceremony of the Flushing Music Festival in New York.

Many officials from New York also came to the scene, including New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg.He was personally invited by Luo Ji, which would attract some serious media coverage.

These officials like to show off their faces on such occasions.Luo Ji sent an invitation letter, and he came in a hurry. At this time, he was being interviewed by the media not far away.

A reporter from CNN asked: "Mr. Mayor, do you have anything to say about this music festival?"

Mayor Bloomberg said confidently: "New York's Flushing Music Festival will be held for three consecutive days every July. Our goal is to invite the world's top singers to make this music festival an iconic cultural festival in New York! Whenever anyone thinks of New York in the future, they will think of the New York Flushing Music Festival."

"Excuse me, are you satisfied with the singers who will attend next?"

"of course."

"Which singer is your favorite?"

"Logic, he is a native New Yorker and he is the pride of New York!"

Luo Ji, Coldplay, Lily Allen, Carrie Underwood, Republic Era, Lady Gaga, Rihanna, Katy Perry, Justin Bieber, Janelle Monáe, Yitong Chen, James Byrne, Bruno Mars, Caitlin Rose and many other singers.

At this time, everyone stood under the giant Pepsi advertisement and accepted photos and interviews from the media.

There were many fans who had come in advance, and Luo Ji could see many fans holding signs supporting their favorite singers. The sign with the most people said:

Logic and Taylor, I love you.

Logic and Tyler you are the best!

At this time, reporters were gathered in front of Luo Ji. A New York Post reporter held a microphone in front of Luo Ji.

"Logic, why don't you see Britney and Taylor Swift today? I remember at the beginning of this year, the festival's official website said they would perform at the festival?"

Hearing this, Luo Ji felt a little dazed, but he quickly adjusted himself.He smiled and said, "The two of them are temporarily busy and can't come to New York."

The reporter from the New York Post was obviously dissatisfied. He continued: "Did you have a falling out with Britney? I haven't seen you meet in the media for a long time. Is it because she fired Braun?"

"It's nothing. We have a very good relationship. Don't make random guesses. Next one."

The reporter from The Sun said: "Loigc, will Kristen Stewart come today? Everyone loves your "Twilight"."

"She will come to the festival today, but she has no performing duties."

"Logic, do you think Twilight will be in the top ten box office movies this year?"

"The global box office that ranked tenth last year was US$4.5 million. According to the current box office trend of "Twilight", there should be no problem in breaking into the top ten."

The reporter from the film newspaper then asked: "Logic, some film critics said that your entire movie is just one expression, with no acting skills at all. You are either cold or cool throughout the whole movie. What do you think?"

"Why haven't I seen such reports? I have seen many comments praising my acting skills and saying that I am already very good as an actor."

Luo Ji continued: "Those who say my acting skills are not good are slandering me because they are jealous of my success. So please don't believe those malicious comments."

"The box office is the proof. It represents the public's recognition of "The Twilight Saga". This is real money and silver support! It is much stronger than the evidence of those who say a few words to slander me. The movie is very good, and the plot is also very good. , a perfect romantic fantasy movie. Everyone is welcome to go to the cinema and enjoy it."

Hearing this, the reporters were so surprised that they all started taking pictures.As expected, he is a man loved by the media, and he often makes shocking remarks.

"Next person……"

"Logic, what do you think about the criticism of you by feminist organizations. They say that you have betrayed the feminist ideals that you have supported for a long time. They say that your movies are full of misunderstandings about women, and there are plots of stalking women..."

"The novels, scripts, and directors of "Twilight" are all women. I provide funds and give women the greatest creative space. This is what I call supporting women's rights. I am the one who truly practices the concept of women's rights and provides women with Equal opportunities, giving opportunities to women who have nowhere to express their ambitions.”

Luo Ji conducted the interview for 10 minutes and felt it was ready.After looking around, I found that Justin Bieber was standing alone, with no reporters around to interview him.

Luo Ji then stretched out his hand to signal him to come over.After Bieber came over, Luo Ji pulled him next to him and introduced him to reporters.

"Here, let me introduce to you, this is Justin Bieber. His first electronic music single was just released this month and reached 63 on the Billboard singles chart. He is a very talented singer. Everyone has If you are interested, you can interview him more."

After Luo Ji finished speaking, he gave Bieber an encouraging look, and Bieber smiled shyly at him.

The little boy was very cute and polite, and Luo Ji was willing to give him some opportunities.

After the introduction, Luo Ji disappeared from the interview area amid the cries of reluctance from many reporters.

When they got backstage, manager Braun had been waiting for a long time. He took Luo Ji to a dressing room backstage.

Sitting inside were Taylor's mother, Andrea, and Taylor's manager, Rick Buck.Andrea glared at Luo Ji angrily when she saw him.

Taylor's manager, Rick Buck, had a very low profile. When he saw Luo Ji, he immediately stood up and took the initiative to shake Luo Ji's hand.

"Hello, Logic."


After Luo Ji said hello to Taylor's manager, he walked up to Andrea, smiled and extended his hand: "Hello, Andrea."

Andrea glanced at Luo Ji coldly and did not respond to Luo Ji's outstretched hand.Luo Ji could only retract his hand in embarrassment.


Luo Ji continued: "Andrea, I've been calling Taylor these past few days, hoping to get her forgiveness, but she doesn't want to answer my calls. Can you say something nice to her and ask her to answer my calls? ?"


Andrea said angrily: "She doesn't know how many times she has cried these days, and it was all your fault. I will not give you a second chance to hurt my daughter. No need to say so much now, let's go straight to it. Let’s get to the point!”

Taylor's agent Rick Buck tried to smooth things over: "Yes, yes, let's talk about public opinion and public relations first. We'll talk about these things later."

Luo Ji could only sit aside angrily and listen to the conversation of several people quietly.

Braun said: "Buck, what are your plans?"

Taylor's agent Rick Buck said: "Logic, if you put the two children in your name, the media will definitely know about it. If it comes out, it will be very bad for Taylor's media image. You should You know, no matter what women do on this issue, it’s wrong.”

"Yeah." Braun continued: "So didn't I ask you to come and find a way to minimize this impact?"

Taylor's manager Rick Buck said: "This is what I think. Taylor's album will be released at the end of the month. When the news breaks that the two have broken up, it will help Taylor's career."

Before Braun could speak, Luo Ji immediately expressed his position: "No problem, I am willing to contribute to Taylor's career." Rick Buck nodded to Luo Ji and continued: "In order to let the news focus on Taylor To minimize the negative publicity, Logic, I hope that after you break up, wait until the heat of the news has passed and then find a suitable time. You can have two more children in your name."

"No problem." Luo Ji agreed immediately.

Rick Buck continued: "As for the breakup news, we hope it's Taylor telling the press. Not you."


Braun directly objected: "What if you say bad things about Logic in the media? This will seriously affect his media image."

Andrea said directly: "Now that you have done it, why don't you dare to let others say it?"

Luo Ji hurriedly said, "It's okay, it's okay, let Taylor talk."

Braun said: "But you..."

"It goes without saying, Braun." Luo Ji looked at him seriously and said, "Leave it to Taylor."


Luo Ji whispered: "Just do everything as Rick Buck said. Stop arguing. I owe her this."

Braun looked at Luo Ji and said nothing.Andrea looked at Luo Ji who looked guilty, and her feminine sympathy emerged, but she still did not say any words of comfort.

"Thank you, Logic."

After Taylor's manager Buck finished speaking to Luo Ji, he continued: "Taylor's album is scheduled to be released on July 7, and you should be able to see the news on TV by then. She will not directly reveal the reason for the breakup. I won’t slander Logic. Logic has always been very supportive of Taylor’s career, and I know that..."

Luo Ji listened blankly to the conversation between the two of them, with a dull look on his face.

ten minutes later.

Taylor's manager Rick Buck continued: "Anyway, that's it. I will help Logic speak a good word in front of Taylor. From now on, the two of us can still be friends. Maybe... forget it, just pretend I didn't say anything."

The meeting ended and Rick Buck stood up to leave.

Andrea looked at Luo Ji who looked disappointed and took out a box from her handbag.At this time, she lost the anger she had just felt and walked up to Luo Ji.

"Tyler asked me to give this to you."

Luo Ji took it and opened it. Inside were the gifts Luo Ji had given Taylor before, including a Cartier diamond necklace, a diamond bracelet watch, earrings, a ladies watch and some other small gifts.

Luo Ji pushed the box back: "I gave this to her, there's no need to give it back."

Andrea said firmly: "She insisted on doing this."

"What do I want these for?"

"Throw it away, burn it, sell it, whatever you want."

Luo Ji looked at Andrea and finally said, "I will have the gifts she gave me and some of her belongings delivered to your hotel tonight."


Taylor is a person with such rich emotions, and this time hurt her so deeply.Now, she even returned the gifts Luo Ji gave her.

Maybe he and Taylor would never go back to the way they were before.

"Where's the kitten?"

Andrea said in confusion: "What kitten."

"That's Meredith."

"She didn't say it."

"All right!"

Andrea looked at Luo Ji's helpless expression and was about to say a few words of comfort, but after thinking about it, she decided not to. She sighed and turned around to leave.


At night, the music festival ended, and as the car was driving home, Braun told Luo Ji about the grand occasion of the music festival today with an excited look on his face.

"We succeeded. 8.6 people came to the music festival today. Peripheral merchandise, records, your Xiyin clothing, and some co-branded models by celebrities were sold out!"

"Yeah." Luo Ji replied briefly.

"Fxxk, Logic, you should cheer up. Aren't you just a woman?"

Braun continued: "You have to know that career is what men should pursue. With your current conditions, you can't find any kind of woman. I know you like her, but there is someone more beautiful than her who is much more famous. went."

"It's like this when you just fell out of love. After a while, I will introduce you to a few good girls and start a new relationship. Any depression will be gone."

"We're home," said Blake, who was driving.

Luo Ji said, "You wait in the living room for a while. I'll go up and pack up the gifts Taylor gave me and her personal belongings. You can send them to Andrea later."


Luo Ji went to the study room on the second floor, took out a cardboard box, and started looking for Taylor's belongings.

She gave herself a game console, three various luxury watches, Barbie dolls, game CDs, perfume, and dolls.Luo Ji then went to Taylor's former bedroom, which contained some of her personal cosmetics, clothes, bags, etc.

"There seems to be nothing else."

Luo Ji carried the box to the stairs. He thought of something again. He went to his bedroom and opened the drawer next to the bed.A red scarf lay quietly inside.

He reached out and picked it up, feeling warm.

Luo Ji sat on the edge of the bed and looked at the night outside the window. The night was beautiful tonight.

He put the red scarf back into the drawer, closed it, and walked downstairs with the box in his arms.

(End of this chapter)

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